Evie's Day

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18-year-old girl comes of age in the Village.
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Evie awoke from a sound sleep to kisses. She opened her eyes to see her mother's smiling face. Mother caressed her cheek and pushed back a lock of hair.

"Happy Birthday, honey," she whispered, "today is your big day!"

"Oh thank you mummy, I can hardly wait 'til the party. I couldn't get to sleep last night I was so excited." Evie said still in a sleepy haze.

Mother slid the covers down over her young daughter's shoulders and looked at Evie's perfect little breasts. As she was lying down they were almost flat being only small mounds with bright pink nipples. The little nubs were hard and raised up on the swollen pink caps. Mother lightly flipped one with her fingertip and Evie giggled her little girl giggle. The girlish laugh was cut short by her mothers mouth covering hers and then the sharp probing tongue entered her lips and caressed her own sweet tongue, the two twining with each other as both moaned in arousal. Mother was now cupping a tiny breast and thumbing the hard pink nipple as she sucked her daughter's tongue.

Evie drew open her mother's robe and ran her hands over the bare breasts as she pulled the woman's body down to cover her own. They lay naked breast to breast as the kiss continued.

"Well, I didn't think the party started until this evening!" a voice said above them.

Mother lifted up from Evie's breasts to see her son standing by the bed. She didn't bother to close her robe, her full breasts showing to both her children. Edward was, she noted, fresh from his bath still naked. She reached out to grasp his hardening cock with her other hand as she continued to caress Evie's little tit.

"I was just wishing your sister a happy birthday and good morning," Mother smiled, "you know today is her big day. You had yours and now Evie can join us too. Um, you smell good, and you know how I love a hard cock in the morning."

"Oh, Mother! You love a hard cock any time!" Evie put in.

"Well, you will too!" Mother laughed.

With this Mother leaned forward to take her son's now hard cock into her mouth. Her hand slipped around his hip to cup his naked bottom cheek as she drew him to her. Edward began to slowly fuck his mother's mouth with the motion of her hand pulling him. Mother's hand still stroked Evie's little tit and it's hard candy nipple. After a few moments of pulling her son's dripping cock into her mouth Mother let him fall out. She leaned over to her watching young daughter and again covered her sweet lips with her own, now sharing the oil from her son's cock. Mother pulled Edward by his hard cock handle to the head of the bed and turned Evie's face to it. Evie knew what was expected and took her brother's dripping cock into her mouth and began to suck hard. Mother looked on with love in her eyes. She kept rubbing her daughter's nipple and squeezing her son's bottom as she watched Evie's cheeks hollow with her sucks. The entire family had been waiting for this moment when her two youngest children were old enough to fully join in the loving family tradition.

"Oh mum," Edward exclaimed, "she's making me cum. Ah Evie, its cumming!"

Mother pushed her finger into Edward's bottom rose and felt the contractions as he shot streams of creamy essence into his sister's sucking mouth. Evie was proud of herself as she kept sucking until her brother's cock stopped squirting. Her tongue was covered and her mouth full of hot fresh cream. She tried to keep it all in as Edward's cock popped from her mouth, Mother's ready lips soon followed. She shared with the sucking mouth and both mother and daughter swallowed and enjoyed the sensation of cock cream coated tongues.

Edward had collapsed onto the dressing table bench as he watched his mother and sister share his cum. He was pleased that mother had let him be first to give Evie a hard cock today. Mother stood up and with out closing her open robe came to him and kissed him too giving him at least a taste of his own cum cream.

"Edward, you had better get dressed and see to your chores." She said as she went to the door of the bedroom. She turned around and smiled warmly at her naked children. "Happy Birthday honey! Any special plans for the day?" She asked "other than the party?"

"Thank you mum! I guess the party has already started," Evie giggled. "I'm not sure what I want to do."

Mother left the door open as she went on about her morning. Edward came over to kneel beside the bed and gently kissed his sister. From long practice their tongues found their way around each other's mouths. He ran his hand over his little sister's tiny breasts as he said, "Thanks Sis for sucking my cock, you did a great job. I'm glad Mum let me be first today, you know I love you too."

"I loved it and I love you. Now I can suck your cock all I want and all the other things as well!" she giggled.

"Happy Birthday Sis!" Edward said as his hand slid down Evie's smooth body to cup her bare puss. "Save some of this for me tonight."

"Oh, silly," she laughed "you'll get yours and so will everyone else."

Evie watched her naked brother walk out of her room enjoying the roll of his bottom cheeks as he walked. She thought to herself how much she loved Edward and the rest of her family, Mum and Dad, and her older sister Emma, and oh just everyone. She stretched her slim young body kicking the remaining covers away. She looked down at her naked form as she cupped her own little tits. At least they were finally beginning to show, she had been worried that they never would. She ran a finger into the wet crease of her pussy and caressed the hard little nub there sending more shivers of pleasure over her. She was so wet that she must have cum while sucking Edward's cock. She had been so excited to finally be allowed to join in with the others that she had missed her own cum. Feeling the new freedom of her body as she lay naked in the bright morning light an idea came to her. As with most children in the Village she had been naked almost as often as she had been clothed, but now she was a new adult. Being naked had other meanings when one was an adult and one could enjoy all of the benefits of being naked. Evie resolved to spend the day naked in celebration of her adulthood as well as the freedom of her childhood.

Evie bathed and washed out her hair to hang straight and loose in all its golden glory, instead of the braids she usually wore. She smiled at the thought that everyone would enjoy her nakedness this evening so why wait. She could hardly keep her hands from passing over her slim bare body. Even if she was an adult now she noted it would do little good to shave the heart sign above her almost bare cunt for she had only wisps of light hair there.

Mother looked at her questioningly as she came down to the kitchen. It was certainly not unusual to be naked there, indeed her mothers robe still hung open showing her wonderful woman's body. Full breasts with dark rose nipples, a firm body not showing the effects of middle age, and Evie's favorite part, the tiny heart of dark blond hair above the open folds of her mother's cunt.

"Not dressed yet, dear?" Mother asked.

"I've decided not to dress, to spend the day naked!" Evie laughed, "I love being naked and everyone will be naked tonight so I'm already dressed for my party!"

"Oh dear. Well it was always difficult to keep you dressed when you were little so I shouldn't be surprised. You know we've raised you to be a lady and proper ladies don't go about naked where strangers to town might see them. Everyone in the Village knows it's your birthday so they may wonder at your lack of dress now that you are of age but they will understand and enjoy it I'm sure. But remember you are a lady and be discrete please." With that Mother gave her a kiss on the cheek and laughing pinched a pink nipple.

Evie took a piece of toast from the table and walked out the door onto the back porch and looked around at the bright new day. What a wonderful day for a ride she decided. She returned inside and announced her plans. Her brother Edward had come down and was standing behind Mother as she was clearing the table, his hands full of her breasts. Evie went to them and kissed both as Mother cautioned her to not be late.

"Mother, you know I wouldn't miss this evening for anything!" she laughed. Reaching down she grasped her brother's hard cock through his trousers as he pressed against their mother. "Save some of this for me!" she added with a laugh and ran out the door.

Having decided that she would enjoy the ride much more if she would forego the saddle, Evie emerged from the stable behind the large white house and trotted her pony down the lane to the street. Fortunately for her mothers decorum there was little traffic about this morning and they lived near the edge of the Village. Those lucky Villagers who saw Evie as she rode out of town were treated to not so unusual a sight as a beautiful young girl naked riding her pony but they enjoyed it and appreciated her freedom. Evie waved to those she saw and reveled in the new feeling that her nudity was different now in her adulthood and if she were offered hard cocks or wet cunts it was appropriate and permissible should she accept them.

Evie rode through the countryside, the wind in her hair, her pink nipples hard on her tiny breasts. She relished the feeling of the pony's smooth back between her legs, each bounce pressing her pussy into the warm fur. This was of course not the first time she had ridden naked, she always participated in the Founder's Day races when the boys and girls raced around the Village for prizes and everyone went naked that day. But today she had other thoughts. The strong trust of the animal between her slim legs made her think of the coming birthday celebration. This was her eighteenth birthday and she was now an adult. This evening in front of her entire family and invited friends her father would give her the first adult fucking, the first of many. She had no fear as this was the normal way of things. She had been born and raised in the Village so that there were no mysteries in sexual matters. Mother had taken her to the Village doctor where he had made sure there would be no pain although there was little need due to her own probing fingers and those of others in normal childhood experiments.

The steady motion of her pony was having a decided effect on Evie little puss and as she rode on she pressed even harder into the pony's back. Her excited thoughts and the warm wet caresses suddenly exploded in a racking orgasm. Evie fell forward and hugged her pony's neck grinding her spasming pussy into his back. Sensing that something was amiss the pony stopped and Evie slowly slid from his back to lie in the meadow. She gradually regained conscience to the surprising warm touch of the pony's nose in her crotch. He nuzzled her pussy and sniffed loudly. She patted his nose and laughed at the wonderful pony caress. When she sat up amid the flowering meadow plants, Evie saw that her pony had a huge erection. His pony cock long and hard and hung almost to the ground.

"Oh poor dear," she said, "did I do that to you?"

Everyone had seen horses fucking, it was a fact of life. But Evie had never been quite this close nor was she sure what to do. If this was her brother or father she supposed that she would offer some relief. Making up her mind to help the poor animal Evie gently grasped the huge cock and began to pull it the way she had seen boys and men do. She had barely started when her pony gave a strange noise and shivered and suddenly his cock was spouting white creamy streams. Because of her interest in the procedure Evie was almost under her pony and in a position to receive most of the discharge over her slim naked body. Strangely the shower of semen triggered yet another orgasm and Evie grasped her throbbing pussy with her cum coated hand and shoving two fingers into the wet flowing opening she rode out the shuddering convulsions, still holding on to the huge pony cock.

Presently the young girl staggered up and slowly walked to the edge of the meadow where a stream ran. She waded in to her knees and began to wash the accumulated dirt, leaves and pony cum from her body. She was almost frightened out of her wits when a voice said, "That was the most incredible thing I have ever seen"

Evie gave a start and turned to see from where the voice had come. She saw a young girl hiding behind a tree on the stream bank as she stepped out. The girl looked to be about her own age but was poorly dressed in tattered clothing, her dark hair full of leaves.

"You gave me quite a start," Evie said with a smile, "who are you?"

"My name is Jane." The girl replied quietly with a shy smile, "I never saw anyone frigging a horse before and you're naked. He shot his spunk all over you and you looked like you liked it. I saw you coming and hid cause you're naked. Where are your clothes? How come you're naked?" the girl went on quickly in an excited voice.

Evie laughed at the girls many questions and tried to explain about taking the day to celebrate but the girl seemed even more confused. She then tried another tack and invited the young girl to join her in the stream.

"You mean get in the water naked with you?" Jane asked

"Of course naked, why would you not be naked in the water?" Evie replied.

"But I've never been naked with anyone before, or outside. What if someone saw me?" Jane asked looking around as if others would appear from the thicket.

At this point Evie suddenly realized that Jane was not from the valley of the Village and her mother's caution came to mind. Outsiders might not understand the ways of the people in this valley she had often been told by adults. She was to always be careful of the things she said and did when strangers were about. But it seemed as if she were already caught out.

Evie said that she was certain there were no others around unless Jane knew otherwise. Jane was quick to say that she was alone and not seen anyone other that Evie. The girl still looked frightened and Evie carefully explained that she lived in this valley and knew that there was no reason for anyone else to nearby. She again suggested that the girl join her. Jane slowly nodded and shyly began to unfasten her ragged dress but when Evie kept looking at her turned her back as she undressed. Evie could see that the girl had a very pretty figure, slim and straight, her hips still narrow but with nicely rounded bottom cheeks. Jane then turned and trying to cover her nudity and still deal with the stream bank stepped into the cool clear water. The two nymphs then gradually gained some ease with each other and the situation and began to enjoy the water, washing and playing. Evies earlier activity was forgotten until she offered to help the girl wash out her dark hair.

Jane reluctantly allowed the strange girl to wash her hair but seemed to flinch at each touch and tried to be very careful not to touch the other girl's naked body. Evie, having been raised with nudity and lots of intimate touching, had no such inhibitions. Presently she had put the girl at ease with a playfulness and good natured spirit that allowed Jane to relax. After some time in the water, Evie suggested that they go to lay in the sunshine to dry off and warm. Jane was again reluctant to leave the cover of the water but she was getting cool and Evie had already climbed out and was standing in the bright sun. Jane could not help but study the naked girl's body. She found her to be quite beautiful and looked completely natural. Other than her own she had never seen another woman's body. Working up her courage she left the stream and joined Evie in the sunshine. Jane almost ran back the stream when Evie's pony came up but the young girl only patted him on his nose. The same nose she had watched in the girl's pussy. The pony sighed and wandered away again.

The two naked young girls found a place with low grass surrounded by wild flowers and sat to enjoy the warmth of the sun. Jane sat in such a way as to hid as much of her body as she could while Evie sat with her legs spread wide and leaned back to expose her body to the sun. And to Jane. Gradually the two began to talk and to tell about themselves. Slowly with roundabout questions they learned and then as they found that the other was openly interested in them, they began to ask more pointed questions.

Jane had run away from her family. She had been traveling for several days and was quite lost. Her mother had remarried after her father had died and they were traveling across the country to a new home. Jane had left after her mother had found her and her stepfather fucking. Evie gradually learned that the stepfather had forced himself on Jane at first but she had resolved to allow it to keep peace. When they had been found out the stepfather tried to put the blame on Jane saying it had been her idea. Life had gotten very difficult after that and finally Jane had run away. She confessed that at the end of the affair she had enjoyed the new feelings and sensations even if it had seemed that her stepfather was only interested in his own satisfaction. Jane even admitted that the sight of Evie and her pony had made her have those same feelings.

Evie in her turn told her new friend something of her life. She tried to test each new detail of Village life as she told it to see if the young girl disapproved or was upset in any way. Jane seemed only to be very interested and even envious of the close family, not yet knowing how close they actually were. As the afternoon wore on Jane and Evie became fast friends and more of their lives were exposed. Evie had to explain how she was able to ride about the countryside naked and how much she really enjoyed it. Then she decided that Jane was indeed a friend and began to tell her about the Village and it's people. She explained how many families had come to this valley from their former home and settled here so that they could be together and carry on the traditions they had always practiced. Foremost of these beliefs and traditions was that of loving family relations. Families were the basis of life in the valley. Family love was total. This meant that everyone was brought up to love those in their family not just emotionally but physically as well. Fathers and mothers had physical love with sons and daughters, aunts and uncles with nieces and nephews, cousins with cousins. Any person of age could make love to anyone else who was willing.

Jane was at first skeptical but eventually realized that Evie was telling the truth. Evie then had to tell some parts over again and again.

"Do you mean that if we had lived in the Village when my mother found my stepfather fucking me, she would have thought it to be alright?" Jane asked, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Not only would it have been alright but she might have joined you and made love to you herself!" Evie replied with a laugh.

This opened a new topic of discussion on just how one woman could make love to another. After all wasn't a cock needed? Evie then offered to show Jane if she was willing. The runaway was unsure at first but Evie assured her that she would go slowly and at any time if Jane wanted to stop they would.

Jane was laid back on the grass and Evie began to kiss her full lips. As they kissed Evie ran her hands over Jane's arms and shoulders, her cheeks and hair, relaxing her to the touch of another. Jane opened her mouth to Evie's sweet tongue and learned to give hers in return to be caressed and sucked. Jane gradually became aware that Evie's hands were fondling her pear shaped breasts, pulling the hard nipples. Then as Evie began to kiss her way down Jane's cheek and neck and to suck each candy nipple in turn, she felt Evie's hand between her thighs. Jane opened her legs wide to give her new friend access to her wet pussy and felt the fingers inside. Evie fucked Jane's pussy with two fingers as she rubbed the hard nub of her clitoris with her thumb. Jane was on fire with the new sensations coursing through her young body. Her stepfather had never spent so much time giving her pleasure. She convulsed into orgasm when Evie pushed a third finger wet from her cunt into her tight bottom hole while rolling her clitoris hard. Evie gave her friend a little rest but continued caressing her firm slim body, lightly pinching nipples and licking sweet nectar from Jane's pussy that she rubbed over the hard pink nips. When Jane was fully aroused again, Evie began at her lips kissing and licking her way down Jane's body over her breasts and flat stomach and down to her wet pussy. Evie shifted around and Jane tried to hold onto her but then she felt Evie's head between her legs. The next thing she felt was the most wonderful sensation she had ever had in her young life. Evie's warm mouth over her puss and then the hot searching tongue as it first licked then probed. The tongue flipped her clitoris then pushed into her like a soft cock, then licked up the freely running juices of her excitement. Her clitoris was sucked, sweet nectar was sucked from her cunt opening, and then when she was sure she could stand no more Evie began to suck on her clitoris in earnest while fucking fingers into her pussy and bottom. Jane's world exploded, her heart pounding, her body suddenly covered in sweat and her pussy flowing out liquid ecstasy into her lover's mouth.