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Has she thought it through all the way?
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This is another 'What if' spin off from a longer story I am in the process of writing. It could possibly go in 'First Time' or 'Romance' sections but as its source is LW that is where I have decided to put it. Man thanks to Gentletouch1960 and Biggalite1 for their help, it made the story flow. Please remember even in the real world upset people and do strange things, this is fiction.

We continued the conversation I started about 22 or 23 years ago, it was a couple of months after I met Claire and 2 years or so before we got married.

I met Claire at a club in Nottingham, I bumped into her, literally. I was out with some chaps, we had just about finished a course on a new bit of kit for the factory I worked in. We came from all over the UK, I came from the South coast and apart from meeting for the course we didn't know each other well. We had almost finished the course after a hectic two weeks and were having a bit of a celebration on the Thursday before the course finished on Friday.

It was my round for drinks and as I was ordering my drinks at the bar a mass of blond hair came up next to me and ordered a Vodka Tonic, I didn't take much notice. As I turned away I knocked her and spilt her drink, apologising profusely I bought her another one, and it was then I noticed she had a cute face under all that hair, but what struck me most was that she looked sad.

I took the drinks over to the chaps and looked round to see if I could see her to ask for a dance, to apologise again and hopefully chat her up. I saw her sat in a corner on her own, the table in front of her had loads of drinks on them so I guessed she was with a crowd. I took the risk and went across and asked if I could sit with her, expecting to be shot down, but she looked at me, smiled and said that would be nice.

I sat down but kept a reasonable distance between us, I felt she didn't want to be crowded.

I asked her why such a pretty lady was sat all on her own, I could see she actually had a beautiful face, but I felt to call a stranger beautiful was a bit over the top, and probably a bit creepy. She told me she was with some work mates but they were all up dancing and she didn't feel like it. She still had that sad look about her. I asked if she minded me imposing myself on her to keep her company till her mates retuned. She gave me a wan smile and said that that would be OK. I told her my name was John and she told me hers was Claire, with an 'e'.

I did the usual chat up stuff, do you come here often? What do you do for a living? Where are you from? Nothing really way out but trying desperately to ask an open question. She didn't just give one word answers so that something good. She then turned it round and asked me pretty much the same questions.

This was the first and probably the last time I'd be in this club, that I was on a course, I fixed factory machinery and would be going home on Saturday to Winchester. We chatted about nothing in particular, being Brits, the weather, holidays, it turned out neither of was much into sport. It appeared she worked in admin for the same company I was doing the course with.

She asked if I was looking forward to getting home, I told her that it would be nice but I was in no rush, which is why I was going home Saturday and not bothering with the M1 on a Friday evening.

"So no one to rush home to then, no wife or girlfriend?" She asked.

"No only my cat Twinkle, and my Mum is looking after her."

"You live with your Mum then, I would have thought a big chap like you would have moved out at your age?" I felt it wasn't a dig at me, she was smiling, and it made her look even more beautiful.

I looked at her and said "That was a bit cheeky. Actually I have a small house in a village several miles from the city."

She smiled at me again and with a little giggle said "Yes it was, wasn't it."

With that she stood up and said "I have to pop to the little girl's room."

I took that as a dismissal and stood up with my beer in my hand and started to move away, I felt a hand on my arm and she said, "Please stay, I really do have to go to the loo." I nodded and sat back down.

A couple of girls approached the table and asked who I was, just a chap chatting to Claire I replied. The bigger of the two looked at me and growled "Don't mess her around or I will rip yours balls off." Looking at her I could see she probably could, probably would and would probably enjoy it. I got the impression she didn't like men much. She carried on "She has had a tough six months so be warned."

I saw Claire coming back and it was the first time I got a good look at her, she was gorgeous, long blond wavy hair, a classic 36-28-36 figure and the cutest face I had ever seen. Pity I didn't live in Nottingham, I might have made a play for a longer relationship.

She sat down and said "Thanks for staying."

Pointing over at the dance floor, at the big girl, I said "That girl promised to do physical damage to my man parts if I upset you, so to stay on your right side do you want another V&T?"

"That's Ronnie, things have been a bit shit the last couple of months and she has been looking after me."

I had several quips about lesbians running round my head but decided to keep them there.

I got us both another drink and we chatted some more, danced a bit, even a couple of slow ones. I told a few corny jokes, she laughed, mainly out of politeness I think. I was being watched, the boys from the course thought I had scored, Claire's friends made sure I didn't. About 11 o clock I told Clare that I had to go as it was work tomorrow but it had been lovely chatting with her, and I let slip that I almost wished I lived up here. She took my hand and said "I wish you did too." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

With a sad heart I headed to the exit when Ronnie stepped out of the shadows, I mentally held my nuts. "You leaving?"

"Yeah, work tomorrow and a long drive on Saturday."

"Pity, we haven't seen Claire look so happy for a while."

"What happened, boyfriend run off with someone else or something?"

"Worse, but it's not my place to say," She put her hand out and I jumped back, then realised she just wanted to shake hands. I did, my hand came away in one piece, I was glad, I had a use for it later. "I'll see you tomorrow" she said. I was confused by that comment.

I had the piss taken out of me at breakfast for leaving the club early and not with the girl, although one chap did later mention that a couple of men asked Claire to dance, she didn't and was seen leaving about 11:30 with Ronnie and a few other girls.

We did the final course work, a small exam which was so easy no one could have failed but it allowed them to issue a certificate saying we had passed the course. Some quick admin and then a final lunch in the works canteen. We sat laughing and giggling when the chap opposite me looked up and said "Shit." A hand grasped my shoulder very firmly, I had a bad intuition, I looked and I was correct. "Hi Ronnie."

"She hasn't stopped talking about you all morning. You're not going home till tomorrow. Here is her phone number. Give her a call to either let her down gently or make a go of it." She handed me a post it note with a phone number on it.

I did give her a call. We went out for a drink in a local pub that evening then she invited me back to her place for coffee, she re iterated,for coffee. We got there and I told I preferred tea. She didn't have any. We chatted about cars, cats, work and rubbish on telly these days.

I told her about Ronnie's threat to my parts again, then I asked her why Ronnie was so protective. She sat down on the far end of the settee we were on, and told me her story.

She had been engaged to a wonderful man, Harry, who she loved with all her heart. They had the wedding all planned, the honeymoon everything. He got killed in a motorcycle accident 3 weeks before the wedding. He was riding his bike to work early in the morning, probably going a bit fast as he was late. His bike skidded on some ice and he came off of his bike. He would more than likely been alright if his body hadn't hit a tree at about 40 mph. She had to go through the pain of cancelling the wedding, telling friends and family and cancelling the honeymoon.

I felt her sadness, and I felt sad for her.

She told me whilst it still hurt she realised that she had to get on with her life and Thursday was the first step. What she had liked about me was that because I didn't know what happened I wasn't walking round like I was on egg shells like everyone else was. She could let it go a bit and when she did she found that she was very comfortable with me, even the corny jokes. Then she hit me with it.

"I would like to see more of you, if that's possible? if you don't then at least I know and I can carry on."

"Bloody hell." I said "You're not fair on a bloke are you."

"I tend not to beat around the bush, or drop hints it wastes important time and to be honest I am pretty rubbish at hints anyway."

I pondered a while, I knew the answer straight away, but didn't know how to phrase it, I started "I would love to see more of you in both senses of the word. You are intelligent, smart, very beautiful and dare I say sexy. But I feel I would always be compared to Harry. You were going to marry him, planned to spend your life with him and you barely know me."

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that," she said and she looked sad again but I felt sad but I had to make my thoughts clear to her, "So it's a 'No' then?" She said.

I leaned forward and took her hands in mine."No, it's a 'Yes' I do want to see more of you, but I have to let you know I am not Harry, never can be and you are going to compare me and him and I am going to get grumpy sometimes when you do. So when that happens we are going to have to sit down and talk about it. Are you Ok with that?"

"I won't ever mention Harry." She came back with.

"No, you can't do that, that's not fair to his memory. You were together for about three years?" I asked. She nodded. "I am looking at it from your point of view, you had many good times together you can't just put them aside, I know that, there are experiences in there that made you who you are now, and I am grateful for that. Harry is not banned from this relationship. But I may still get grumpy."

I carried on, "And there are other problems, it's a 300 mile round trip, I work a lot, I have a mortgage to pay and a cat to feed so we are going to have to share the travelling."

She stood up and went to her handbag and pulled out a piece of folded paper. "I had thought about the travel and agree, I guessed about the work otherwise your company wouldn't have sent you on this course. I didn't know if you rented or was buying, but I do now. And Twinkle can't eat that much."

She gave me the paper, "This should give us some time to find out if there is a chance it could work."

I opened it and it was an invite to the follow on course to the one I had just done, my company had one booked but it was eight months away, this one was in three weeks.

"I suppose one of your jobs is booking courses?"

"No, it's Ronnie's" she smiled.

I walked up to her and took her in my arms and said "I suppose we better have a proper kiss not just a peck on the cheek."

She looked me and said, "You do realise that this will be my first kiss in over six months."

I didn't like to tell her it was only two months for me.

We kissed, it was fantastic.

After about five weeks I told her I loved her, she cried, she cried a lot and through the sobs said to me "I have loved you since the first proper kiss."

To cut a long story short, it worked. We managed the travel and the work patterns, we both became familiar with the M3, M25 and the M1 or the Fosse Way as an alternative. We arranged our travelling around our work, she came to my little house quite often, Twinkle loved her, and so did my parents and my big sister Jackie and her new husband Dave. Jackie and Claire soon became firm friends, they could often be found at parties in the kitchen giggling together. It was as if they had known each other for years. The compare me to Harry came up a few times, we talked about it and got over it.

After four months we had still not been intimate. Oh we had fun and she took care of my needs and I think I did the same for her. But we hadn't done the final deed, I felt she wanted to wait. Every time I tried to do the deed she would just say "Not yet Sweetheart." I wasn't bothered too much, perhaps it was a Harry thing. From what I learned when we took care of each other's needs I was certain it was going to be Ok.

One Friday about four months after the kiss she was down at my house but I sensed there was something not quite right. She was a bit withdrawn all through dinner and didn't want to go out to the pub as usual. We had been sat on the settee half watching the telly for about five minutes when she got up said "I need a drink," with that she walked to the kitchen, I had learned even after four months that when she was like this to just go with it. I heard the sound of bottles being opened and she came back with a beer for me and a large glass of red wine for her.

She sat on her end of the settee, looked at me and said "I have to say something." She saw the look of horror on my face, giggled and carried on, "Don't look so worried, it's not a 'Dear John,' actually it's the opposite, but when I start talking I need to finish, Ok with that?"

She wasn't leaving me so I was fairly happy so I just nodded.

"Harry and I never had sex, I wanted to wait until we got married, Harry wasn't happy but he did it. I never got to make love to the man I loved."

She stood up, took a large mouthful of wine, gave me her glass and dropped the dress she was wearing on the floor round her ankles, she was wearing a crimson satin bra, knickers and suspender belt with stockings.

She continued, "That was a mistake, one which I don't intend to repeat," She held her hand out to me, "Take me to bed please, be my first."

Fuck, a virgin, that's a heavy responsibility to have with someone you love. At least Harry wasn't in the comparison here.

"Shit" I thought to myself, no condoms. I was going to have to be very careful here. The look on my face must have given it away, "I'm on the pill," she said. She had planned this well in advance, I had better not let her down.

I finished her wine in a gulp, put the glass down and took her to my bedroom.

I stood her beside my bed, took her in my arms and kissed her gently, after a short while I slid my hand right down her belly through her pubic hair to her clit and gently massaged it, she gasped, I had been here before, it's how we kept each other satisfied, but today I would be going further. With my left hand I found the clasp to the bra and managed to undo it one handed. I stood back and removed the bra and said to her quietly, "This is beautiful, but for our first time I want just you." I got on my knees and used both hands to remove her knickers. There right in front of me was her love bud, it was too much for me, I gently eased the hood out of the way and gently caressed her clit with my tongue.

"No." she said.

"Trust me. Yes."

She grunted and grabbed my head, her body shook slightly and she fell back on to the bed.

I asked her to sit up and I undid the suspender belt and rolled the stockings down her legs.When she was completely naked I stood and pulled her up to me then swept her off her feet and laid her in the middle of the bed.

We lay together on the bed and I kissed her lips whilst gently massaging her breasts, I moved my kissing to her neck and then further down to her breasts, my hand gently slid down her belly and through her bush till it found its target again, her clit. I gently massaged it and I could hear her breathing pick up, her breasts were starting to heave. I wanted plenty of lubrication for what I was going to do so I continued with my fingers gently going round her clit,and occasionally across it. She gasped as I slid down her body placing my head between her thighs.

I started gently licking her clit, whilst my middle finger gently probed her opening and little by little, gently forwards and backwards, my finger entered her vagina, deeper and deeper. Her breathing was ragged and in gasps now. I continued my application of my tongue to her clit and when my middle finger would go no deeper I withdrew and added my index and started the process again, gently inserting forwards and backwards, she was groaning loudly. Her hands grasped my hair, pulling me deeper. She had shuddered several times, but I didn't think they were orgasms.

She was very wet. It was time. I eased my body up and with my hand positioned my penis against her vagina. I looked at her and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Yes."

I eased myself in as slowly as I could, I was so tempted to thrust harder but I controlled my movements. As I got further in she gasped again.My penis is longer and fatter than my middle and index fingers together.

When I was fully in I raised myself up, looked at her and asked. "Are you alright?"

She smiled "Absolutely fine." came the reply.

I started moving, picking up speed, but still very gently.

She was hanging on to me, groaning and starting to push back at me, I went harder, she pushed back harder then stopped completely and screamed, "Oh Fuck."

I thought the same as I came as well.

I rolled off and wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly, "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, flippin fine. Is it always like that? Do you always get that many orgasms?"

I gave her a quizzical look.

"I know what an orgasm is, I have had a few, you have given to me, but none like that."

"Sometimes more, sometimes less and sometimes none at all, but it always feels good."

She rolled on top of me.

"Does this mean we are exclusive now?"

"Sweetheart, I have been exclusive since that first kiss."

I continued, "And I will always be.Until my last breath I will be exclusive and I expect..."

She kissed me before I could finish and I felt tears on my face from her crying, we fell asleep in each other's arms, not for the first time, but the first time with no clothes on.

I woke up in the morning and she was in my arms and her head was on my chest and she was sobbing, I could feel the tears. "Sweetheart what's wrong, are you ok? Are you in pain?"

"No, Sorry darling this is unfair on you, but I feel bad that I didn't do that with Harry." I held her tightly and stroked her hair for a few minutes then I lifted her face, wiped the tears with the bed sheet, looked at her and said "There was a Roman chap about 2000 years ago who said 'Don't worry about things which cannot be changed or corrected'. I know it's easier to say than to do, I understand how you feel, but there is nothing we can do about it now my love, so let me hold you until you get better."

We married 18 months later. She moved down to my little house and got a job with a local office of an insurance company.

Fast forward 20 years or so, two children, more cats and a bigger house. We had both moved up our respective companies and were both supervisors as our bosses had worked out that we were good problem solvers, her with people, and me with machines, which included the people who operated them. And on the way we had a lot of adventures in and out of bed. If it was possible I loved her more now than I did then, we talked a lot about stuff before we did it, holidays, next car, children's names everything, the planning was sometimes part of the fun. Not everything we talked about actually happened. But the real fun was the loving sex, planning that was part of the fun. Some things like pain and another person was always off the agenda. Some bedroom stuff we did just the once, other stuff became part of our regular adventures. She still had her 36 28 36 figure, still as cute as ever with the long blond wavy hair. It had been cut to a nice Bob cut during out latex phase, it was also easier and looked better for the ball gag strap without all the hair in the way. She now puts it in a ponytail when we play those games.