Escape Crew from Dominatrix Island


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"We take dushka down tunnel now. Perhaps I gain trust passing by RTGs," Anastasia said.

The wooden crate had ropes for handles at each end, and it was extremely heavy. Not to mention there were several ammo cans balanced on top of the crate. Anastasia led the way with her flashlight in her other hand, and seemed to take the heavy load with no problem. We set the crate down for a moment at the RTG chamber so Anastasia could turn on the light switch.

"I come here with geiger counter once a year. Check radiation level and make visual cable inspection," Anastasia explained. "Now we go."

In the second tunnel I could smell diesel exhaust and knew McGonnigle was down at the underground dock still working on the engine. I told Anastasia how the hags that I worked for noticed the odor of the exhaust on me and were suspicious. Then I described how low ranking guards had been brought in but never bothered to look around.

"Nichola has told me. Those women are prostii and no one listens to what they say," Anastasia said confidently. "Just same, you must be on guard and do not trust them."

"Are they prisoners here too?" I asked, nearly out of breath from carrying the heavy load.

"There are no prisoners here," Anastasia said with a tone of irritation. We arrived at the underground dock where exhaust smoke hung thick in the air. The boat was still suspended over the water in the hoist and McGonnigle was reaching deep into the engine compartment.

"Good evening, commander," McGonnigle saluted Anastasia. "I got most of the leaks sealed up, and a couple of 'em slowed down, but the stuffin' boxes is still a real problem."

I was thankful to set down the dushka and ammo cans. While Anastasia climbed into the boat to check his progress, I looked over some other work that had been done since the last time I was here.

A stout metal post that used to be mounted behind the front seats had been relocated to the back of the boat. There had been posts like that on the workboat that brought me back to the citadel from the lighthouse. I had thought those were mounts for spotlights but now realized they were places to install machine guns.

At the front of the boat a stubby flagpole had been installed, and hanging from it was a light grey flag with some dark insignia. Curious, I went over to hold up the flag for a better look, and saw that on the grey background was a black crest with the silhouette of a flying bird. It was the same emblem that Loredana and Stanimira wore on their uniform sleeves, and I thought it was a silly detail to waste time with.

I was looking over a long flexible metal antenna, noticing it was connected to a radio of some kind in front of the seat next to the wheel.

"That's the VHF off me cutter," McGonnigle explained, seeing me eye the radio. "Seems the girlies here did quite a salvage operation after I ran aground."

"They're good at that," I replied, but there was no time to explain. We were interrupted by the clanking of door latches at the end of the dock. McGonnigle was startled to see a young woman in black leather come out the door, but it was Nichola, and I told him that she was with us.

"Radio install was my work. There will be other member of mission crew," Anastasia explained. "They will show McGonnigle passage for narrow channel out to safe water, and use radio to set rendezvous." Then she told McGonnigle to show me some valves.

Down under the floor and in front of the engine, he had installed a tangle of hoses and valves. It was some system where the water pump that normally cooled the engine could pull water from the bottom of the boat in case the bilge pump failed or wasn't keeping up.

"I got the feeling this will be a midnight run, mate. Was going to rig up a lamp down there so you could see if we was takin' on water," he explained. Anastasia had rejected the idea and said the boat had to run completely blacked out.

McGonnigle closed the engine hatch, a hole had been cut out over the valves, and Anastasia made me drill at length, reaching down in there to check for water and turning the valves in their specific order only by feel.

There was one other valve handle down there. McGonnigle called it the scuttle valve. Evidently at this rendezvous, after the payload had been transferred off, I was supposed to be the last one off the boat and just before I left I was supposed to open that valve.

"Water will come gushing in like bloody hell. This old girl's making a one way trip and Anastasia says we let her sink to the bottom," he said sadly. Anastasia offered him a cigarette, maybe out of consolation or as thanks for a job well done. Then she had Nichola and I uncrate the dushka and mount it at the back of the boat.

McGonnigle was surprised that we'd be hauling that beast of a machine gun. I guess when Anastasia had told him to relocate the gun mount to the rear, she had told him it was for a spotlight. He was also concerned that Nichola would be vulnerable if someone shot at us, standing upright in the back of the boat.

Anastasia spoke briefly with Nichola, who turned to McGonnigle and just nodded reassuringly. My position would be only slightly better, crouched at the back of the boat, halfway between the gun for passing ammo belts, and the hole cut out in the floor to operate the valves.

McGonnigle asked if there was another patrol boat here that might chase us. Evidently when he was brought back from the lighthouse aboard the workboat, he had been blindfolded just like me. Neither of us knew if the ladies had any other boats, but Anastasia said that the less we knew, the better off we would be.

"It's gonna be a wild ride," McGonnigle said without his usual upbeat tone, and flipped his cigarette butt out into the flooded cavern where it landed in the water with a hiss.

The next morning, like after any long night working on the escape, or mission as Anastasia always called it, I overslept and was awaken by the hags. I could tell that the old one smelled something suspicious, maybe oil from the machine gun, but for some reason she didn't confront me or search my cave.

About halfway through that morning the two hags came out into the pit and ordered me to join them by one of the machines. It was a smaller one and it had never been used so I assumed it was broken.

The old hag started jabbering away in her foreign language, pointless, but then she started to demonstrate how to wind up the weights and pointed at what to lubricate. There was some long rod with weights hanging off it that had to be adjusted in some way. As she was trying to explain that the young hag stepped in and adjusted it differently. The two of them seemed to disagree on how the machine was supposed to be set up.

Their disagreement turned into shouting and then the old hag slapped the young one across the face. The young hag tried to attack with her wooden spoon, but the old hag caught her by the arm and pried the spoon from her grasp. She slapped the young hag once again, then pushed her down on the ground and walked towards the open doorway.

The young hag got up off the ground and ran to the door, but the old hag shouted some angry words at her and slammed the door shut, leaving the young hag with me. She pounded on the metal door and her piercing screams echoed off the walls of the deep pit. Then she sat down next to the door with her back against the wall and began to cry.

Keeping my distance, I went to a spot in the shade where I had placed one of my blankets on the ground, and just lay down to rest.

The young hag continued to sob and I was surprised that I began to feel sorry for her. Maybe it was because I had eaten one of the countermeasures not long ago, I thought I might offer to lick her asshole. That would certainly cheer her up.

Then I wondered if by chance she enjoyed anal sex. I had never done that before, just didn't have any interest, but I still had some of the lotion that I used for masturbating hidden behind one of the machines. It would be perfect for greasing up my cock for the young hag's sexy ass.

I envisioned the young hag bent over in my cave, holding onto the rusty bars for support, with her sack dress pulled up above her waist and her beautiful ass exposed. Dipping two of my fingertips in the lotion, I would lightly finger her tight little asshole and get it properly lubed. She would certainly enjoy being fingered. There was the problem of getting out the lubricant though, because I wasn't supposed to have it. Maybe the young hag would keep quiet about it, for the sake of her pleasure. My cock was firmly erect in my pants.

Then I remembered Anastasia's warning to be cautious with the hags. Perhaps their fight had been staged and I was being set up to see how I would react. Without moving my head very much, I looked up to the rim of the pit to see if anyone was peering over the edge but no one was there. Then the young hag suddenly stood up.

She walked with purpose over to the one corner of the pit that I used for a restroom. I know she had seen the shit pile over there before and I assumed that she had to relieve herself. Of course the hags never provided me with any toilet paper, so I had torn a few scraps of cloth from my blankets and kept them in that corner for wiping. It would be interesting to see if she would figure that out.

The young hag was almost to the corner and was starting to hike up her dress when suddenly she stopped, and it looked like she was staring at something on the wall. As usual, I had masturbated in that corner not long after taking a countermeasure. I know I had shot a load of cum on that wall but surely enough time had passed that it had dripped off and dried up.

Evidently that was not the case because she suddenly ran to the door, screaming. Pounding heavily on the metal door with her fists she shouted for the old hag. When at last the door was opened, the young hag pointed to my restroom corner and gave the old one some screeching story.

The old hag sent the young one inside. I wanted to go over to that corner, maybe rinse any cum off the wall by urinating on it, but the old hag stood watch over me from the open doorway, holding her heavy broom menacingly in one hand. All I could do was lie there on my blanket pretending to be groggily sedated. I could only assume that some guards were on the way, and hopefully Nichola would show up again. She would brush off the old hag for sure.

It seemed like a long time passed but then two guards in black leather showed up, both with a rank of one stripe. Neither one was my kolega, Nichola. As the hags appeared to tell their story to the guards, it seemed as if they could care less and were ready to walk away, but then one of the guards looked at me and took a sudden interest.

As she came out into the pit, strutting confidently in her flat heeled black rubber boots, I recognized her. It was Sorina, a tall blonde who wore her hair in a long ponytail. It seemed like a long time ago when she held a rank of two silver stripes, and would regularly corner me in hallways of the citadel to torment me with another guard that she was supposed to be mentoring.

She had been caught in the act several times and was eventually demoted in a painful and humiliating ceremony in front of the other women. Despite my filthy condition it was obvious that she recognized me, and when she kicked at me with one of her boots my suspicions were confirmed that she held a grudge.

"Teacher's pet," she said in a low snarl. Sorina didn't speak much English, but that was the nickname that she had called me back when I swept and mopped floors, and reported to Loredana. I pretended to be half asleep.

"Kissy kissy," she mocked, stomping one of her boots on the ground just inches from my face. When she held a higher rank, she often carried a riding crop or small leather paddle, but it looked like she had lost that privilege.

When I didn't move she called the young hag over, and snatched the long wooden spoon from her hand. Placing her boot once again near my face, she poked me in the side of the head with the wooden spoon.

"Kissy kissy!" she ordered. I didn't like where things were going, but felt it was best to obey her, so I slowly rolled over onto my hands and knees and began to kiss the rounded toe of her rubber boot.

The young hag stood nearby, perhaps watching with curiosity, but then Sorina firmly pushed her away. Presenting me with her other boot to kiss, Sorina called the second guard over. They spoke quietly. I recognized Loredana's name in their conversation, and Sorina said teacher's pet a few times with a condescending tone.

At one point the second guard, with some hesitation, reached into a pocket of her jacket and gave Sorina a pair of handcuffs. Sorina quickly snapped a cuff on one of my wrists and dragged me over towards the closest machine where she fastened the other cuff around a metal bracket.

During the earlier conversation the hags had with the guards, the young one had pointed to my restroom corner, and Sorina walked over there to investigate. Disgusting as that corner was, she squatted down and poked at the wall with the wooden spoon. I suppose that some of my cum was still visible there.

To my surprise she then started to probe through the shit pile with the wooden spoon, calling out when she apparently found something. She summoned her companion as she fished something out of my waste. I recognized the word trabuc, and knew that was what the ladies called cigars. It seems she had found the cigar butts left over from when Anastasia had celebrated her promotion with me.

The other guard joined Sorina and inspected my restroom area. The hags were excited that someone had listened to them and I'd been busted. Sorina walked over to me, brandishing the long wooden spoon, while her companion went over to search my sleeping cave.

Walking behind me, Sorina roughly pulled down my pants and began to swat my bare ass with the filthy wooden spoon. I squirmed around way too much, but what really gave it away that I wasn't sedated as expected, was that when Sorina walked around in front of me she saw that my penis was firmly erect. I hadn't gone soft since fantasizing about the young hag.

"Hah!" she scoffed, pointing the wooden spoon at my penis, and then started laughing. Sorina held the thumb and index finger of one hand only a few inches apart and started saying something in a high pitched voice, evidently mocking my penis.

I'll admit that I would never be hired as a porn star, but my modest endowment was larger than what Sorina indicated, and no women had ever told me I was too small. I was surprised at how hurt that made me feel.

Sorina was cursing me some more, calling me teacher's pet, and then suddenly pulled back one of her boots as if ready to kick me in the crotch. Thankfully she was stopped by the other guard who had returned from checking my cave.

They spoke quietly, even though they knew I didn't understand their language. I heard them mention the name Loredana. Then they seemed to argue for a short while, Sorina eventually giving in and she walked off. Tossing the wooden spoon down on the ground, she left through the doorway while the other guard stood watch and had no interest in tormenting me.

The young hag ran over to her wooden spoon and picked it up, seemingly thankful to have it back. While we waited for who knows what, I pulled up my pants, and was thankful that at least my erection was starting to get soft.

You know how it is after a traffic accident or maybe a crime is reported, and way more cops show up at the scene than what you think is necessary? It was sort of like that down in the pit later on. A bunch of the lady guards all dressed in black leather, mostly standing around smoking and chatting. All had a rank of one stripe with the exception of a shorter woman with dark hair who had two silver stripes on her sleeve.

I recognized her as being the one who had been studying a text book while guarding me in the dungeon after I was brought back from the lighthouse. She seemed to be in charge and had a few other women stand by me, and thankfully they kept Sorina at a distance. The woman in charge also had someone reluctantly pick the cigar butts off the ground in my restroom corner, and wipe a sample of my cum off the wall.

Nichola was among the group. She only spoke briefly with a few women and slowly wandered around, perhaps seeing how intensely my area was being checked. We dared to make eye contact for only a few seconds and she gave me a concerned look. I was grateful that at least for now they hadn't thought to check in the narrow gap between the machines and the wall where I hid wrapping paper, twine, and of course the masturbation lube.

The ladies probably welcomed this diversion in whatever their daily routines were, and I was hopeful they would leave shortly, maybe the hags getting some satisfaction, but in the end nothing would be done.

My hopes were soon over though when another lady walked into the pit, wearing a silver jacket with one black stripe on her sleeve and a large old walkie-talkie on her belt. She spoke with the lady in black leather that was in charge, and pointed out the samples they had collected. After getting a brief tour of the pit and looking me over, she took the radio off her belt and called in a report. I recognized Loredana's voice through the crackling static. As McGonnigle would say, my situation had gone tits-up.

I was blindfolded and led back up the long paths to the citadel. There I was taken to the medical infirmary where the guards removed my handcuffs and blindfold. The medical equipment looked old but I assumed that everything worked.

The medic lady motioned for me to stand on a scale, the kind with the sliding weights. I knew I had lost weight since being on the island, but the scale was metric so I had no idea how many pounds I had lost.

Then the medic lady handed me a stainless steel cup, and had me hold it down by my crotch. I assumed she wanted a urine sample. The elite guard with the silver jacket stood blocking the doorway, a few more ladies were outside the door while three others kept watch over me in the infirmary. One of them started laughing quietly.

I pulled my penis out of my dirty trousers and despite being uncomfortable having so many women standing around watching, I was able to provide a good sample. After that, the medic drew some of my blood.

They roughly stripped my clothes off of me, and I was escorted naked across the hallway to a bathroom. Next to the shower stall were dishes of what looked like homemade soaps and shampoos. There were some big natural sponges, perhaps collected from the waters around the island, and there were also some thick bath towels.

It had been a long time since I'd had the chance to bathe, and even though I suspected I was in trouble, I wanted to at least live in this moment and enjoy myself. The guards kept the bathroom door open and stood outside, but they just chatted and smoked cigarettes, not paying attention to me.

The water that swirled down the drain was dark as I washed and rinsed the dirt and grime off my body. A comb had also been provided and after shampooing my long and tangled hair I took my time to get out all the knots in it under the hot water of the shower.

Then I thought that with the room now filled with steam, and the guards willing to let me take my time, I would get a handful of the creamy shampoo and masturbate. Just the thought of stealthily jerking off while the ladies stood outside the open door made me excited.

My hand glided easily up and down my firmly erect cock. Having been around the hags for what seemed like a long time, I realized that I was aroused to be in the company of so many beautiful guards. All of these women were attractive, and their black leather fit snugly, more of a fetish outfit than a military uniform. I never really had any sexual fetishes before becoming stranded on this island and perhaps the ladies were influencing me in some way. Although they dressed alike they all wore their hair differently, expressing their own individual styles.