Entertaining at Large Ch. 16


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Monique was still flat on her back. She looked calm and had on one of those grins which split your face. She was slowly massaging what looked suspiciously like two loads of cum into breasts already lubricated with a good dollop of strawberry lube. I could hear her humming quietly to herself. As I watched, she opened her eyes and focussed her smile on me. She made the universal motion for masturbation with her hand and cocked her head both sides to indicate the men. As if I needed an explanation. I motioned towards the bathroom and started to step delicately that way so as not to disturb the semi-conscious couple.


Monique's cry shattered the silence in the room. She launched herself, first upright and then over onto her front. She began rubbing her chest vigorously into the duvet cover to get rid of the manufactured and man-made residues. There were grunts of protest from our two guests and she crawled backwards off the bed and skipped past me into the small cubicle. Once inside we both started alternately laughing and shushing each other. We had to spend a good minute with hands clamped over mouths until we gained control.

'That was amazing. Is it always like that? When can we do it again?'

I smiled at her. She turned to the mirror and sort of groaned. This was not pleasure. I went out and retrieved our bags and then watched as she reconstructed herself into respectability in a few minutes flat. I just washed my face - after one last lick at the dried juices which coated my lips and chin - and ran my fingers through my hair. I handed Monique a towel which she applied vigorously to her breasts and crutch.

'You want a shower?'

She slid open the half-closed door. There were dark pubic hairs clearly visible in the shower well.

'Nah. Let's get out of here I can have one at home.'

She rinsed her hands and we both peeked around the door into the room. Neither man had moved. Norman was snoring gently; Kevin the same, but louder. We silently laughed, shushed each other again and then stepped resolutely out.

It was difficult retrieving our clothes and dressing. First, virtually everything we had taken off was lying under one man or the other. Both muttered protests as we eased garments from under them. It was all I could do to keep a straight face as I watched Monique put on her bra. She was moving slowly and stiffly like someone with third-degree sunburn after falling asleep on the beach. It was as if she was trying to rest without any of the material actually touching her skin. We both examined our panties and decided against putting them back on; who knows exactly why they were so damp. We draped them on one of the pillows as a remembrance.

'Should we wake them?'

Kevin and Norman looked peaceful as they slumped. I coughed loudly and shook Norman by the shoulder.

'Thanks for a lovely evening, guys, we should do this again some time.'

I turned away from Monique who had a hand clamped tightly over her mouth to keep her laughter in. Norman stirred slightly and then slid to the floor where he settled himself in a loose ball and recommended his snoring. I touched Kevin's shoulder and smiled down at him when he opened his eyes. He started struggling with his trousers eventually pulling out a fifty pound note and waving it at me.

'Best night ever. Knock out knockers. Champion.'

He too turned onto his side and began to snore after shuffling himself into a comfortable position on the bed. I stuck the fifty into Monique's cleavage as we pushed through the door to the room and into the brightly lit corridor.

'Keep it. You did all the hard work.'

'Call that work? It was fantastic. You should have it. Just for letting me come.'

She dipped her hand between her boobs to retrieve the note. I waved my own hand negatively and insisted she keep it. We smiled at each other not speaking as we waited for the lift.

Monica was back once we entered. She spent the trip down to the lobby examining herself critically in the mirror, fussing with her hair and straightening her already immaculate clothes. I gave myself a quick once over and decided I looked fine. We left the hotel as quickly as we could, this time. We were in silent agreement that we had had enough fun for one night.

The cold air hit Monica hard, she staggered, and it took us some time for us to get back to our cars. I insisted that I drive her home and got no resistance. She was clearly way over the limit and knew it. She wriggled uncomfortably when she got into the passenger seat of my car.

'Sorry about the spanking. I got a bit carried away.'

She said nothing and seemed deep in thought when I looked across at her before starting the engine. I was pulling out of the car park before she replied.

'It's not that. Though it was shockingly pleasurable and I am a little sore. Does that make me a bad person?'

I shook my head and concentrated on the empty road.

'I was just trying to identify the unusual - for me - feeling I had. Then I realised it was that physical and emotional release you get when you've had a good, how can I put this, shag. It's been so long.'

She sounded wistful so I left her to her thoughts. It took about fifteen minutes to get her home. By the time I pulled up outside her house she was talking nineteen to the dozen and laughing to herself when she wasn't. I switched off the engine and turned towards her.

'Well, thank you for a wonderful evening. I'd love to see you again. If you'd like to. Perhaps you'd like to come in for coffee?'

That made us both laugh; there was a definite first-date vibe about all of this. I shook my head to the invitation, but reassured her that I'd had fun too and then we both fell silent for a minute. Monica pulled at her jacket and looked out of the window at the slight drizzle.

'I'd better get in and have a shower and start thinking of an explanation for why I had to leave the car in town tonight.'

She grinned at me, then suddenly leaned across and kissed me on the lips. It wasn't a full-on snog, but it wasn't just a peck either. She was blushing when she pulled back and opened the door. I watched her run to her door and waved when she turned after opening it. I drove slowly home cataloging my own physical sensations. I was approaching the all-night garage near my house when I realised that despite feeling sexually sated and mentally excited by the long, surprising and unusual night, I hadn't actually been fucked.

I smiled and pulled in to pick up a new pack of AA batteries.

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Snickerdoodle69Snickerdoodle69about 5 years ago

Susan/Suzette is a great character. I love her attitude and approach to sex and life. Monica/Monique could be a fun character to develop. Both characters would be a fantastic shag. I'd probably die from satisfaction if I had both at the same time.

savage4xsavage4xabout 7 years ago
Great stuff

Thanks so much for another very well written, sexy story, I really enjoyed it.

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