Every Sexual Saturday

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Wife & boyfriend enjoy cuckolding and tormenting her husband.
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We cuckold and torture my husband. And he loves it.

It all started two years ago. We'd been married for three years, and our sex life had dwindled to a twice a month quickie. I played with my clit when I was horny, but it just wasn't the same feeling as being penetrated by a thrusting cock.

One night while we were lying in bed, I was feeling really frustrated, so I put my hand around his cock and started stroking. I thought it might get him in the mood to fuck me, but he just lay there, enjoying what I was doing to him.

I got up on his erect cock and started fucking. I bounced up and down for maybe a minute when I felt his cock getting soft. Frustrated, I yelled, "What's wrong."

"I'm not in the mood," he sleepily replied.

"You're never in the mood." I got off him and slid back under the covers. I was so upset, I didn't even want to play with myself. Finally, I drifted off to sleep.

The next evening, after dinner, I sat on the sofa with my husband, turned the TV off, and said, "We need to talk."

"What about?"

I silently counted to twenty before I responded, "Our lack of sex."

"Don't you play with yourself?"

"That's not enough for me. I want to be fucked."

He thought for a moment before he replied, "Have you considered finding another man?'"

I was not expecting that response. I love my husband and had never had a single thought about cheating on him. Or worse yet, divorcing him.

"No," I replied. "I want to fix what's wrong with our marriage, not get a divorce."

He chuckled. "I wasn't thinking about a divorce. I was suggesting that you consider having an affair."

Well, at least divorce was off the table. "Why do you want me to have an affair? Most men would be upset if they found out their wife was cheating on them."

"You wouldn't be cheating if I know about it. I think it would be fun for you to experience another intimate relationship," he replied.

I was stunned. That was too quick of a response to something we hadn't spoken about before. I turned the TV back on and spent the rest of the evening thinking about what he told me.

The next day, after my husband left for work, I decided to do a little investigating. I looked at our computer browsing history. I had to go back a few days before I found something interesting.

My husband watched a porn video of a woman cuckolding her husband with another man. In the video, the husband was bound to a chair and upset that his wife was having sex with another man She was laughing and ridiculing her husband while enjoying the sex with the other man.

I kept searching and found other cuckold videos that my husband watched. This was a whole new world for me. As I said, I'd never considered cheating. And yet, here were all these videos celebrating cheating or cuckolding. At the time, I wasn't sure what the difference was between cheating and cuckolding.

When I shut down the computer, I was mentally exhausted. I went to bed and lay there thinking about what it would be like to have a boyfriend and a husband. I fell asleep while I was playing with myself.

I woke up a couple of hours later and made dinner. After dinner, while we were watching TV, all I could think about was my husband wanting me to have a boyfriend. The idea was so wild to me that I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The next day, after my husband left for work, I did some more internet research. It took some searching to get past all the porn, but I finally found some cuckolding discussions. I also learned the difference between cheating and cuckolding. Trust. Cheating violates your partner's trust in you, and that's wrong. Cuckolding implies that the husband is aware of what his wife is doing. Now, whether he likes it or not is up to the individual couple.

I learned that the level of sex and intimacy can vary between a husband and a wife in a cuckold relationship. The husband can be intimate and sexual with his wife, just intimate with his wife, or live like roommates. I hoped that my husband still wanted to be intimate and sexual with me. I feared that he wanted to be my roommate.

When I looked up from my research, it was 4:30. No time to make dinner, so I brought up the GrubHub website and ordered a couple of pasta bowls. After dinner, before we turned the TV on, I asked my husband, "What do you imagine my having a boyfriend would be like?"

My husband was hesitant at first, but after a bit of encouragement from me, he was sharing all of his sexual fantasies. A lot of his fantasies had to do with my cuckolding him, but a few of his interests were unusual, to say the least. Oh well, it seems I'll have to do another couple of days of internet research.

The next morning. I reluctantly took off my engagement and wedding rings and put them away in my jewelry box. If I was going to find a boyfriend, I wanted to make it easier for him to approach me.

My plan was simple. Live my life and see who approached me. If there was mutual interest, tell him I'm married and ask him if he wants to be a friend with benefits.

A couple of months later, while I was grocery shopping, I wanted some olives on the top shelf. This taller guy was doing his grocery shopping, so I asked him to get the olives for me.

I "forgot" to move out of the way, and he leaned into me to reach the olives. I loved him pressing into me and I loved the way his cologne smelled. After that, he followed me around the store while we talked about life, love, and pasta. By the time we got to the checkout, I asked him his name. Ralph, he replied. He asked for and I gave him my burner phone number. You can't be too careful when dating these days.

That night, while we were lying in bed, I told my husband what happened at the grocery store. After he heard my story, he pulled me on top of him in the cowgirl position and I had the best fuck I'd had in weeks. Shit, you mean all I had to do was make up sex stories to get my husband excited. Lesson learned. Better late than never, I guess.

It didn't take long for Ralph to call me and ask me out. I agreed to meet him at Olive Garden Friday evening. I wanted to meet him somewhere, rather than have him pick me up, in case our date didn't work out. I also didn't want my husband to see Ralph quite yet.

Our evening at Olive Garden went quite well. I discovered that Ralph and I had a couple of common interests. One, we both liked Italian dishes. Two, we had a common interest in European history. We'd both read different books about Italy, so we shared what we knew.

After dinner, Ralph walked me to my car. I let him kiss me. It was both interesting and exciting to be kissed by someone new. I drove home thinking about how much I enjoyed talking with Ralph and how much fun I was going to have with my husband when I told him what happened.

That night, while my husband and I were lying in bed, I told him about my "date". Sure enough, he pulled me on top of him and I had another great fuck. My sex life was vastly improving.

When Ralph called to make a second date, I decided it was time to tell him that while I was married I was available. He seemed rather incurious about my marriage, and I arranged to meet him at Spasso Italian Grill Wednesday night.

Each and every time I had something new to tell my husband about Ralph while we were in bed, I had an amazing fuck. It was obvious to me that my husband was excited to hear about my developing relationship with Ralph. I had the best of both worlds, with Ralph courting me and my husband fucking me.

The next morning, I was so happy to put my engagement ring and wedding ring back on my hand.

Our evening at the Spasso Italian Grill went well. After dinner, Ralph walked me to my car and kissed me goodbye. I drove home thinking about how much Ralph seemed to enjoy my company. I knew I enjoyed his company.

When Ralph called to arrange a third date, I asked him to pick me up and gave him my address. By this time, I trusted him. I also expected him to invite me over to his place for sex. Finally, I wanted my husband to see Ralph and know I wasn't making him up.

After our third date, Ralph did invite me over to his place, and I agreed. He lived in a nice one-bedroom apartment on the east side of town, near the historic district. We'd already eaten, so we quickly wound up naked in his bedroom.

Ralph put me on my hands and knees facing the headboard in the doggie position and fucked me from behind. It'd been years since my husband took me that way. The only position he really enjoyed was the cowgirl position with me on top. It was great to feel the pounding rather than always being the one to control the thrusting.

After Ralph came inside me, we cuddled. I hadn't orgasmed, but I didn't care. Even though I was lying in bed, I could still feel the sensations from the pounding my pussy took.

Ralph finally broke the silence by asking me, "How does your husband feel about you with me?"

There was so much I wanted to tell Ralph about cuckolding but I knew that would be too much information too soon. "He gets excited when I'm with another man," I replied.

Ralph seemed confused. "I don't understand. If I was married to you, I wouldn't want another man looking at you."

I smiled. I understood his feelings. I remembered how surprised I was when my husband casually dropped cuckolding on me. "I guess my husband is different. I can tell he enjoys my being with you."

"So, what about us?"

I thought about how best to answer Ralph's question before I replied. "I'm happily married and I don't want to leave my husband. If you're willing to share me, you can have a relationship with me."

Ralph sighed. "I guess I'll have to share you. I'd do anything to be with you."

I smiled. It would be a while, but I wondered if Ralph's "anything" would include teasing and torturing my husband.

Ralph and I established a routine. I would drive to his apartment on Friday night and spend the night. I'd return home sometime Saturday morning to my husband, who wanted to hear every detail. Sometimes, we would wind up in bed all of Saturday afternoon. Sometimes, I would make him wait until Saturday night before we went to bed. I was having the best sex of my life.

I'd occasionally drive to Ralph's place during the week, but for both my husband's sake and Ralph's sake, I wouldn't spend the night. I'd spend a couple of hours with Ralph, then return home.

I'd been seeing Ralph for three months when I decided to ask him if he would help me cuckold my husband more directly. I told Ralph what I had in mind and to my surprise he excitedly agreed. Looking back on it, I shouldn't have been surprised. Ralph really didn't like that I was married to my husband, so an opportunity to humiliate him must have been pretty exciting.

Now that Ralph was on board, it was time to purchase some things. I ordered an ottoman and some other odds and ends. I waited until my husband got home from work so he could watch me order a Kali's teeth cock ring.

A Kali's teeth cock ring is a hinged metal cylinder with nail points lining the inside. You close the cylinder on the penis shaft near the balls and padlock it shut. If the man gets too erect while wearing the device, the nail points press against the shaft. My understanding is that it's a painful experience for the man, especially when the woman is doing something sexually arousing in front of him.

When all of the supplies arrived, I had my husband spend a Saturday afternoon putting everything together. When he finished, I told him to take a shower and we would try out his bondage and torture.

When my husband came out of the bathroom, I had him kneel on the ottoman. I tied his ankles to one of the legs of the ottoman and tied his thighs together, so he couldn't move his legs. I used two extended leather wrist restraints to attach his wrists to a suspension bar. I pulled the suspension bar up so he literally could not slouch while kneeling and tied the rope to a boat cleat mounted on the wall.

Now for the final implement. I showed my husband the open Kali's teeth cock ring and let him look at the nail points for a couple of minutes before I closed the cylinder on his shaft and padlocked it shut.

I undressed and got into bed. I could already hear my husband moaning from seeing me naked. I smiled thinking about what I was about to do. I spread my legs as wide as I could and started playing with my clit.

I didn't have to wait long. Kali was having her effect on my husband. The moans turned into gasps and quiet screams. Each noise I heard from my husband made me that much hornier, and soon, I was rubbing my clit with my whole hand. I had a big orgasm right when I heard my husband scream loudly. I'm sure it was a coincidence.

When I finally had the strength to get out of bed, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. When I came back into the bedroom, I sat on the foot of the bed and asked my husband how he enjoyed the experience.

"It was painful," he replied.

I giggled. "I could hear you."

"Yes, I saw how much you enjoyed my pain."

It was true. I did enjoy his moans and screams. I continued, "Part of the testing was to see how long you can endure kneeling on the ottoman, so I'm going to leave you bound for the rest of the evening. Oh, and I will whip your ass with the flogger if you scream that loudly again. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am. Could you unlock the cock ring?"

"What, and spoil most of the fun?"

I decided to keep teasing my husband and remained naked for the rest of the evening. I would go and do things in the rest of the house and come back to the bedroom to check on my husband. The highlight of my evening came nearer bedtime when I sat on the end of the bed, took a picture of my husband with my phone, and called Ralph to share the picture and tell him everything we did. As I expected, my husband moaned and quietly screamed throughout the call. I think he knew I would whip him with the flogger if his loud screams interrupted my call.

When I finally unlocked Kali and untied my husband from his bondage, I had to help him sit down. He sat on the ottoman for about half an hour before he was able to stand up and walk around.

When we got into bed, my husband tried to pull me on his very erect cock. I slapped his cock, and told him I'd had enough sex for the day. I rolled over and listened to my husband play with himself for a change.

The next Saturday was planned as an all day test of my husband's bondage and torture. As soon as I got home from spending the night with Ralph, I had my husband strip, tied him to the ottoman, and locked his Kali on. I undressed and spent the entire day naked to tease him.

I came into the bedroom twice to play with myself in front of my husband. As I expected,, I heard moans and quiet screams while I fingered my clit. I missed the loud screams. I wanted to hear them and wanted to whip my husband's ass. After I had my orgasm and rested for a bit, I wondered if I was being too mean. My husband's moans let me know I wasn't.

About two hours before bedtime, I untied my husband from the ottoman. He sat on the ottoman for almost an hour before I saw him up and about. I asked him how he felt.

"I'm a little stiff, but it's nothing," my husband replied.

Curious, I asked, "How do you feel while you're bound?"

"My legs go numb first, then my torso, and finally my arms. After about 45 minutes I'm numb all over. It's not painful anywhere, just numb."

I thought of one body part of his that seemed to be in constant pain and grinned.

The following weekend Ralph and I would cuckold and torture my husband like he wanted. Friday evening, after dinner, Ralph would pick me up and take me to his place to spend the night. When we both returned to my house Saturday morning, Ralph would watch me tie my husband up, and then Ralph and I would have a late breakfast together.

Ralph and I would spend the day in and out of bed. After dinner, Ralph would leave and I'd have the rest of the evening to tease my husband. Later, when my husband and I went to bed, he'd have to play with himself if he was horny.

I spent Friday night at Ralph's. While we were cuddling, I asked him if he understood what I wanted. He replied that he did.

When we returned to my house Saturday morning, my husband was still sleeping. I woke him up and told him to strip. After I tied him to the ottoman, I brought out the Kali's teeth cock ring and showed it to Ralph. He felt the nail points with his fingers while I explained its purpose. When I stopped talking, Ralph laughed. He watched as I closed the cylinder on my husband's shaft and padlocked it shut.

Ralph and I went to the kitchen. I prepared some scrambled eggs and toast for the two of us. As we were eating, Ralph asked, "What about your husband? When will he eat?"

"It's his fault for sleeping late. He can get something to eat after we've had dinner and I untie him."

"Wow, you sound so mean," Ralph exclaimed. "I'd never heard you talk that way before."

I blushed. Normally, I try to be sweet and considerate with everyone, but I'd already switched into a sadistic bitch for my husband's enjoyment. I'd have to be careful to be sweet for Ralph and bitchy for my husband. This day was going to be harder for me than I thought.

After breakfast, we went into the bedroom, undressed, and got into bed. Well, before we got into bed, Ralph came over to my side of the bed, kissed me, turned me to face my husband, stood behind me, and reached around me to manhandle my ample boobs.

I was stunned and it wasn't until we got into bed that I realized Ralph was taunting my husband. Neither Ralph nor my husband were overly excited about playing with my tits, but Ralph was asserting his dominance over my husband by freely manhandling my boobs while all my husband could do was kneel there and watch.

Ralph picked me up and put me in the doggie position facing my husband. It was very arousing to watch him moan and whimper while Ralph was pounding my pussy. I came with an explosive orgasm and fell on my chest, mewing.

Ralph and I spent the rest of the morning cuddling and fucking. Each and every time we fucked, Ralph would put me on my hands and knees, facing my husband, and pound my pussy. Each time, watching my husband watching us and trying to not get too erect was all the stimulation I needed to cum rather quickly.

When it was lunchtime, we got up and went into the kitchen. I made a nice steak and mashed potatoes meal for both of us. We sat quietly and ate. I suppose we'd been together for long enough that there was no need for any more conversation.

Ralph and I spent the afternoon in bed cuddling and fucking. Time passed quickly for me, and it was time for dinner before I was hungry.

I made a nice pasta bowl for Ralph and me. After dinner, Ralph brought me back into the bedroom, stood me right in front of my husband, and manhandled my boobs for what felt like a half hour, I understood what Ralph was doing now, so I just stood there and enjoyed the way Ralph's hands felt squeezing my tits and tweaking my nipples. I almost wanted to be fucked again when Ralph abruptly stopped manhandling my boobs, put his clothes on, kissed me goodbye, and left.

After seeing Ralph to the door, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. When I came back into the bedroom, I sat down at the foot of the bed and told my husband everything that had been bothering me since I started seeing Ralph. Since he was bound to an ottoman, he had to kneel there and listen to me bitch for as long as I wanted.

After I was done bitching, I untied my husband and helped him sit on the ottoman until he felt comfortable enough to get up, go to the kitchen, and get himself a pasta bowl. I smiled the whole time I watched him eat, thinking about how he'd been tied kneeling on the ottoman all day, hungry, while Ralph and I had three meals together. I can be a sadistic bitch when I want to.