Enslaving Chloe Ch. 16

Story Info
I discover Ming Ming is a soulmate.
5.8k words

Part 16 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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Edited by Rosmarina (whose advice and assistance are much appreciated)

Please do not reproduce this story without permission.

== Chapter 16 ==

As the limo pulled away from Master's house the Asian man who owned Ming Ming explained that he had already arranged that we would have lunch at a Chinese restaurant where he was well known. I still didn't know the name of either man who had come to visit us this morning and although I suppose Master already knew I didn't recall him addressing either man by his name. Most likely I was just not paying attention.

Ming Ming's owner said that the food where we were going was very good, the service was excellent, and they were also very discreet. From where I sat on the floor at Master's feet I could not see where we were going so my thoughts as always wandered off on their own. I wondered why a restaurant would need to be *discreet* and for a moment I imagined that I was going to have to display myself obscenely in some way... I was not sure whether I felt more fear or excitement at such a prospect.

I looked over at Ming Ming who was sitting near me on the floor but she appeared to be lost in her own world. Was it the fate of a slavegirl to live a life that was forever drifting between dreams and fantasies? It seemed that since I gave myself to Master my mind was constantly filled with erotic thoughts and delicious anticipation about what might happen to me next, since I never really knew what to expect.

Most people think that a slavegirl is constantly being fucked or subjected to various kinds of sexual activity, but in reality there are long periods during which she is left to herself in between relatively short bouts of intense sexual or emotional stimulation. As a slave she has absolutely no control over her situation or what commands she will receive. This means that when not being used she is often just left to wait for further instruction and usually no alternative activity is specified. At home I would be able to occupy myself with housework or reading but at other times I was often left to my own devices for long periods.

I have always enjoyed the feeling of powerlessness these contrasting aspects of my daily life engendered. I gradually learned to adjust my thinking to accept that as a slave my place was not to want or expect to be entertained or have my preferences considered at all. Instead a slave has to get her stimulation from whatever is to hand such as the feel of the floor on her naked body or the effect of the room temperature on her nipples or the constant awareness that at any moment she might she ordered to give herself to her owner or to someone of his choice. When everything you do is at the whim of another even the most mundane things have an erotic overtone.

As a consequence of living in a world where everything was out of my control and my body was available to anyone on the orders of my Master I was almost always semi-aroused. So if, as often happened, I suddenly had a cock thrust into one of my holes or was otherwise used sexually without any prior warning it had come to seem perfectly normal to me and such events were just part of my life.

While I was thinking about all this and we drove towards the restaurant I could still taste Master's cum in my mouth and I found myself thinking about the feel of Ming Ming's sensual lips on mine. As I sat there naked under my dress on the end of my leash I felt my whole body buzzing with some indefinable sexual arousal. My mind was reeling with a thousand and one images of all kinds but mostly about sex. I had no idea what would happen next, but whatever it was didn't really matter. I would obey.

In between the waves of sensation that seemed to flow from my cunt and stream through my body at random intervals I also thought of all that had happened to me recently. As so often was the case my mind was a jumble of emotions, but most of all I wondered how Chloe was feeling and what thoughts were going through her mind. I had not thought much about my dear friend since I had arrived back at Master's house because at first I was so excited to see him again and more recently my mind had been almost totally preoccupied with thoughts of Ming Ming. Was I really such a slut that despite all the love I felt for Chloe and all that we had talked about and all that we had shared in recent days I was now struggling to remember the feel of her skin on mine?

When I thought of skin to skin contact my immediate response was to remember how Ming Ming's soft tongue felt on my skin as she had licked every part of my body earlier today. It was a purely physical sensation and I had still not said a single word to her but the mere thought of her licking my nipples set off such strong emotions within me that I began to tremble with... I don't really know what, Desire? Arousal? In any case I was definitely very strongly affected. I had never experienced such a sense of connection with anyone so quickly and although I had known Ming Ming for only a very short time it was as if she was somehow a part of me I'd never known existed until now.

Even though she had hardly looked at me and had not said a single word during the drive so far I still felt very close to Ming Ming and was totally content in her presence. By just sitting there serenely on her leash she made me more aware of my slavery in some indefinable way. Despite not having had the opportunity to talk with each other it was as if she had taught me the true meaning of acceptance simply by allowing me to observe the way she carried herself as a slave.

Despite all the training Master had patiently given me over the last few years I still had so much to learn about myself, and although my desire for slavery had never been stronger I had only just begun to realise what it really involved. For a brief moment I desperately wanted to crawl the short distance to Master's feet and lick his boots while I sobbed and mewed to him that I adored being his slave, but I resisted the temptation as I knew it would not be appropriate just now. Instead I began to look around me and I noticed that we had already driven into the centre of the city.

Looking up from my position on the floor I could just make out the tops of the taller city buildings through the limo's windows. I noticed that Ming Ming had also begun to stir out of whatever dreamy state had been occupying her mind. For the first time since we'd entered the limo she looked at me and when I noticed and turned to look at her she gave me such a beautiful smile that I fell in love with her right at that moment.

I know because my pussy spasmed and I blushed like a schoolgirl.

The limo sped down the city streets and after awhile we spiraled down a ramp and descended into an underground parking area. The men got out and ordered both of us slavegirls to climb out as well. We still each had a leash attached to our collars but no strangers were around and I assumed my leash would be removed before we went to lunch. I didn't mind being kept on a leash, but was still a little nervous about the stares I often got when paraded like that in public places.

As I looked around I wondered why we were in such a desolate place and I couldn't see the entrance to anything that looked remotely like a restaurant. The driver must have been here before because he'd stopped in one corner of the car park where there was a lift I hadn't noticed at first. Apparently it went directly to the restaurant on an upper floor of the building as this establishment was not accessible from street level. It seemed to be a special kind of place which did not welcome the casual passerby.

We entered the lift which was just big enough for all of us. I had expected that on the way up my leash would be removed but Master didn't seem interested in taking it off. I wondered how this would look when we got up to the restaurant but I had no choice anyway. Ming Ming was on the other side of the lift and the men were standing between us so I couldn't see her at all.

When we got out at the floor where the restaurant was located there was a small foyer area and I saw a very ornate entrance with lacquered rosewood doors, old Chinese fans and other Oriental style decoration. Ming Ming's owner pushed a button near the door and it soon opened to reveal a slim Chinese woman wearing a red cheong sam. They spoke briefly in Cantonese and we were waved inside as the woman bowed politely. It felt strange for another woman to bow to me but I suppose she was really bowing to the men.

The Chinese woman looked gorgeous in her traditional style dress with slits on each side that seemed to reach almost to her waist, but the staff seemed to be dressed in a modern style as all the waitresses wore short black skirts and stylish fitted white tops. They didn't seem at all surprised to see a group of men leading two girls on leashes and I got the impression that they'd seen such things before. Maybe they had! There seemed to be very few customers in the main room, and we were quickly shown through that part of the restaurant to a private room at the back.

The private room was totally enclosed and had a separate door, so strict privacy was assured. It had a large round table in the centre of the room and there were some extra chairs on one side. Only now were our leashes unclipped and put on the table in full view of the waitresses who were fluttering around. They ignored our presence but fussed over the men, taking their coats and asking them if they wanted drinks. Before the men sat at the table Ming Ming and I were ordered to kneel in a corner of the room away from the door.

The room was quite large and we were some distance from the men so I couldn't really hear much of what they were saying. Once I was able to sit and watch what was going on I noticed that the waitresses were being far more attentive than I had at first realised. The Asian men were openly fondling them as they discussed what would be served for lunch and it became obvious that not only food was on the menu. The two Asian men groped the girls quite brutally and soon had their tops unbuttoned so their breasts were accessible and from the position we were in on the floor I could see that the waitresses wore no underwear under their short skirts.

It seemed that by booking a private room at this restaurant the girls were included as part of the meal but I noticed that Master was not joining the other men in groping the girls. He was not really the lecherous type and preferred relationships that did not end as soon as the paid time limit had clocked up but he seemed happy enough to enjoy the food, have a few drinks and talk with his business contacts.

Ming Ming and I were left pretty much to ourselves. No one seemed to mind if I talked to her as long as we were quiet and the Asian men had plenty of attention from the "waitresses" to keep them busy. I found that Ming Ming's English was quite good and I soon discovered that she had grown up in a household where both Cantonese and English were spoken.

I asked about her parents and she told me they'd died in a plane crash when she was very young and she had been taken in by distant relatives in Hong Kong who were quite wealthy.

I was shocked by this revelation as I had not anticipated such an answer to my mundane question. I felt a little confused and I was unsure how to react since we had effectively only just met, despite our very intimate encounter earlier in the day. I stammered out that I was sorry to hear of her tragic loss and tried to change the subject by asking about her name.

She explained that Ming Ming was not her real name as her full name was actually Chan Siew Ming. She told me that Chinese names were often shortened and that since Chan was her family name Ming Ming was a diminuative form of her given name of Siew Ming and that was the only way she was now addressed unless was just called Mui Tsai or "slave".

I could see right away that she was a lovely gentle girl and as we talked I felt such a strong sense of connection with this exotic creature from another culture. I was already quite in love with her but was only now getting to know and understand the object of my emotions.

She told me that because of the circumstances in which she had come to her new family she was seen by them as their property and that she was also under a deep customary obligation to serve and obey her elders. I already knew that in Chinese culture female children were not highly valued, and Ming Ming explained that in fact she was viewed as just an extra mouth to feed and as such she felt she was a burden. In her culture it was regarded as a charitable act to take in an orphan girl like her and so it was expected that she would show her appreciation by absolute obedience.

Ming Ming said that in reality her position was that of a Mui Tsai and as such she had no rights at all despite her relationship by birth to her new family. The Cantonese term Mui Tsai literally translates as "little sister" but as I learned from her they were really a combination of housemaid and slavegirl and were expected to work long hours for no pay in return for their keep. While she could not hope to be considered worthy of marriage to anyone above her in social status (which was almost everyone) my new friend explained that she was considered to be a part of the family in the sense that she was owned by the family along with the other servants who had been born to those already in service.

Normally each generation of family servants continued to be part of the household as long as they lived although some might be married off. As a slavegirl she did not even have the security of being a servant and my new friend explained that Mui Tsai were often used sexually by anyone in the family or even by guests and if times were hard were even sold into prostitution. She said that in her case although she had been taken in by relatives, their attitude was that she owed them a great debt which could only be repaid by devoted service and total acceptance of a life of absolute subjugation.

I asked her how she felt about this as I was not familiar with this kind of slavery, having chosen my place in life as a result of my own inclinations. I'd never met anyone before who'd had no choice about accepting a submissive role. Ming Ming told me that she felt it was her duty to do whatever was asked of her and that she had never considered there was any other option.

Initially she was not treated unkindly and was even given some education, a privilege not usually extended to Mui Tsai. But as she became old enough to help in the household she was expected to do so and gradually her life became indistinguishable from that of the other slavegirls owned by the family. The servants and other Mui Tsai became her only friends and from them Ming Ming learned to conduct herself as a slave and to accept her role of servitude.

The lovely girl kneeling beside me explained that when she had grown into a young woman her Uncle had sent her away to be trained as a sex slave. She lived for several weeks with an old man who specialised in this kind of training and she was taught to please a man or woman, to accept strict discipline, and that her future role in life was to be a subservient girl who totally accepted whatever instructions she was given and was available for any kind of sexual use without question.

Her culture had ingrained in her an innate desire to obey her elders or superiors and no Chinese girl would ever consider trying to evade this responsibility. Ming Ming said she accepted that she owed her relatives everything and that it was her duty to obey them absolutely; so it quite was unthinkable for her to ever have any intention of leaving them and living independently as would be normal in Western society. She might be sold or married off, but otherwise her place was to serve them.

On previous visits to Hong Kong with Master I had observed the modernity, the wide use of the English language and the Westernised attitudes of many Hong Kong people. So my impressions were very different to what I was now hearing from Ming Ming. But since I did not speak Cantonese there was a limit to how well I could understand what was really happening around me and Ming Ming's story made me realise that beneath the veneer of Westernisation there was still a very traditional Chinese society which held to ancient values and practised some old traditions.

I suppose it's true that casual visitors and tourists seeing any culture they are unfamiliar with really have no understanding of what it is like beneath the artificial veneer that is presented to outsiders in order to keep them at a distance or to avoid scrutiny. The gradual realisation that what I thought I knew about Hong Kong was really very superficial only deepened the interest I had in hearing what Ming Ming was telling me.

She went on to say that Mui Tsai had been outlawed by the British during Colonial days and although the practice had largely fallen by the wayside in recent decades this was due more to changes in the way people lived these days in Hong Kong, rather than any change in thinking. In modern Hong Kong few could afford to lived in large households as had been common in earlier days, so there was really no need for slavegirls in most families. It was more likely they had a Philippino maid instead and they were often treated as a kind of slave even though that was strictly illegal.

Among those who were wealthy enough there was still a use for real slavegirls and in the large houses that still existed away from the congested urban areas old Hong Kong families often retained the servants and Mui Tsai they had owned for generations. Even many Hong Kong people who could not even dream of owning a slave still accepted the concept and would not have been shocked by the existence of such an ancient tradition. Chinese culture is based on family obligation and this extends to those who serve a family out of long tradition. So in this sense the Mui Tsai still exist in Hong Kong today even though many people would not be aware this was the case.

Ming Ming said that she had always been an obedient girl and she had readily taken to her new life. Because she was so young when she came to her new family she had never really known any other kind of existence. I could certainly understand her perspective and all that she told me was absolutely fascinating to me. In fact I was so involved in our conversation that I got a bit of a shock when a waitress suddenly appeared above us. She knelt down and handed me a plate of char siu bao (steamed roast pork buns) which Master had thoughtfully sent over.

The waitress was quite pretty and as she knelt there I could see her pussy between her legs as her very short skirt was pushed up almost to her waist. She seemed to be very interested in looking at us as if we were some kind of exotic pets and in a sense that's just what we were. She patted us on our heads and said something to Ming Ming in Cantonese which I later found out meant, "Little Sister is so adorable. I wish I had an obedient little pet like you."

The way she looked at Ming Ming I could see the waitress was hoping she might be able to play with the "adorable" little pet and maybe take her home... or at least push her head between her legs for a while. Ming Ming didn't seem offended by the very direct interest she was attracting, and as she continued cooing at her the waitress started to stroke herself and seemed on the verge of going further.

I was a bit concerned that my opportunity to talk with Ming Ming was about to be interrupted. Fortunately the waitress was suddenly called away by one of the men at the table. Apart from wanting to be left alone with Ming Ming I was hoping to eat the buns the waitress had brought over while they were still hot. I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast and I was very hungry. I couldn't guess how long it had been since Ming Ming had eaten and we both wolfed down the delicious food which disappeared into our stomachs very quickly.