Escape from Hyrulla Ch. 03


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Without warning, Fannoth yanked his cock out of her, which painfully tore at her esophagus but she was nevertheless grateful to finally inhale, and finished unleashing his batch of jizz onto her torso. She could feel the tingling burn of the acidic semen all over her neck, and her gigantic, shuddering bosoms was covered with his foul ooze. He slid his extended cock down her lips so she could taste the abhorrent cum that was dripping off his long, throbbing shaft.

Krong was still holding her wrists while slowly pushing his cock in and out of her tight cunt. He let go of her arms and rubbed his dick, now enveloped with his jism, on the hairs of her pussy. Her groin involuntarily twitched as the muddy, bitter fluid drizzled onto the delicate folds of her twat.


* This ends the section of sadomasochism, cruelty, and humiliation.


Xanxaa coughed a few times and gasped for air, which made the two Gaorks chuckle. "You are far more sturdy than I assumed, Hryullian," Fannoth sneered with incredulity. "Others of your species have not lasted as long as you." She looked up at him without betraying the revulsion of imagining how many other Hryullian females had suffered their abuse.

Krong nodded in agreement, "But you have helped us find a solution that will work for both of us. So congratulations on your achievement." Xanxaa sat up, her face and torso covered with stinging, grey cum, streaming down her sides and dripping off of her humongous, round tits.

She knew they had already agreed on their price and that she did nothing to find a solution, other than endure their assault so that the final pact could be accepted by everyone. "I was glad to be of help," she murmured with exhaustion.

"If you ever need anything," Fannoth said as he stroked her red hair, speckled with his cum, and sliding his cock against her cheek, "please come see me. I would love to engage in further trade with you." His devious smile was full of lust and eagerness, which he did not bother trying to conceal.

Xanxaa was too good of a diplomat to reveal her disgust for the reptilian beasts who had tormented her body mercilessly. She straightened her naked body as she sat on the edge of the platform, without wiping off the sticky pools of cum that were congealing on her smooth skin in defiance of their attempted humiliation. "Thank you," were the only words she could manage to breathlessly mutter.


His office was located on the top floor of a building close to the center of the capital. Every wall consisted of pure windows that showed an unobstructed view of the city below. The extravagant solid wood desk was situated in one corner away from the couches and potted plants that were scattered nearby to entertain guests. He barely bothered to take in the view when he was working, but today he felt the urge to stand in front of one window watching small flying vehicles rush by while scores of naked Hryullians walked down the streets of his city. He thought of himself as the one who made it possible for them to exist on his streets, as though sheer chaos would result if he were not controlling the law enforcement arm of the government.

When the elevator opened on the other side of the vast room, he didn't even bother to turn around. He already knew who it was coming to see him, because he was the one who told him to come. "Please sit down," he said watching the lights of the city start to shine as the sun began setting on the distant horizon. Xerig picked a random couch and sat himself down on the middle cushion. Xroqx didn't bother facing him as his gruff voice filled the air. "I just wanted to thank you. You were correct. Using a specific alien face was extremely helpful in making my point."

"I thought it would," Xerig boasted, but then regretted being too presumptuous.

Xroqz turned around and gave Xerig a menacing look, but his face relaxed into a grin that was still not very comforting. "Xygg tells me that my latest poll numbers have gone up a couple of percentage points." Xroqz activated a holographic document showing a graph with a line going up, representing his approval rating. Xygg was the Assistant Aribiter and the most trusted of Xroqz's small circle of subordinates, so Xerig breathed a little easier.

Walking from the window to a small cabinet, Xroqx pulled out a bottle of bluish liquid and poured it into two glasses. He carried the glasses to Xerig and handed him one, but with a gaze that was appreciative yet intimidating.

Xerig had been working for the Xroqx campaign for almost two years and had climbed his way up through the hierarchy through his canny advertising and ability to find just the right phrasing for the messaging of the campaign. He was thrilled to be part of Xroqx's inner circle and he swore to himself he would do anything to stay there.

"You are a true asset to this campaign, and you have served this organization well," Xroqx lifted his glass, and Xerig immediately mirrored him. "Thank you for your efforts." The two of them sipped the semi-sweet liqueur that melted across their tongues.

Xerig hoped he would be able to celebrate this way again and again, and perhaps there would be prestigious place for him in a presidential administration should Xroqx succeed. Xerig was mulling over whether he wanted to lead the planetary defense department, with all of its power, or the office for planetary finances, which was long rumored to be a very lucrative position. Xerig finished his sip and then grinned, "I'm glad I could help."


"You're not going anywhere," Xanxaa scolded Adam, who was pacing the street like a caged animal ready to pounce.

"Yes I am," he countered. "I'm going to rip their fucking faces off."

Two hours earlier, Xanxaa had escorted the two Graoks back to the main conference room where the final treaty was approved and signed. Bottles of Hryullian wine were passed around the gathering, and group after group stood up and praised all the efforts of the Hryullian diplomats tirelessly to find a solution for everyone. Xanxaa tried not to notice the knowing glance between the two Graoks. When her supervisor pushed his erection inside her, he telepathically gushed with compliments over Xanxaa saving the deal, but Xanxaa knew he could sense that she was withholding her experience with the Graoks and she could feel his mounting concern over what happened to her despite her assurances all was well. Adam had tried to congratulate her at the ceremony, but she made herself too busy with other diplomats to allow him to penetrate her at that moment because she knew what his reaction would be.

And she was correct. The two of them had planned to go to downtown restaurant to celebrate the agreement and her role. But when Xanxaa and Adam entered their cruiser, she uneasily lay down on the seat and wrapped her legs around him as he positioned himself on all fours above her and gently slid his cock inside her.

XanxaAdam saw every second of her experience with the Graoks and the cruelty she endured, and XanxaAdam could feel his extreme fury. XanxaAdam tried to assure him that what they did to her was ultimately futile and trivial to her, compared with what was accomplished, but the manipulation and viciousness of their treatment of her was, to him, unforgivable. XanxaAdam appreciated his protectiveness and XanxaAdam adored her willingness to sacrifice for others but remained furious at the monsters who treated her so brutally.

They gave each other a long, tender kiss as the cruiser eased out of the sky and landed. The cruiser had parked a block away from the restaurant, and Adam was still walking around the street trying to figure out the quickest path to the Graokian Embassy and what he should bring to pummel the two vile fiends staying there into bloody corpses. Xanxaa did not want him to go out in public until he had calmed down, but Adam was far less interested in food and more interested in battering the two Graoks.

Finally, Xanxaa pinned Adam against the wall and kissed him as she rubbed her massive tits against his body and wrapped her fingers around his cock. He became fully erect quickly and she rubbed his tip around her wet pussy before pressing her groin against his.

XanxaAdam felt his rage and felt her calm. Despite what happened to her, XanxaAdam was glad it happened no matter how furious XanxaAdam was at the occurrence. XanxaAdam knew of the million lives who were better off with the treaty, and his anger began to subside. Although XanxaAdam did not want the infamy of being singled out, XanxaAdam knew the responsibility he felt to represent the immigrants of Hryulla and that someone needed to undo the hatred being spread. XanxaAdam adoration of him was boundless and she loved his willingness to be serene in the face of such animosity.

XanxaAdam gripped her ass so he could shove his cock deeper inside her, XanxaAdam felt an orgasm blaze within her body, and her voluptuous body jerked with pleasure. He relentlessly continued thrusting his dick into the tight walls of her soaking wet vagina, and he could feel her clenching herself around his throbbing shaft. XanxaAdam leaned in and kissed her neck, and she threw her head back to welcome his tongue, while jism began to fill his cock. With a few more plunges, cum erupted inside her and they both gasped with carnal satisfaction.

Their bodies slowed down as their lips found each other. They caressed each other's tongues, and their fingers explored each other's torsos. After a few minutes of journeying around each other's lips and allowing their sexual excitement to subside, they pulled themselves apart and prepared themselves so they could have a pleasant evening out with each other.

The two of them crossed the street toward the bistro when two naked, attractive young girls wearing only small boots, around college-age Adam assumed, approached him. They had ribbons embedded in their long, dark hair and large, supple tits that bounced enthusiastically as they walked toward him. "Are you Adam, from the news reports?" Adam hesitated before nodding and the girls' smiles spread even wider. "We just want you to know that what Xroqx is doing is outrageous."

"We need to welcome off-worlders," the other one spoke. "I'm sorry for what that xrgonian is saying about you," referencing the Hryullian version of a troglodyte.

"Thank you," he replied warmly. "I appreciate the support."

The two girls got down on their knees in front of Adam and both began running their tongues around his cock. Xanxaa grinned at their eagerness to make her mate feel welcome and accepted. One of the girls wrapped her lips around his shaft while the other girl bent down to put both his hairy balls into her mouth and run her tongue around his wrinkled sack. Although Adam had just cummed, he could feel his groin become aroused at their erotic skills. He could feel more jism building inside him as the young girls fervently used their mouths to stimulate him.

He moaned with sexual gratification as cum shot into one of the girl's throats. She removed her lips to savor his taste, and the other girl clasped her mouth over his cock just in time for him to send several spurts of cum into her as well. Adam could tell by their hums of delight that they were surprised how different and delectable his cum tasted. He clenched his dick as the two girls switched again, and he unleashed a sizable load of jism when the young lady's lips were firmly fastened on his pulsating cock.

He was nearly finished unleashing all of his cum, when a group of about seven male Hryullians walking down the street saw what was happening. Their faces instantly twisted into anger and they ran up to Adam, Xanxaa, and the two girls who continued gulping down his jism. "Get away from them, you bastard!"

The men surrounded Adam, screaming "You think you can rape our women?" and "Stop molesting our girls!" The chants of their hatred blended into each other, and it was hard for Adam to understand exactly what they were saying, but their intimidation was unmistakable.

The two girls got up as soon as the men surrounded them, unsure what to do, and a couple of men pulled them away.

"I don't want any trouble," Adam looked staunchly at the group. "I'm just going to a restaurant with my mate..."

"You can't mate with Hryullians, off-worlder!" Again their shouts melded into dissonance of rage. "Our women are not for you to fuck!" "Go back to your own planet! We don't want you here!" The two girls were yelling at the men from behind, but their voices were nowhere near as loud as the group of men.

One man shoved Adam on the shoulder, "Get out of here!" Adam put his arm in front of Xanxaa to protect her as she roared at the men to leave them alone. Another man shoved Adam on his other shoulder, but he kept his arms down in front of Xanxaa and kept his feet firmly planted on the ground. He thought about using his rings to defend himself, but starting an exchange of weaponry would undoubtedly get someone injured or killed. He had spent a lot of time on Earth learning karate for self-defense, and he hoped he wouldn't have to resort to physical violence. Glancing out of the corners of his eyes, he tried to find an escape route but could not see one at the moment.

Other Hryullians had heard the fight and were rushing towards the scene. Some were yelling to leave Adam alone, others were screaming slurs and epithets at Adam.

Another man tried to grab Adam by the throat, but Adam shoved his arm away with his forearm. Yet another man reached toward Adam's body, and Adam twisted his arm and pulled him to the side, crashing him into two other men. When someone else lunged at him with his fists, Adam rammed his heel into his abdomen, which sent him and another man down to the ground. Someone else tried to punch Adam in his face, but Adam swiped his arm aside and crashed his own fist into the man's jaw. His head twisted at an odd angle with a sickening crack, but Adam was already blocking punches from someone else.

Over a dozen people had joined the brawl at that point, screaming pro-immigrant and anti-immigrant insults at each other. Adam pushed one man aside as Xanxaa grabbed his hand and the two of them ran out of the crowd. He turned around and saw several people lying on the ground limp and unconscious. Distant sirens of Hryullian law enforcement could be heard by the time Adam and Xanxaa jumped into their cruiser and sped away. Adam wrapped his arms around Xanxaa as she leaned her head against his chest, and neither of their heartbeats slowed down long after the ship had sped through the sky in no particular direction.

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bobrobertsonbobrobertsonabout 2 years agoAuthor

Yes, I'm continuing it. I had some computer trouble that required me to send my laptop away for repairs. But it's back and so are my updates. Glad you are enjoying the series!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This excellent sci-fi series needs to be continued. Hopefully, the author will do that, because the story has an exciting plot to go with great characters and marvelous love scenes. Five stars.

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