Everyday Evie

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After a divorce would she find love again?
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Those of you who are sticklers for proper punctuation will spit nails by the time this story is over. I often use asterisks to emphasize a thought instead of parentheses. That particular practice seems to genuinely peeve people, so if that bothers you, you've been forewarned.

This story is dedicated to a Lit member whom I have become email friends with. Like the lady in this story, she found the love of her life entering middle age. Their love flourished until he was taken from her prematurely at the age of 60. It is not a factual based story, more along the lines of what could have been had he not died so young. Lisa, this one's for you in remembrance of Juan.

Everyday Evie

Standing next to my policeman friend, it wasn't hard to watch the jerk drive away. Like most players he laid on charm and romance during the hunt, when it came to being a loving partner he had changed exponentially for the worse. More so than I was willing to put up with. Having him leave was okay. Really it was. Though I had wanted things to work out they hadn't to my satisfaction. I'd grown tired of his immature attitude. It was time for him to go or me to eat a bullet, considering that I have no appetite for lead. Him being gone was the best option. He was similar to my ex-husband in too many ways, you'd have thought I learned my lesson. Oh well, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

I'd met this guy after being divorced for five years and the girls in college. One would have thought I could see the signs by then, and maybe I did but chose to ignore them. The first five years of my divorce were spent in celibacy while I got my twin girls through high school and into secondary education. I wasn't of the mind that one needed to go to college right away but insisted they do something, tech school or a junior college. They weren't going to sit around and eat bob-bons next to our non-existent pool.

I met him, Travis Beechum, III, at a business function. I should have known he wasn't the read deal just by the name, who calls themselves *the third* of anything any longer? He was calm, cool and collected in the beginning, coffee dates, a light lunch if we were both free, a dinner date including a bouquet of flowers when he picked me up. Another sure sign he was a player I had ignored, was that the flowers were of the $5.99 variety you find at the end of grocery aisles. He couldn't be bothered to go to an actual florist.

I let him kiss me on the first date, he tried to feel me up and I pushed him away. He got the message and wisely backed off. It was another two weeks before I let him kiss me again, this time he minded his manners. He apparently realized I wasn't going to be his next quick hook up and took his time wooing me. His prize, my panties on the floor and him riding me off into the sunset. It took him another two months before I took him into my bed, the first night was soft and loving, something I had missed for years.

The next two weeks were much the same, oh sure, we'd speed up and get randy from time to time but it wasn't every time we had sex, looking back I realize that's all it was ... sex. I wanted more. I wanted affection, tender moments of pillow talk following sex, his arms around me holding me tight. I wanted to feel warm and secure in his embrace. Somehow he never got the message, men can be such idiots at times.

He kept pushing for anal and I kept telling him no way in hell, that was a one-way street. He would pout and acquiesce, another sign I ignored, his little boy behavior. I'd been letting him into my bed and stay the night a few times a week for a month when I'd made my decision, this guy had to go. He was constantly moody, no more compliments or flowers, no dates, he'd become aggressive in the bedroom.

The end came about as we were rocking the bed frame one night with him behind in doggy position, a position I generally liked but not that night. He was slamming into me so hard I could barely maintain my position. When he reached forward grabbing a fist full of long hair yanking my head back, I screamed and pulled away from him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? That hurt dammit, I'm not some cheap whore you can throw around and abuse, get out of my bed."

He tried to talk me into letting him finish. When I laughed and informed him it would be a cold day in hell before I let him back in my bed he stormed off to the couch. I was making my lunch for work the next morning when the idiot had the balls to speak like I was his maid or servant as he sat on his lazy ass watching sports round up or some crap like that.

"Bring me a cup of coffee and hurry up or I'll be late."

Not being a good little compliant girl I brought a cup of coffee, then dropped it on his lap and walked to the door, turning I told him to be out by the time I got home. I didn't care that he was agonizing in pain or calling me a worthless cunt. I also wasn't worried about him getting back into my house after work because he didn't have a key. Driving down the street toward home at 5:20 that evening I noticed his car was still in the driveway and it certainly didn't look like he intended to be going anywhere. No hanging clothes, no boxes, the car was empty. I didn't fool around, I called the cops, most of whom I'd known all my life. Mike Orton pulled up behind me at the curb, opened my passenger door and sat down inside where it was warm.

"What's up Evie?" (with a soft e, as in Evelyn)

I explained the situation, that he'd been sharing my bed a few times a week. I described the continual demands for anal which was something I wouldn't do, and finally the incident the night before. Yanking my head back and his overly aggressive nature.

"How long has he lived with you?"

I shook my head lightly, "He isn't living with me, as embarrassing as this is Frank, he sleeps with me a few times a week, if that. At first, he was gentle and loving, now he thinks he can order me around like he owns the house instead of me. I want him gone Frank, but I'm concerned for my safety."

"Well Evie, if he doesn't live with you and is in the house without your permission, technically he's trespassing. I'm wondering how he got back in if he doesn't have a key?"

"I don't think he ever went to work, when I drove by his work at noon the car wasn't there. I thought maybe he'd gone to lunch somewhere."

"Okay Ev, I'll follow you in and make sure he leaves peacefully."

Travis bellowed and carried on, calling me names and behaving like he was in eighth grade. He was borderline belligerent to Mike, talking about how he knew people and Mike would be sorry. He quickly backed down as Mike pulled the cuffs from his utility belt. We watched as Travis drove away with a warning from Mike not to return or harass me in any way. As shitheads' taillights faded into the night, I gave Mike a longtime friend sort of hug and thanked him.

He gave me a mild admonishment, "You need to be careful Evie, don't let somebody stay here just because you might be lonely. The right guy will come along, I know this is a cliché, but be patient. Next time you're serious about someone call me, I can do a simple background without breaking any laws. I'll let Corrine know to invite you over for our next BBQ, who knows, maybe you'll meet some dashing stranger to sweep you off your feet."

I slapped his arm as he went through the doorway, "Dashing stranger, no thanks, I think I'm done with the dating thing at my age. 42 is too old to be playing these games. Night Mike, and thanks again."

Lying in bed I contemplated how I'd wound up single in the first place. My ex and I had met in our second year of college, in our minds maintaining one household instead of two would be less expensive. We were already in his bed or mine nearly every night, on a whim we eloped much to the dismay of both sets of parents. I put my studies on hold so I could work while he finished his degree, the plan was that I would finish my degree in finances after he graduated.

Ever notice how life gets in the way of most people's plans? It did with ours. After his graduation and me starting school again I found myself pregnant with twins. The agreement was that we'd wait for kids until after my graduation, we'd been using condoms faithfully since the first night we'd had sex and all of a sudden I was pregnant. It wasn't until I was several months pregnant that he admitted he'd made sure the condoms would leak, his reasoning, he was ready to start a family even if I wasn't. I was super pissed, but I also had two lives growing inside me, I did what we all do in those situations, I sucked it up and went on.

I gave birth to identical twin daughters, although if you're with them every day like a mama is, you quickly pick out the differences. I spent all my time being a *mom* until they started kindergarten at five. I began taking a few classes a semester while they were at school, this routine followed until they were eight. I was 31 when the woman they referred to as "the mom" finally walked across the stage as a graduate. With my newly acquired diploma I went looking for a job in my field of expertise. Though Jerry's salary was sufficient, I wanted to contribute and feel worth something. No one was looking for recent graduates in finance, so when I ran into an old classmate at the post office who was now working in the family business, I jokingly told him I needed a job.

He un-jokingly told me he had two positions in assembly and I was welcome to one if I so desired. It wasn't what I wanted but it was an income to help the family. I told myself something in my field would open soon. The job wasn't heavy or laborious, but it did require a high level of quality. The business made fishing rods, not every day run of the mill stuff like you'd buy at a Walmart or Target, these were all custom made with orders coming in from all over the world. They also had an in-plant store where they sold seconds, those that didn't pass quality control for the most minute blemish. Even on sale they were double to triple the price of those found in most retail shops and sporting goods stores.

The place was clean. The people who worked there were friendly. I was never bored. You worked at your own pace with a realistic expectation for production. Sexual harassment or misconduct was cause for an immediate termination, and that applied to either sex. The wages were above norm for our area and the job came with some benefits. I started early so Jeff got the girls off to school and I was home by the time they got off the bus, all in all it worked out okay. We didn't need my paychecks in our regular budget, so we banked the majority of them in an education savings account in the girl's names.

Married life was alright, Jeff was a good daddy always encouraging and cheering for the girls no matter what they were involved in. As a husband he was a good and consistent provider, in the bedroom he was adequate but not much more. I'd had other lovers before him who were more attentive and loving, but I refused to compare or complain. If him being less than I expected in the bedroom was my only issue, I had little to grumble about. When the girls were thirteen I discovered he had a lover on the side, let me clarify that, the girls discovered it and told me. They'd been with friends at the mall waiting for the Cinema to open when they saw their dad with another woman, holding her hand and kissing her. When they got home I could tell something wasn't right and set out to learn why.

With a bit of mom cajoling they spilled the beans blubbering and hanging on to me for dear life, in the end all three of us were soaked in tears. My mind went into a tailspin, how could he have done this to our family, were the girls not reason enough to remain faithful? Was I not everything he said he wanted and more? Did I not please him? Or was I simply no longer worthy of his attention and love? Why would the bastard leave me stranded with two girls at the age of 36?

The girls and I muddled through the divorce, I ended up with the house and the paid for car if I left his retirement alone. He didn't like the fact that I was fighting against him getting half of the savings in the girls' names but in the end he capitulated and stopped whining. All through the divorce proceedings I often wondered how the girls and I would survive. In place of alimony I accepted the house and car, there would be some child support, but I wasn't sure it would be enough with just my lower paying job. The girls and I made the most of it as we watched our pennies carefully. What we didn't need we didn't buy, simple as that. That all changed the minute my divorce was final.

Immediately after getting the court ordered crap out of the way and a final divorce decree I was approached by Roger (third generation owner and former classmate who'd gotten me the job) about possibly moving into a different position within the company. I had worked myself up from the assembly line and was now running the seconds store along with the newer concept of online orders. We were in his office, him with a cup of coffee and a donut (I swear the man is addicted to donuts) and me with a cup of coffee, our conversation went as such.

"How much training do you have in finances Ev? Am I correct in thinking you have a degree in that field?"

"I do Roger, I couldn't find anything when I graduated, you were kind enough to give me a job. After Jeff left I needed to work enough to support the girls and myself, I thought it best to simply stay where I am. You pay me decently and I have some benefits, it's enough to keep the wolves away from the door. I haven't had to touch what I'd put aside for the girls years ago, at the same time I haven't been able to add to it either. I stay abreast of upgrades and tax codes, but I haven't as yet held a job in finance."

He half smiled as he took another bite of his donut, "Here's the skinny Ev, Bob Eldridge wants to retire in sixty days, or as close to that as possible. If I can find someone to fill his position as CFO they can work with him and learn the ropes. It may not take two months and if not, he can retire sooner, he's already sixty-eight, he can retire with full benefits and Social Security. Think you might be interested?"

Did he think I might be interested? I was so excited I wanted to pee my pants, but I remained calm on the outside.

"I'd like that Roger, thanks for remembering I have a degree. When would I start this new job?"

He gave me that same smile he enticed the girls with when we were in school, "Monday, since today's Thursday I want you to take tomorrow off and get a few work outfits together. You'll need to dress the part, we have people from all over the world through here. I need you to look professional every working day but Friday. Friday is Casual Friday, *blue jean day*. No one has complained yet."

Not having many nicer clothes I was immediately concerned and told him most of what I possessed were work clothes. I told him that I didn't have a variety of office type apparel.

He chuckled, "Calm down Ev, now that you'll be salaried one of your benefits is a three hundred dollar a year clothing allowance. I'll tell Lois to cut you a check for that today, I suppose we should talk about the salary package. I believe you're around 42K a year now, is that right?" I nodded. "Your new position will put you at 68 starting Monday, your health and sick days benefits remain the same. You'll have three weeks of vacation instead of two and the company will match your IRA contributions up to seven percent. Any questions?"

I was overwhelmed, "Roger, that's way above and beyond what a new hire to that position would be brought in at. Are you sure you won't catch flak about that?"

He sat back and belly laughed, "When it comes to senior staff, my wife and I are HR Evie, and as for the board, I control eighty percent of the company stock. It may sound arrogant, but I answer to nobody, well at least here in the company. Mother and my wife still think they're the fourth person of the God head, I feel as though I need to at least hear them out concerning home or family matters. Not that I agree, or do as they want, but at least I hear them out."

It was my turn to guffaw, the fourth person of the God head, I was raised that He was a triune being, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I certainly liked all of what I was hearing but needed to make absolutely sure.

"Are you one hundred percent sure Roger, I don't want to let you down."

With a stern look on his face he leaned forward, "I'm sure. Joyce, my bride, said if I didn't give you first dibs on this position I was a fool. Evie you were the smartest girl in math all four years of high school, you went on to complete your degree when you didn't have to, that says a lot. You're damned straight I'm sure, pick up that check from Lois by the end of the day and go spruce up your wardrobe tomorrow."

"Speaking of wardrobe, just what am I supposed to wear?"

"Dresses, skirt and blouse, dress slacks and blouse, pant suits, as long as they don't look like Hillary. Anything professional looking, as much as I hate wearing a tie I do it every day, because I should, not because I need to. We could all dress down and look like tobacco chewing good old boys, but we wouldn't be selling three-hundred-dollar fishing rods to sheiks in the desert where there are absolutely no lakes. Use your own judgment Evie, it'll be fine."

In one day I had gone from an adequate job to an exceptional job, the bonus being I didn't have to share any of it with the cheater. I found out later it was Roger's wife who told him to hold off offering me the position until the divorce was final. Needless to say, when I found out I hugged her neck good and tight. The girls were a few months away from fifteen, Jeff had them every other weekend until they turned sixteen, at which time they didn't have to go if they didn't want to.

I noticed a subtle change in them during that period of time, they weren't disrespectful or rebellious, at the same time they weren't asking me all the questions I had asked my mom at that age. It bothered me for some time, I finally announced a family meeting after supper, when I brought up what I'd noticed I was not ready for the answer I got.

Though she was a minute and a half younger than her sister, Helen was the more vocal of the twins. It always seemed as though Karen did the thinking and Helen did the talking. That evening was no different. Helen had an immediate answer which indicated to me they'd talked about it before.

"Mom you're pretty, you have a great job, you know we love you ....

I sensed a *but* coming so I said "But."

"Well, you're not cool anymore, not like Linda (Jeff's newest squeeze) is. She shows us things with makeup and buys us things to wear that you don't."

I held my hand up to stop, "Is that why you don't want me to see the underwear that are so tiny they barely cover anything? And bras that push your breasts together and create more cleavage? The end result is that she's helping you dress like sluts."

"No mom, we only have one pair of those tiny ones and we don't wear them because they aren't comfortable and the bras pinch. What I'm talking about is she has young ideas and you're .... oh, how do I say this mom .... you're just" ..... and she stopped.

Karen piped up for the first time during the entire conversation, "Everyday, mom, you're so everyday. You hardly wear makeup anymore. Your hair is always pulled back in a ponytail after your home. You wear really nice clothes but they look like they should be on an old woman. Speaking of which, why do you still wear those baggy old granny panties? Geez mom, you've had them for ages?"

I sat awestruck looking at my angels who were now afraid they'd hurt my feelings. Wiping away a tear the thought crossed my mind, Everyday Evie, that's what I had become.