Everything that Glitters Ch. 04


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Brad and Zane were dressed in western suits and dress boots, in accordance with the requirements of the invitation. They checked their hats at the door, and waited while Cassie checked her stole. She took the arms of each of her escorts, and they made their debut before the large and very diverse crowd, which included local and area millionaires, a few billionaires, numerous CEO types, numerous cowboys, and a few real cowgirls.

Their entrance caused a hush, and then a buzz as they walked across the ballroom toward the bar and appetizers. "Damn, Zane, I knew I looked good, but I didn't expect every eye in here to be on me, and all those drooling tongues!"

"Oh, man, I thought it was me!" Zane replied.

"It's both of you!" Cassie said quietly with a big smile. "I'm so lucky to have such big hunks as escorts tonight!"

Brad chuckled, "I think we all know who the eyes are on and who the drooling is for, now don't we? The gorgeous blonde between us wearing the short black dress with bare shoulders, is my guess."

"Maybe it's the shimmering sequins in the dress. Or the four inch heels. Or maybe the strand of pearls around her neck," Zane offered.

Their speculation ended when they reached the group of men and women that included their corporate escort for the night. Ignoring the men, he bowed slightly and told Cassie, "Carlton Smith, at your service, Miss Collins. We didn't expect you, but we're so very pleased you could join us tonight."

She stood there looking as regal as an old-world princess, nodded at him, and waited for the introductions that quickly followed after he shook hands with Brad and Zane. The wives and trophy wives of the obviously quite wealthy gentlemen were none too subtle in their interest in the two "world champion cowboys", but they were truly restrained in comparison to their husbands' efforts with Cassandra.

Zane felt more than a twinge of jealousy, and trepidation; he wondered if this was her world while they were apart, and why she would want to come back to the ranch if it were. Her beauty was understated compared to the in-your-face sexiness of the trophies, but it was clear that every man there saw what he saw; her beauty was flawless and her presence captivating.

Zane had known her since they were sophomores in high school, had taken her to proms, and had seen her floating on the white cloud that was her wedding gown, but this was the first time he'd seen her as a mature young woman dressed to impress -- and thrill. She was simply dazzling! 'Why would I be surprised?' he asked himself as he watched her from across the room, where he was hobnobbing with more rich people. 'As stunning as she is in jeans and a sequined western shirt when she rides out, what did I expect in a cocktail dress?'

He continued his duties; she continued to mingle, often turning the conversation to his exploits and those of his partner, to deflect the more obvious pickup attempts. He was returning from the restroom on the far side of the ballroom when he saw her leaving through a doorway toward the other party rooms. By her side was a very large man he thought he recognized, but all he could see was his back. The man had Cassie by the elbow, hurrying her along, and she did not appear anxious to go with him.

Zane started their way, but was intercepted by another of his sponsors. He had a brief conversation, excused himself, and continued his pursuit of Cassie and her gentleman friend. As he cleared the doorway and looked down the hall, he asked himself 'Why are I doing this? If she wants to be with someone, I have no say. We have no agreement or entanglements, other than Casey. Why am I all bent out of shape over this?"

Still, he continued down the hall, checking each open room he passed; no Cassie. He entered the last of the open suites, visited with a couple of cowboys he knew and the best rope maker around, and was about to leave when an old friend emerged out of the crowd in the corner. They hugged each other and exchanged greetings, and then Paul got a serious look.

"I'm probably interfering in something I shouldn't, but that jackass Dale was squiring your ex-wife around and showing her off like her owned her. She looked very uncomfortable -- no, miserable is a better term.

"He escorted her rather forcefully into the other room of this suite about five minutes ago, and they haven't come out. I heard she was with you and Brad, so I'm telling you: Zane, I don't think she wants to be in there with him."

Zane walked over to the door, listened, tried the handle, and eased it open a few inches. He could hear both Cassie and Dale clearly, because their voices were raised as if in an argument.

"Oh, come on, Girl! You know how much fun we used to have! Zane's busy hobnobbing with all those rich sponsors he's picked up; we've got plenty of time to enjoy ourselves!"

"Dale, did I ever tell you how I came to find The Lord? I woke up hungover, my mouth tasted like crap, my head was throbbing, and I stumbled into the bathroom to pee. When I came out and saw you in my bed, I knew I'd sunk to the very bottom of the cesspool!

"I guess you could say that seeing you in my bed scared me straight! I washed your filth off me and went straight to church over in the arena. God spoke to me that day, and I haven't been with anyone like you since. In fact, I haven't been with ANY MAN since then! There is NO WAY I'm having sex with you today or any other day!

"You can send Zane all the pictures and videos you have - it won't matter: he already had plenty, and I told him every single thing I could remember! Now, you either let me go, or I start yelling, and you know what will happen then -- you'll get your ass stomped!"

"Look, Cassie, I'm just trying to make you see how much I miss our times together. Hell, Girl, if anything, you're better looking now than you were five years ago, and I've got a lot more money than I did then. Since neither of us rodeo much anymore, we'd be a perfect fit!

"Zane isn't ever going to take you back, you know. He's too proud, and he won't ever forget the way you were that second year on the tour with your daddy. You belong with someone like me; I'll take good care of you, and we can even keep your little girl sometimes, if you want to."

"You're right: he probably won't ever take me back. Really, he shouldn't, after all the stuff I did! But he lets me have time with our Casey, and he treats me with the respect I don't deserve. I can still love him, just from afar, and that's enough for me, at least right now.

"So, thanks, but no thanks. Now, let's go back to the reception."

"Look, Girl, you came here all sexed up ready to get fucked, and you know I'm the best you ever had. Give me an hour, and you'll change your mind!" Dale wheedled.

"Dale, I have no idea where you got the idea you're a good lay, but let me assure you I don't remember a single time with you! You'd think, if you were the best I'd ever have, I'd remember, wouldn't ya? Now, you have three seconds to turn me loose, or I start screaming!"

"Look, Bitch, you shut up and open up that nasty cunt, or I'll slap you silly like I used to! Do you hear me... oooppphhhh! Ooooooowwwwww, damn!"

"Don't worry, Dale, just put some ice on the little things and they'll be all right by tomorrow. Goodbye, you asshole, and NEVER speak to me again!"

Zane heard the sound a slap, and started to surge into the room to kill Dale, but then he heard Cassie say, "Things have changed, Asshole! Now it's me slapping you silly!"

She yanked the door open, only to find Zane standing in the doorway grinning like a possum. "Remind me not to piss you off, Cassie. I think he spit one of his balls out of his mouth when you slapped him!"

She stood still, gave him a confrontational look, and asked, "How long have you been standing there eavesdropping on us?"

"Long enough to know that, in spite of his contention, he might not be the best lay you ever had."

"I have no idea; like I told him, I don't remember anything but waking up with him in my bed!

"So, is he right, Zane? You're too proud to ever take me back?" She asked in a haughty voice, but with eyes that said she was afraid of his answer.

"Just a minute, Hon," he said. He walked around her into the room, stood over the asshole writhing around on the floor holding his nuts, and told him. "Hey, Dale, always knew you were a jerkoff, but getting your ass handed to you by a 120 pound girl? Dude!

"Just a couple of thoughts before I go. One, if you ever put your hands on her again, or threaten to, I'll end you. Two, if any pictures or videos of her end up on the Internet, or get shown to anyone I know, I'll end you. Three, if you ever try to speak on my behalf again, I'll kick your ass.

Zane drew back his dress boots and buried the pointy toe of his right boot in Dale's ass. He cried out, and lay there whimpering, holding his balls with one hand and his ass with the other. "Just a sample, old buddy; let that be a reminder!"

Cassie was standing there watching, with a smile lighting up her pretty face. Zane took a long stride, caught her in his arms, pulled her against him, and covered her pouty lips with his. Stunned, she froze for a few microseconds before responding in kind. The kiss lingered on and on, until Dale mumbled something and stumbled past them and out of the room.

Zane reached out and pushed the door shut; Cassie turned and locked it, then grabbed him by the neck and locked her lips back on his. When they came up for air, she asked, "So does this mean you're not too proud to be seen with me anymore, or is this just a booty call?"

"I would never ask you to break your vow, Cassandra. I respect your vows, and I expect you to respect your vows for the rest of your life. Especially any vows you make to me."

"That's nice to know, although right now I'm looking for a clause that allows sex with a person you previously took vows with in a church in front of God. But it doesn't answer my question: are you willing to let me back into your life as your girlfriend, your fiancée, and even maybe bride, at some point?"

"How about we start with girlfriend, and see where this goes?"

She laid a 'very passionate girlfriend' kiss on him that, combined with her body movements, left him weak and breathless. She stepped away, said "Let me freshen up before we go back to join your sponsors and potential sponsors," and took her purse into the bathroom.

Zane stood there, still weak kneed, and wondered if he had just stepped into the world's biggest cowpie, or taken a step away from the darkness into the light.

When they reentered the suite next door, Zane got a wink from his old friend Paul, and they got smiles from others who saw them. When they entered the ballroom, they saw Brad standing with Cal and a C-level Coastal executive Zane recognized but to whom he'd never been introduced.

Brad and Cal began grinning from ear to ear, and gave each other a high five. The executive looked toward them, turned back to the other two, asked a question, and then smiled at their response. All three turned to face them.

After they both hugged Cal in welcome, they were introduced to the Coastal COO, Thomas Evans. He took Cassie's hand and air kissed it, and then shook Zane's hand vigorously. "So, does this mean we have a rodeo queen to sponsor also? We can redo your truck and trailer for next year."

Zane and Cassie both chuckled, and Cassie said, "Not yet, but I'm working on it!" She hugged his arm with her boob, and gazed adoringly at him.

"Think we can get a four horse trailer?" Zane asked. "She can be mighty persuasive."


Brad was a bit worried about Zane losing concentration with his new /old love interest along, but they simply destroyed the competition, and put their leads back at unreachable levels with only a few minor rodeos left before the Finals in Las Vegas. Cassie and Zane were welcomed as a couple wherever they went, and not one mention was made of her 'lost years'.

They even hosted an abbreviated sing-a-long after the first night, sans the children, who were pretty much all in school by late September. The young guns, both male and female, who had made the finale showed up in force. Cassie sat in the front row beside Lindsey and Lacy, and they enthusiastically joined in the singing as well as the dancing.

The well-choreographed line dancing and badonkadonk shaking was the highlight of the evening for the men, while Sweet Caroline was the highlight for the ladies. Nobody left alone that night, and most of them stopped by to say how happy they were to see Cassie and Zane together again, "Where you belong!"

Their return to Texas was triumphant and joyous. Brad had been unable to keep if from Carole, who had spread the news to the parents, but not to Casey or her own daughters.

Casey, Stacy, and Sammi ran breakneck to the truck when it stopped. Zane and Brad emerged, and then Cassie stepped out of the driver's side into Zane's arms. He kissed her, spun her around, set her down, and they both turned to their shocked daughter.

"Are you guys back together?" she asked, with an even split between excitement at the possibility and fear that it wasn't true. They picked her up together, and Zane said, "Well, right now she's your mom, and my girlfriend!"

"Wait? I've been elevated from 'date' to 'girlfriend'? When did that happen?" Cassie asked with faux incredulity.

"It started while you were dancing with the girls five days ago, and became fact right after you made my favorite breakfast this morning. You know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!"

She arched her eyebrow: "It is? So I've been wasting my time wearing those dresses and skirts to everything?"

"That certainly might have been a factor, but we have big ears here, so..."


Cassie continued living at her mom's house and Zane at his for the first two days. At noon on the third day, Zane called and asked her to go somewhere special with him later this afternoon, before Casey got home.

She did, and asked what she should wear: "Something pretty but casual and comfortable," he answered.

With no more guidance than that, she chose a short sleeve denim dress that fit and flared, stopping six inches above her knees. It was one she had designed, so it had sequins and rhinestones on the shoulders, red snaps down the front, and a leather fringe around the bottom. To tease him, she left the top and bottom snaps open, and wore the leather-fringed boots he gave her in Durango. She looked young but sophisticated, which was the look she wanted for whatever tonight was to become.

Zane showed up in his Mule 4x4, with a blanket, ice chest, and picnic basket in the bed. He told her she looked perfect, and escorted her to the UTV. She watched him with a perplexed look on her pretty face as he drove along a fence line with a sanguine look on his face. "Where are we going?" she finally asked.

"Someplace special," he answered.

When he turned through an open gap and started downhill along a rocky trail her eyes got big. "Are we..." "Yes," he replied without further comment. She sat back in her seat, took a deep breath, and, with eager anticipation, watched the trail wending down toward the river.

He pulled up just before a mound of grass that had recently been cut and raked. It was in the sun, but surrounded by towering Pecan trees - a perfect location for a picnic! The crystal-clear waters of the Llano River bubbled over a limestone ledge that ran from shore to shore, creating a small waterfall with swirls and eddy, before rushing on downstream. It was an idyllic setting.

Zane spread the blanket, invited Cassie to sit, and got the picnic basket and ice chest from the Mule. He sat Indian style beside her, with the basket just beyond their knees. "Fried chicken and homemade biscuits in the basket, Cole slaw and Dr. Pepper in the ice chest," he said as he offered a paper plate and plastic picnic utensils.

She ignored the food and plate he offered, and, staring at him, asked, "Why are we here, Zane?"

"It's a beautiful day for a picnic, so I invited my best girl to join me," he replied blithely.

She continued to watch him suspiciously, but took the proffered plate and eating utensils, and picked a wing and hot biscuit out of the basket. He put a helping of slaw on her plate, handed her a DP, and offered some fresh wildflower honey for her biscuit. He loaded his plate, and commenced heartily eating.

She picked at her food at first, until he invited her to 'eat up before we get started'. She continued eying him from time to time, but concentrated on eating everything on her plate. When they were finished, Zane offered seconds; she declined, and he offered peach cobbler for dessert.

"No, I don't want dessert right now; I want to know why we're here!" she insisted in an agitated voice.

"Where are we, Cassandra?" he asked, as if oblivious. "It's just a sunny spot beside the river, isn't it?"

"You know exactly where we are, William Zane Rhys!" she answered heatedly. "Right there is where we were when..." she began, pointing at a big rock partially in the river. She stopped and stared open-mouthed at his open palm, which held a small black velvet box.

"Zane?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Will you marry me again, Cassandra? Through all our trials and tribulations, my love for you never died. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

She reached toward the box, but hesitated and said, "Are you sure? I love you more than life itself, but I made so many bad decisions and mistakes... are you sure?"

"You gonna go back to making bad mistakes and decisions, Cassandra? If not, yes, I'm sure."

"No, I won't! But, Zane, I don't deserve..."

"Okay, if you don't want to marry me," he said rather cavalierly, and started to withdraw his hand.

She snatched the box, raised the lid, and her mouth fell open: the sunlight was glinting off a 2-carat Lone Star Cut diamond on a gold band, with an interwoven gold wedding band. "Oh my God! I've never seen anything this beautiful!" she swore, then looked up at him and her expression became serious.

"But, as much as I love it, and you, I can only accept it if you agree to sign a pre-nuptial agreement my lawyer drew up."

The look of disappointment and the growing frown on his face caused her to rush on, "Cal set it up for me!" she explained. "It says if I ever cheat on you in any way, you walk away from our marriage with everything, including full custody of Casey and any other children we may have! I leave with nothing but the clothes on my back!"

His face softened, and he asked, "So, why would you and Cal create something like that?"

Her eager face turned down and she averted her eyes for a second, "I...we thought -- if you ever asked... If we ever got back together, it would reassure you."

Her head rose, and she looked him directly in the eyes. "I insist, Zane. I want you to know how strongly I feel about this! I messed up before, and I want you to be certain I'll never do it again!"

"If I wasn't certain, Cassandra, I wouldn't have asked, now would I?"

"Okay, but please..."

"I'll sign that, or anything else you want me to, okay? Now, do you want to be my wife or not?" he asked with a grin.

"Yes, yes, yes! That is my fondest dream, and one I thought I'd never see come true!"

"Really? Then why did you draw up a pre-nup? I think you knew you were going to win me back, didn't you? When did you and Cal set his up?"

It was her turn to slyly grin. "After we went to the reception at the finale he called to congratulate me, and we got to talking. His attorney drew it up and sent it to me by UPS as soon as we got back."

"You little shit! You've been playing me all along, haven't you? You knew I couldn't resist you!" he exclaimed with mock anger.