Everything for the Career Ch. 07


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This time, she collapsed crying, on her knees. I went down too and embraced her. We were both that way when the media, the police and Arthur found us.

And as we cried, Arthur came around and encircled us both in his arms. I do not know about mine. But I was determined to get Charlene's life back. And I could feel the relief in her arms finally. Her tears, it dawned to her, had finally come to an end.


11 years ago

At least he's talking. Thank you God!

I was sitting with Edwards. He looked aged. Old. Nothing to live for in life. The eyes... they had lost the light. Like that of an animal in a cage in the zoo. It knows he will never be free again. And he stops caring. So did Edwards.

But he was talking with me.

When the negotiations collapsed, when the bank went to someone else, Edwards had stopped talking to me.

Now, after 4 years, he called me. And I could not speak properly on the phone. My tears and hiccups were getting in the way. But he had called me. And he wanted to speak to me. And I cried in relief even as Arthur held me in his arms as I cried.

"Will you forgive me?"

That was HIS first question to me. Something *I* should have been asking him.

"Edwards..." I said, before the tears came again.

And through the tears, I could see him smiling. And my tears intensified. GOD!

"Why did you forgive me Edwards?" I asked. He may have. I could not. I had never forgiven myself. In choosing between two things -- Arthur or FCB, I had chosen Arthur. But that did not mean I had forgiven myself.

"Because there was nothing to forgive in the first place Jenny," he said. "And I called you yesterday because it took this old man that long to realize that."

"I..." I actually could not THINK of anything to say.

"Then say nothing Jenny." He said. Apart from Arthur, he was the ONLY one who could read my thoughts, if there was ever such a thing.

I took his hands in mine. They were so frail. And wrinkled.

"Jenny... I am not going to live longer." He said. Out of the blue. "Take care of my boy now and then?" he asked, talking about his son.

"Why don't you?" I asked him.

"What?" he responded. "Me?" he looked at the horizon wistfully. "There is nothing left for me to give to my son Jenny. Nothing." He said. His eyes were teary.

"NO!" I said. Hard. He looked at me in surprise.

"Why don't you give your son, the opportunity YOU have had?" I asked. Softly.

"Jenny... what are you talking?" he asked. Clearly perplexed.

"Why don't you..." I composed myself, "Why don't you ask your son to start ANOTHER bank."

The statement hung in the air. Edwards froze. The wind had died down and the sun was setting slowly which we could see was BEAUTIFUL, from Edwards home.

"Jenny...?" he asked me quizzically.

"Yes Edwards, YES. FCB was YOUR bank. Not your son's. Make him something that HE CAN OWN. Give him something that is not his father's, but HIS alone!"

"Jenny..." Edwards was tearing up now. "It takes too long. It's not possible."

"Yes. It takes too long. It took too long for you to become Chairman and President of your own bank." I stated, "but because there was no one to guide you." I also added.

Edwards took a sharp intake of breath.

"But YOU are there now to guide him. YOU can make sure he reaches that position WAY before you reached yours. You had your bank. Give him his Edwards. Give him HIS LIFE." I said.

Edwards smiled.

And for the first time in four years, I could see the light in his eyes.

"And THAT," I said, with tears in my eyes matching his, "will be your LEGACY."

That was too much for Edwards. He jerked and covered his face in his palms. And for the first time in my ENTIRE LIFE, I saw Edwards CRY!

"Edwards...?" I asked, kneeling before his chair.

He continued sobbing as I sat next to his chair, my hands on his knees.

And when he finished sobbing he composed himself. And looked up at me. He had just become 10 years younger!

"Jenny..." he said, love in his eyes, "my... child!" he said. As he embraced me.

And I noticed happily as I cried into his chest. His embrace. It was strong again.

Edwards was back.

And I thanked God that day again.

"And Edwards..." I said, as he held me at arm's length, "if you want any logistical work done for this -- filling forms, submitting them, couriering then..."

He looked at me, not understanding.

"Then..." I took a deep breath, "then you can always ask Charlene to help. She's with us."

And with that, we both broke down again.

I turned around, and saw Arthur standing near the window. He had not said a word. It was my conversation entirely.

And my heart filled with pride and love just to see him trying to desperately hide his tears.


And just to interject, THIS time around, Switzerland *was* sweet!


09 years ago

We could never have any children.

We tried. God knows we tried. Naturally, including treatments. But we could never have any children.

What hurt, was not when the doctor told us one FINAL time that we would never have children. No. What hurt worst was the parting remark of the doctor -- "Maybe if you had tried to have children EARLIER, Jennifer..."

And that hurt.

After so many years, the life I had chosen, the career, when young, STILL hurt.

And I cried myself to sleep that night. And Arthur, my sweet Arthur, did not say ANYTHING. Instead, he just held me in his arms as I cried. If it was bad for me, it would be killing for Arthur to hear that doctor say this. But there was nothing I could do. But Arthur, he held me, kissed me .

"Its alright honey. We have each other still."

That's what he said.

And I hoped to God that in the next reincarnation, if there was such a thing, to give him a better wife. He deserved it.


We thought about adopting, but could never get around to the fact that they were not from my womb and his seed. Nothing personal against adopting, but that was just the way *WE* felt.


08 years ago

Apart from getting my Arthur back, this was the FIRST time, I faced this kind of happiness. The honor was mine. With my Arthur by my side. And the joy.

I cut the ribbon.

For the very first branch of AACB (All America Corporation Bank).

Edwards was there. And so were a few loyals. Some faces I recognized and met after so many years. For the first time, I saw pride in Edward's eyes. The last time I saw this was when he ascended to Chairmanship of FCB. Life, I understood, does come full circle.

There was no one, NO ONE, from the old guard, that DID NOT have their eyes wet. Including mine. And with Arthur's hand on my shoulders and his smile in the eyes and lips, I felt, life, WAS good, even as Edward's son inaugurated the very first branch of his bank.


This time, I say, THIS time, SWITZERLAND was a BLAST!!


05 years ago

We were watching that rare adult films that me and Arthur watch once in a blue moon. As usual, there was no story. Only hardcore action.

And Arthur was DISTINCTLY uncomfortable.

And I had no ideas why.

This was not the FIRST time we were watching a porno or come on, I mean, this was not a epic or something. It was a porn movie for God's sake!

But the storyline... something caught my mind. And Arthur realized that I had realized it.

The story was crap.

But it had a wronged husband taking revenge against his wife's extra socializing (kitty parties, charity events, etc) by banging prostitutes in the hotel.

And the more the story progressed the more distressed Arthur became. Finally in something unbecoming of Arthur, he walked off half way from the movie. I closed the movie and did not follow him. I wanted to let him have his privacy.

Later that night, as we slept, I was woken up by his side of the bed rocking. I got up worried and saw that he was crying. Literally CRYING in huge sobs. I immediately got up and held him. That did not stop his tears as they continued to fall.

"Its OK honey, its absolutely OK." I continued, as I ran my fingers through his hair. While he still could not bring his tears under control. As all he did was rock in my arms and keep on saying -- "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jenny. Oh God!" again and again.

We did not sleep that night. This time, it was MY turn as I held him in my arms the full night.


Switzerland, this time, just blew us away.

We came close as never before. We... well, experimented. On positions. On.. on doing things that I only saw in the adult movies. And I must admit, apart from the initial embarrassment, there was nothing UNPLEASUREABLE about it.

Though it WAS embarrassing for Arthur to ask for KY Jelly or Vaseline when we went to medical shops.

Every time I looked at Arthur thence, he had a grin that looked like the cat that just drank the milk.


03 years ago




All of us felt that. Edwards was barely able to stand, but he did come.

To visit the inauguration of the nationalization of AACB. As it was listed for the very first time on the New York Stock exchange. And as Charles, Edwards' son rang the bell, Edwards could not help but cry.

There were a few others.

Along with myself, Arthur, Charlene and Edwards.

And there was not a wet cheek left amongst either of us.

The first thing Edwards did was look at me when the bell sounded. And with eyes that shone of love, and gratitude, he simply mouthed the words "Thank you child." To me.

I was too choked up on emotion to respond. I just nodded my head in recognition of his silent statement even as I felt the warmth of Arthur's arms enclosing me in their safe cocoon.

I admit. Some things in life, are equal to heaven itself.

And Edwards. Well, he was the happiest. It seemed that he *had* achieved something in life after all. I knew what he knew. HIS legacy would be remembered.


And shock of ALL shocks, this time Edwards and Charles, along with Charlene ALSO accompanied us on our Switzerland trip. And no one, looking at our behavior and raucous shouting we did, would say that all of us were above 40 (barring, perhaps Charles).

I don't think I had experienced the term "Overflowing with happiness and contentment" until now.


01 year ago

On the peaceful month of April, in the mild afternoon sun, Edwards Sterling III passed away.

He left his legacy on to Charles, who proved time and again, that he had what his father did. Perhaps more.

I was shocked. And I did something that was totally unexpected.

I did not go to his funeral ceremony.

I was not sure I could control myself there and I did not want to embarrass anyone there. I only told 2 people about this. Arthur and Charles. And both understood. Arthur, with love in his eyes, Charles, with the benevolence that mirrored his father's

And then, three days after his funeral, one afternoon, I walked with Arthur, taking his support, to Edward's grave. To the grave of the man who had been, on occasions, my father and more than a father.

Then I placed a single rose upon his tombstone and cried my heart out. I was there, speaking to his grave, talking to him, asking him, alternatively crying and then talking again. I was there till evening. For around five hours.

And in that time, that ENTIRE time, Arthur did not utter a word. Just a strong hand on my shoulder as I cried and mourned.

I got up with Arthur's help and walked away from his grave. I hoped to God wherever he was, he was looking down upon us with love and benevolence.

At the exit of the graveyard, I turned to Arthur, and with salty tears running down my cheeks, I kissed him. Then I looked at him with love, and brought my lips to his ears.

"Thank you Arthur." I said to him, "for not giving up on me."

He caught my chin in his fingers even as he kissed me.

"Never. I could never give up on you Jenny." He said. "Even he did not."

Then, we sat in the car and drove away to live the rest of our lives.



"... and I don't understand why she is not agreeing? I told you I would do it better than her. And she seems too much in awe of her husband anyways. What with asking his permission and all that."

I was brought back to this world from my memories.

That was Sarah, by the way.

Cool. Confident and twenty years younger to me.

I was heading the Committee for benefit of people who wanted to donate for a good cause, but did not know where to start.

My only conditions for working on this Committee were that I should not travel more than 2 days every quarter and if something urgent came up that required me to, I would take permission from my husband before I did.

Sarah, was my competitor, if you can call it that.

Young, head-strong, married, and wanting to make a mark on the world. Taking the lead in this Committee, would put a strong impact on her career and resume. And she very much so wanted to climb up in this world, very much to wanted to see her ambitions fulfilled.

"I think, that Sarah can do this better than me." I said quietly.

That stopped all conversations around.

"What are you..." started one of the members.

"I said, Sarah can do this better than me. I think I am sure." I repeated again.

The members looked at each other. One person for them was as good as another, and whatever you say about Sarah, you had to admit she was effective. And she would do this committee a lot of good.

"So let's pass this motion." Said another member.

After huddling for some time and voting, it was very clear. Sarah was nominated the new Lead Contact for this Committee.

She looked at me with victory in her eyes. I responded by showing her my genuine smile. And she flustered. She was not expecting me to SMILE at her.


As we went out of the door, she came running after me.

"Jennifer!" she shouted.

I stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"Yes dear?" I asked.

"I... I don't mean... I mean, you were good.. its just that..." she fumbled.

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "No issues Sarah." I said.

"Thanks Jennifer." She responded. With reasonable authenticity this time.

I turned away to walk to my car, when I thought of something. I turned around.

"Sarah..." I asked. Not quite sure how to ask this.

"Yes Jennifer?" she asked.

"Your husband... is he not bothered will all this focus you give on your career?" I asked.

She looked at me incredulously!

"Jennifer. I am my own woman. My husband does not tell me what to do all the time!" she said with authority.

"What about your personal life, if I'm not intruding, that is?" I asked her.

"Oh not to worry. I've had talks with Brian. He knows how important my career is to me. I am young Jennifer. The time to focus on family life will come later on. At the moment, all I want is to achieve the Vice Presidency of Sales in my current organization. And this Committee experience will help." She said, matter-of-factly.

I smiled knowingly.

"Does your husband not complain?' I asked.

"Oh, he does Jennifer. But I have told him clearly that till I get the Vice Presidency of Sales, I am going to focus on the career, not him. I have high ambitions Jennifer. And I am going to give EVERYTHING FOR THE CAREER." She said.

For a moment, just a moment, I froze. Then I recovered. And in a move that surprised her, kissed her lightly on the cheeks. She was rightly bewildered at this action.

"Jennifer...what..." she started to say.

But I only smiled.

Then I placed a hand on her shoulder, and looked at her in the eyes.

"Best of Luck." I said.

And I walked to my car that would take me home.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I liked this story. The ebb and flow, back and forth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

By the end, I just wanted it to end. The writing isn't very smooth and it reads like a draft instead of a finished product.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What an exponentially growing soap opera! Wtf Charlene as a low end street hooker. Gah! The messianic complex and then guilt was frustrating to watch. At least Bernie had her consider the possibility that she loses everything. There are other jobs and banks. Wtf. On the flip side, if he knew the choice she.made for him, woukd it kill him for her to try for a couple weeks to negotiate a deal? Her decision and choice is what counts here and her steadfastness to never relapse. It isn't like she has to live like a devoted servant the rest of their lives. So many histrionics. No middle ground. No compromise. Yikes!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Brings up some interesting debates if the gender between the husband and wife were swapped. Suspect many of the comments below would be different. There is no doubt the wife has mental issues and a massive obsession with her job. But all the BTB commenters would focus on is the sexual infidelity before divorce. If genders were swapped and it was the wife with a litany of guys, their brains would explode. So what about Arthur? If you believe what he did with the hookers was understandable because of all hisnyears if neglect and being run roughshod over or left to stand in the shadows, then reverse the gender roles, and then it should be Okafor Jennifer to fuck around for a week or two with a number of guys. Right?

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyabout 1 year ago

So obviously someone from abroad trying to write as a North American. The said rubbish, they had tea and biscuits, their offices were cabins, the use of bloody as an adjective. All telling 😂, but decent story, I woulda been gone at year 5 since she said she never celebrated her husband's birthday with him...yikes

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