Erotic Party


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The man was incredibly good-looking and totally naked. And when I mean totally, I mean totally. I didn't see a single stitch of clothing on his entire body. He didn't even wear hair to cover himself. His head held shoulder length blond hair, but the area between his legs was shaved clean as if to show off his strongest asset.

And what an asset! I now knew why none of the girls came over to join us from before. They guy had an incredible body! His biceps looked as though they were about to burst, and his smooth chest appeared as hard as a rock. I suspected he worked out about seven nights a week and could probably run a couple of miles before tiring. He was the type of guy every girl dreams about.

The guy was really built, and I don't just mean his muscles either.

Well, that is, except for one muscle; his most important muscle. What I mean is, he looked big. He appeared impressively thick and long. I thought at first it was due to his absence of hair or maybe from my own excited state, but I could see there was more to it than that. His dick looked to extend one-third the way down to his knees.

"Let me introduce you to my friend Stephen," Jenny spoke to me. "And Stephen, this is the birthday girl, Martha, the girl I told you so much about."

"Glad to finally meet your acquaintance," He held out his hand. "I see Jenny didn't exaggerate. You look as beautiful and even more impressive than she described."

I blushed with embarrassment as I took his hand, knowing the hidden meaning behind his words. What he really meant to say was that my tits were surprisingly big, even bigger than what Jenny had described, but then so was he. As I held his hand - his hard, callused, strong hand - I had an impulsive little fantasy where I reached out for his dick instead.

"Glad to meet you too," I almost choked on my own words. It was hard to believe I was shaking hands in the middle of a party with a naked man.

We shook hands for only a second. The next moment I found myself being pulled in close. Our lips came together. He gave me a deep, passionate kiss.

It happened so fast I didn't have time to react. One second he stood before me, and the next second he had his arms around me and our lips were locked together. He kissed me open-mouthed and long, pulling me in close and squeezing our bodies together. Lips touched lips. Flesh touched flesh. My tits smashed up against his chest while at the same time I felt his organ press up against my stomach. He even grinded his hips some, making me feel his organ more distinctly.

"Happy birthday!" He announced when he finally let go. "It feels like I already know you! And maybe later we can get to know each other a lot better."

I was in dreamland. Squeals and moans came from the women around me, but they sounded like a long distance away.

"Wait-to-go Martha," One of them said.

"Looks like you might be a little tired in the morning," Another teased.

I knew what they meant, for I thought the same thing myself. Before this evening was out, this well hung hunk of a man, I knew, was almost certainly going to fuck me. My pulse raced. My breathing labored. I had to take a step back to gather my thoughts, and I almost stumbled over my own feet as I did so. I needed time to thing. Everything was happening too fast.

The circle of women quickly drew in around Stephen once again, leaving me on the outside, not quite believing what I had just witnessed. The guy was just so damned good looking and so big! And not only that, but he was so naked. I couldn't help but think about what it would be like to be fucked by a man with such an enormous dick.

"Wow!" I heard Jenny from a long ways off. "I think he likes you!" She giggled.

I glanced over to see her stand beside me. I slowly came back to reality.

"And did you see that monster dick of his?" She asked next. "Holy shit! What a enormous prick!"

I had seen it all right!

"With a dick like that," She giggled. "I think he could ride you into multiple orgasm!"

I remained too much in awe to laugh along with her.

"Where did you ever find him?" I finally asked after gathering myself together. "You hire him out of some male strip joint or what?"

"Find him?" Jenny asked back. "I didn't find him anywhere! He just showed up at the front door."

"Oh yea?" I knew she was kidding, of course. "A naked man just happened to show up at the front door. A guy with an enormous prick, not wearing anything at all."

Jenny smiled back to me. "It's your birthday!" She said.

"Strange things happen!"

They certainly did.

"Thank you," I finally spoke. "I didn't expect this."

"It's your birthday," She told me again. "You deserve the best, and speaking of the best..." She looked around. "You look as though you could use another drink, but I'm afraid it's not quite ready yet. Why don't you come over here and sit down for a minute."

I followed, thinking about her words and the earlier wine glass. Sitting down next to her on the couch, I happened to notice only three men left in the room. I imagined the rest of them in the bathroom and the back bedrooms, jerking themselves off to images of my topless body.

"I hope you don't have any more surprises," I said. "I don't think I can take any more."

"I don't have anything else planned," She answered. "The rest is up to you..." She paused. "And Stephen."

Jenny looked up as I felt a tap on my shoulders.

"Excuse me, but you left awfully fast," He spoke. "I was going to ask you for a dance."

He stood behind me: Stephen, as naked as before.

"This party needs to liven up a little," He took charge. "Let's everyone dance."

And so we did so. Right where he stood, he started dancing. He swayed and shook to the rock-and-roll music. About a half dozen women quickly gathered in all around him and started to dance too. They acted like his harem, but I noticed Stephen kept his eyes firmly locked on me.

I soon got up and followed. Whatever he said was fine with me, so I started to dance in rhythm to his own moves.

He was a really good dancer, and he looked even better when he danced in the raw. Glancing down, I couldn't help but notice his dick. It bounced all around, shaking and moving with the beat of the music and making him look even bigger than before. He looked almost as though he was a professional dancer, or maybe one of those Chip-and-Dale dancers who shake their bodies up on stage.

He put on quite a show, and I know I did too. I felt my big tits jiggle all around as I too shook my body in rhythm to the music. One way and then to the next, I felt my unsupported tits swivel back and forth counter to the motion of my body. It was inevitable that they jiggled. They were too big not to jiggle.

As I danced, I felt the eyes of all the men upon me, although at this point I no longer cared. I was too much entranced by the performance of Stephen's prick to care about my own. He moved and shook with increased furry as we got further into the song, making his dick go flying off in every direction. I don't think I had ever seen a dick move so much before in my life, and especially such a long one.

The song finally ended, only to be replaced by a slower, more romantic melody. I wanted to sit down to rest, but Stephen quickly took me in his arms and held me close.

I felt him again. He drew me in close and we hugged, and I again felt him on my stomach. I felt, that is, his soft pole press up against the bare skin of my body. Because he was so much taller than me, it touched above my panty. My head only came up to his chest and my cheek rested upon his hard quads. It really felt good. I think it was about eight inches long. His dick, that is, I think it was about eight inches in length. It extended all the way down from my belly button to below the line of my panty. It looked even longer when he shook it all around to the rock-and-roll music, and it was easily the longest dick I had ever seen in person - and maybe even the longest dick I had ever seen in pictures too. Stephen probably had an eight inch prick, and that was when he was still soft. It was hard to imagine what it would look like when full.

That was when I began to feel it harden.

"Oh my!" I said out loud. "Oh my!"

Clearly, I felt it. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I felt it move slightly to the side. It touched my thigh and I felt it was clearly harder than it was only a few moments before.

"Is there something wrong?" He whispered into my ear. "What is it Martha?"

"Oh, nothing!" I choked on my own words. "Nothing at all."

I felt it some more. His dick both hardened and then elongated as it pressed up against me. I felt him growing. I wondered if anyone else noticed it, and then decided I didn't care.

"I have a present to give you later," He spoke to me as one song ended and another began. The next song swayed faster, but we continued to dance close together. "Maybe you can guess what it is?"

It kept hardening and elongating, and then it started to rise too. I felt it push to the outside in the same way that it would otherwise have done in his pants.

He momentarily pulled our bodies apart in order to give it a chance to pop up the rest of the way, and then he quickly squeezed me close again.

"Oh God!" I heard a female voice in the background.

"Holy fuck!" Another cried out.

I realized they had seen it in the brief instant we were apart and Stephen stood exposed. It sounded as though the girls were impressed, and I soon felt why.

It did not take him long after that. As he held us close together and gently pressed his risen pole against me, I felt him rise even more. Soon the guy was almost into my cleavage, or at least that's what it seemed like. I felt his pole as it started near my belly button and extended almost all the way up to my boobs. The thing had to be about a foot long. I couldn't believe a man could be so big. He truly did have a monster.

"What was in that drink contraption you were drinking before?" He whispered into my ear, interrupting one pleasant thought with another.

I felt too embarrassed to answer.

"I mean in the wine glass," He elaborated. "Tell me Martha, what were you drinking? Tell me, really."

I realized he already knew. Jenny must have told him. He only wanted me to say it out loud.

Knowing I was trapped, I answered him truthfully. "It was man juice," I said, feeling both excited and humiliated at the sound of my own words. "It was, you know, male spunk." Immediately, he ground into me. I felt him grind his waist against me, pressing his hard organ more strongly against my body. I think it grew by another inch.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked next. "I mean, did you enjoy drinking the sperm of your male friends? How did it taste?"

I hesitated only slightly before answering. "Delicious!"

He ground his cock into me again. This apparently made him excited, and I suddenly found myself wanting to see his dick again. I could feel it, but I still hadn't seen the thing - at least in its present, elongated state. Then I started to wonder what would happen when the song ended. He didn't have any clothing. 'How is he going to hide it?' I questioned.

About two minutes later I found out. He didn't! He simply pulled himself away and we walked off the makeshift dance floor.

I first saw it in the eyes of the other women in the room. A group of four of them sat around the kitchen table. Their eyes seemed to almost budge out of their skulls as they looked at us walking towards them. They were clearly impressed.

Then I heard it in their voices.

"Look at him!" Linda spoke in shock.

"What a whopper!" Another cried out.

I tried to hold back as long as I could. I don't know why. I guess I simply felt it impolite to look down upon a man's crotch, even if the man happened to already be naked. Or maybe I was afraid at what I might see. By the look of awe on the faces of the girls before me, I could tell he had a monster.

I could hold out for only a few seconds. Curiosity overcame me. I simply had to look. I glanced down to my side, at Stephen standing beside me, and took a look for myself.

He did not disappoint my expectations.

"Holy fuck!" I couldn't help but say out loud. The guy stood hard and erect, pointed up at an angle. And best of all, he was so long! I think he stood 10 inches in length, maybe even up to a full foot. And not only long, but I noticed he was plenty wide too. His cock had a lot of girth. Stephen's cock was about twice as long as any cock I had ever experienced before. He no doubt had the biggest cock I had ever seen, even from pictures I've seen over the net. I couldn't help but imagine it struggling to fit inside my cunt.

"What was that?" Stephen questioned me. "Did you say fuck?

Did you say that you wanted me to fuck you?"

I glanced up at his face, and then I looked down again at his monstrosity. I couldn't keep my eyes off it. His meat was so thick and long! I tried to imagine it buried deep inside me, provided, that is, if it could even fit! If size really did make a difference, then Stephen would be the best fuck in the world.

And then I thought about his words. Yes, I suppose I did want him to fuck me. I thought about Jenny's earlier words about multiple orgasms, and figured if any man could do it Stephen was it.

"Yes," I finally answered his question by nodding my head.

"What was that?" Stephen acted as though he didn't understand.

He knew full well what I said, of course, but I also understood his game. He wanted me to say it out loud, so I took a deep breath and did so.

"I asked if you wanted to fuck me," I spoke without thinking, loud enough for the four girls at the table to hear me. They let out a group sigh at the sound of my question.

"That sounds like an excellent idea," He agreed. "I don't normally accept so willingly, but given it is your birthday..."

The girls let out another sigh. I suppose each of them wanted to ask the same question and receive the same answer.

"Excuse me ladies," Stephen spoke to them. "But Martha here has just asked if I could come back with her to her bedroom and fuck her."

All four remained frozen in place.

"So if you would excuse us," Stephen leaned over and whispered into my ear. "Take me to your bedroom. Lead me by my cock!"

I wasn't sure what he meant at first, or even if I had heard him right. The three women remained sitting, frozen in place. So did I.

"You know how to do it," He instructed. "Grab me by my cock and use it as a handle. Show these women whose boss."

I couldn't believe it. I knew what he wanted, but I simply couldn't believe it. I hesitated for several seconds before I slowly reached out my hand and took him.

"That's the way," He prodded as I took hold of his monster cock. I noticed my fingers did not come close to enclosing him all the way around.

"That's perfect!" He clearly liked it. "Now pull me along like you are leading me."

The room went deathly quite as we walked across the living room floor. No one spoke. I'm not sure when someone shut off the music. A dozen of my friends watched as I led Stephen by his cock, with my hand encased firmly around his huge erection.

"She's taking me to her bedroom," Stephen suddenly stopped and spoke to Jenny just as we were about to pass. "Martha is taking me to her bedroom where she wants me to fuck her. Jenny simply stood dumbfounded and stared.

"We'll be back in about three hours," He spoke as I gave Stephen a yank and was soon walking down the hallway to my bedroom with a 12-inch long male organ trailing close behind.

Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night. It was a good thing a party was going on in the next room and the music was turned up loud. Else they would have heard me scream out with three of the most intense orgasms I've ever received.


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