Evelyn's Taken Out of Herself

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A film premiere night brings two colleagues closer.
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Film premieres could so easily overwhelm the unsuspecting, those not used to the glitz and the glamour that so often went with such a red-carpet event; the noise and the bustle, the appraising and not always approving looks upon you of those attending or looking on as you passed by. People were thought to judge you by the company you kept, who might be escorting you into the hall. All of that before a critical eye was cast over your choice of clothes for the occasion.

Some, who attended, carried it off effortlessly and although she said that it was only the second of such events that she had attended, Evelyn seemed to be thoroughly at ease. That she was could also be explained by her escort for the evening, Isaac Curtis, an urbane man whom she met from time to time in the many locations that his niche company organised, and for films where the setting was of paramount importance to the film's storyline.

She looked on her role as equally important; that of sourcing suitable clothes, or costumes, from the myriad of storage companies that served the industry and where she managed an inventory, that others held, but that she had cleverly recorded through her ingenuity and a legion of contacts. What she lacked in her efforts to find just what she wanted, or needed, she would instruct someone to create. Such garments would be for her to keep in case another film's character had a use for them. In that case alterations would be made, subtly, so that the eagle-eyed filmgoers didn't spot a 'handy-me-down.'

"I'm so glad that you asked me," she purred, shamelessly clutching his arm as they walked into the noisy reception area of the film theatre and past the crowd lining the carpeted route from where they had been dropped off.

"I wondered if you'd say 'no'," he smiled in reply.

His impetuous request could so easily have been rebuffed, but they had worked on two films, well-received, and yet he had worried that their age difference, and not just between them but also those attending, might have made her feel that she was intruding on the 'fun of young things.' It was, after all, a youth-dominated industry, more and more, but those holding the purse strings seemed to be somewhat older and wiser. That was his take on the business, anyway.

"I want to go out and have some fun, Isaac...dress up for the evening and see what I've been missing whenever I turn down an invitation to an event such as this." She grinned at him. "Perhaps your invitation has something to do with it also, so I hope that you'll tell me why before the end of the evening?"

He laughed on hearing it and watched as Evelyn took a glass of champagne from the tray that was held out to them.

"But you have what so many here haven't quite got, and that's style. I've noticed that every time we meet at pre-production meetings for a movie, come rain or shine."

"I'll take that as a compliment," she smiled over the rim of her glass and took a sip. The fact that he had noticed her particular ways suggested that it had been more than just a few words spoken out. But what was the real motive, or intention, behind them, she wondered?

"It was meant to be, Evelyn," he said to assure her in a deeper voice, as if doing so would convince her of his sincerity.

She possessed an aging, pensive beauty, her slender face framed by straight silken hair that showed a myriad of blonde, auburn, and brown strands, so natural in its appearance and a complement to her softly tanned skin with its multitude of freckles. Along with her sudden, captivating smile, she possessed a distinct beauty that he alone was now privileged to be with and to see.

No car had been sent to take and return them to her apartment block, Isaac driving there and then accompanying her to the premiere in a chauffeured car. He had arranged it all, paid for the service, and excused it by saying it was his first premiere to be invited to. Their unlikely collaboration had led to times being spent on set and seeing the actors bring the script to life, their moments of petulance and frustration glossed over or worked through.

"I got something right in finding just the locations for the movie...and your wardrobe success I see now." He stopped short of saying that how she had dressed for the evening with him was all of a piece with the work that Evelyn did. She was ragingly attractive and a woman that he felt not the slightest embarrassment to be seen with. Whatever doubts she may have had, about accepting his invitation, she kept them from him.

A deep green velour jacket with embroidered flowers randomly embroidered on its sleeves, peacocks on the front, and stars and petals on the cuffs was accompanied by a swirly black skirt and a white blouse with a ruffed collar, the cut of the neckline suggestive and ragingly appealing. Evelyn wasn't going to be outdone by the younger women attending the premiere and he felt uncommonly proud to have persuaded her to accept his invitation to be there with him.

But she had her contacts, and familiar faces soon spotted and so she was drawn into a conversation that he could only listen into. The locations he negotiated rights for the use of, and the payments and signing of release forms agreed with location owners, were way down on the list of importance, but he did well out of what he pursued in the industry, hours of careful research of possible locations yielding results that were beginning to set him apart and made him 'the man to go to.'

He knew that he had an eye for such things and he certainly felt that way when he gazed at the woman he had chosen as company for the evening.

They mingled and talked with those that they knew, but she found herself looking his way, at the smart younger man who was her escort for the evening and who had confounded her with his suggestion that she accompany him. Isaac knew that she would have had an invitation, just as he had done, and so it wasn't a question that would have come out of nowhere, but how he had asked it of her had still been a welcome surprise.

She lived alone now, as her two daughters had left the home that the three of them had once shared, and she had no man in her life to fill the many empty hours that work alone was no substitute for.

Evelyn would sense Isaac's gaze on her, at times, and she would turn to look his way and meet a knowing smile, an admiring look of his eyes upon her. In his gaze was so much more; he was looking at her differently and that his flattering words alone did not express. When they made contact, in those ways, his eyes would dart to look away and it prompted her to rejoin him.

By then she'd had a couple of drinks and had lapsed into a flirty mood. She would even admit to feeling a little frisky and taken by his attentiveness, leaning forward when a waitress brought a tray of canapes and hoping that her blouse would open, just enough, to allow him a glimpse of her cleavage and the jewelled pendant that she had purposefully hung at her throat.

"Thank you, but not for me," Isaac smiled at the waitress and waited until he could confide in her. "I hope that the evening...our time together will be like no other, Evelyn. I've only got eyes for you."

"I'm beginning to realise that and keep wondering why." Teasing him gently made her feel better about herself and the more he flirted with her the tighter the knot of longing for him became. Harmless fun with so many people around them could so easily become a night of intense involvement with him.

The reception room fell silent as a ging was struck and its sound reverberated off the walls. The purpose of the evening was soon to begin.

Would it be so sinful to make her fantasy about him real? For now, as they sat beside each other they were her private and impure thoughts as a love scene played out before them on the wide screen and she thought back to what he had said on the way over to the cinema and how he had looked at her and had realized that men had their ways of looking at a woman and she saw nothing wrong in responding in a like manner, even being the one to start the whole process in motion by a look of her own upon him. It was fun to attract the attention of a younger man and it made her feel good about herself and livened up their evening together still further.

That there were others all around them, to each side of where they sat watching the movie's story unfold, did not bother him. He leaned in close to whisper something in her ear or to simply meet her answering gaze before she looked again at the screen. She had felt a subtle touch of his hand on her back as they walked into the auditorium, the exchange of easy chatter with some around them that they knew more by sight than any other association, not stopping him in his attentive ways.

"I'm with you, Isaac, only with you," she had murmured on an intense look his way. He was making it easy for her to let go, of that she was becoming sure.

And then, as the love scene reached its climax, she felt the slow, soft touch of his hand on her knee and it became difficult to concentrate on what was being played out on the screen, her role in sourcing the clothes that the lovers had so eagerly stripped off pushed from her mind as her attention was drawn to Isaac. How was she to concentrate on the film when a young man's touch delighted and distracted her?

"Be patient, Isaac," was all that she sought to whisper and on meaningful look his way, gripping his questing hand.

She had kept from saying 'mot here, not now, don't remind me of what I have missed for so long and cannot respond to.' She had known him to be attentive whenever they had met for a work project, but now he had become someone else, ardent in his pursuit of her. The evening was already exceeding her expectations; she felt the rush of adrenaline from what he believed was on his mind for them, and she was possessed by the thought that a good-looking younger man wanted her. And so, their evening together at a glitzy event to see a movie that they had each, in their particular and specialist ways, taken a part in might then lead on to a night of pursuit, of shared pleasure, and with no plans being made for the days thereafter.

Nothing had been planned in her case, how her evening date with Isaac and attendance at an important event in her work calendar progressed, but she had soon sensed his deepening involvement with her and that the calls of others failed to lessen.

"I'm pleased they recognised your efforts in sourcing the costumes.." he told her in a low voice, the chauffeur scarcely able to listen in.

"Wardrobe is the word," she corrected, smiling at him in the gloom, and met his wondering look. "But yes, I am too. They could have made more of your work in location sourcing...you got that so right."

Now, as the limo drove soundlessly over quieter streets and they neared her apartment block she felt his hand slide over her thigh, just above the knee and she touched it lightly, did not stop its slow caress as he slowly drew the hem of her skirt over stockinged skin, his touch arousing thrills of excitement as she succumbed to his fleeting, but suggestive, pass.

"I wondered how long it would be before you did that," she murmured before moving away.

"And I wanted to let you know how it is for me to be with you tonight. I hope to be with you for a while yet...."

"You'll have to wait and see what happens when we get to my place," she answered coyly, both moving away from each other as the car slowed to a stop in the curved driveway in front of her apartment block. "You don't go in for too many words, do you...no repertoire of chat-up lines."

"No, actions speak louder than words. Besides, do I need any of them now?"

Evelyn heard the gentle, suggestive, tease in his voice but chose not to reply. Instead, she waited until Isaac had tipped the driver and they were left alone, standing in the glare of the downlighters of her apartment block's entrance porch.

"No, you don't need any chat-up lines, and nor do I need a boyfriend right now, Isaac. But what I do need is some company, though, so come in and make the evening for us a lot more real."

He fell silent and chose to simply gaze at her as they walked into the hallway and she reached out to press the elevator button. It allowed him time to again take in Evelyn's stately elegance, how her nimble fingers tugged loose the fastening in her hair and she shook it free. He couldn't keep from gasping in wonder at the look of her, of the captivating woman before him. Whether she had meant what she said he would have to discover and enjoy the 'game' of pursuit and submission in the process. His hormones had gone into overdrive and he felt an aching, uncontrollable, need for the woman before him; a willing sexual partner and for them to ease away, to satisfy, their mutual desires.

Evelyn felt him grip her hand as soon as the lift doors closed and he leaned in to kiss her, slowly moving his lips from her mouth to her ear lobes, then neck as he breathed in her scent, eased away her lustrous hair to press his lips to Evelyn's skin. She trembled and moved her head to meet these first claims upon her, clutched at his head to keep his touch upon her.

"I love what you do," she groaned trembling, and feeling his grip tighten on her and to make more of these first claims upon each other, "but save the rest for when we're inside!"

The low heels of her slingbacks clacked on the floor of the landing as she rushed from the lift and to her front door; trembling fingers thrusting the key into the lock and she left it open for him to close it behind them.

'What do you think?' she smiled, coyly, reaching out to him as she shrugged off her jacket and saw him throw his upon it before taking her in his arms. Her heart was beating furiously as a lustful and attentive man approached and she toyed with the fastening of her blouse at her neck, his hands sliding under the hem as it was pulled free of her skirt and his hands were on her, offered sow and clamping caresses to her skin.

"I think you're making me hard...to want you," he kissed, breathing in sharply as she offered slow clamps of one hand to the bulge in his trousers. He wanted to lose control over all that they did and to fuck this wonderful woman, who was so smart and yet honest with him in expressing her needs.

She rushed away again, was not to be detained by his questing hands, and into her bedroom. "Let me undress and watch you do the same...then we'll see what happens!"

She laughed suggestively and soon stood before him in a figure-shaping body suit, the white fabric stark against her lightly tanned and freckled skin, the lace trim to the shoulder straps and at her hips so captivating, the cups shaping her breasts, pushing them up and defining her cleavage, her tummy shaped and the curve of her mound soon brushed over with his fingertips.

She languished under his touches, shared in quickening kisses as she reached for him, for all that he would bring. She, the older woman was so ardently desired by a younger man. Isaacs's touches made her move, the clip fastening of her body suit, in the middle of her back, loosened until he trailed kisses over her shoulders as the straps were eased down her arms and her breasts tumbled free.

Evelyn closed her eyes and audibly gasped for air as she felt Isaac's hands cup her soft creamy breasts. Her mind told her it was wrong to travel down this road, so quickly and brazenly, but he had broken through her defences all through the evening by a soft word or lingering, admiring look upon her. Now, her body was telling her otherwise and his caresses took her on. It had been many months of emptiness, of no male company, and since a man had looked at her and touched her body as Isaac was now doing. Passion and her sexual needs would overcome any scruples of this becoming a one-night stand; perhaps not.

He kissed her skin and trailed his lips down her body as she moved to allow his undressing of her, the body suit soon lying at her feet and his face against her mound, Isaac's fingers already finding her slit. She couldn't find the words to make him slow down and she had yet to see and touch what he would bring to her.

"You're already spoiling me!" she cried out as his fingers joined his flickering tongue. "I...I don't deserve this from you!"

He rose to kiss her. "Yes, you do!"

He had met no resistance from her and neither did he prevent her questing hands from cupping his sac and offering caresses to his prick as she tugged it free, his erect length trembling and arcing out from his belly.

"It's all for me!" she marvelled and her voice hitched as Evelyn looked down at what she held and caressed. She succumbed to his kisses as she slowly worked him, stroked agile fingers over his length and she knew, when their lips touched, that it felt like a lightning bolt had shot through their bodies and what they did for each other would inflame their passion still further. Months of working together, of meetings and company, easy banter and relaxed ways with each other, were now to be changed in a shared act, the satisfying of unrequited urges that she had been slow to acknowledge, or believe in, but no longer.

Evelyn began to kiss and lick her way down Isaac's torso, stopping to kiss, lick, and suck on his sensitive nipples before making her way down between his legs. She knelt at his side which allowed him to play with her ass and breasts while she began to lick his dick and balls like an ice cream cone. Evelyn nuzzled his dick with her lips and slid them up and down his shaft. She wasn't in a hurry and they would both take their time to explore one another's body. Evelyn was simply enjoying the prospect of having a young lover who could take her pleasure with him and all that Isaac brought to a woman of her age. Of that he made nothing and she saw in his wandering eyes that he took pleasure in the sight of her and what she had begun to do for him

She brushed his hand away as he sought to restrain her. "Don't, just let me do this for you."

Isaac began to moan when she took him deep in her mouth and her head began to bob in long slow sucks and kisses trailed over his length. Her tongue swirled around the head and shaft before she took it wantonly, buried as much as she could in her throat. She was oblivious to what he said but felt his hands caress her skin, slide over her shoulders, or reach between them in his attempt to grope her breasts as they brushed over his skin.

"Jeez! You know what to do!"

"Even if I am a little out of practice," she smiled on looking up at him, Isaac guiding her progress as she trailed kisses over his body and acted brazenly, stroking his penis with her breasts that he soon gripped fiercely. "Not so hard!"

"I want them...want to feel them!" His hands kneaded and tugged on her breasts, pert and not yet sagging, their nipples large and hard. She leaned over him, straddled his body on her knees and outstretched arms, and looked down into Isaac's admiring eyes that she saw flicker as one of her hands worked him. His tongue lapped at the nipples, his wet mouth kissing and sucking on them in turn, squeezing the ample flesh in his strong hands as she knelt over him and worked his prick, did that as her hair also brushed over his skin in a featherlight caress as she moved to take him.

She was panting heavily, loving every minute of this slutty interlude in her life and in the company of a lustful man, his fingers caressing her pussy and she now wanted to have it filled with his trembling cock.

"Soon, lovely Evelyn...I'll be in you soon....but...but not yet."

She yelped as he pushed her back on the bed and knelt between her parted legs, kissed and caressed her flesh, firm but not toned as a younger woman might want it to be. But Isaac kissed her skin and she wriggled as his kisses and fingering of her coaxed her to part her legs still further before he leaned in and his mouth closed around her labia and he began to lick and suck gently; to lick and lap his tongue over them, to dart his tongue tip into her pussy. She became lost in the pleasure he brought, felt her pussy become warm and moist and she revelled in the attention that he paid to her as he explored her sex.