Eternally Bound Pt. 03


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Mom's arms cradled my head as age-old impulses overcame us.

"Slow, go slow Chris," insisted Shannon.

I rolled the nipple across and over my tongue, tenderly biting down on it. Mother slowly wriggled under my gentle feast. "This is where you once fed from," Shannon continued.

Mom's back bowed and her chest heaved in glorious rapture, rekindled by the sweet memory. I was now being given a much more meaningful form of nourishment: The gift of true love.

I whimpered as Mom lovingly caressed my hair.

"Think back to all those hot days at the pool, staring at your mother's meaty tits."

I looked up to see Mom lolling her head side-to-side with her eyes clenched shut, reveling in the emotional and physical euphoria of incestuous ecstasy.

The flames of lust seized me as I licked the underside of Mom's full-sized breast. Her arms stretched up, luxuriating in the affection... I wondered whether any other man or woman had ever done this to her, showing her this much eagerness or desire. My mouth continued its feast, flattening my tongue upon her stomach and glazing it with a moist path of saliva. Kissing downward to her lower stomach, I wanted to show Mother my appreciation for where I was created... to pay homage to the very reason for my existence.

"You came from there," Shannon mumbled, as if reading my thoughts. I took Mom's right thigh in my clutches, easing it sideways. The cool air bathed Mother's groin, triggering a jolt of excitement throughout her body. As my mouth reached the crest of her pubic hair, I swept my nose through the curls, inhaling the rich scent of her womanhood that I so adored. I glanced up to see Mom's fists clinging to the sheets in anticipation.

Beth spread her legs farther apart as I slid down to see her dripping pussy. A long moan came from her as I traced its outline with my tongue, treasuring the flavor of my origins. I simply couldn't believe I was doing this.

"God, no fear or hesitation," Shannon added. "Just the way it should be."

I saw no traces of guilt or fear on my mother's face as I crept forward, sealing my mouth to her sacred vagina. Her entire body seized up, as I'm sure the warmth of my mouth tickled her sensitive vulva.

"Oh my fucking gawd!" screamed Mom at the top of her lungs, squeezing my face between her smooth, golden thighs.

"Feel it Beth!" shouted Shannon. "See? You see what it means?"

I watched Mom's face clenching and contorting, like she had just been plugged into a million volts of sinful bliss. Her body nearly leapt from the mattress. This was fucking unbelievable.

"Hooooo," gasped Mom, collapsing back upon the bed before lifting back up again.

Shannon stifled Mom's mouth with hers, muffling the wails and screams with a kiss. Her hand grasped Mom's aggressively, matching her strength with hell's hottest fury.

I entered Mom with my tongue, beginning a timeless voyage, swirling through the outer folds of her pussy. I hoped that Mom thought I was doing well, but I concentrated solely on her pleasure and cast all doubts aside. This was native soil for me, and I was going to let her know just how much I loved her.

Shannon and Mom's kiss broke off as Mom violently gasped for air. Our gaze met as I saw the animalistic lust burning behind those eyes. All of her muscles tensed as she held her breath. Her left hand hovered over my face so softly, like holding onto a ledge before falling into the lake of forbidden fire.

"Now, Beth. Now!" said Shannon as they both looked down at me.

I couldn't believe the sheer power and strength my mother was exerting. I had never seen my mother act like this in my entire life. It captivated but frightened me at the same time. I was beside myself, swabbing and tasting my mother's pussy like a wild lunatic. I totally zoned in on her and what was at stake. My senses were overloaded by our harmonious coupling. It was so fucking sexy... so hot... and so erotically wrong, and I loved every moment of it.

Shannon propped Mom up, holding her sweaty head in her lap as if she were a midwife to a mother giving birth. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Shannon coached my mother through the fires of blistering rapture. I saw her whispering into Mom's ear countless times, wondering what she could be possibly saying. Mom clutched the sides of my head, tugging and pulling my hair in desperation, bellowing out in disbelief for all to hear. I loved how Mom had lost all semblance of control. All she could do was thrash up and down, sideways and crossways, endlessly crying out incoherent gasps and cries of taboo ecstasy. She grasped my right hand, squeezing it for dear life as the long-awaited allure of orgasm began its fateful march across her ravaged flesh. I held true, battering the underside of her clit with my lips and tongue.

Beth growled in primal hope, never letting go as she watched the child she bore catapult her body and soul into the loving abyss of total paradise. The brute force of her orgasm brought it all full circle: I was going to be my mother's lifelong lover.


On our return to Bloomington, two months remained before the end of the semester and my time at IU. I immediately started packing my things up at home in anticipation for the move back to Mom's house. But, of course, there are always unforeseen difficulties in even the best laid plans.

"I'd like extra cream please," said the sultry black girl as I finished making her latte.

Inside I fought the unexpected surge of erotic thoughts, wondering how hot it would be to bed this voluptuous dark-skinned beauty before my eyes.

"What if I want to bang that sexy-ass black babe?" I wondered to myself.

Was I absolutely sure I wanted to go through with all the plans I was making? To lead my mother down the path of lifelong commitment, only to seek greener pastures later? Was it so terrible to want the taste of another babe like this coffee shop siren? But here I was, back at school and work and now I'm eyeing another woman. I swear, women have to know when you're in love because now they were all paying attention to me. I felt like I had betrayed everything I had fought so hard for. That night I couldn't even bring myself to call Mom for our nightly chat before going to bed.

I tossed and turned most of the night until finally around 4a.m. it hit me that no other woman could ever come close to my mother's love. As the age-old proverb says, "A mother's love is a man's first."

The next morning I woke Mom up with a phone call to apologize for not being around the previous evening. I admitted to wondering about sleeping with the beautiful girl from work, and I couldn't believe Mom's amazing reaction.

"Honey, you are a gorgeous, sexy, 20-year-old virile stud. Any woman in her right mind would be lucky to share her bed with a dreamboat like you. Don't beat yourself up. I know you'll always be mine no matter what."

I basked in the confidence she had in me and the strengthening foundation of our relationship. Mom echoed what I thought the night before: "No other girl could ever compete with the love of a mother."

That simple flirting with the black babe brought my romance with Mother into greater focus as I finished up the semester and completed all the paperwork for my transfer to San Diego State. Shannon and I continued our late-night trysts and she introduced me to some remarkable roleplay. One scenario had me as her father, and I had to admit the role reversals were very captivating. A deeper awareness surfaced within us both as Shannon's vulnerability emerged and she stepped out of the mentor role she usually played. The sex was somehow more intense. Her vocals, her body language, everything she exuded took on an entirely new dimension. Each of us would alternate playing the aggressor and the submissive each time we made love, coming up with more than a dozen unique scenarios of mostly incestuous adventures.


"Have you ever hired a provider?" asked Shannon as we sat in her apartment one day.

"What's a provider?"

"Prostitute, call girl, hooker."

"Never," I replied.

"I kind of figured," she answered. "Whenever you hook up with a provider, you have to go through a process of verifying who you are. There's a group that I want you and your mother to join, and it has a similar method for verification. I belong to it, and I think you both would love being members."

"But what kind of group is it?" I asked. "And verifying us for what?"

Shannon described a vast network of people who lived in committed, incestuous relationships around the world. I immediately sat up, intrigued by its top-secret existence. Its purpose was to offer support and encouragement for people who lived in their chosen, yet forbidden lifestyle.

Shannon said that there were a half a dozen similar groups around the world, but that this group was the largest and had the most resources. Its membership included over two hundred thousand people, and members came from all walks of life. And, just like the masons or sororities, they have their own private community.

"Every year we do a group event like a cruise or a getaway. But the cool part is that we support each other through the transition into an incestuous relationship," she explained. "We all know the struggle and help each other with weddings, legal stuff or whatever we need."

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I asked accusingly.

"I couldn't say anything until I was absolutely sure you and Beth were serious about this."

I reminded Shannon that I had asked if there were others like Mom and I in our early meetings. God, that affirmation really would have helped at the time!

"One of our goals is protecting ourselves," she answered. "If our group ever became public, we'd be shut down in a heartbeat. None of us talk openly about it to people we meet for the first time. It's only after we are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone would even be considered."

Considering the social and mental barriers I had to cross before this all became real for me, I understood what Shannon was saying and dropped any momentary resentment I had felt toward her.

"We have a very strict verification process, and new members need a sponsor or referral from an existing member. In this case, I would be you and your mother's sponsor."

"How long has this group been around?"

"Over 200 years," Shannon answered. "The group that I'm part of was created during the American Revolution, but the first network began operating in France during the Age of Enlightenment. You would be shocked at the well-known people who belong: Celebrities, politicians, and so on."

Shannon continued, "We'll start by having you and your mother call in to Lexi, our coordinator for new members. She'll walk you through everything."

Lexi had Mom and I on a lengthy conference call as we answered all sorts of questions about our relationship and how we came to be a couple. The questions then turned to our plans and hopes for the future as she asked if we had thought of a wedding or ceremony at some point.

"Yes," I blurted out.

"And Mrs. Monroe, do you also wish to marry Chris?"

"Absolutely," Mom answered.

The tone in Mom's voice was one I knew well: Serious and assured.

"I can't tell you how many couples that question always stumps," commented Lexi. "It's like it all hits you at once."

"Exactly," Mom added. I could tell she was sniffling back the tears. "So real."

"But so amazing," Lexi continued. "You both should be very proud of how far you have come. Shannon has said so many great things about the both of you and we are so honored to have the two of you in our community."

That seemed to put everyone at ease. After a few more questions and small talk, Lexi dropped another whopper:

"Have the both of you discussed having children at some point?"

Silence. Luckily, Lexi helped ease our fears about the subject.

"And please don't think you have to decide just yet," she added. "We just ask in case we can help down the road."

"It's okay," Mom jumped in. "But we have, yes."

"Yeah," I added.

"Excellent," Lexi stated. "So just so know, we do offer family planning services at your discretion."

"Can I ask something totally dumb?" I said, summoning my courage. "I've heard kids born from relatives are-"

"Mutated with six fingers?" Lexi interrupted with a laugh.

"All urban myth," she explained. "In fact, no child born in our community has had any mental or physical abnormalities. Many of our members even work in the medical community and are always happy to discuss your concerns at any time free of charge. That's part of the many perks of being in our community: Everything you receive is already paid for. Over the years we've had a lot of wealthy members pool their funds to provide legal, medical or financial services. Our benefactors realized how challenging it was to get even the most basic of services without enduring ridicule and scorn. So if you want to buy a home together one day, or have a child, we are here to help."

"That's amazing that someone believed in the cause enough to put their money behind it," Mom remarked.

Lexi confirmed Shannon's sponsorship and confirmed that our interview with premarital services would be in two weeks. Everything was casual, and Lexi didn't put any pressure on either of us, but we both felt so vindicated after the call. We weren't alone. There was an entire network of adults like Mom and I; fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, aunts and nieces, and more.


The spring semester finally came to an end. We had all of my belongings shipped back to San Diego a day before I left, so I was left with only college keepsakes and furniture on my last day in Bloomington. While I was never one to look back, I did take about an hour to walk through the IU campus to reflect on my life-changing decision. I had decided to head home by train to take in the beautiful country, as well as to ponder just what this relationship was about to become. I had two four-day stopovers, in Colorado and Utah, for some hikes throughout the national parks. The side excursions helped put me at peace with all the untold wonders that awaited me in San Diego. At times during my hikes and campouts amidst the magnificent scenery I would think to myself how much more special these moments would be with my mother at my side. I promised myself that I would bring her back to these beautiful places as my wife, and possibly as mother to our children.

When I finally arrived home, Mom opened the door with wet hair and a longing expression on her lovely face. Having just been at the pool, she had a white kimono wrapped about her, exposing a tantalizing glimpse of her black bikini top. She looked as stunning as she always did at the pool. Mom welcomed me with a long embrace at the door and we held on to each other in the foyer for several minutes, silent but aware that this was the dawn of a new day for us both.

"I love you, son," whispered Mother.

"I love you more," I replied, leaning back to see tears rolling down her face.

"It's real isn't it?"

I could only nod yes as I wiped away the tears with my thumbs. We gazed into each other's eyes and I leaned forward as our lips meshed together. Her lips were moist, warm and yielding. They parted slightly as I suckled on her upper lip, relenting only when her agile tongue pushed against them, seeking entry into my mouth. I eagerly obliged as her tongue dove in, coiling around mine. Mother moaned into my mouth.

I matched her intensity with my own as I shoved Mom back against the foyer wall. I tore Mother's top off in a fury of haste and lust as we fell to the marble floor. Ablaze with the fires of our time apart and our forbidden romance, I reminded myself that this was my beautiful mother I was kissing, and I wanted nothing more than to show her just how much I appreciated her.

Mom tore off my boxers as I fell atop of her. Within seconds my pulsating cock was welcomed home by the familiar heat of my mother once again. I licked along her jawline, savoring an earlobe. I sucked lightly on her throat like a hungry vampire as my hypersensitive cock sawed in and out of my great love. My lips dragged along her clavicle, grazing my tongue along the line of her cleavage. I pressed my face against her right breast and then her left, inhaling deeply both times-the familiar scent of my blessed mother.

I reveled in the cradle of my birth. The instinctual, familiar heat of her pussy welcomed and controlled me as only a mother could. Within moments, my lover's womb received the sweet reward of her son's semen one more time.


A surreal awareness swept over me. Nothing else mattered. My entire world was my mother, and here she was in front of me, guiding me to paradise. Turning around, Mom arched her back slightly, looking back at me over her shoulder with a look I'll never forget. Longing, salaciousness, greed.

My eyes glanced down to the rounded slopes of her ass cheeks, cloaked in the sheer silver material that shimmered under the multicolored dance floor lights. I drank in the long sweeping flare of those glorious hips, commanding myself to worship those curves later when we were alone.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Still a Beautiful story!!

I didn't think i would like Shannon being so personally and closely involved with Beth's and Christopher's union. I'm glad i was WRong. Because of Shannon's personal history, i think she has earned a place in mother's and son's life if they are all 3 in agreement. The author continues with a beautiful, sweet, loving (as well as Hot) tale. Some commenters have said this chapter isn't as good as 1 & 2. Maybe the Newness has worn off for some. But Opinions vary. I never mentioned this in my comments for 1 & 2 but mejau71's writing style has the dialogue between the characters just as i would imagine hearing their conversation as if i am Eavesdropping. The emotions; the surprises; the thoughts; the confessions are conveyed in a way that make it so much more real, special and captivating. I, for one, really appreciate that effort Very much. Maybe it takes a romantic to see it that way. 5🌟

TheOldStudTheOldStudalmost 2 years ago

Not quite as good as the first two parts but still 5/5 stars...

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

This is a well written, logically developed incestuous love story between a mother and son. The major characters had well developed personalities with depth and breadth. I consider this series to be erotic literature. I believe it accurately reflects how a real world incestuous would develop and how the relationship would sustain itself. 5-star series without question.

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
5 stars

this is a really fantastic, sexy, well-written story. Chris is a pretty lucky guy.

tiger2161tiger2161almost 7 years ago
Romantic and hot

I love how you combine romance and sexy heat between Chris and Beth. Very descriptive writing. Evokes emotions in the reader -- not something every writer can do. Looking forward to more stories like this!

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