Evening Class


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I wasn't convinced and asked her, "Why did you lie to me about being in Pimp Olson's apartment. If your story is true, it sounds complete insane you are going to such place without telling anybody about that. A man who pimps out his own wife and hit the crap out of her for not fucking his customers is capable to do anything that gains his interests. He could drugged you, raped you, filmed it and used it for increasing the price for his slum houses and even blackmailed you for further fucking sessions. It is difficult for me to believe that you really are so naïve. Weren't you a bit concerned about what that famous jailbird would do to you?"

She immediately objected, "No of course not. I swear that it was only real estate business."

"Why the lie about being at your office?"

"I wish I knew. I've thinking the whole night and my only explanation is Olson's demand to keep his part of that business hundred percent secret."

I looked straight in her yes and said, "Obviously there is no trust between us if you don't dare to tell me the truth about what you are doing."

Amanda said only, "Please tell me what you did?"

I told how it felt for me when I knew she was in Pimp Olson's apartment with him, her shameful lies during my call and then her explanation about working for him there. That got me to need fresh air. I told her that I met Jenny and her sister Madeleine at the bar and I had left the bar with Jenny. I had understood that if my wife had an affair with Pimp Olson, my marriage would soon be history and therefore it happened that I had sex with Jenny. The only detail I told Amanda was that we had used condoms.

Amanda didn't ask any further about my sex with Jenny, instead she asked, "Are you proud for what you did?"

"No, not at all. A revenge fuck is a stupid thing to do and only makes bad matters much worse. It doesn't matter I been drinking because I will always be responsible for what I'm doing and I did a terrible wrong thing. Of course I regret it and I'm ashamed for being weak enough for not been able to resist the temptation."

"Was it Jenny's fault? Did she seduce you?"

"Please don't blame Jenny. I'm a sane adult and responsible for my own doings. I did a stupid mistake and I know that the price will probably be very high. However, I've told you the truth and I really hope that you did the same to me. Now it is up to you to decide my destiny and up to me find out if I can trust you again. Do you want to say it now or shall we think about it for a few days?"

"Let's say we'll tell what we want to do at Friday after work. In the meantime I would like to know if you have any economic demands or conditions on me for all the work you have done on my house. Just in case if we split up."

It didn't sound very good for me but as I had never before cared about her money, why should I do it now. I said, "No, I don't want and have never wanted any money from you. Your love is enough for me. My only wish in a split up is some kind of shared custody of our children."

Then she took the children and left for her parents and promised to be back at Sunday evening.

But at six o'clock that lonely Saturday evening I got a real surprise when Amanda rang me and asked what I doing. I told her the truth that I did some cleaning in our home office and threw away old papers I didn't needed any longer.

She made no comments about that that but said, "My parent's have invited you to Sunday dinner here tomorrow and dad wants to tell you some matter about his business."

"You mean some kind of family trial against me?"

"No, not at all. I told them the truth and got a bit surprised to find out that my family supports you in this mess."

"With such friends I will never need any enemy."

"Don't try to be funny because you don't know if you are talking with a friend or an enemy right now."

Then I talked with my children.

Next day I went to her parents' house and it was only Madeleine who teased Amanda by asking me, "Do you intend to dump my silly sis now?"

To my great relief there was not a single word about Amanda's and my problems during the dinner and even her mother said some friendly words to me.

After the dinner Amanda's father asked me into his home office and told me that it was he who had caused those problems between Amanda and me. He told me all details about the big real estate investment he was planning to do and how important Olson's two lots were for the project. Not the slum houses but the lots where they stood because he needed them for parking. It was he who had told Amanda not to say a word to anybody not even to me because the investment was top secret until some still missing details were cleared up, people who didn't know anything could not spread any rumors, not even by mistake.

He even confessed that he had presumed that the whole town knew the rumors about Olson and it was his fault not checking out that Amanda knew about Olson's nickname 'Pimp Olson' and about his reputation as skilled womanizer. But obviously she had not known any other rumors about Olson that he preferred to keep his slumlord business away from the daylight as much as possible.

After I left Amanda alone at home she had called her father who had gone to Olson and succeed in closing the deal. Olson convinced Amanda's father that though he had fucked a large numbers of married women and during the years done several big business deals with pretty women, he had never had mixed sex with business of those. He knew about too many others who had got into bad mess for doing that..

Olson had even admired me for my fast action and said that it had been a pleasure to see a non-wimp husband who really cared about his wife because he had seen many wimps crying at the street while he fucked their wives. Amanda's father said that even he and his wife had appreciated that I cared about their daughter but my doings afterwards had been a bit unnecessary but even understandable.

Back home I continued sleeping in the spare bedroom and Amanda avoided me as much as possible. At Thursday morning she asked me if it was okay for me that we had the "dooming day" already that evening instead of Friday because she would be busy with other important thing then. I accepted.

Irina took out the kids with her for shopping and I was sitting at the kitchen table when Amanda came in. She was dressed in a dark gray well fitting business dress with a rather short skirt that got her nice legs visible. She was a very classy looking woman in those clothes.

She sat down and sighed, "Oh God, what a terrible time at the bank. I really would like to take a nap but have to rush to Susie and fix some matters before our Ladies Club meeting."

Susie was the chairman and Amanda secretary in a club of ladies in top positions in local companies. I presume they got useful connections and even had some fun. Now they were working with plans for their annual trip to London to see a famous show and do some shopping. Amanda used to be rather fed up with all stupid opinions from some members before they could get an agreement.

It didn't sound good to me when I was sitting there with my nerves vibrating under the skin. I knew Amanda's opinion about cheating husbands what she regarded as disgusting creeps. I can't deny that I was scared to hell but decided to go down as a man with the flag on the top without beginning to cry and beg for forgiveness.

Amanda sat down crying for a short time, opened her briefcase and laid a brown envelope with its neutral backside up. Still sobbing she said, "Sitting here in this situation is one of the worst moments in my life. I began the session when we sat here almost a week ago. It is your turn today, please begin to tell me about your opinion and suggestions if you are ready."

It felt as the doomed mans last words when I said, "I love you very much and I forgive you for everything you did that evening. Today I know that you didn't do anything wrong but I didn't know that when it happened. I'm sorry for all my terrible mistakes during that evening and night. I will only hope that you can forgive me but I can't blame you if you are dumping me. I can only beg you not to use our children against me. If you are giving me a second chance, I really hope we'll have so much faith for each other that we always dare to tell each other the truth so we can avoid such things to happen again."

Amanda looked me straight in my eyes and said, "I told my parents already at Monday how I supposed to decide in this sad matter but I've been thinking a lot during the week and even changed my mind a couple of times. However, now I have to do my final decision during this meeting. I admire you for keeping our children out of this mess and not tried to use them as a reason for saving the marriage. Whatever happens to us, the children always will need good relations to their both parents."

Then she asked me, "Could you please tell me a reason why I not dump you right now?"

"Yes I can. I overreacted because I love you so much and your lies made me think that you had terminated our marriage as a jailbird groupie to Pimp Olson just like several another upper class wives done before you. The truth is that if my love for you had been at much lower level, I would not care to act that evening and not been sitting here waiting to be dumped. However, though I will regret my cheating for the rest of my life I rather be dumped for overreacting as a loving husband than living in a marriage without real love."

Her next question was, "Have you made any plans for the future?"

"I've been thinking a lot during several sleepless nights and have been fearing the worst to happen but not been able think about any real plans yet because my future is still in your hands and my only available choice is to accept your decision."

"Have you seen Jenny after last Friday night or talked with her about your future?"

"No, I have not seen her or talked with her. Neither have I talked with anybody else about our problems what in my opinion are family problems. We have serious problems but they are still family problems. Have you told somebody about our problems?"

"Only to my parents and my sister. What did my father say to you after the dinner?"

"He explained his new big project and your part in it. To my great relief he didn't blame me for what I had done and I didn't go behind your back asking him for any help because I know you want it to be in your own way."

She stared in my eyes and replied: "Even I've had sleepless nights while thinking back and forth k about what to do. I can tell you that my mother wants me to forgive you, my father says it is our problem and he will remain neutral and Madeleine says that she will support me whatever I prefer to do."

Amanda continued staring straight in my eyes, remained silent for the longest seconds in my life before continuing, "Your request about shared custody for our children is out of the agenda at least for the time being because now I've done my final decision what means that I will forgive you and everything will be as it was before this mess. My love for you is still strong enough to forgive your silly mistake without creating any new conditions for us. Love and faith will be enough and of course I will agree to always telling the truth and be faithful to you."

She told me remain seating and continued, "A cheating husband ought to be dumped but you have convinced me during this meeting that it is not valid in this matter. Of course, it is an exception only for this very problem because I have felt so much guilt for how I lied to you about my secret real estate negotiations and my silly comment about working in that nasty sex maniac's apartment what must sounded totally weird to your ears. My love for you helps me over this obstacle and tomorrow we can have a new start in our marriage. My parents got impressed about your fast action at Olson's apartment and have been worried for us. In a weak moment I told them about probably forgiving you, which I regretted very much a few hours later. But my dad had got so glad that he booked us a weekend trip to Madrid for having a new start in our marriage. We are flying in business class with SAS tomorrow. I have even talked with your boss and got you a day off though I didn't know if would be for that trip or for you moving out from the house."

Now she opened her brown envelope that contained two fight tickets and asked me, "What do you say?"

"I'm grateful for you forgiving me and promise to do my very best that you shall never regret that. I'm also grateful to for your parents for supporting me but you almost scared the shit of me with that brown envelope I thought to be containing divorce papers. Thank you for saving our marriage."

Now she had risen up from the table, came to my side and gave me a long kiss and said, "Take your things back to the bedroom, but don't wait for me tonight, we have several problems to solve during the Club meeting and it will probably take time to get all members to accept our suggestions about the London trip because some greedy crashing bores want us to book some cheap hotel far away from the downtown. Susie and I will fight such stupid suggestions even if the meeting will take the whole night,"

Then Amanda looked in my eyes again and said, "Though we are sharing our bed again, may I suggest that our saved marriage celebration will be tomorrow in Madrid, because it was there it began."

"Take all time you need for your meeting because after several sleepless nights I doubt to be in a shape for any hot celebrations tonight but I really look forward to tomorrow."

"I've missed you as hell."

She gave me a hot kiss again. Then she rushed away to her meeting.

The next morning she told me that I was sleeping as a log when she was back home sometimes after eleven o'clock but even she was totally worn out and wanted only to sleep.

We were booked at the same hotel near Plaza Mayor as during our first trip there. Even this time it was a very romantic trip and we had great sex as soon as were in the room. The sex was very special because Amanda had told me during the flight that she was in her most fertile period and wanted a third child if it was okay for me. It was and we really worked hard and a month later we to our great pleasure found out that we had done what we wanted to do.

Amanda was pregnant.

The unexpected strong support from Amanda's mother for our saved marriage was a real surprise because she had always regarded me as piece of cat-shit compared to Amanda's noble ex boyfriend. She never said anything about her support to me but one possible reason for her changing her mind might be because Amanda's noble ex now was in jail for severely beating his wife.

Though Amanda never had any further complaints about my cheating, I knew for sure that my second chance with her even was my only chance to remain married to her. If she had preferred some kind of revenge sex, it would be a piece of cake for a rich classy woman as her to pick up some guy for one night or even for an affair. But I think that she wasaware of whata mess such easy games had created for several of her friends. I think that Amanda regarded a happy marriage as a far more valuable and as a much greater challenge to earn than easy gotten sex with some dude.

We preferred to look forward, speak about the future and were busy with planning for the love child.

A couple of months later Amanda even surprised me by saying that she had asked her lawyer to have our home, her house, to be owned by us together in the future. My objection was that I had never cared about her money. But she replied by saying that though that was true, it could bee too easy for her to throw me out from my home if we got involved in some minor disagreement in the future and too easy for me to pack my clothes and go away if I got angry for some reason.

To my great surprise Amanda's father offered me an important job at his new big project and I said "No thanks" at first but after a long talk after a family dinner he, his wife and both daughters persuaded me to take the job. The main reason for me taking the job was that he planned to retire within a couple of years and wanted Amanda and me run the whole business. Amanda's sister, Madeleine, was now in a law school and had no interest for real estate business.

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HarleyRider1955HarleyRider195524 days ago

I would definitely have the DNA tests on the bady asap. That supposed meeting with the "ladies" was a ruse. She fucked the pimp, got pregnant and now the husband is raising the pimps baby. An average story because the husband is a fool.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The comment section really nails home the idea that most readers of LW have no idea what love is, have never experienced it and come across as people that even their mothers must have difficulty liking let alone loving.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Lot of hypocrisy in the comment section. The author told you via the story that she never cheated. She had every right to burn him. He was insecure, didn't get his facts straight, and he cheated. Period. With genders reversed, this is a common template for LW stories, except the wife gets things wrong, cheats, and the same commenters want the wife to burn.

Also some commenters are pissed because she will continue to harbor some anger in the future, hence her comment about sharing their wealth, so it makes less likely to upset the apple cart. Huh? Read the paragraph. What she said had two parts, one for her and one for him. It cuts both ways. Besides sharing her impressive wealth means an act of trust. That should be obvious. Good story. Love wins out. She is anbetter person than the MC. 5 stars.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous693 months ago

No likable characters and no believable ending. Why would they together? They’re both idiots and selfish people. Why would anyone believe the wife didn’t sleep with Pimp? It would have happened and you screwed up when you had Pimp say he doesn’t mix business with pleasure. If he believed that he won’t have offered his wife as part of a deal.

NitpicNitpic4 months ago

Why didn't her father start the negotiations with Pimp,after all he concluded them?.As for the marriage she should have dumped his cheating arse.

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