Erasing Caitlin


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Slowly, with my eyes still caught, my hands lifted and... and I... took the top of my dress and lowered it, my bra included. I lowered these items, these barriers to protect my vanity, until my boobs just sort of plopped out. I'm not large-chested (I'm only a B or C cup) but they just sort of plopped out, my nipples erect. They just sort of plopped out and hung there, the dress and bra bunched up beneath them. I looked down at myself, shocked to see what I'd done, but when I looked back at up Sky, she was smiling gently.

"Ohh, they're wonderful, honey," she said. "Let's just enjoy our meal. You can leave them out like that."

And so we did...

We ate our meal, which was wonderful, and sipped wine as we talked. And all the while my breasts were exposed, even to the waitress (who merely smiled at me) and I did nothing to stop this madness. I learned more about Sky – who she was, a bit about her past – and I found myself opening up and telling her everything she wanted to know about me. I even blushed and laughed casually at times, sipping my wine – all while my breasts were completely exposed. And yet, it felt strangely okay... almost natural. We talked about my job, and the stress and headache that went into it. We talked about her class at school and how she came to be in education. But on some level I did detect the tone when we discussed the stressful situations I encountered at work.

"Oh, that line of work is way too stressful for you," Sky said, studying me, those eyes piercing like razor blades. "Way too stressful..."

I understood – in a hazy fog – what she was saying and I didn't agree with her, but... It's not too stressful! It's not! I can do it! ...

"Don't you think it's too stressful for you?" She asked.

I sort of half-babbled, half-giggled, like a child, and managed a shrug.

"I guess... I don't know... I usually do well, but... maybe, I think..."

She laughed good-naturedly and smiled.

"Oh Caitlin, you're so dumb," she said, smiling and shaking her head. But she also leaned in closer to me, studying my reaction across the table. "Aren't you, honey? You're so dumb...."

Again I was caught. I had brought my fork up to my lips to nibble a piece of shrimp, but her gaze caught me. I was spinning out of control and wished- on some level I wished – I could leave here. Jesus, just to escape her terrible grip... Do not agree with her! But my eyes were swept away – swept away and captured – and I found myself nodding slowly. Incredibly, I even smiled a little.

"Tell me, Caitlin," she said gently. "Tell me how dumb you are."

"I'm... I'm so dumb," I said, barely above a whisper. "I'm so dumb..."

"Are you stupid?"

I swallowed.

"I... I am stupid."

"You can't think for yourself, can you?"

I shook my head slowly from side-to-side. "No, I... I can't think for myself..."

"And you're job is too stressful."

I nodded: "My job is too stressful."

"Good girl," she reached across the table and patted my hand gently as I sat there, my breasts hanging out. In a minute the waitress brought a dessert (that I hadn't asked for.) It was a piece of chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and she slid it down in front of me before silently walking away. My emotions were too off-kilter to even think of continuing to eat and I was like a puppet with Sky controlling the strings. She continued to transfix me.

"Caitlin, show me how dumb you are," she said. "Smash your face in that cake."

I looked up at her, blinking in fright. But I couldn't move – I just remained there, looking so incredibly ridiculous. My tits poking out of my dress and the chocolate cake right there.... I looked down at it.

"Go ahead," Sky coaxed. "Put your face right in there, Caitlin. You know you want too. Smash it right down in there real good."

I blinked and sighed, a sigh that came out a slight whimper, but saw the cake getting closer.

"There we go..." She said.

I could smell the aroma of the frosting now and the restaurant just sort of drifted away. Everything did... The cake just crept closer and I could feel her eyes on me.

"Put it right in there..."

And I did. Oh my, I did! I pressed my face into the cool frosting and closed my eyes, smushing my nose and face into it. Sky reached across the held my hair out of the way, but I moved my face back and forth, up and down, smearing the dessert on my forehead, my chin, my cheeks. She was causing me to humiliate myself, to reveal her true power over me, and there was simply nothing I could do to fight her now. "Rub it around in there real good," she said. "Get your whole face all covered." I wanted to please her, to make her happy with me, and I pressed and I squirmed and I rubbed until I had made a terrible mess of everything. When I was done I sat there, my head facing down, aghast and humiliated.

"Such a dumb girl, Caitlin," she said.

And I nodded: "So dumb..."

But we stayed like that. She ate her dinner and sipped her wine, and I sat across from her, my face covered in chocolate frosting and chunks of cake, and my breasts sticking out for everyone to see, my nipples rock hard in my morbid excitement. There was no turning back from Sky's ownership of me, and I knew it – from out of nowhere she had come, and she had devoured me, stopped me dead in my tracks.

After dinner she reached out and took my hand.

"Go wash up, dumb girl," she said. "You've had enough for tonight."


Chapter III

My world was dissolving around me.

Concentrating at work was becoming more and more difficult, as it seemed each time my mind tried wrapping itself around a project or problem, my head began to ache. A dull throb formed behind my eyes whenever I tried to maneuver my way through a complex court issue, and each report I worked on or paper I filed brought only more and more pain. It was like the simple act of thinking, of thinking, was bringing me misery. Sky had invaded all of my thoughts, of course. Images of what I had done in the restaurant were constantly running through my head, like on a highlight reel, and yet only when thinking of HER did my headache ebb. Jesus, it was like I really WAS becoming dumb – slowly but surely, finding myself unable to think because it just hurt too much. It was so much better, it felt so much better, to think of Sky. To just picture her face...

Finally, unable to even function in the office, I feigned the flu and went home.

Once there, however, nothing was better.

It was like I had a fever, and Sky's presence – her mere voice – was the antidote. Even thinking of her – that smooth skin, those radiant eyes and that wildly pink hair – caused my heart to relax. On some level, of course, I knew that I had been drugged. It was quite simple, really, to grasp that. Somehow, perhaps through some skin contact or aerosol, or... she had drugged me. There was no explanation, because... because what I was feeling defied who I was – or did it? I was so confused, so messed up inside...

Around eight o'clock that night, after sitting in my apartment and going over the events in my head again and again, I could take it no longer. I called Sky.


We met in a comfortable, small bar (one with plenty of shadows and flickering candlelight) near my apartment. I hadn't told her why I needed to see her – I'd simply asked for her to meet me and, albeit slightly to my surprise, she agreed. I thought – and maybe it was just my imagination – but I thought I could detect the slightest crack in her voice, as if she were on the verge of laughter but determined to hold it in check.

I mentally prepared myself as best I could to speak with her, but found it surprising that my headache disappeared the minute she slid into the seat opposite me. As if her very presence was my elixir.

When we got settled (she drank a rum and Coke and I settled for strictly ice water with lemon) I placed my hands palm down on the table top and took a deep breath. I was going to make this direct and quick. This was my chance to take control of my life again and put this bizarre encounter with her behind me. She wore jeans this time, loose fitting and nice, with sandals and a light green t-shirt with 'Mello Yello' on the front. That pink hair remained silky and vibrant. I wonder if she would let me touch it, and... NO!

"Sky, I don't..." I tried to find words to explain this. "What's happened with me? What have you done to me? Whatever it is, I'd like you to reverse it or change it back... Please... I really need you to make me right again."

Sky leaned in closer across the table, instantly causing me to lean back in strange fright.

"I'm not going to bite, Caitlin," she said. "And I'm not going to change anything."


"I FOUND you," she snapped at me, her voice firm and unyielding. "Out of all the people I saw at that reception and even those before and after, I found YOU. I settled on YOU! Don't you see how special that makes you? You became my target. I will not reverse anything, Caitlin. You are now mine. Your soul, your body, your mind – all mine. And I will not – I will not – let you go." Then she sat back and crossed her arms, smiling smugly at me.


"Stop resisting it, Caitlin," she said with a dismissing tone. "I swear, I don't understand the desire to fight what you know – deep down inside- is what is best for you."

"Which is...?"

"Which is belonging to me...!" Sky looked across the table with a gaze so powerful, so intense, it caused me to audibly whimper. "I'll lay it out for you very slowly and very simply, because in time your ability to think for yourself will begin to dissolve. Little everyday things you do now will become harder and harder, Caitlin. You will forget how to exist, because your sole purpose in life will be to obey and worship me. Am I making sense yet? Am I getting through? I have decided YOU will belong to ME."

Stunned.... Stunned.... Stunned....

I swallowed, but my mouth was terribly dry. I wanted to speak, but couldn't open my mouth.

"Let it sink in, Caitlin," Sky said, teasing me. "Take a few minutes to let it digest."

I looked at the table in front of me, then to the rest of the pub, to the other guests. My fingers were trembling and my body was on fire. This was spinning wildly out of control and I couldn't stop it! All my energy had dissipated just at the site of her and to hear this! This was my world falling apart... I couldn't let this happen! Could I...?

"Ohhh Caitlin..." She teased. "Are you still with me?"

She was slinking lower at the table, trying to look across and peer into me.

Hesitantly, I lifted my eyes to look at her...

... and everything slipped away...

Oh, I can't explain it! The moment my eyes lifted and looked into hers, my stress and nervousness, my angst and trembling, all sort of melted. I was instantly calmed, instantly carried to another place, and the sensation was exhilarating. There are no words to describe it. She must have seen the look on my face, because she smiled then, and this brought a fresh wave of comfort to me. I am a straight woman – I've never had lesbian tendencies or thoughts – but on some level of my existence I knew I was being swept away by this strange person.

"There you are," she said. "See? It's going to be okay now, honey."

I felt myself nod slowly.

"I'm so scared," I whispered, my voice soft and so terribly vulnerable – so foreign to my ears. " I am soooo scared..."

"Just let that go," Sky said, and her hand slid across the table and took mine – the touch warm and electric. "Let all that fear go, honey. Fall into ME now – fall into me."

I closed my eyes as my head rocked gently.

"There you go," she cooed.

I collected myself, breathing easily in and out, poofing out little bursts of air to steady my nerves.

"Good girl," she said. "Now I want you to take your purse and cell phone and wait outside for me by the dumpster. I will be there in just a moment."

On some level it occurred to me this couldn't be good. Why on earth did she want me to go outside? And why would she want me to wait by the dumpster? Yet I gathered my things, my head down like a shy little demented puppy, and scurried out of the pub.


I waited in the cool night air of the parking lot for seemed an eternity, fighting a terrible battle with myself. From where I stood, near the dumpster, I could see my vehicle farther off in the parking lot. Go get in that damn car and get out of here! A part of my mind screamed this over and over again. When a few people entered the club, they eyed me a little strangely – this apparently normal woman standing out near the dumpster at the back of a club. Yet I couldn't make myself move away. I couldn't make my legs carry me across the lot to my car, which was so close and yet hopelessly out of reach.

In a few minutes the door opened and Sky came out.

She had a smile on her face – a peaceful smile – and walked right up to me.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, love," she said. "But I'm here now."

I simply looked at her, frozen.

Finally, I was able to form words: "What's going to happen to me now?"

And this is how far I had fallen... In a matter of days – complete helplessness in the face of this strange woman.

"First you're going to take your clothes off, honey," Sky said. "Go ahead..." And when I hesitated and whimpered, she frowned. "Oh Caitlin, we are SO far beyond that, aren't we?"

To my shock and surprise, I actually giggled and somehow nodded.

And when she smiled at this, my heart soared...

My fumbling fingers, already shaking and flighty, moved to the waistband of my jeans, which I unbuttoned quickly while sliding my sandals off. Sky watched me calmly. I slid my jeans open and down my thighs, aware of her eyes on me, but the snowball was rolling downhill so quickly now and I couldn't stop it and...

"You can leave the panties on," she said. "They're cute."

I wore a pair of light green, silk thong panties, and I stood only in those as I stepped out of my jeans. The jeans I folded and held them out to her and...

"In the dumpster," she said simply. "Go ahead, Caitlin. Throw them away. Be a good girl."

I looked at her, frozen for a moment.

"Throw them away...?"

"Yes dear," she said gently. "You won't be needing them anymore. Now hurry, you'll catch cold."

I blinked and swallowed, blinked and swallowed, but my betraying hands moved to the dumpster and I tossed my pants inside.

While I did this, she was going through my purse and picking certain items out to look at. Some she threw in the dumpster, other things she put back in the purse.

"Your shirt and bra, too," Sky said. "Go on."

There was no resisting now, and my shirt and bra were next, slipped off and tossed into the dumpster. Most of the items from my purse she discarded into the trash, but some she left in my purse.

"I'll keep these," she said. "I'll need these to access to some of this stuff as I erase you, Caitlin. Your car will be towed in the morning." She turned and walked away from me, and I meekly followed. I could feel the chilly air on my body, my little butt cheeks jiggling as I walked in my sandals (that I'd put back on at her request.) There was a white Audi R-4, sparkingly expensive and brand new, in the lot, and she used a remote to open the trunk. She then stood next to it, holding it open.

"Come on, honey, get in."

I stood near it, looking into the lit compartment. There was a pillow in there and a comforter, arranged as sort of a bed. I leaned and peaked in, seeing also that there was a small window cut into the backseat, so anyone in the trunk could see into the rest of the vehicle.

Blinked and swallowed... blinked and swallowed...

"It's okay, Caitlin," she said, surprisingly gently. "Get in the trunk."

I whimpered, audible and loud, standing there mostly naked, my arms covering my exposed breasts.

"Caitlin, you are mine now," Sky said. "From the moment I saw you at the reception, you were mine. Don't fight it, honey. Get in the trunk."

And I didn't...

My God, I didn't...

I blushed and melted when she touched my face with her fingertips, and I lifted my leg and managed to eased myself into the trunk. Once in there she helped me ruffle the blanket and pillow so I'd be relatively comfortable.

I lay down on my side, looking up at her like a puppy.

She reached in and stroked my cheek again.

"I will take care of you, honey," she said. "I've waited so long for someone just like you. You don't know how excited I was when I saw you that night... All of your needs will be met, Caitlin. Relax and give in to my ownership of you."

I looked at her, my eyes tearing, and nodded.

Slowly, she closed the trunk.


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germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 7 years ago

I have reigned in my initial comments about this story cause I was incensed with the treatment of this woman. I don't care how much money or how nice Sky asked Caitlin to dine with her breasts exposed, or how she asked Caitlain to call herself dumb then switch it to stupid, then to smash her face in chocolate cake, take off all her clothes throw them in a dumpster and crawl into the trunk of her car naked with a blanket and pillow; this ___is crazy and Caitlin's brainwashing made her "stupid" Sad really cause there really are people doing this and existing under the utter control of others. FYI, I couldn't read this story in its entirety nor would I welcome future chapters. JDLL910, I do wish you the best. It seems you have plenty of readers who like this story. I'm just not one of them.

fitntrimfitntrimalmost 7 years ago
Beautiful writing!

Elegantly written. Wonderful

graymangazergraymangazerover 7 years ago

A very good story though it leaves a lot of questions. I'd love to see some continuation but looking at the date it was published I doubt we'll see more which is a shame.

As others have said, it's not very believable, but most stories involving mind control aren't. Sky has a power that's not explained, also the reason she is doing what she does is left unexplained. Only the author can tell us the answer, but she, like Sky, obviously wants to keep us in the dark.

A few typos but that didn't distract and I loved that Caitlin knew she was being brainwashed but couldn't fight it. There's so much more could be written in this story, I just wish it hadn't ended so prematurely.

tryme2daytryme2dayover 7 years ago
Great Tension

I loved this story and loved the build up and tension. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I've read this story several times now. It's definitely one of my favorites. Hopefully this is the start of a series?

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