Even, Stevens


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The first video shot through Stevens' office window did not show anything physical. His body blocked the actions but it was obvious that Rebecca was giving him 'head', and he pulled her up facing the window, and lifted her skirt and fucked her from behind as she leaned on his desk. He didn't last long, that's for sure.

Number two was shot within a hotel room. Low light and bad sound. Maybe I had forgotten how sensual she could be. She was on her knees on the bed facing Stevens as he undressed himself. Her blouse went to the floor, as she slowly caressed herself. Her fingers lingering on her small breasts. The front clasp bra opened and she twerked her nipples. Pulling them, and rolling them. I knew her breasts were very sensitive. Stevens came over to her, and they kissed. She unzipped the skirt while they kissed. She giggled as the embrace broke and she laid back onto the bed and wiggled out of her skirt.

He laid beside her and they continued to kiss as he rubbed her breasts, and she put her hand inside his boxers. I fast forwarded to where she pulled his boxers down, and she grabbed her prize. I felt relief when I saw it, his dick. In her small hands, it was very average, and maybe skinny. Fast forwarding again, I watched her do something that she seldom did for me. She rode him 'cowgirl' style. She controlled their sex. I closed the window. Maybe I would keep this for my personal spank bank. I did wonder if maybe his thin dick was better for her. She is a tiny woman, and maybe my 'girth' was uncomfortable for her. She did complain on occasion of tearing. Maybe I should have listened better.

Water under the bridge.

As I was no longer a married man, you know I asked Sarah out to dinner. She countered with lunch everyday at 11:30 am. The locations changed daily. We reconnected in a way that I never would have thought possible.

I found that she was a divorcee with a son about to turn twelve. Her ex told her that he didn't love her anymore, presented her with divorce papers, and moved to the west coast. I couldn't believe a man could desert his son. Her father convinced her to move home and join his practice where she could be with family to help raise her son. She showed me a picture, that boy, God bless him, looks so much like her younger brother. Skinny with super curly hair and a freckled face.

Thirty-three lunches later, and I am having my first dinner with her, not only was this our first dinner date, but it was the first time that she allowed me to pick her up. Now, I didn't drive my work truck. I drove my expedition, the 'family' car.

Sarah and her son lived in the mother-in-law quarters behind her father's estate. Her Bubbe had lived there until she passed away. She was a nice lady. She always had candy and snacks for teenage appetites.

Her son answered the door, he was taller than I imagined. That ackward stage of approaching thirteen and the future of teenage growth spurts. I introduced myself, and he shook my hand. Good kid, I thought. He told me his mother had told him stories of our growing up together.

She was radiant. Her curls draped her shoulders while the little black dress outlined her dangerous figure. 'What a woman!' was my only thought. A nice tease of cleavage at her neckline. A tiny waist and full hips.

"You're beautiful!"

She smiled.

A kiss on her son's head, and we departed her father's estate.

We dined and enjoyed each other's company. As we left the restaurant, I asked if she wanted to going dancing? She reached into her clutch and removed a room key from a hotel. "I have other plans." She smiled.

I would like to say that out first time was perfect, but I don't want to lead you on. I admitted to her that it had been a long time for me so I might not last, and she came back with it had been almost a year for her. We fumbled as we undressed each other's outer clothes. We laid on the bed, me in my boxer briefs, and she in her bra and panties.

After a few of our lunch dates, we had kissed softly upon exiting back to our day lives, but this night in the hotel, we kissed with a hungry passion of two lovers that had waited so long, too long. It seemed that we kissed for an eternity, my hands wandered her curves. Down her legs, over her hips, up her ribs to her full perfect bosom. I have always loved Sarah, not that I didn't have a 'love' for Rebecca, but Sarah brought out a passion in me. I reflected on the teenage boy glances down her blouses as I stole a peek at her large breasts trapped in lace.

We laid on our sides facing each other. As we kissed, we began an exploration of each others bodies. I cupped her breasts held captive by the lace prison. I felt her hard nipples through the fabric. She whispered that I should remove it. My right hand slid around her ribs to the clasp. I struggled for a moment before releasing the most incredible breasts that I have ever seen. She crawled over me, straddling my waist. My erection pressing upward against her full bottom.

She took both of my hands and brought them to her breasts. The look of lust in her eyes fueled me. Her breasts were full and heavy, yet perky in a different way than I expected. Her large nipples stood proud in the most perfect position on her breasts. I moved my hands to her back as she lowered herself to kiss me.

As our kiss ended, she pushed her panties downward, and moved off of my hips. With a devilish grin, she grabbed the waistband of my briefs and pulled them down my legs. Her smile widened as she saw my hard dick rise to salute her. While her left hand tossed my boxer briefs to the floor, her right hand began to stroke my hardness. I don't think I have ever been harder.

"I love big, thick cocks!" She moved to straddle me once again. "I haven't had one like this since College." I felt her wetness as she began to push her wetness onto the head. Instinctively, I started to push upward to push my hardness into her. Sarah pushed her hands onto my hairy chest. "Don't push.... let me do this. It's been a while."

Time seemed to slow down, as she slowly took more and more of my dick. She rocked back and forth as she took most of it. We kissed as she rode me, then she would leaned up and begin to ride me faster. I would feel the tightness squeeze me as she orgasmed. As her third orgasm began to approach, she began to ride me faster and faster. I tried my best to not erupt, but I couldn't stop. The squeeze of her vagina pushed me over the top, as we came together as one, she dropped down sweaty onto my chest. With a soft smile, "I needed that."

"Me, too."

Quietly, we retired to the en suite where we each cleaned up. I returned to the bed where I watched her walk from the bathroom. She was a vision. Her large breasts gently swayed as she walked. Her full figure had always been a fantasy for me. Her long curls brushed my face as she crawled over me getting into bed.

We talked and kissed for an hour before our passions reignited. This time, we made love.

I rolled over her, and she guided me into her depths. Our kisses were soft and sensual as two people connected with an understanding our of a love that was postponed for so long, too long.

Upon returning to her home, Sarah excused herself to check on her son, as I waited outside on her patio on a wicker loveseat. She returned to me holding two cups of coffee, and sat beside me before handing me a cup.

As adults, she wanted to discuss our relationship. She was her clear intention that she wanted me, and she had always loved me, but she understood if it was too soon for me. I kissed her, and told her that I had always loved her as well. I wanted her to know that I would allow her to lead who would know publicly about our relationship.

I let her understand that if she had a bad experience with her first marriage, and didn't want there to be a marriage in our future, I would understand and respect those feelings. Her smile told me all I needed to know.

As I drove past her father's main residence, he was outside walking his dog. I slowed up, and stopped beside him. I rolled down the window to say hello. He walked over to speak with me. "Solomon, I'm glad that my daughter found you, and I hope that you will make her happy. It's a lot to take-on when you date a woman with a child, and you have two sons to think about." He paused.

"Your father and Sarah's mother had a friendship that made me jealous of him. When you were children, I didn't treat you well because of that, and I am sorry for it."

He looked sad. "After my wife passed, I married a trophy wife without a Pre-Nup, and she cleaned me out in the divorce. I should have known better, but I was lonely. I was broke and didn't want anyone to know, but one day after the divorce, your father pulls up here. He came over to check on me."

"I confessed that she had cleaned me out, maxed out numerous credit cards and left me with a ton of debt. I made a lot of money, but she spent more than even I made. He took me aside, and taught me the old ways of ten percent, and reinvesting in myself. He loaned me a large sum of money to pay off the high interest credit cards. I could never thank your family enough. There is nothing more that I would like, than for my grandson to be like the Solomons."

I smiled. "That's the best compliment that I could ever get. Thank you, sir. I see you soon." I waved and drove away into the night.

Stevens troubles began as soon as he had the ground breaking for his planned community.

With connections to various unions, and trucking concerns, somehow his lumber would get delivered and unloaded at the wrong location. Unions would picket that he was using nonunion labor. Some tradesmen would not cross the picket line. City inspectors would find numerous building issues which caused setbacks and delays.

Six months after my divorce, Stevens and his wife, not my ex, were mugged in the parking lot of a fancy five star restaurant. She was uninjured but he took several hard punches to his face and abdomen.

Banks being banks were not happy in the delays that Stevens was having. He was having difficulties paying the interest on his construction loans. He had neglected his real estate business. It was not as profitable as before. Employees will never run your business like you would.

Max-D offered the banks involved in the project, to purchase some of Stevens' loans. The largest loan holder jumped to get this loan off their books.

After defaulting on three interest payments, Max-D called the loan to be paid in full.

At this point, Stevens had a model home, and eight houses in various stages of completion.

I had prepared for this moment when everyone would know that I was Max-D, and I had discretely moved into another Delaware Corporation. I set a meeting with Stevens at my attorney's office.

Gerald acting on my behalf, had Stevens signed over the assets of the project to Max-D. Broken, he signed and his wife signed. They would be spared bankruptcy, but Stevens would be shamed by the city's elite structure for failing. I was proud that I was able to do this as quickly as I could. I knew that he had planned on getting my ex's trust fund which she would receive on her fortieth birthday next year. I was pretty sure that was his motivation the entire time. Fuck her and get her money.

Gerald told the Stevens that the owner of Max-D wanted to speak to them. They agreed to the meeting.

The look on Stevens' face when I walked in wearing my work blue Dickies with my name on the left chest was priceless.

"What kinda of shit is this?" he growled at Gerald.

Gerald had this grin like the cat that ate the canary. "Oh, Mr Stevens, I can verify that Mr Solomon is the owner of Max-D, and the the owner of your loans and now, your real estate holdings on this project."

I walked to the head of the table and sat down.

"Mrs Stevens, I am sorry for what I had to do to you, but in case you didn't know, the events of the last year. The hardships that you've had to endure was because your husband had or is having an affair with my wife slash ex-wife. He made the mistake of rubbing it in my face. I didn't like it."

I leaned back in the chair. "Stevens, men like you think that they're better than everyone else. I like to allow men, like you, to think that about me. You see, I like to be underestimated, gives me the edge that I like. While you piss your money away on shiny babbles, I am investing and reinvesting my money into real assets. I am accumulating wealth while you purchase the newest luxury items."

"Even though your business doesn't have any value other than your name and reputation, I would like to offer to purchase your business today, and today only, for a half million dollars. You will remain the face, but have no ownership. Your income will be come from any sales that you close. Just like in the beginning."

Stevens cussed me, and screamed that he would never sell to me. His wife was not so sure that was a good idea.

The celebration lunch with Sarah went well. Our romance was moving along in a good way. We were about to order a desert to share when she dropped a bombshell onto me. "Rebecca is pregnant."

I know that shock was on my face. "How could she be so stupid? She's almost forty?"

"She wants to talk to you, us, about it later." She smiled at me. "I know that look, Rebecca and I still have lunch every week, we'll always be friends. That's how I know about it. She's about three months."

I knew that Rebecca knew about Sarah and I, but for me, I felt ackward.

As fate would have it, Rebecca didn't want to get remarried, or give us the baby to raise, or any other weird shit that a person could think of.

Since she had not changed her name, or remarried, she only wanted to ask me if it was okay to make the baby's last name Solomon, since it was still her last name. She wasn't going to name a father on the birth certificate.

"I better check with my parents before I answer. It's might be too much to ask for them. You chose to be some Goy's toy, and now that you can see the consequences, you want me make a decision that will affect the entire family, and Sarah, too. Why not name it 'Katz'?"

She frowned as she looked down. "My father told me that he would extend the age requirement on my trust to sixty if I named it after Stevens. Father thinks that 'he' only wanted to get into my trust, and father will not allow that to happen. If I named it Katz, father says everyone will know it's a goy bastard."

As she teared up, Sarah went to hug her oldest friend. I watched as the two women in my life held each other.

As things would happen, my mother convinced my father to force me to allow the baby to be a Solomon, and list me as the father. I wasn't a hundred percent on board, but when she gave birth to that pretty baby girl, I couldn't be anything more than happy. My mother was head over heels because there hadn't been a Solomon girl for three generations and she was happy to able to see the first one.

As for my sons, they were apprehensive at first but came around slowly. It was easier for them to have a step-brother than a baby sister. My sons adopted Sarah's son instantly, long before I did.

The lessons learned from our life were blossoming as Max went to our local University as I had. By the end of his freshman year, he had acquired two laundry mats that were making him nearly, sixty thousand a year in profit. This morning, I went with him to look a car wash. David is into Crypto. He's smart enough to take his profit fast and reinvest them into precious metal. He wants his brother to help him buy a pawn shop so he has a steady stream of gold and silver coming in.

Sarah made me learn a lesson as well, that a little girl needs a dad as much as a little boy. She and I seem to have the 'daughter' at least two nights a week, and most weekends when Rebecca is showing houses. At first it was strange for her to call me 'daddy', but you can't hate a child for the sins of the father. Mommy-Sarah is her second mommy, and I would believe that she is the one that spoils her the most.

The reality of the situation is, for me, the best revenge is raising his daughter as my own. I'll call it an even trade.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Mc's mother, MiL to the skank x wife, is pleased to have a girl birthed to the solomon class for 1st time in many generations? Goes to show that hoes are deluded twats regardless of generational age, the solomon baby aint no solomon due to goy dna. A prior commenter wonders wh,y w/ a trust fund, the skank was interested in the stevens turd, me too, maybe the mc had it right that the skank needed a small dick for her odious cunt, but the seduction and response to it were lacking in the story. rk

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyErotica29 days ago

Laundry mat???? He owned 2 rugs? Hint: laundromat.

mndhanson017mndhanson0173 months ago

Yeah, he should not have been forced to name that baby, not that it's the baby's fault, but now it makes me question his mother like seriously, and be named the child's father, when he's not, no, she could use that to get child support from him if she wanted to. The ending took an L, it was not his responsibility on that child, his mother should understand that.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

An interesting plot wrapped in a terribly written story.


So many plot holes: total lack of description about how the sons reacted to Mom fucking Steven’s. Zero interaction between MC and Rebecca. Unbelievable that Sarah kept Rebecca as a close friend even as she’s literally fucking over her other “best friend” the MC. And being married to a very wealthy guy, AND lined up to inherit a huge trust at age 40….why would Rebecca be receptive to Stevens? The “gold digger” meme was incoherent.


Plus some of the most dry and unemotional writing that readers would ever endure.


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MasterKoteMasterKote7 months ago

Yup.... not the baby's fault, but that ruined the whole story. Why not use her moms maiden name or just make some shit up..

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