Evergreen Treats Ch. 01


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Gretel was panting. Even that tiny nudge... Since when is it so... big?

"Everything's just so heavy." She turned around, chest bouncing right before his eyes. "So much weight for you to carry right now, my big, strong man. You don't mind, do you?"

"I..." Despite the cold, Gretel's cheeks were blazing. "I, um..." He turned to the side bashfully.

He felt her take his hand and spin him back around like a ballroom dancer. Her tits filled his vision again. "Stay close, sweet boy," she said, caressing his cheek. "We wouldn't want you to catch a chill." She giggled, bouncing in place. "Or to fall down without me to catch you~!"

"I... yeah..." Gretel rubbed his thighs together. Feeling his cock straining against his pants, he couldn't help but feel an unhelpful thrill of euphoria and pride mixed with the embarrassment. But also felt so... good.

And heavy.

Everything felt so heavy. His head, hanging low. His cock, throbbing with need as Jenny, sweet, pretty Jenny, nuzzled his ear. The fog, pressing in from all sides. Her heat.

Her breasts, bouncing before his eyes, barely contained by her swimsuit...

"Focus, boy," he heard her whisper distantly. "Focus on the weight of your task at hand. You want to please me, don't you?"


"Be my big, brave hero?"


His eyes strayed from her tits, even though moving them felt like lifting a tremendous burden. He swayed a little, but luckily Jenny was there to support him, to cling to him, to massage his aching neck with her soft, warm hands.

Dimly, he heard her blow him a kiss. He swore he could feel it land on his forehead, and his head somehow felt even heavier from this 'burden', but he couldn't... imagine...

His chin touched his chest.

And he saw it. There, gleaming at his feet.

"Oh," he heard her purr, "there it is~"

It didn't... look like a necklace. Of thick square links of shimmering gold, with red leather on the inside to protect he neck from chafing or pinching, and a weighty plate at the center that seemed meant to bear an inscription, it looked almost like...

"H-Here it is," he mumbled, pointing.

"Oh, wonderful!" And Jenny sounded so happy, Gretel couldn't help but match her smile. She pulled him into a tight hug, squishing his face right between her breasts. He found he didn't mind so much. It took his brain a moment to even register it, and by then she'd pulled back again. "Would you be so sweet and pick it up for me?"

Gretel hesitated. Something about that request felt... weird. Maybe it was the fact that he was already about to fall over. "C-Can you?" he managed, and flushed at how rude that probably sounded.

Jenny didn't sound offended, though. "Oh, silly boy!" She beamed. "You're so funny! You know I couldn't possibly bend over to pick it up. I'm not strong like you." She reached up and grasped her tits, squeezing them together very slowly. "My chest is just so heavy, you see."


"So heavy and bouncy." She let them bounce free. Gretel's mind seemed to follow them, and he swayed. She squished them together again. "So hard to hold up. Gravity just pulls down so hard, doesn't it?"

"Y-Yeah," Gretel mumbled.

"So heavy," she cooed, swaying from side to side. Her tits swung from left to right, great, round weights. "So haaard not to fall~" The words slipped from her lips like sweet syrup.

Gretel's cock throbbed. "Hhhard..." he moaned. He dimly noticed he was swaying to match her rhythm, his eyes blatantly following her breasts now. His cheeks burned in humiliation, but he couldn't... couldn't...

"So, my big, strong man," she cooed, and he felt her tilting his chin up so he could see her batting her eyelashes coquettishly, "would you be a sweetie and pick up that eensy little necklace for me?"

Gretel stared into her glimmering eyes and slowly nodded, raising his head up...

... and letting it fall.

He bent over, swaying in place. The lower he bowed before her, the heavier his head felt, and he had to cling to her with one hand just for balance.

He heard her giggling, and bit his lip. He probably looked quite the sight.

He grasped the necklace and pulled it from the smooth wet sand. He blinked blearily at the inscription on the golden disk at the center. He couldn't quite make it out. The fog was too...

... heavy...

and reading was too...

... hard...

He tried to rise. It was like one of those goblin maids had come and sat on his shoulders. "I... I, um..."

"What's wrong, sweet boy?" Jenny asked. "Do you need help, my big, strong man?"

"I..." Gretel's cheeks burned. "Y-Yes."

He heard her giggle. She bent over as well, and something about that seemed odd to him, but then his face was full of her big, soft, jiggling tits and it was so hard to think of anything but their sweet scent, their welcoming heat...

"Why do you need help?" she asked innocently as her arms wrapped around him, pulled him close, and buried his face in her tits.

Gretel moaned into them. He wanted to protest, but any words would be muffled, and her tits were such nice, soft pillows to rest his head on...

"Too... hmmvvyy," he slurred.

Jenny pulled him upright and smiled brightly at him. "But not too heavy for my brave, dashing hero, surely?"

Gretel bit his lip, feeling his heart flutter. "N-No," he mumbled with a bashful, stupid smile.

"I thought so." She giggled. "So, you found it?"

He lifted up the necklace. It was extremely heavy, just like she'd said it would be. But he was a big, strong man, wasn't he? "H-Here you go."

She looked at the necklace, blinking those pretty, innocent eyes. She looked to him and laughed. "Oh, silly!"


Jenny leaned in close, took the hand holding the collar, and pushed it up against his chest. "It's not for me~"

Gretel stared into those big, pretty eyes. "Um."


Oh no.

He took a step back. "I should, um... should really..."

"... be putting this on?" She kept hold of his hand, taking a step closer. "Oh, I agree! Such a clever boy"~

"N-No!" He shook his head, desperately trying to clear it, but even this motion felt like unbelievable effort. His head was so heavy, and everything seemed to float around him for a moment after the motion, the world wobbling, spinning, drifting... "I was--I w-was--"

"About to put on the collar," Jenny finished for him, eyes sparkling. "Like a good boy."

Good boy. Gretel's vision swam for a moment. When it cleared, Jenny seemed to be much closer. She leaned forward, her lips tickling his, her soft, warm thigh brushing his... oh... "I.... no, I... I won't, um..."

"Be able to resist~" She gave him a soft kiss on the lips, sucking on his upper lip.

Just her kiss made him feel molten inside, like his head was full of gooey, sticky, heavy honey. Gretel's legs trembled beneath him. He forced himself to break the kiss, stumbling back. "No," he whispered, "that wasn't what I was saying, I can--"

"--be good for me~"


"--so pretty, you just feel so shy and dumb around me~"

"This is--"

"--so. Heavy." Jenny batted her eyelashes and closed the distance again. "Your big, dumb dick is so hard and heavy right now, isn't it?"


"--my... what? My tits?" She beamed, reaching up and bouncing them in his face. "Awww, did you notice? Yes, they're heavy, too!" Her voice rose to a singsong coo. "And don't you just looove to watch them bounce-bounce-BOUNCE~?"


"Bounce-bounce-bounce!" she sang, and she bobbed up and down with a wicked little laugh. "So easy to stare. So nice to stare. But so hard," she leaned in close, grinding against his still-clad cock, "not to fall."

"N-No," he whimpered, stumbling back again. He could barely stand; he needed somewhere to lean on, but she was between him and the boulders now. She'd guided him out toward the rising tide. "I... I'll..."

"--kneel," she cooed, squishing her tits together.

"N-No, I--I have to--"

"--take off your pants," she finished sweetly, then laughed. "Aww, is that what you were gonna say? Here, let me help!"

"N-NO!" he cried, but too slow, too dizzy, as Jenny pressed in and laid a finger on his trousers. He felt magic tingling against him, and the laces on his breeches undid before his eyes.

And his cock sprang free.

Instantly, the challenge of staying standing swelled tenfold. His cock, his hard, heavy cock, threw off his whole balance. His head swam. It couldn't be that heavy... could it?

"Mm, isn't that better?" she said sweetly, reaching down and running a finger over the tip. Gretel felt as if he could see it swell at her very touch. "That's how you belong, my 'big, strong man'~"

Her mocking tone was unmistakable now, even in his dazed state.

"N-No," he gasped, stepping back again, and his feet sank into wet sand as shallow waves splashed against his ankles. Sank down. Heavy. So hard... "I... I can..."

"--kneel," Jenny purred, swaying before his gaze as she closed the distance for the final time. "That's what you were going to say, isn't it~?"

"I... but..." Gretel swayed. "But I--"

"--want to be my big, strong man," she supplied, her tone so sweet, so helpful, "and kneel."

She pressed up against him, rubbing her thigh against his big, hard cock. "That's what you're trying to say."

Gretel felt the... weight down below getting heavier, and he couldn't help but lean against her for a moment, just for balance. "O-Oh." He blinked rapidly. He took a step back, and the world swayed and spun around him. "I... it was?"

"Of course," she cooed, stepping closer, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand. "Silly boy, that's what you've been saying all along!"

Gretel bit his lip. "I... I thought..."

"No, you didn't." Jenny giggled. "Big, strong men don't think, silly! Their big, dumb cocks get in the way~! They're soooooo heavy, after all."

"I... oh..." So big. So heavy. Gretel swayed forward, then back, then farther forward...

"That's why," Jenny cooed, "you wanted," she reached forward and grasped his cock, "to," she gave one firm tug, "KNEEL~"

As his cock grew harder, heavier still, Gretel swayed forward too far

and fell to his knees.

Jenny giggled. "Good boy!"

"Guh..." Gretel's head swam like it was filled with sticky, useless goo. He blinked up at Jenny stupidly. Her tits bounced above him, scattering his thoughts, but didn't her smile seem a little... kind of... sinister?

But this was what he'd wanted, wasn't it?

"W-Wait," he managed.

"Hush." Jenny bent down, and her breasts bounced before his eyes. "Silly boy. This is your place, remember?"

"I... buh... but..."

She took his head and tilted it forward, towards her, and unable to keep the weight up, his face fell right into her cleavage.


"That's better~"


He felt her squeezing her tits around his face. Felt them jiggling against him, bouncing his brains away, squishing his brains to goo, so smooth, so soft, so warm...

He felt cool metal brush the nape of his neck, and a momentary thrill of fear gave him drive to lift his head.

Or try to.

All he caught was a glimpse of Jenny's dazzling smirk.

And he heard a click behind his head.

"There we go," Jenny purred, stroking his hair,. Her thigh pressed against his cock and rubbed until the moan escaped him. "All mine! Now..." Her eyes glinted dangerously. "Lose."


Suddenly the weight pressed down all at once. Gretel would have fallen to his hands and knees if Jenny's wonderful tits weren't holding his face up, cradled in their cleavage.

But he did realize, numbly, that he couldn't breathe.

He couldn't breathe. Gretel's eyes tried to widen, but he was too tired, too weighed down. He took in a deep breath and smelled Jenny's perfume, her sweet, musky scent, but no air.

"G-Guhh," he choked out.

"Hush." Jenny lifted him by the chin--a feat of seemingly unspeakable strength to Gretel performed with no visible effort at all--and smirked down at him. "Don't worry, sweetie," she purred. "Jenny's gonna take gooooood care of you~"

"Aw, well, that's awfully nice of you, partner."

Jenny's head shot up. Gretel's tried to, too.

He watched a single fingertip press against Jenny's forehead.

The kelpie's eyes filled with pink light. Her lower lip quivered. "O-Oh..."

"But you want me to take it from here," purred the new voice, a husky, feminine voice with a distinct Western Plains drawl, "don't you?"

"I... want you... n-nnghh..."

"You want to be a good little slutty kelpie and touch those pretty tits of yours, don't you?"

"N-No, I... o-oohh..." Gretel felt Jenny stirring, felt her hands leave his body. Slowly, as the struggle faded from her face, replaced with relaxed calm, she started to grope and fondle her breasts.

A dreamy smile spread across her face.

"Awfully heavy, aren't they?"


"As a matter of course, what was it you were sayin' to him?" The new voice laughed. "Wouldn't it be so much easier to handle those big, dumb, heavy tits if you were on your knees?"

"Uh..." Jenny swayed. "W-Wait, n-no..."

"Gosh, you must be too dumb to listen, sugar. I said..."

The new arrival rested her palm against Jenny's forehead, and Gretel watched rosy-pink magic spark and crackle and flood into the fey woman's eyes. Jenny spasmed and moaned with unmistakable pleasure, groping her tits eagerly, needily.


Jenny fell to her knees beside Gretel. Gretel stared, his heart pounding in his chest. His engorged cock twitched and dribbled a little at that dumb, horny look in her eyes. She groped and fondled her tits right in front of him, drooling from the corner of her parted lips as she pinched her nipples. Her moans of clueless bliss echoed enticingly around him.

The new voice giggled. "Aw, poor little greenthumbs. Never can take what they give, can they?"

Gretel's lips fumbled for a response. All he managed was a feeble groan.

He felt a hand slide under his chin. It tilted his head up, and he found himself staring up at yet another beautiful woman. Her long straw-blonde hair was tied back in a practical ponytail. She wore a leather overcoat, almost like a robe, that did little to conceal the ample curves of her figure. Vivid blue eyes sparkled as she smirked down at him. "Morning, little lady. Having fun?~"

Gretel whimpered and bucked a little without thinking. He was a dumb boy, and a pretty girl was smiling at him, and dumb boys couldn't think when pretty girls were... "B... boy... a-actually..."

"Ah! My mistake. Sorry, sugar." She giggled, reaching down to ruffle his hair. "Looks like you've been having a nice time, though. What's your name?"

It took him so long to remember how to answer questions. "G-Gretel," he whimpered.

"Pleased to meetcha, Gretel." She tipped her faded brown cowgirl hat. "The name's Limini." Her eyes settled on something to his left, and Gretel realized after a moment that she was eyeing his mark. "I have a feeling we're gonna have plenty to talk about."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Y'know, when Jenny remarked that Gretel was really nice, I was low-key wondering if this would be the one time Gretel got seduced and fucked by someone who'd be willing to let him go at the end of it. Poor guy deserves to be able to trust a pretty girl for once...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


RTSFire927RTSFire92710 months ago

I really love your work and your stories always give me a nice feeling. I especially liked the collar in this one

DragonLadDragonLad11 months ago

Wonderful and unique. I loved it and can't wait to see where it goes. Didn't see that twist coming at all

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love every single one of your stories and this one is no exception, please keep posting <3 more bad ends maybe?

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