Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues Ch. 01

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The Bunny Camp.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/05/2014
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Note from author: This story is calledEven Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues. Sadly that title appears to be too long for the Literotica title field and I can't think of a way to shorten it. I wrote this 5 book series a while ago and am currently reworking it from scratch, fixing the numerous plot holes, continuity errors and illogicalities of the original. I hope to have a new chapter up every week or two. Codes for this story are mainly M/f, Non-cons, bondage, kidnap, ponygirls, humour, drama, adventure, romance etc. Light fantasy in tone, not usually hard-core. Reader feedback welcome, by comment, PM or email.


Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

by PG Aurelius

Chapter 1. The Bunny Camp

"You can go now."

"I don't understand! Go where?" she asked.

"Go! Follow the track and take the right turn, then you'll arrive at the beach. They'll untie you and give you water."

She was speechless. The man slammed the door behind her. A dirt track lay ahead. Not exactly the yellow brick road.

Naked, except for flimsy sandals and a sturdy leather collar, she set off, following the man's directions. Her wrists had been tied with thick rope behind her back. Unbelievable - to be kidnapped in the street, then transported by plane, kept in chains, abused, measured, evaluated, psychologically assessed, and then this!

Her name was Jessica. An American. Her backpacking holiday to Thailand ended within an hour of the plane touching down. It was as if somebody had planned it.

She looked around her and saw she was on an island. Somewhere in Asia, she figured, but the plane trip strapped inside a cage indicated she was a long way from Bangkok, and even further from her home in New York.

Jessica followed the narrow track over high grass lands, looking out to a turquoise sea. There was a large hill in the distance, an orchard, farm buildings and cultivated land, and around the coast were sea cliffs and beaches.

It was a beautiful place, she had to admit it. Very scenic. And the weather was pleasantly warm; today a clear blue sky.

Her captors also liked the island. They liked it so much, they bought it ten years earlier. Now they had the privacy to do whatever they wanted, to whomever they wanted. Jessica was now a part of that.

The right turn of the track was as the man described, and from there Jessica could see how it led down from the central plateau to the sea. She spotted a wooden cabin on the edge of the beach and assumed this was the place she was told to head for.

But why should she go to where she was told?

At the junction of tracks there was a wooden bench as this was a viewing area giving open views in all directions. The coast beckoned left and right. Jessica sat to consider her options. As was her habit she blew upwards to get the hair out of her eyes, a talent never as useful as now. She grimaced while moving her bound wrists to her side to check how they'd been tied. Too well, was the answer.

Think, Jess, what are your options, she said to herself; and realised they were few. Return to the lodge where she'd been held? Out of the question! Run and hide? Tied as she was, her chances of survival and escape were limited. With an inward sigh, she was resigned to do as the man had instructed. The beach, the cabin, getting untied. She was getting thirsty and the promise of water drove her on.

Descending from the uplands and having picked up a track Jessica walked through a small patch of tropical trees, and made for the cabin. She soon heard the distinct sound of women laughing and talking, not as she expected in some foreign tongue, but in English. Jessica's heart was pounding and she readied herself to deal with the embarrassment of her naked and tied state. She called out tentatively as she approached them.

"Hello... can someone help me?"

The chatter in the distance fell silent, and moments later two women came into her view. They were in their mid-twenties like herself she guessed, and seemed sympathetic to her plight. Their sympathy was not surprising, as they too were naked.

"Hiya! Are you new here?" the blond girl asked in a well spoken English accent.

"New? I was just thrown out by some guys that were holding me as a prisoner. The Lodge, they called it."

The English girl laughed. "Ah okay, they've just let you out. You're one of us now. I'm Kate from London, and this is Maria from Spain," she said, gesturing to the woman next to her.

"I'm Jessica... I'm American."

"Well, nobody's perfect," said Kate, giving an animated frown of sympathy. She planted a quick kiss on Jessica's cheek.

"Don't worry Jessica, we take care of you," Maria said with a strong Spanish accent, planting a kiss on both cheeks. To judge by her body language, her wrists were bound behind her.

"They said you'd untie me," said Jessica.

"Come on, let's go meet the others," said Kate excitedly, ignoring Jessica's remark. She was pleased to find a new addition to their group, even though it signified another's misfortune.

Jessica followed closely behind as her two new companions walked quickly along a smoothly worn track through the trees. She discovered Maria's hands weren't tied with rope but were in handcuffs, with a chain linking the middle of the cuffs to the back of her collar. Small padlocks fixed the chain at each end. It wasn't Maria's bondage that disturbed Jessica, but rather her seeming indifference to it.

Suddenly Kate stopped in her tracks.

"You must be thirsty. Would you like some water?" she asked Jessica.

Maria was already standing underneath a trickle of water coming from the end of a pipe 7-feet high up on a rock formation. The water fell straight down into Maria's upturned throat. She moved aside having had her fill and Jessica positioned herself under the thin line of cold water. She didn't know that water could taste so good!

"You can drink water at any time from here, and down there is a freshwater pool where we like to sit when it gets hot," Kate explained, referring to a water filled hollow alongside the trickling pipe. "That's a chemical toilet block over there. Cubicles, hand-basins. It works pretty well,"

After each had drunk their fill, they soon came to the start of the sandy beach - the location of the cabin Jessica has seen earlier.

"Everybody! This is Jessica, she's just been released from the lodge." Once again the tone of Kate's voice was more cheerful than Jessica could comprehend, given their current predicament.

Five young women were sitting, scattered around the front of a simple timber-framed cabin on the edge of the sandy beach. Various greetings were exchanged, some smiling, others more reserved.

"Rachel, Juliette, Hannah, Kelly and Sumi, that's all of us here."

They sized up the new arrival warily: American, very nice long brunette hair, attractive face, lovely teeth of course, and a shapely figure that men salivate over. It's a woman's nature to see a newcomer as a potential competitor as much as a friend.

Jessica felt surrounded, almost overwhelmed by the sight and sound of seven naked chattering women. Each one of them was attractive in their individual way, she thought. (The people who held them captive thought so too.)

Hannah, who seemed a little older than the others told Jessica to turn around, and promptly untied the rope from her wrists. "Did you come straight here?" said Hannah in a low and serious tone.

"Um, yes," said Jessica, rubbing her wrists, although they were barely marked by the ropes. "I just paused for a few minutes at a bench."

"Excellent," said Hannah. "Your collar has a tracker. If you had gone elsewhere they would have noted it and labelled you as disobedient."

"What is this place?" Jessica asked, as she fingered the thick collar around her neck, the same as the others wore.

"Do you like sex? Kinky sex? Being tied and spanked? You've come to the right place!"

Jessica frowned. "I didn't have a choice! Do you know why I am here?"

Hannah answered. "This is some kind of holiday island where people come to enjoy themselves. All types of sexual activities take place here, and we add to their fun. We are the reason people come to this island.

"They call us bunnies, but it has nothing to do with bunny girls. I guess it's to do with all the rabbits on the island, hence its name. I guess it's better than being called a whore or slave or something. By the way, we have to address these guys as Master or Sir, or Madame if it is a woman. Don't forget, or you'll be in big trouble."

She couldn't bring herself to say they were sex slaves, but that is what they were, and being on a tropical island didn't change that. Jessica looked around. It was the most beautiful beaches she'd ever seen. Her mind was reeling.

Hannah continued. "Basically the island is one big prison unless you have a boat to hand. That's why they let us live here. If the owners and guests want us, we are collected and taken to the Lodge."

"Meantime we just hang around here?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, but there are cameras everywhere, and these aren't crappy security cameras, they are broadcast quality. Hidden microphones too. See that telegraph pole? There are four cameras at the top. Plus there's one in the cabin, two at the showers, several in the play area."

"Play area?"

"You'll find out soon enough!"

Kate invited Jessica to sit down on a bench. There were several like it: Planks of wood nailed to the tops of one foot high log segments.

Rachel was seated on a bench with Sumi, a Korean girl, sitting on the sand leaning against her legs. She had her hands cuffed like Maria. Rachel stroked Sumi's lustrous long dark hair, and the latter smiled contentedly. Juliette and Kelly were similarly positioned and Juliette was plaiting Kelly's hair into pigtails.

Kelly, the blond baby of the group was looking cute in her new pigtails, and had a teenager's eagerness to add something worthwhile to the conversation.

"Don't worry if you have to wear handcuffs like I am today. If you need help reaching for something there's always someone here to help you."

The others chuckled, and Kelly seemed to be the last to get her own innuendo.

"Jessica, you've gone all red!" said Kate, causing laughter all round.

Juliette, a slim and elegant French girl stood up and walked past Jessica.

"Kelly and I are going to take a little walk", said Juliette, helping Kelly up with hands in the latter's armpits. She was fluent in English but spoke it with a strong French accent. Kelly followed behind Juliette like an eager puppy as they walked from the group, and along the beach.

"Have fun!" Kate called out after them. They both turned briefly and smiled back.

"Kate, can I ask you another question?" said Jessica.

"Sure. Anything!"

"Why do some of the others wear handcuffs and chains?"

"Well, if someone is in bunny chains, like Maria here, she has to be my slave and do whatever I say and submit to all my perverted desires. I'm a cruel mistress you know!" She looked around for Maria, spotting her nearby talking to Hannah. "Maria, come here!"

Maria came to them.

"Tell Jessica you're my slave!" Kate commanded.

Maria, a rather more mature person than Kate explained. "I think it's just random. Some days some of us get handcuffed. Sometimes overnight too. But we manage. They like watching us. They like to mess with our minds."

"Are we going, Maria?" asked Hannah. They strolled off in the same direction as Juliette had earlier - the play area. Jessica noticed Maria's compact yet buxom figure. She had breasts like small round melons. Jessica gazed enviously at Hannah's lean sportswoman's body as she walked away from them.

Jessica became anxious upon seeing the group going off in pairs. "Where are they going?" she asked Kate.

"Just a little private time to relax. We all do it." Her voice trailed off, wondering whether it was worth stating the obvious about what kind of relaxation two women would be taking.

Jessica entertained the notion that she had landed in some kind of lesbian bondage orgy.

"Where are you from?" Rachel asked her, making her first attempt to strike up a conversation with the newcomer. The two Americans talked of family, childhood homes and universities, but Jessica concluded the most interesting thing about Rachel was her breasts. Although Rachel had a fine figure the breasts were a little over-sized for her frame. She noticed something unusual: What were those things on her nipples?

After staring at them for an impolite amount of time she asked the question.

"Rachel. What are those?"

"Well," Rachel said in her soft southern drawl, "we call them nipple hats and the Masters call me a milkmaid. Maria's the same. Here, take a closer look at them." She seemed rather proud of them, thought Jessica.

Rachel knelt down in front of the seated Jessica. The objects were like little sombreros made of brown plastic that matched the colour of her aureole. The brim of the 'nipple hat' was about an inch and a half in diameter and therefore covered most of the aureole while the hat space looked like an engorged erect nipple, which is what it mostly contained. Jessica leant forward to within inches of the breasts and could see clearly how they were fixed on. A thin wire was threaded horizontally through the sides of the hat leaving no doubt that the nipple was pierced by the wire near its base. Then the wires from each side were brought together underneath the nipple and fixed together with a tiny metal clamp. It reminded Jessica of the things that utilities companies fix to their meter boxes to prevent tampering.

"Oh my, do they hurt?" Jessica asked sympathetically.

"No, not really. Providing they are not touched. I've gotten used to them, but it's very frustrating have your nipples locked away sometimes!"

Jessica imagined for a moment not having access to her own nipples and how that might affect her masturbation rituals.

Rachel went on to explain that every day somebody would come to the camp, remove the nipple hats by clipping through the wires and milk her breasts with a small portable machine. Then the hats would be fixed on again until next time.

"But why are you able to do that?" Jessica asked.

"Well, I haven't been pregnant so I assume they are giving me some kind of drugs."

Jessica nodded, "Yeah that would do it. Hormone treatments." She tried to act horrified at the way Rachel had been enslaved, yet she always had a strong maternal instinct and was secretly quite envious of Rachel's milk-laden breasts.

A while later Juliette and Kelly returned to the group looking relaxed and satisfied. Kelly managed to look slightly dishevelled even while naked. Her pigtails were no longer neat and taut, and she had sand clinging to her belly.

"Now that you're back I think Rachel and I will take a little walk ourselves," said Kate to Juliette. She looked back at Jessica sympathetically, sensing the newcomer's anxiety. "Don't worry Jessica you're in good hands."

Jessica realised that she had been entrusted to Sumi. She had never done it with a woman before, but now she had been paired up with an Asian woman and wondered what was expected of her.

Sumi spoke to Jessica for the first time. "Come on, we should also take a walk. We don't need to do anything if you don't want. It's the drugs they give us. We can't help being horny."

The Korean was barely five feet tall. Yet Sumi had a mature serenity and palpable kindness to her and Jessica instantly felt comfortable with her. They meandered and talked as their feet walked at the water's edge. The beach sand was soft and warm underfoot. The tide lapped very gently on the shore.

"How long have you been here?" Jessica asked.

"I dunno, maybe two years, bit less." Sumi replied in her imperfect English. "Kidnapped. To Charlie's hen house, then here."

Charlie's hen house? Jessica was curious, but sensed she'd have plenty of time to find out more later.

Sumi continued. "Most important thing here, you must learn to love, not hate. Make friends too. This way life is not so bad. I think you can have fun. You can talk to me any time. If I'm not in chains I'll give you a hug. Maybe more."

Jessica quickly wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Better turn around now. Soon time for dinner."

Dinner. How strange that word sounded to Jessica, but of course they have to eat! Sumi was hardly slim, the softness of her flesh indicated there wasn't a food shortage.

They arrived to find a long table situated outside the cabin, set for eight.

Kate was eager to be in Jessica's company again. "Isn't Sumi nice! I really love her!" Without waiting for Jessica's reply, which could only have been a confirmation, she continued. "When a Master arrives, stay quiet and do what we do."

Most were sat at the table, expressing how hungry they were, and whether the dinner was later than usual, and what might be on the menu.

"I can hear the bells," said Kelly, scampering off to the other side of the cabin to take a look. She returned moments later. "Sumi... it's Kurt! Jessica, you're newest, so you kneel next to me."

With sudden urgency everyone rose from the table. As if following a preset order they arranged themselves in a line, kneeling with hands held behind them. Jessica followed Kelly's example and knelt at the end of the row.

Kurt arrived, walking from the track behind the cabin. Over his shoulder was a large insulated hamper containing dinner for eight. He was dressed in a dark polo shirt with Rabbit Island's RI logo emblazoned, light khaki shorts and boat shoes. He was well groomed, fair hair neatly parted, upright of posture. He was known for his Teutonic attention to detail and for following protocols to the letter. He wielded a riding crop as he walked slowly in front of the line of eight naked women.

"Sumi, wait for me the other side of the cabin."

She struggled to her feet, but not quick enough for Kurt. "Now! Unless you want me to chase you with this crop!"

"Sit straight Rachel... head up Hannah... stop fidgeting Kelly!"

The latter earned a strike of the crop on the side of her breast. Jessica shuddered.

And then there was her turn. Kurt stood in front of Jessica, studying her features. She trembled, and not wanting to look him in the eye or at the ground she found herself looking at his crotch and the neatly ironed creases in his shorts.

"Welcome, new girl, my name is Kurt. I expect obedience and your submission at all times. You will find me strict, but usually fair."

"Yes Master," Jessica gulped nervously, and Kurt was already moving around the back of them where he pause to remove the bunny chains from Maria and Kelly. Both simply muttered "thank you Master."

After a tense few moments of silence during which somebody's stomach rumbled, Kurt finally said the word they waited for. "Dismissed!"

The mood changed in an instant, smiles returning to faces, words to lips. The bunnies eagerly raided the warm box and set out their dinner. Jessica could only watch in amazement as a pasta dish was shared among all the plates. A chocolate dessert was readied to follow. It was the bottle of white wine that capped it all for Jessica.

"Now I'm really confused," she said to Kate, sitting opposite.

"Huh, what do you mean?" replied Kate between mouthfuls, clearly enjoying the meal.

"This! I start the day chained in a prison cell, I'm tied up and told to come here. Now here I am with Pasta Alfredo, chocolate mouse, and, I don't know, some kind of Chardonnay!"

Kate shrugged. "They try to keep us happy and healthy."

"Next you'll be telling me we have cable TV and Internet access!"

"Now you're being stupid, there's no TV reception here," said Kate. "I know what you're thinking, and I agree it's pretty strange at first. This is how we live."