Exhibitionist Little Sister Ch. 01


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Cassie had been crying while she was waiting, her tear stained cheeks were a testimony to that. And, when I saw her, I immediately stood up and went to her, wrapping my arms around her and cradling her head against my chest. "Ssshhh." I whispered. "It's alright."

"Rob," Dr. Charms said, "why don't you and Cassie have a seat together on the couch and we'll start to wrap it up for today."

I took the hint and guided Cassie over to the couch and sat down right next to her. She was still sniffling, so I reached over and picked up her tiny hand and held it in mine, caressing it like I'd touch the hand of a girlfriend. I put my arm around her shoulders, and Dr. Charms offered Cassie a tissue and then she started to speak.

"Cassie," the doctor began, "your brother and I had a chance to talk. As you know, you gave me permission to discuss your case with him and I've done that."

I felt Cassie shudder next to me when she heard the doctor's words. Not even ten seconds later, Cassie started to softly sob as she sat next to me, hiding her face in her hands, understandably ashamed that her brother now knew about her need to be exposed.

Without thinking, I squeezed her hand gently and pulled her to me with the arm I had around her shoulders. Like a limp rag, she rested against my shoulder and I cradled her head in my hands as she sobbed. Dr. Charms handed me the box of tissues and I pulled one out and dabbed it against Cassie's cheek as best as I could.

"Cassie," Dr. Charms continued, "your brother loves you very much and he's obviously quite concerned about you. He's agreed to stay with you for a while and help you through a few things. He can be someone you can talk to, rely on and trust. Of course, you and I will keep having our weekly sessions, but I see your brother's help as instrumental to your complete recovery. Cassie, do you understand what I'm saying?"

My sister lifted her head and looked up at me with her red, tear stained eyes. I smiled down at her and squeezed Cassie's hand as we looked at each other. She looked so forlorn as we exchanged glances, but, when she squeezed my hand back, I took that as a good sign.

"Yes." Cassie, answered Dr. Charms. Then, glancing up at me and then over at the doctor, Cassie asked, "Doctor, did you tell him everything?"

"Exactly what you and I discussed earlier, Cassie." The doctor replied. "But, I'd suggest the two of you spend some time talking between yourselves. That way, your brother will understand more about what's happened in your life during the last year."

Cassie nodded her head, and I glanced at the doctor and nodded my head, too. "Okay, then." The doctor, added. "We're about done here."

"Rob," the doctor said, looking directly at me, "any questions or anything from you?"

Picking up that the doctor was giving me the opportunity to do what she suggested earlier, I told her I didn't have any questions, but, I had something I wanted to say to Cassie. When Cassie heard that, she let go of my hand, sat up and turned to look at me.

Standing, I reached down to take my little sister's hand again in mine and I pulled her up so she was standing next to me. Then, reaching out to her and pulling her into me, I cleverly turned us so her back was to the doctor and I gave Cassie a gentle hug.

As I held her, I bent my head down and very quietly whispered in my sister's ear, "Cassie, I love you very much...... and in this whole world, there's no one I care about more than you. Whatever happened in the past doesn't matter now. What matters is that I love you and I'm here to help."

The look in Cassie's eyes as she tilted her head up to look at me made my heart soar. That little sparkle that used to be there all the time was back. Her eyes were still wet from crying, so I reached down to the couch and pulled another tissue from the box and wiped her eyes, one at a time, and as I did it, I leaned toward her and gently kissed each of her red eyes.

Lightly touching her, I brushed her long brown hair out of her face and over her shoulders and kissed her cheek. "For me to help you," I said, "you're going to have to trust me and do what I say."

"Do you think you'll be able to do that?" I asked. "Will it be so bad to have to listen to your big brother?"

I saw a glimmer of a smile turn up at the edges of Cassie's mouth and she answered me softly, saying, "I think I can do that, and no, it won't be so bad to do what you say."

"Good." I replied. "So, right now, I'm going to ask you to trust me and stand right where you are and don't move until I tell you. Okay?"

Cassie looked up at me with questioning eyes. Leaning toward her again, I whispered in her ear, "Please, Cassie. I can't help you unless you cooperate with me. And that has to start right now, before we leave your doctor's office."

For a second, I wasn't sure what my little sister was going to do, but when she looked up at me and nodded her head up and down, I took that as the approval I needed.

I made a deliberate point of hugging Cassie again, gently rubbing her back as we hugged. I pulled her into my chest and felt the breasts I knew I'd be seeing in just a few moments. I was surprised to feel Cassie's arms wrap around my waist and tug me into her, too. The feeling of her arms around me was wonderful, and after a few seconds, I pulled back and took a small step backwards.

Looking directly into her eyes, I reached my hands forward directly to her waist. Then looking down just for an instant to find the snap, I put my hands on her jeans and pulled the snap open.

Cassie immediately looked down and then back up at me. "Stand still." I said softly. "Please don't make this difficult."

Without waiting for a response, I extended my hands again and felt for the tongue of her zipper, and when I found it, I pulled it all the way down until it stopped. I saw shock in my little sister's eyes, but, she didn't move. And as we looked at each other, I hooked my fingers into the waist of her jeans and began to pull them down.

Her jeans were not very tight, but, I had to struggle a little to get them past her hips. All the while, her eyes were locked on mine, and I noticed that her eyes were almost clear and she'd stopped crying. When I started to push her jeans down past her hips, she nervously bit her bottom lip, but she didn't move an inch.

Readjusting my hands, I grasped her jeans and bent down to push them to her knees. As I bent down, I happened to glance at the front of her panties and immediately noticed two things. First, her panties were very sheer -- a flimsy white mesh that I was able to see through.

Second, I was surprised to see how overgrown her pubic hair was. Through the mesh of her panties, there was a mass of brown hair. It even spilled out both sides of her panties and the first thing that came into my mind when I saw it was: it all had to go. She'd have to be shaven, or better yet, completely waxed. I recalled what the doctor told me about her anxieties over the appearance of her breasts and genitals, and I accepted the fact that I'd have to come up with something creative in order to get rid of all that pubic hair.

Raising up into a standing position, I became aware of the erection that was in my own jeans. Without thinking, I put my hand in my pocket to adjust my hardened cock. As I moved my cock to a more comfortable position, I looked up to my little sister's face to see that she was watching me intently. I didn't even think to hide my actions, and since I was standing so close to her, I was pretty sure she saw my cock tenting out my jeans, and the way I had to move it around.

But, I couldn't let that bother me. Besides, I thought, it might actually end up helping me, especially if she realized I'd gotten hard in the process of pulling her jeans down and looking at her panties.

Once I stood up and took care of that troublesome erection, I made eye contact with her again and reached out to place my hand directly between her legs, palm up, right against her panties. Then, as we looked at each other, I worked two fingers deeper between her legs until I felt the puffiness of her mound and searched for the slit between her lips.

"I'm going to take your panties down now, Cassie." I whispered as my finger found the crease between her labia and pressed into it. "Please don't move."

The redness in her eyes was gone now, and she seemed to straighten her chin with a courageous nod as she looked back at me. I didn't want too much time to go by, so I kneeled down in front of her, reached up and unceremoniously pulled her panties down her legs and left them just above her jeans.

My first look at my little sister's pussy was alarming due to the unsightly mass of hair that seemed to be everywhere. And from my vantage point, still kneeling in front of her, not only could I clearly see her pussy right in front of me, but, I could also see down inside her panties -- directly at the cotton crotch that pulled up tightly against her pussy lips.

I'm not sure what made me do it, but, once I lowered her panties, I carefully reached up to her pussy, and putting my hands on each side of her outer labia, slowly pulled her apart until I could see the moist, pink tissue inside her lips.

I was greeted by a slight gasp from Cassie as I opened her lips and looked at her intimately. Glancing up, I could see she was looking down at me -- her eyes as big as saucers and her mouth partially hanging open as if she didn't believe I holding her pussy lips apart and looking inside her. I was instantly struck with the pinkness inside her pussy, and as I pulled her open even further, I looked up at the apex of her lips and saw the amazing clitoris that was peeking out at me from under its hood.

I'm not sure I'd characterize her clit as being the size of a small dick (as her boyfriend had done), but, it was big -- big enough to suck on, and I made a mental note to do that as soon as the time was right.

Another thing I noticed was how wet she was. When I pulled her lips apart, I heard the telltale sounds of wet pussy. Not dry pussy, mind you..... not moist pussy -- but honest to goodness wet pussy. She was wet enough to accept a finger, or a cock, without the need of any additional lubrication. This, on its own, made me proud. It meant I was correctly doing the things Dr. Charms had suggested, and, it meant she was sexually excited. And she wasn't the only one who was excited. I could feel my cock thumping inside my jeans, as if it was knocking -- trying to get out.

I spent another minute or so kneeling in front of her, holding her pussy lips open and looking at her pussy. I didn't want to touch her very much while we were still in the doctor's office, but, I definitely got a pretty good look and my little sister's pussy before I pulled my hands away.

When I did stood up, I didn't even bother to hide the fact that my cock was angrily pushing at my jeans, trying to poke through. I simply looked into my little sister's eyes and said, "I'm sorry. I can't help getting turned-on."

I thought I saw Cassie begin to smile when she realized I'd gotten hard from just looking at her. But that smile went away fast enough when I reached for her t-shirt and pulled it up -- way up -- above her breasts. She flinched for just a second, as if she was going to use her hands to cover the sturdy bra that held her breasts.

I was about to reach behind her to unclasp her bra when she lifted one of her hands in front of her, like she was trying to stop me, or get my attention. Looking up into her face, she closed her eyes for a second and whispered, "Please don't, Robbie. They're awful."

I looked over Cassie's shoulder to see Dr. Charms sitting at her desk, carefully watching us. I was pretty sure she couldn't hear us whispering, so I leaned in closer to Cassie and told her she needed to be brave, and then added, "Or, if you insist on not cooperating, I'll just do as the doctor suggested and turn you over my knee right here in her office and I'll spank your butt right in front of her."

Okay..... I told a little white lie to encourage Cassie to remain still and let me do what I needed to do. And while I wouldn't have really spanked her, I don't think she wanted to test me. She dropped her hand and in a disappointing gesture, her shoulders dropped and she nodded her head.

I was almost there -- almost done. All I needed to do was get her bra undone and then I could take a few minutes to look at her as she stood in front of me undressed, but not actually stripped.

Our eyes locked together again and she watched me until I reached around her back to unclasp the bra that surrounded her chest. I made another mental note to make sure I threw out this bra as soon as possible, and every bra she had that was like it. The thing was like a monstrous, 18 hour, armor reinforced, and obviously heavily padded bra.

It almost killed me to undo her bra with the look of humiliation that was on her face, but, I did it and when she felt it come undone, she closed her eyes as I pulled the straps forward and flipped her bra up over her breasts and exposed her.

For the life of me, I couldn't understand why she'd be unhappy with her breasts. They were totally fucking beautiful. Petite -- yes. But they were the most gorgeous breasts I'd ever seen in my whole life.

They were probably about the size and shape of a lemon, maybe an A-cup at the most, but they were flawless.... perfectly unblemished and creamy white, with the most amazing puffy nipples proudly turned up toward me. I'm not exaggerating when I say they were awe inspiring, and as I openly stared at her, I reached up with my left hand and tenderly cupped one of her breasts in the palm of my hand and fingered her nipple.

My cock was literally throbbing in my pants, and for a moment, I worried I might cum just from looking at her breasts. Her eyes were urgently searching mine for my reaction, and I was unable to stop myself from bending down and taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking it gently.

I tongued her nipple and suckled her tenderly for several seconds before I lifted my head and leaned into her. "When we get back to your apartment," I whispered in her ear, "you'll have to be spanked for lying to me and making me feel bad."

The look of sheer confusion swept over her face. "What?" She said softly. "Why?"

"You said your breasts were awful." I replied. "And it almost broke my heart to have to undo your bra and embarrass you. But, you lied to me, Cassie. Those are the most beautiful breasts I've even seen, and I don't appreciate the way you made me feel guilty for no reason at all."

At that point, you could have driven a double trailer mack truck through the doctor's office and my little sister wouldn't have even noticed it. The look of total surprise on her face could have been the winning picture at any photography contest. And, I wasn't just being nice, and I wasn't kidding. Her breasts were nothing less than 100% prime, Grade-A, premium boobs. However in this world she got to thinking they were awful is way beyond my understanding.

I reinforced my point by raising both my hands and holding her breasts in them and alternately sucking her nipples and kissing each breast multiple times. I got so involved, I found myself suckling her eagerly, but, she didn't wince, pull away or try to stop me.

After giving her breasts a considerable amount of attention as she stood there in absolute shock, I put my arms around her and pulled her tightly into my body and held her, not even caring that she could feel the hardness in my crotch against her soft, naked skin.

As I held her, I dropped one hand to her crotch and felt my way to her pussy and began to wiggle one finger through her matted pubic hair to find her pussy lips. She spread her legs for me, as much as she could with her jeans and panties pulled down, which allowed me to find her slit and slip my finger into the wettest and warmest pussy I've ever touched.

Once I found her vagina, my finger slipped into her like a hot knife cutting through butter, and she gasped when I pulled my finger out of her and massaged her clit. Again, I pushed my finger into her, and then pulled it out and rubbed her clit. I felt her lean her weight into me and she moaned in time with my finger as it circled her clit and rubbed directly on the sensitive button of flesh.

"You're really wet." I said. "I like that, Cassie. I like it a lot."

"Robbie," she panted in my ear, "if you don't stop touching me, you're gonna make me cum and I know for sure I'm going to gush. I can't do that in front of her, Robbie. It's too embarrassing. Please stop."

I could sense the urgency in her voice, and wanting to spare her any more humiliation in front of her doctor, I stopped. "We'll finish this later." I whispered in her ear. "But, not until you have your spanking."

The smile that came from Cassie's face, and the sparkle in her eyes made me smile as I looked down at her and kissed her gently on her cheek. Then, as we made faces at each other, I pulled her bra down over her breasts, smoothed it out and fastened the clasp behind her back. As she watched me, I pulled her shirt down and straightened it out, fixed the shoulder straps and then bent down to pull her panties up.

I couldn't resist reaching up to touch her pussy one last time, and as my hand rose, she surprised me by reaching down with both her hands and spreading herself open. I looked up at her and she had a mischievous smile on her face as she watched me slide my finger between her legs and directly into her vagina. From that position, I knew I could hit her g-spot, and I was tempted to do it, but, by this time, I was eager to get out of there.

When I withdrew my finger, I brought it to my mouth and sucked it as she looked down at me. I made absolutely sure I licked off every molecule of her thick, slippery pussy juice that coated my finger. Cassie's smile was even bigger now, and I'll never be able to describe how happy I was to see that smile on her face.

Pulling her panties up, I took one more look at her pussy as I set her panties on her hips and reached down for her jeans, and as I stood and pulled them up, she sucked in her stomach so I could snap her jeans and pull her t-shirt down.

Cassie took over from there, wiggling her bra around until it was right and adjusting the fit of her shirt before she threw herself into my arms and gave me a very strong hug.

"Very well done -- both of you." I heard Dr. Charms say, as she sat at her desk. "But, our time is up for today, Cassie. I'm guessing you two have a lot to talk about, so you guys can leave from that door in the corner and, Cassie, I'll see you next week at the same time."

Cassie reached down and picked up her purse and then grasped my hand and pulled me toward door. There was a spring in her step and it was like the difference between night and day from when we got here.

As Cassie opened the door and pulled me through, I glanced back at Dr. Charms who was standing up behind her desk with her arms crossed over her chest. When she saw me looking, she smiled and gave me the thumbs up.

When we got out to the hallway, Cassie started to walk fast, yanking my hand to hurry me up as we got closer to the elevators. When we got at the elevator bay, she pushed the 'Down' button and I asked, "Hey, what's the rush?"

"Didn't you say you had to spank me?" My little sister said, grinning. "And then finish what we started in there?"

The next thing I knew, my little sister was reaching out for me and when I held my arms open for her, she literally jumped into my arms, saying, "Thanks, Robbie. I'll be good for you, I promise I will."

To be continued...

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Bro_4_SisBro_4_Sis6 months ago

Please find the time to continue this story. The readers here would so enjoy it. Thank you, in advance!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This a good fantasy story. It does not need to continue. A conclusion has been established; Rod and Cassie will have this brother - sister incestuous relationship till she has "recovered". I would title the next/last chapter "Cassie's Recovery". You can fantasize as to the text of the story.

uncomonnerduncomonnerd9 months ago

another unfinised storie by Random author

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another unbelievable story that would NEVER take place. It'd be fun to fantasize it though.

RegginufRegginufover 1 year ago

I absolutely love this story please give us the next chapter ASAP. Can’t wait to read it

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