Erin's Morning


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It's always surprising to me that so many people can be so nearly silent. Winifred reached behind me and slapped my ass. For a moment I was I a panic. Was I supposed to be doing something? But I had learned well not to show panic. If I'd screwed up, I'd know about it shortly. If I hadn't, then I must obey my earlier instructions. Parade rest.

But I had an idea what was going on anyway. And right after the slap she confirmed it. "Gentlemen, here is your prize. This and, of course, the winner lives and is set free." And I filled in the rest. The looser is dead. They were criminals, then. Sentenced to life. And jails here and now were in no way as pleasant as those in my time.

Occasionally, to amuse Her Grace, the jailed could take part in a lottery to win the right to take the challenge. A fight to the death. Winner to go on to a new life. Looser, well, that's obvious. Also, on occasion, she would choose to sweeten the prize by offering me. I would be required to oral the winner. If I was unable to bring him, or, sometimes, her, off they would forfeit their release.

I was always tempted to do a bad job so they couldn't come. But I never did. First, I was afraid Winifred would be able to tell. She seemed to be nearly psychic about such things. If I didn't put in full effort she always knew and I always got punished. Often while I was still attempting to perform. Second, though not feeling altruistic about a criminal with a life sentence, I still had enough morals that I'd feel bad about it if I ruined THEIR chance to get free.

So, I chanced a quick look at them. Over six feet. Well muscled. One of average size sexually. The other. Well, gulp! That was going to be difficult. And he wasn't even erect yet. I reflected on how much I hated oral sex. Teaching me to do it enthusiastically and well had taken up a great deal of my training. I was good at it, but didn't feel good about having mastered the skill.

But through the glances and all my musings I'd never actually moved. I felt a pinch on my ass. "What do you think, Erin? Looking forward to gobbling down some man meat?"

Now, here's another thing. In all the stories I read, the slave is always required to give "the right answer." No matter what they actually think. Here, I'd get punished for lying. I had to tell the truth, and again she knew if I didn't, I just had to do it respectfully.

"The one on our left is impressive. It will be difficult to take him, should he win." Short pause to separate the answers, then, "No, I am not, Mistress."

A pat on the ass now. "Good girl."

The room is still quiet, waiting on Her Grace.

"Come, sit with me, Erin."

I'd actually prefer to stand on display like this, and she knows it. But...

I move in front of her, turn, and seat myself on the edge of the throne between her wide spread legs. Then spread my own so she'll have easy access, if she decides to play with me. Or so I will if she tells me to play with myself. She moves into the corner of the throne so she can see past me.

"Tell them to start, dear."

I take a deep breath, still surprised to see my huge breasts rise, and say loudly, "Begin." Then watch the proceedings.

Winifred's hand is on my waist, just resting there. Just owning me. Despite myself I feel arousal from her touch.

They move apart and circle each other. Knives at the ready.

I jump as Winifred whispers in my ear, "You see, your friend with the small dick used to do murder for hire. Specializing in making them look like robberies. Hes' really quite talented with knives, though not ones this long. And your other paramour was an assassin but unfortunately working for another kingdom which hoped to eliminate me and move into the power vacuum."

I asked, "You'd actually let him go if he wins? Won't he try again?"

She chuckled, "He failed his mission and got caught. He's an embarrassment to his king. He'll live only as long as he can hide."

"And the other fellow?"

"Oh, if he can stay out of trouble, he'll be fine. Do you think he can?"

"I guess if he can learn a new profession."

There was suddenly a flurry of motion. Some blood cast about. Then they were apart again. Each had a number of cuts on their torso. Obviously none of them fatal in themselves, though perhaps they might bleed to death over time.

The audience cheered and booed. Many of them had taken bets as to the outcome and thus had their favorite.

Then another flashing of knives and crashing of bodies. A scream from the bigger one and blood gushed onto the floor. The smaller one danced back with something in his hand. The larger man's huge penis held high above his head.

A gasp from the audience. Well, me too. Then applause from about half and grumbling from the rest. It was easy to tell who had bet for who.

Winifred laughed then whispered to me, "Well, I guess that saves us finding out just how difficult it would have been." I turned my head to look at her, amazed at her callousness. Though after all this time I shouldn't have been.

Her face was just inches from mine. She kissed me. Just a quick one. Then put her hand behind my head and kissed again, passionately. I returned it, of course. And felt my arousal rising more. I suspected I might be leaving a wet spot on the throne. I'd done it before.

She broke the kiss and we looked back. The larger man had collapsed on the floor. Medical attention could have saved him, but none was offered. It was, after all, a fight to the death.

However, since he'd won, aid was given the the winner. While they attended him, he look up at me lasciviously. Not that I could blame him. The Queen's own slut was quite a prize. And the rumors were that I was very good. I was. I'd been trained most carefully.

The house cleaning servants entered to remove the body and clean the floor. Meanwhile, the winner walked up the steps, stopping when he reached the top, some ten feet or so in front of Her Grace.

She said, "Are you ready to receive your prize?"

His response, "Yes, Your Grace."

"Come here and stand in profile"

The audience had moved up to the base of the stairs, avoiding the pool of blood. He now stood on Winifred's right hand, facing the wall to her left.

"Go get your pillow, dear. Then proceed."

I rose, as gracefully as possible. She considered this "good theater" and could become very cross if I moved too quickly or not fluidly enough. I exited behind the throne, quickly but not running. Back straight. One foot in front of the other. Hips swiveling, backside and breasts bouncing slightly.

I returned the same way, with my pillow. Bent at the waist to place it precisely in front of him, then knelt.

"Shall I use my hands as well, Winifred?"

"No, just your tongue and your mouth."

Then, to him, "And you will not touch her."

"Yes, Your Grace."

Me again, "Where should I have him come?"

She, "This should be quick and simple. In your mouth then swallow. No need to show me."

"Yes, Mistress."

I'd positioned the pillow so I didn't really have to lean forward. Just moved my mouth to him. I began by licking his member clean of sweat. Base to tip a number of times. This had the desired result of making him very hard.

I also found my clitoris being stimulated again. I glanced at Winifred. She had my remote in her hand, her thumb over one of the buttons. She pressed again and the feeling increased.

I took the head in my mouth and began to pump up and down while also swirling my tongue around it. Each few strokes I put the broad of my tongue directly below the head, on the underside, and rubbed it firmly.

At least, I reflected, he's not long enough for me to deep throat. He came just to the back of my throat. He was actually a little smaller than I'd thought earlier.

In minutes he was nearly beside himself. I saw his hands come away from his hips in my peripheral vision. Then he put them back. This happened several times, but he never actually touched me. Good thing. Winifred has killed men while I was performing oral on them. It's a frightening experience.

I continued, taking him closer and closer to the edge. As I continued, and he got near to coming, my clit was stimulated more and more. I'd had no instructions otherwise, so I just kept going until he came in my mouth with a deep groan. I swallowed quickly. There wasn't a lot of it, and it had a bitter taste. But so had most of the prisoners I'd performed on. I'd read that this was likely due to his jail house diet. I'd done this for other men who Winifred favored. Diplomats, princes, and others, and the taste had been not unpleasant.

Once he finished I quickly licked him clean then examined myself. I'd managed not to spill any of his seed or even my own saliva.

The audience cheered and applauded. Winifred declared the man free and instructed the guard to permit him to shower and shave, dress him and send him on his way. He exited with them.

I was still kneeling in profile in front of her, my clit vibrating, my pussy dripping on the pillow. The later was not a problem. When I stood a house cleaner would whisk it away and replace it.

"Would you like to come, Erin?"

I hated myself for it, but the combination of hormones and whatever else I was given, plus the stimulation of the implants was more than I could take. I was nearly about to disobey the rule about masturbation outside my room.

"Yes, Mistress. I would like to come."

She put her thumb down on another button and I came instantly, with a scream which echoed around the chamber. The audience was filing out, but many of them turned at my scream. Then applauded through my next two. I struggled to stay up on my knees, but after one more I could no longer stay in place. I melted onto the floor. My knees still on the pillow. My ass up in the air. My upper body on the floor. Then I fell over on my side and retracted into a fetal position.

I could, remotely, hear Winifred chuckling. She said something and one of the guards picked me up and took me back to my room, depositing me in the already full bath tub. Marcie was there before us and started scrubbing me clean. Another guard came in behind us and put my tablet on the table.

I sat in the tub and let her do her job. I'd long since adjusted to being bathed by another woman. I didn't like it, but like so many other things I didn't argue about, there was no point to resisting. I'd get hurt. And if she didn't do a good job, Marcie would get hurt too. So I sat and tried not to notice what she was doing to me.

Then a thought. Something I was surprised I'd never asked about before. And there was no reason for me not to talk. There was no punishment for doing so.


"Yes, Miss?"

"How is it you're always here when I need you? Do you watch me all the time?"

"Almost, Miss. There are motion detectors. If you move out of your nest I get an alarm."

"But something like today. How did you know I'd be back now?"

"I watch when you're with Her Grace."

"Do you, um, watch me play with myself?"

A very, very slight smile. "Yes, Miss."

"Do you enjoy it?"

A tiny bit more of a smile. "Yes, Miss."

"Are you gay?"

That got a slight chuckle, "No, Miss."

She leaned me back and washed my hair. Shampoo and sprayer and her wonderful fingers. I didn't like her doing this, but I did have to admit she was very good at it. Humming quietly, the tune she always used when doing my hair.

She helped me out of the tub, dried me, then sat me at the dressing table and started working on me. She was always quick and efficient. She styled my hair rather more elaborately than earlier. Piled up on my head, this time. Some jeweled hairpins completed my look. And my make up somewhat more sexily done as well. By rights I should have been getting into a sequined gown next. But that world was long in the past.

She was done, so she gave my right nipple a quick pinch. As I stood she took a box out of a her bag and opened it to show me the contents.

"Which would you like today, Erin?"

The box contained a half dozen jeweled butt plugs. They were all large, heavy, chrome plugs with very thin stems. And large bases. The jewels in various colors. I thought it over for a moment.

"Who will see this?"

"I'm not sure, Miss. You're to return to the throne room when I have you ready."

"So, Winifred, at least?"

"I would think so, Miss."

"Red, then." Red is Winifred's favorite color. Sometimes I picked my favorite color. Sometimes random. But I had a feeling it would be best to please her today.

"Very good, Miss. Please bend over."

I did as she asked, felt her lubricate me, then press the plug into place. It was large enough to be slightly painful. But I'd also done this, and with other objects, may times before. It didn't actually make any noise, but when she put these plugs in me my mind always filled in a "pop."

She wiped off the excess lubricant, polished the jewel, then patted my behind. She looked me over carefully. Walking around me rather than having me turn for her. She squatted in front of me.

"Spread , please, Miss."

I did, feeling embarrassed. She took out a small flashlight and shined it on my pussy, then retrieved a small device from her bag. She applied it to my labia and I felt a hot spot. She's just removed a stray hair.

She continued scanning down my legs to my feet then back up the other side. She stood and adjusted her clothes, fluffing her petticoats and smoothing her skirt.

"You're ready, Miss. Go ahead. Take your tablet."

"Thank you, Marcie."

I left the bathroom, picked up the tablet, and walked to the throne room. It was somewhat easier this time. Not wearing the heels reduced the rubbing of my clit and I was able to walk the whole way without stopping. I entered behind the throne and saw my pillow to Winifred's left. A fresh clean pillow. I walked up and we conducted our greeting ritual, then I knelt and resumed my reading from earlier.

With my hair up, my neck was exposed. I felt her stroking the me there. Then moving lower, caressing my shoulders and back.

"Welcome back, Erin."

"Thank you, Mistress."

She lifted her right hand and the discussion which had paused on my entrance continued. I listened without really paying attention. This morning had been unusual and I had no plans to repeat my mistake and, again, be put on the spot to make decisions about others.

I knelt there reading for several hours. Winifred stroking me from time to time. Each time she did I got a twitch, or more, in my pussy. I knew it was the drugs, the training, maybe even the implants doing it to me. But it didn't matter what the cause, it still made me horny.

She dealt with several cases. She generally didn't say a lot, but I'd been kneeling here beside her for a fair amount of time for most of three years. I recognized her tone of voice. And I wasn't required to keep eyes front after the ritual. I'd glanced at her a few times. She was getting annoyed.

I'd gotten up once to stretch my legs. She liked to watch me do that, so I made a show of it. Then returned to my position. She continued to pet me.

A few minutes later she gently pushed my head forward and said, "Ass up, Erin."

I put my tablet aside, bent forward, put my hands on the floor and leaned forward on them. I lowered myself to the floor until my nose touched it. My breasts touched the floor shortly before that. It still surprised me that they were big enough to do that. I raised my ass up in the air as far as I could. And waited.

She said, "Proceed" to the people on the floor. She put a lot of feeling into that one word. She wasn't happy. I was listening now. I didn't have anything else to do. They started talking again. She caressed my ass, touching the plug and running her fingers over my labia from time to time. I felt myself open up to her. My heart rate went up. Was she going to make me come while they were talking? It would certainly not be the first time.

They still have what amounts to television. Though it's a lot more like a mix of Hulu and Wikipedia used to be. Many choices and you can even watch live things when you like. It seems it's all recorded. As you'd expect, there's an entire section devoted to Winifred. And a sub-section about me. Reading about how I was "created" was interesting. Implants. That's electronic ones. My body was a hundred percent genetically modified natural. And training. She went to a lot of trouble to create me.

But the point is that the live part monitors pretty much anything she does in public. So I'm often on as well. People watched me blow the winner of the pardon contest, for example. And they were watching me now with my ass in the air and my nose on the floor. And, of course, her playing with me. Which is why, even though I can't see what she's doing, I still know.

She's dipping her fingers into my pussy, stirring around, getting me panting and more horny, then taking them out and licking them clean. It's an insult to the delegation pleading their case. And it's humiliating to me. And a tasty snack for her. She loves doing multiple things at the same time.

Among the changes made to me were that my flavor would be to her liking. I've tasted myself. There's no rule against it. I taste like cherries. And my diet is strictly controlled so my body doesn't alter that flavor.

So I know what's happening. I can feel my face turning pink from embarrassment. And my juices running down my inner thighs as I get more and more aroused. She runs her fingers up my thighs as well to capture those juices too. My body shudders once. Then a few seconds later again.

"Are you going to come, Erin?"

Everyone shuts up instantly. The standing orders are very clear. If she's talking to me, everyone else will wait. This makes it worse, of course. Not only am I doing all this in in front of all these people present, but also thousands, at least, watching on screens all over the country. And it's recorded so "good scenes" can be exchanged. But...

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Would you like to?"

She asks me that sometimes. I think both to test my truthfulness and to humiliate me more. If I don't tell the plain truth, she'll know. The implants are a damn accurate lie detector. So I carefully answer what she actually asked.

"No, ma'am."

"Oh? You seem to be dripping."

Another shudder goes though me.

"And that really looks like the forerunner of an orgasm."

"Yes, ma'am. I am. And it is."

"But you don't want to come?"

"No Mistress." I'm having trouble speaking now. "It's humiliating to do it in public."

"But you know I love to have you do it in public, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am. I know."

"And you're going to come?" She increases the pressure.

"Yes, mistress.


"Because that's the way you made me."

"Ask me."

The words stick in my throat for a moment. But only a moment. We've played variations of this out so many times. I know what I have to say. And I know that with the remote control she can deny me an orgasm for as long as she likes. She could even leave me edged for hours on end. So there's really nothing else to do.

"Please, Winifred. Please let me come."

And I do. Loudly, but mostly maintaining my position. I know I'm spraying my pillow and the floor behind me. Soaking her hand. The long training pays off. I don't collapse on the floor. I don't really even move much. But I can hear my own scream echoing around the chamber. And, over it all, Winifred chuckling at my display.

"Sit up, dear, and turn around."

I do and she holds her hand out to me. I start lapping it clean.

"I'm finished, ma'am."

"Go get cleaned up and get a fresh pillow."

"Thank you, ma'am."

I rise, collect my tablet and the soaked pillow, and walk out of the throne room. I'm wet down to my knees and a bit on the backs of my ankles. As I exit servants are entering to wash her hands and clean up the floor.