Erotic Sailing at the Nationals Ch. 01


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There's something about Ted that's having a different effect on me than any other male I've dated and lying alongside him in bed seems to have greatly multiplied that effect. It was like, in our warm, sweaty environment, some sort of pheromone is wafting across to me and stirring up my own hormones.

I actually contemplated sitting on him and fucking him cowgirl style; effectively raping him as he slept. Well, only momentarily. I spent more time pondering the possibility of waking him and asking him for a fuck. After all, he was a male. In the end, I laid on my side and stared at his cock and body as I fingered myself to an orgasm; having to fight a powerful desire to cry out and throw my hips up as I came with surprising speed.

It served the purpose. I managed to get myself back to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, Ted was missing from the bed. I could only hope he'd had a good perve at my breasts before he left the room. Better still if he'd studied my mons and crotch, seeing how little the tiny panties had hidden and maybe noticed the suspicious stains that fingering myself last night might have left. I needed his desires to be as strong as mine as quickly as possible. I wanted him to make the first move.

Putting on a bikini I went downstairs to find Ted, still dressed only in a pair of boardies, with his arm and chest muscles suitably appearing to be almost pumped, talking to Allen, one of my Victorian mates.

After breakfast, we went down the club for another training run.

Our teamwork was getting better and that meant the number of unstable situations was reduced; but half the time my hand was still landing across his cock as I used him to balance myself. And increasingly, I could feel his reaction to it; sometimes getting close to a full boner. Eventually he chose to play the game and I'd sometimes get a groping of my crotch and a hand full of fingers invading my erogenous zones in whatever place they landed; usually accompanied by a grin and a barely meant apology. I sensed he was coming into the zone where me coming onto him might not seem too presumptuous.

The way in which the deal was closed was completely unexpected. Flying down a wave between the heads of Sydney Harbour, we went what sailors call 'down the mine'; which means a massive nose dive and flipping back over front. As the boat instantly stopped we were both thrown forward. Sling-shotted on our trapeze wires, Ted hit the water first, I followed right on top of him; both of us in a tangle of ropes, sheets and lines; but mainly the spinnaker sheet held by him and the mainsheet held by me; both of which were entangling our legs. With lifevests on, getting our heads above water was quick enough. Getting ourselves untangled less so. As we treaded water, pushed against and facing each other, his upper thigh invaded my crotch, and mine his, the constant roll of the waves rubbing him against my clit through the thin leggings and bikini pants I had on.

The moment of forced intimacy was all I needed. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. To my enormous pleasure, he reciprocated. I would have gladly just kept treading water and let him bring me to an orgasm; but it wasn't the best place to make out and the boat needed attention.

We got the boat upright and sorted out and kept sailing for a while; Ted more obviously now participating in the groping game.

By late morning we were ready for a break. We went ashore and lowered the sail to avoid any accidents from changes to wind direction or strength. Normally you go into the clubhouse for some refreshment. Instead, as we secured the boat, I whispered in his ear...

"What about if we go back to the BandB?"

He looked at me, quizzically at first. And then, as if an envelope had been opened and the mail read, he gave a sly grin and he replied...

"Sure. If that's what you'd like."

"I would."

Manly is a beach suburb. I couldn't be bothered making a fuss of changing. I slipped off my wet leggings and rashie down to my bikini, and took his hand...

"It's only three blocks. Why don't we walk and save the parking hassle."

It was lucky he was a fast walker -- or seemed to be. Because I set a cracking pace and it might have looked a bit strange if it looked as though I was dragging him along. I knew no one else would be home because they were all down at the boat park, so it was an empty house when I got the keys from the key lock and entered it.

The minute I closed the door behind me, I wrapped him in my arms and kissed him; gaining some pleasure from feeling his erection grow in his boardies, to the point it eventually poked out of the waistband.

The kiss confirmed something I got a hint of as we kissed while treading water. What is it they say when a kiss has a magical effect...'seeing stars'? If that's the expression, I was seeing whole constellations. I wanted him. I wanted his body. Now. Urgently.

I ripped open the Velcro waistband and fly of his pants and let them drop to the floor, leaving him naked with a towering erection pushed against my stomach.

As he started to play with the bows holding on my bikini top, I led him up the stairs, letting the top fall to the floor half way up. My bikini pants had a firm elastic waistband and wasn't going to fall down my legs, but it had dried as we walked up the hill. When we entered our bedroom I fell backwards onto the bed, still wearing them, and slid up it; outstretched arms indicating he should embrace and take me.

Ted knelt between my legs and peeled the bikini pants down my legs. Looking up, he asked...

"What do you like?"

"I like a lot of things, but right now I want you to use that erection of yours to just fuck me. I may not climax, but it is still what I want."

He looked at me with a somewhat puzzled face, causing me to continue...

"Sometimes I just want sex. Sex of the basest kind. Of a man over me, doing his man thing. We can do a lot of other things afterwards, but that's what I feel like right now."

He screwed his face up as if reluctantly accepting the crazy woman's request and lay on top of me, being careful to support his weight on his knees and elbows. He didn't need any guidance from me. I felt his cock surge through my vulva and find the dark, warm, wet hole awaiting it; fully penetrating it effortlessly.

The sense of him filling me was fantastic. I felt filled like I'd never felt filled before; maybe he was bigger or thicker, but whatever it was, I felt the satisfaction of a yearning I'd had almost since I first shook hands with Ted. Well, partial satisfaction anyway

I grabbed him around the neck as he started thrusting; his body over mine, his manhood deeply penetrating my body with every thrust.

In supporting his own weight, he'd left a gap between his hips and mine and indeed a gap between most parts of our bodies. I had no magic vagina that was going to readily come to his thrusts; but I had a brain overcome with desire for him which would almost cum to the mere knowledge he was in my body and a g spot I knew was sensitive. I lifted and angled my hips; pushing my thighs and pubis into firmer contact with his, at the same time presenting my g spot for stimulation by his thrusting shaft.

I also pulled his upper body down so that his chest rubbed against my nipples with every movement; and since his thrusts were driven by his whole body, not just by a rise and fall of his hips, that was a lot.

My body's response was almost instantaneous. His thrusts were stimulating me; adding to my brain's stimulation and excitement of merely having him make love to me. Without meaning or planning to, I moaned. Moaned in a way Ted couldn't have missed and moaned more as each thrust filled my body with erotic ecstasy.

My breathing got heavier as the moans continued; gaining an almost breathless character, each one building on the one before, as if heading towards a crescendo. For a moment, Ted held me on the edge of coming, but not falling over it; every thrust filling my whole body with pleasure.

Then the release of my orgasm almost overwhelmed me. I cried out as I thrust my hip up at him; grinding it against his. I kept crying as Ted upped his thrust rate, driving my orgasm to a new height until his grunting revealed his own orgasm was not far away.

Ted's grunt became a bellow as he started cumming; plunging his shaft faster and deeper into my body as he maximised the enjoyment of his own orgasm while stirring up and prolonging mine. We were like an out of tune choir as our respective orgasmic noises competed with each other, our bodies writhing and grinding against each other as if we were about to become a single being.

Ted's orgasm died first; finishing with shuddering mini climaxes as he drained his balls into me. Mine prolonged itself further, contracting on Ted's precious erection for some time after he'd been reduced to a panting limp player in our erotic game.

We were still joined by his erection, except he'd rolled me over to have my weight draped over his body, when we heard the front door open. Since the bedroom door was open, we laid there in silence, hoping whoever it was would just grab something and go back to the club. We heard the person on the stairs coming up them; quietly hoping he'd just go into his own room without walking past or looking in ours.

It was James's voice I heard behind me...

"That's a really cute arse Jane; yours always has been. But I haven't seen it presented like that before. By the way, you left a trail to your door. You might want these."

I screwed my head around to look at him, holding up my bikini top and Ted's boardies...

"I'll leave them here at the door for you and leave you get dressed whenever you're finished your business."

James disappeared back down stairs where we could hear him ferreting about in the kitchen. I dismounted Ted, ducked into the bathroom to clean up, taking my bikini pants with me; emerging to find Ted back in his boardies and holding my bikini top for me. With us both as dressed as we'd come here in, I went down stairs to find James.

I wasn't sure what to do; but I suspected asking him not to say anything to the others was pointless.

He gave me an enormous grin of self-satisfaction when he turned to me...

"I thought athletes aren't meant to go around banging each other until their competition is over."

"You're thinking of the Olympics."

"Olympics, Nationals, aren't they all the same."

"That depends on how cute the guy is."

James turned to Ted...

"Well done feller. Every guy in the club wishes and works on bedding this stunningly beautiful young lady. All without success. You've done it in a day."

I cut in...

"We're heading back down the club. I don't suppose you'll let me live it down."

"Probably not. I mean, there might be some sort of sexual bribery that might induce me to decide it's better not to mention it. But I don't think that's your style."

James had made his own play for me some time ago. He was a nice enough guy, but didn't have what I wanted and he knew it...

"No, you're right, that's not my style."

"Oh well. You know what lose tongues sailors have."

"Yea, I do. We'll see you down there."

The fact was, I wasn't that panicked about it. Indeed, getting it out of the way now probably gave us more latitude during the night when the others were home. I'd never pretended to be a virgin, they knew I dated and they knew I was picky. None of them are actually monks either. Displaying my arse to him with an erection up my vagina was probably the worst of it; and I can get over that. I don't doubt it gave James a thrill, even if it was a jealous one.

We had another afternoon training session. Our sailing was definitely getting better and, while the times we lost balance were getting less frequent, the consequences were getting more sexual. Ted was often given an erection -- no doubt helped along by the knowledge our relation was now sexual -- and I often found myself with a finger momentarily as far up my vagina as a thin pair of leggings over a bikini bottom would allow.

Still, it made the sailing far more enjoyable.

After an hour and a half, we went ashore, packed the boat for the night and tossed up whether to go to the bar or go back to the BandB. I put a mini length sundress I'd left in the car over my bikini and Ted put on a shirt to give us access to the bar. But there weren't many others there, so we retreated to the BandB.

Our group was already there, drinking beers in the lounge room. We were greeted as I anticipated we would be; with playful sexual innuendos about our earlier activities and our intentions for the night. The truth was they didn't know half of what I intended.

I lead Ted to a single lounge chair with padded arm rests. Leaving him there for a moment, I went and got us some beers. Brushing the back of my mini dress to have it hang behind me, instead of tucking under my legs, I sat across his lap, my crotch facing away from the rest of the guys; even if that did mean I had to twist around to look at them while talking to them. I put my arm around Ted's neck while he put one around my upper back and the other high on my thigh. And after I repositioned it with my hand, it was very high as high as it could go.

As I'd intended, it meant he could playfully finger me while we sat there; two fingers and a thumb holding his cold beer, two fingers to finger me with. And I quickly had his erection pinned between his stomach and my thigh.

At first it was just a tease; brushing his fingers across where my swollen clit lay under my bikini pants and along my labia. But the gusset of my bikini was pretty narrow. I could feel straight away as he rimmed my labia that some of it already sat outside the leg elastic. So he could easily slip his finger under it for a more direct contact with my clit; a certainly a more arousing contact. Then he digitally penetrated me, rubbing my g spot for a while before returning to tickle up my clit some more.

It was only the momentary stops to let him take another swig of beer, and those required to hide our behaviour as others walked past to get another beer, that was keeping things under control. I suddenly had to decide whether to let him bring me to a climax. Anything like the performance I'd put on earlier in the day wasn't going to be acceptable, but I could already notice my breathing was getting heavier. I just wasn't at all sure I could manage to keep a lid on it.

It was getting too much.

I used my hand to grab his fingers and move them a little further down my thigh, whispering in his ear...

"I was about to cum."

He smiled at me, but otherwise we continued to act and engage with the others as if nothing was happening.

We had dinner and after that moved back into the lounge, settling back down to let him subtly finger me some more, until we decided to retire to our room.

That was not without tribulations.

The ribald suggestions and cat calling were to be expected. "Give her one for me", was perhaps the least offensive. The other problem was Ted's erection. I had to sit more demurely for five minutes to let it go down so he could stand up in front of everyone; although the prospect of what lay ahead can't have helped.

As we entered the room and close the door, Ted peeled off his T shirt, then peeled my dress over my head while I ripped open the Velcro on his boardies to send them back to the floor. Half lifting me, he deposited me flat on the bed, still in my bikini.

Already kneeling bent over me from putting me on the bed, he gave me a quick kiss as he undid the neck tie on my bikini top, then moved down to my breasts, pulling the triangles off them to give them a good licking and sucking; finding encouragement from me as he did so.

Then he moved further down, once again kneeling between my legs as he stripped my bikini bottom off.

I thought he was going to fuck me again, but instead he lowered his head to my crotch, flicking his tongue against my already very swollen and aroused clit. I lifted my hips and moaned in pleasure. It's not many of my boyfriends went down on me; even if they all wanted head for themselves.

I squirmed and quivered with his unrelenting stimulation of my bud; having trouble supressing my desire to express my arousal more vocally. It became more impossible when he put two fingers in my vagina and started fingering my g spot and extended his other arm to tweak my nipple. Now my legs were quivering so much the whole bed seemed like it was shaking.

I was so stimulated, I was expressing profanities even before I came, something I'd never come even close to doing before...

"Oh god...oohh...oohh...god...oh my god...aahhh...aahh...ooohhhh...oooohhhhh..."


"Oh fuck...oh shit...AAAHHHHHH...OOOOHHHHH...AAAHHHH...O GOD


My climax left me out of control; squirming and rolling about as Ted tried to stay in contact with me. Overwhelmed with endorphins, I all but ripped his hair out as I pulled his head up to my face so I could thrust my tongue down his throat, rolling him over as I covered his body with mine and went to town on pashing him; my hand, thighs, breasts and every part of my body determined to make as much contact with his body as I could, all while squirming about on top of him; his erection rolling around under my lower stomach as I did so.

But I knew he was entitled to his turn. Getting my shit together, I sat up and moved down his legs, lifting his erection up to take it into my mouth. I'd only thrust it about half way into my mouth about four times before I felt his hand on the back of my head. For a moment I thought he was going to force it deeper. Instead I felt the slightest pull on my hair, dragging me back up his body.

He almost whispered...

"Can we finish with sex instead? But only if you're happy with that. If you really want to give me head, you can."

God, I've had some terrible experiences giving head to guys. I'll take missionary sex over that any time. With a deliberately comical approach, I threw myself on the bed beside him spreadeagled, offering...

"Come and take me."

He sniggered as he rolled on top of me, once again taking the posture that kept his weight off me. By now our bodies, in the high humidity and warmth of the room, were both a later of sweat. His was dripping on me as he penetrated me. But it simply drove my desires higher. It was fresh sweat, athletic sweat and more than anything the sweat of a rampant male signalling the genetic compatibility of our bodies.

Having found the advantage of lifting and turning my hips last time, I did it again; almost from the first thrust, his erection was raking my g spot, taking over from stimulating me from where my now well worked clit had left off.

Already highly aroused and stimulated I went a bit ballistic; at least for a share house. Let's just say the sex noises were completely over the top. I was going to pay a price for it in the morning, but what he was doing to me was too good to spoil with worries about that.

All the while, Ted just kept thrusting away, constant, deeply penetrating thrusts delivered at a medium slow pace.

I came. Then I'll swear I came again; or at least it felt like it because I've never been in this situation or this aroused before.

I could sense Ted's own arousal was building and around the time of my second climax, he went off with a grunt and a succession of fast thrusts as his cum again filled my vagina.

As he gently lowered himself down and once again rolled over to put me on top, it would be fair to say our bodies were overheated and covered in sweat, both our personal sweat and that of the other. Plus covered in salt, since we hadn't showered after sailing, apart from playing hose games as we washed the boat.