Enslaving Chloe Ch. 21

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I am reduced to chloe's pet.
8.4k words

Part 21 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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Edited by Rosmarina (whose advice and assistance are much appreciated)

Please do not reproduce this story without permission.

== Chapter 21 ==

It was not until her new Master's boots finally moved away that Chloe stopped licking.

Suddenly Master gave her a swat on her bare backside from his riding crop, and Chloe crawled forward over the threshold and into her new life of slavery. I knelt at Master's feet and watched my former best friend and now fellow slave crawling along a short distance ahead of me. Then Master closed the front door and walked up the passage behind us.

My wet cunt tingled with anticipation as I crawled. I had waited so long for this moment and now it was finally a reality. I was beside myself with anticipation and excitement, and I was dying to see how Master would handle his new slave. Although I was quite confident he would do so in his usual calm but purposeful way, my natural curiosity wondered exactly how he would go about it.

I knew that whatever was about to happen would be just the start of a long and ongoing process, and I was very much looking forward to seeing how my friend responded to her training. I knew that at best I might be allowed to observe from the sidelines as Master's attention would necessarily be focused on his newly acquired property.

Of course I realised that Chloe would now be the centre of his attention as she needed to be trained and I already knew what was expected of me. Master did not need to tell me to keep out of the way while he taught Chloe how to submit to him totally. Even though she very much wanted to do so, from my own experience I recalled that even the most natural submissive and eager slave requires a lot of training and instruction in order to learn what her Owner requires.

True submission is a partnership based on communication and mutual trust, and these things do not just grow in the dark like mushrooms. Unlike the fantasy perpetuated by the many *fake* dominants that infest the internet, training a slave is not just about pain or sex... It requires great patience on the part of the Dominant and great dedication on the part of the submissive. This can only be developed gradually as it involves a deep level of understanding between both, not just blind obedience due to fear of punishment.

Since I well understood what was involved I knew this meant I could no longer expect anything and must surrender my place to Master's new slave --- my former dear Friend Chloe. I was more than willing to do this, but I imagined it would take some getting used to.

As I crawled along I looked ahead every now and then, and as my eyes adjusted again to the more subdued light inside the house I could just make out my friend's naked body ahead of me. She had such a cute arse, and although I had worshipped it many times I had not often seen it from this perspective. I was absolutely thrilled to see that Chloe moved with such feline grace. Being naked on all fours seemed to just come naturally to her.

I must admit I was completely lost in lurid fantasies about licking Chloe's arse when I finally crawled into the lounge room. I could hear my clit hood bell tingling softly and wondered if Chloe could hear it as well. Probably her mind was focused elsewhere. I was sure that her head would be filled with a jumble of mixed emotions as she was not only crawling into the room; her crawling led directly into a whole new life of slavery.

I had often imagined this situation (or some variation of it). When I masturbated (and at many other times) I frequently day-dreamed that both Chloe and I were crawling somewhere on Master's orders. The very idea had always excited me greatly and I didn't need to even think about what might happen next. Just the image of both of us crawling, naked except for our collars, eyes downcast like obedient slavegirls, was enough to get me all worked up.

When Master instructed me to masturbate for him or for the entertainment of his guests this was an especially erotic theme I could summon up at a moment's notice. I could always rely on some form of this favourite fantasy to take me right out of whatever situation I was in and deep into an imaginary world I had yearned to become a reality for so many years...

Now that my much longed for dream was actually unfolding before me, I was finding it hard to get it into my head that this was not just another fantasy that would evaporate like a puff of smoke as soon as I orgasmed.

Time itself seemed to slow to a crawl and I felt slightly dazed.

It already felt like hours ago that I had peeped through Master's legs and watched Chloe stroke herself as she lay on her back just outside the front door... I recalled how I'd noticed that she was making an effort to spread her legs as widely as possible as she was very slowly running her fingers up and down her obscenely displayed slit.

I understood instantly that she was making a statement about herself. I knew that she wanted her new Master to know she was giving herself to him without reservation and she had no shame and no hesitation in demonstrating that she was his slut. She wanted him to know that she was prepared to display herself in any way he required. It was a simple but powerful image, and I was sure Master recognized exactly what her wordless presentation meant.

In all the times I'd seen Chloe naked I had never seen her look so beautiful. I'd always known Chloe was deeply submissive, but it was a side of her that even I, her closest friend, had rarely been allowed to more than glimpse. Chloe always projected a strong image to others, and it was second nature to her to take charge, so it was usually my role to grovel naked at her feet, degrading myself in obeisance.

Even though I always willingly humiliated myself for my dear friend's pleasure, I understood implicitly that as Chloe gazed down at me she was imagining herself in my place. Often I could read into the look on Chloe's face at such moments that much of the pleasure she gained in diminishing me was directly connected to how she would have liked to be grovelling naked at my feet herself.

I knew very well that she longed to show me her love by worshipping me with her tongue. I sometimes noticed her sneaking little glimpses at my pussy as she thought how wonderful it would be if I lowered my cunt onto her face, ordered her to stick her tongue up there as far as possible, and pulled on her erect nipples. I knew very well how my dear friend's mind worked. She had no secrets from me!

When she made me lick her arsehole and tell her what a dirty little whore I was while doing so, it was obvious to me that our roles could just as easily have been reversed and that Chloe would be equally happy to be pleasuring me. But I was a very greedy little bitch and never allowed things to go in that direction even on the rare occasion I felt that if I'd ordered her to do so she would have submitted to me totally.

Even when dominating me there were odd moments when her voice shook or she looked at me in a strange way, and I instinctively recognized that she was teetering on the brink of begging to be my submissive. At such times I would quickly seize the initiative and offer myself in some more extreme form of servitude. I always preferred to be in the submissive role and have Chloe do all the work of thinking up ever more extreme ways of giving me the experience of total subservience that I craved so deeply.

I sometimes felt a little selfish for always having so much intense pleasure while my friend had all the trouble of dealing with a fractious little cunt like me, but dearest Chloe was so kind and loving that she never made me feel she was not totally happy to dominate and humiliate me for hours and hours on end. So I'd never previously had the opportunity to see much of her submissive side, and at times I regretted that I had never allowed that to happen.

Now that I had reached my usual place at the side of Master's chair, I was able to turn around and look more carefully at Chloe for the first time since I'd seen her at Master's front door. Finally I was in a position to enjoy watching my dear friend experience what I had been privileged to have for so long, and that made me very happy as well as very excited. From now on we would both share the joys and pleasures as well as the many hardships of total slavery.

The sight that greeted me as I gazed across the room was one I will never forget. Chloe had crawled ahead of me but stopped in the middle of the room. She had her head down in a very submissive position and was not immediately aware that I was watching her. This gave me the wonderful opportunity to observe her for a short time while she was still getting used to kneeling naked in her new Master's house. From where I was on the other side of the room Chloe looked gorgeous. I really wanted to go over and kiss her, but I knew I had to await instruction from Master so I never seriously considered taking the initiative like that.

In any case, I was completely overwhelmed by so many intense feelings that I could only sit and watch this beautiful creature. I wished she knew how proud I was of her, and amongst a whole encyclopaedia of emotions I felt so much love, admiration, desire, and intense excitement all jumbled up together. It was really quite surreal to see Chloe kneeling naked with her head down as if she didn't dare look up at me any more.

Gone were the days when she'd sat in this very room as an equal with Master and sipped from a glass of fine red wine while I knelt naked at their feet. She had greatly enjoyed those occasions during which Master had often played little games with her at my expense -- games in which it was my place to lick her feet or tell her what an obedient little cunt I was who would do anything she wished. I had loved those times as well, but it was still strange to be together again in this very room under such totally different circumstances.

As if she had suddenly become aware that I was watching her, Chloe looked up. Her eyes were at just the right level to see directly into mine since I was kneeling on the floor like her. The look she gave me was one that told me exactly how much this moment meant to her. I could see right away that she was feeling even more intense emotions than I was, and I had to choke back the desire to say something.

Of course it was only natural that she was feeling such emotions as she was entering an entirely new world and leaving everything she had known behind. It was a hugely important moment for her. I suddenly felt that my own feelings were no longer of much importance and that I must do everything I could to make this special occasion as powerful an experience and memorable an occasion as possible for my dear friend.

Just then Master sat down in his favourite chair next to where I was kneeling. He didn't look at me but there was nothing unusual about that. Instead he was smiling at Chloe. He beckoned her to come towards him and she slowly crawled the remaining distance across the room to his feet. The way she crawled reminded me of the graceful way Ming Ming had moved, but she had practiced those movements for many years. Where did my friend acquire such skills? I was amazed that what I had so admired in Ming Ming seemed to come so naturally to Chloe.

When she reached Master's feet she bent her head down and slowly kissed them. I could see her naked body shivering slightly, and I knew it must be some kind of emotional reaction on her part, which was of course perfectly understandable. She later told me that at that specific moment she was overwhelmed by the realisation that she was really committing herself to a life of slavery and the life-changing implications had washed over her like a tsunami. She said she'd felt like she was drowning in an ocean of erotic emotions and had wanted to beg Master to fuck her right away.

Fortunately she didn't say anything like that. I was sure Master would not have been happy if she'd made such a request. I knew from my own training that he expected his slave to simply demonstrate obedience and wait for him to give the orders. Although very easy going and patient, Master was an old-fashioned dominant when it came to maintaining the etiquette of a slave-Master relationship and that meant it was not the slave's place to ask to be fucked. She would be fucked or treated in whatever way her Master wished as and when he felt so inclined. Her place was simply to obey.

Once Master was satisfied with Chloe's abject display of submission, he leaned down and pulled her head up by her hair. He did so gently but firmly; the object was not to hurt her but rather to demonstrate his authority over her. For the first time since she'd arrived Chloe was able to look at her new Master directly. Almost immediately she lowered her eyes. Master said, "Look at me, slave!" and she looked back up at him again.

From where I was kneeling I could see there were tears in her eyes, and I knew it must have been a special moment for her to realise for the first time that she could only look directly at her new Owner with his permission.

As she knelt there, Master didn't say anything to Chloe. Instead he asked me to give him my collar. I was quite surprised at his order as I'd already given him a spare collar a day or two earlier, just before I'd gone back to stay with Chloe. I'd assumed he would use that collar for her. Although a little shocked, I immediately took off my collar and handed it to him as instructed.

I was almost never without my collar. I felt a little hurt and confused when Master asked me to take it off as usually he did that for me. Of course I obeyed, but it was so strange to not feel the collar which signified my status as owned property around my neck. It shocked me even more when he buckled it around Chloe's neck!

I was not only shocked, I was also a little upset. That was my collar! As a slave I had always felt that it was the only thing I owned, but in truth, whatever Master gave me still belonged to him. He had every right to take it away again. Whenever Master gave me something it was a privilege to look after it for a while but it was not mine, and I should not have imagined otherwise.

I didn't even own myself, since as a slave I belonged to my Master. In theory he had the right to give me away or sell me, if he wished to do so. I had never felt he would ever consider doing that. But he could... and we had often discussed the fact that I was owned property and no longer had any rights. So I was already learning to re-adjust my thinking. I reminded myself that it was not only Chloe who was about to begin learning her place in this household, and that I would have to adapt to my new role as well.

I knew my silly reaction at losing my collar was childish. I really wanted Chloe to have my collar if Master wished to give it to her. I was quite disappointed in my selfish thoughts as I had only just promised myself that I would do anything I could to make this as special an occasion as possible for my dear friend. Still it was a jolt to suddenly lose the collar I had worn since the day Master had accepted me as his slave years ago and see it given to another.

I almost felt like crying, but I tried to calm myself down. Gradually I realised that as Master's new slave Chloe had every right to the collar, not I. As if reading my mind, which in fact he probably was, Master turned to me and said, "Don't worry. Later we'll take you down to the pet store and get you a nice new collar."

I smiled. Then I thought "pet store"? Why...?? Of course. I am now a pet. Or rather I was always a pet but I was also Master's slavegirl. Now he has another slavegirl at my request. So I should not have been surprised that I was now just a pet. But I was.

Master must have known I was feeling a little disconcerted at the loss of my collar. He took a spare collar out of his pocket and told his new slave to buckle it around my neck. As she did so Master told me that this was a temporary collar until another one was chosen for me by Chloe. The soft feel of Chloe's fingers as she placed the temporary collar around my neck almost made me forget that twice just now Master had indicated Chloe was responsible for me. It was as if I had become her pet, not his. Was that what he meant?

My feelings were already such a confused mess, but now there was the added pleasure of feeling Chloe put a collar on me. As she did so I softly rubbed myself against her like the little pet I was. In reality I wanted to jump on top of her and beg to be allowed to lick her cunt or pleasure her in any way she wished, but I was sure this would spoil the atmosphere on this special occasion so I restrained myself. On top of all that I was also wondering just how Master wanted me to relate to Chloe since I was unsure about this myself.

I'd always had the idea in my head that my friend and I would frolic around together, naked apart from our collars, like a couple of puppies, and that I would be able to lick and kiss her all day long. Of course that was merely a silly day-dream, but now it seemed that Master was indicating in his usual subtle way that Chloe was my new owner or at least had some kind of responsibility for me. And although this was a development I had anticipated to some extent, I had never really thought through the implications.

With a jolt I realized that I should have asked Master more about how my status would change once Chloe joined us while I'd had the opportunity to do so. Instead I'd rambled on about Ming Ming and Chloe and other things which didn't really matter. Now I would learn my new place at Master's pleasure. I knew that was how it was always going to be, but out of curiosity I wished I had asked more about what Master intended for me.

I didn't really mind whatever it was that Master had in mind as I would obey him regardless. In fact I really very much wanted him to impose some intensely degrading role on me, and the more harshly he did so the better. So maybe it was best if nothing was explained to me. In a way I felt I did not deserve to know, and I should just be treated like the dirty little cunt I was...

It's possible that subconsciously I didn't want to ask what Master intended for me. I wondered if I'd never thought to do so in any detail because I preferred to be told what I was and what I must do.

I want so much to obey, and I want so much to be *forced* to do so. Brutally, if necessary.

By brutal I don't mean that I want to be beaten into submission or anything like that. I don't mind being slapped occasionally or given a few strokes with a crop, but although I accept such treatment as part of being a slave I don't really enjoy physical pain. Rather, I have a longing to be treated brutally in the emotional sense -- to have my feelings disregarded and made to endure something that I really want but would not willingly choose. I yearned to be forced to be complicit in my own degradation, to beg for ever more extreme subjugation, or made to endure intense humiliation and emotional masochism...

Such thoughts both scared and excited me and I often found myself thinking about how far I would go...

Pulling myself out of my mental turmoil, I looked at Chloe. Having put the temporary collar on me, she had moved back to kneeling at Master's feet. I had so much enjoyed having my dear friend so close to me but now I couldn't feel her skin against mine any more. Instead she had her attention focused on Master and was wearing my... or rather HER collar. The collar I was now wearing felt strange, but I had moved past feeling upset about the loss of my own.

It was always a surprise even to myself how quickly my moods changed. Sometimes I felt upset or sad or humiliated and what seemed like a few seconds later I was happy or elated or aroused. I often seemed to have no control at all over my own emotions, and I wondered how Master had put up with such a complex little bitch all these years.