Exhibitionist's Apartment - Pt. 02

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Part 2 (Ch 4and5) of our budding exhibitionists adventures.
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NOTE : All persons in this fictionized account of the adventures of Jon as he began his ventures into exhibitionism. it would be best to read them back to back.

Chapter 4 -- The Virgin Pledge

As the football season wound down, I asked my parents to hire Caroline to tutor me in two subjects that I had fallen behind in. Arrangements were made, but Caroline was already tutoring Kate, who was in those same two classes. All three of us had the same study period after lunch and so it made sense for us to use my apartment to meet for lunch and do our schoolwork, being so close to the school. Two 75 minute periods back-to-back -- two and a half hours gave us plenty of time to both study and relax.

I had known Caroline and Kate since elementary school and our parents all attended the same church. The two of them had both taken public "virginity pledges" to save themselves for marriage, ruling out pre-marital sex. Our parents trusted us when we assured them that our relationships were purely platonic.

They could not have been more diametrically opposed physically. Caroline had a robust figure : a thick torso over her ample butt and shapely legs, she stood at about 5'8". With large and firm breasts whose nipples appeared perpetually erect (Marjorie and the mean girls called her "Nips" behind her back). She was proud of her impressive rack. Kate, on the other hand, stood at only 5'1" tall and 115 pounds. She had a petite and lithe body -- small compact breasts, a slim waist and muscular legs and a tight butt, courtesy of high school gymnastics. Literally half my size.

The two of them weren't part of the crowd that I hung out with. Caroline was 20 and a year older than both Kate and I. She was finishing high school this year and was president of the student council. She had also founded a club they called the Pledge -- a small cohort of six likeminded senior women. They met in the school library on Thursdays and organized community service activities. They had all taken a virginity pledge as well (hence the "Pledge") and had to have reached their 18th birthday by the beginning of the school year in order to qualify for membership. They all came across as very sincere and mature and were well regarded by the school staff and the community.

My apartment had been party central during football, but when the season was over, only Caroline and Kate were still visiting me on a regular basis. A very regular basis. They both knew where I kept the spare key. If I wasn't at home when either or both dropped by, they were welcome to let themselves in. If I was at home, they were welcome to let themselves in. Our parents appeared to have no problem with the amount of time that the three of us ended up spending with each other.

Initially, our time together was during our mutual lunch and study, but as the semester progressed and we grew closer, they began to drop by at any and all times. The three of us now started our school days at the apartment because it was just a five minute walk to the school. The first thing I did when I got up in the morning was to climb the stairs to the side door and unlock it. Either one of them could arrive at any time.

It was about this time that my brother came home for Thanksgiving (October in Canada) from college. He gave me a box full of Pin Up calendar art that he had collected over the years. They were individually framed and were what were referred to as cheesecake - depictions of often scantily clad curvy women in revealing and embarrassing poses. Dating from the 50's and 60's, garter belts, stockings and high heels were more often than not part of the allure. They seldom showed any more than ample cleavage or frilly panties, but were incredibly sexy for what they didn't show! They weren't X-rated so mom had allowed him to hang them in his bedroom -- he devoted a whole wall (24 prints) in a gallery like setting. I had always admired his collection and it had a profound effect on my developing interest in exhibitionism. I developed a fetish for the leggy stockings and heels look.

Mom had insisted that they had to go now that he was out of the house, so he passed them on to me. I didn't have the wall space to hang 24 framed prints but it quickly dawned on me that displaying six at a time would be plenty and that I could rotate them with the spare ones to keep the show novel. I ended up hanging a couple on the wall by the stairs descending from the side door to greet guests as they arrived, a couple on the dresser near the bed, one beside the loveseat and a final (appropriately themed) one in the separate two-piece washroom.

I hung and displayed the frames on the holiday Monday and was anxious to see Caroline and Kate's reactions the next day -- back to school after a long weekend. Coincidentally, they arrived at the same time and initially had a muted response to the ones that greeted them as they descended the stairs. They both paused and checked out the prints carefully, Kate's cheeks noticeably blushing. Caroline responded first when she noticed the print near the loveseat, but her initial utterance was a stammer. As I had hoped, I had caught them both flat-footed and intrigued at the same time. I hoped that I hadn't overstepped my bounds.

After a good five minutes of carefully scrutinizing the prints I had on display and a quick, simultaneous explanation of where they came from and that they had my mom's blessing, there was an immediate change in the air - an energy that wasn't there before. A weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The ladies were into it! This was my apartment and I wanted them both to be comfortable with my exhibitionism. Casual nudity had developed into an incredible turn-on for me. I wanted them to feel and share with me.

I quickly grew imprudent. I would leave the entrance door unlocked all day with the understanding that they were welcome to enter without knocking. They often caught me in various states of undress or in the shower as they came in unannounced, initially leading to some embarrassed moments on their part. But soon, they came to realize that I wasn't uncomfortable with "getting caught" and that my lack of discretion while dressing or showering was more or less deliberate.

Neither of them were the shy, retiring types either. I caught them stealing glances at me in the mirror above the dresser on more than a few occasions as I would slip behind the mirrored screen/room divider to change or disrobe, their eyes politely "averted" while I did so. It never failed that I would develop an erection as I found an excuse to change this pair of shorts for another or stripped out of my school uniform. I towered over the top of the screen and would establish and maintain eye contact with them while conversing as I disrobed or got changed. With the dresser light on behind me, I knew that the mirrored panels were transparent. This allowed them to see it all, but I would be blissfully "unaware" of my exposure to them as we carried on about unrelated topics. Caroline often used these opportunities to quiz me as part of her tutoring.

Knowing that they were "peeping" on me and that I was able to expose myself to them completely "unknowingly" was an incredible turn on. My stiff cock was hard to hide and my habit of going commando at home meant that I was "inadvertently" exposing myself to them on a regular basis. No doubt, there was an unstated and risqué thrill for all three of us in my indiscretions.

As our comfort level grew and a more casual atmosphere prevailed with us at the apartment (I was loving having my own space!), we began to share intimate details about ourselves, becoming more and more bold in what we divulged with each other. It was uncanny how much the two of them had in common in their shared experiences : neither of them had ever seen a naked man (let alone an erection) up close and personal before or had ever "petted". They had never been seen naked by a male outside of the family. They were truly naïve about a lot of worldly matters (as was I), but they were willing to share their vulnerabilities with me and discuss topics they knew little about. They were both surprisingly open to discussing sexual matters and our peers with me.

I often steered our conversations to more intimate and sometimes private matters. I began to enhance our discussions by embellishing details, sometimes sharing locker-room boasts by teammates as my own. Despite their professed conservative beliefs and "virgin pledges", they were fascinated by these tales, especially when they involved salacious details about their peers. I was aware of body language and nonverbal signals that I was not only communicating to them but receiving as well.

They were lapping it up, turned on by my comprehensive descriptions. They were well aware that some of my detailed accounts were exaggerations, but they never called me out on them, knowing that I was including spicy details for their titillation. They were particularly taken by my shared reminiscences of my massage sessions with Sarah. They no doubt envied the close intimate contact I was describing in detail to them about Sarah's nuru technique and use of the e.m.s. for her "therapy".

Talking openly this way and sharing such details always resulted in a flaming Hardon on my part. I had stopped trying to hide my frequent erections from them. Awkwardly trying to cover myself with a pillow or a dangling piece of clothing was embarrassing and inappropriate to my way of thinking. Confining myself to the couch waiting for a Hardon to dissipate was silly -- and futile. I had found myself wearing loose fitting shorts, thin cotton briefs or a short nylon robe with satin trim when they were around for just this reason.

At first sheepishly and then more boldly, I began to let it all hang out, not bothering with usual measures of modesty. Of course, my endowment would have made covering up difficult and hiding an erection impossible without pants -- so I didn't wear them. I would change from my school uniform as soon as I got home, often with the two of them there to watch. Casually stroking my erection unnoticed to maintain it while they were there became subconscious. It was my hope that they would grow accustomed to seeing my casual exposure as perfectly normal and be comfortable with it.

Caroline was not the straight laced young lady that she presented to the world either. We attended a Catholic high school so we were always in our uniforms during the week. The school required ladies (the school insisted that adult students who had turned 18 be referred to as ladies and gentlemen) to wear white bras under their white blouses and white panties under their kilts, but the rule was short on specifics. Seniors were also allowed to wear stockings/pantyhose with heels instead of the traditional knee socks and loafers, with their parents' consent. Both Caroline and Kate's mothers had worn garter belts with stockings and heels all of their school and adult lives, so their daughters had followed suit, with their blessings. Few of the other ladies at school wore stockings, considering them old fashioned, preferring the ease and comfort of wearing pantyhose. But not Caroline and Kate. Or the members of the Pledge. They all chose to wear stockings and heels with their uniforms.

Caroline used her virginity pledge as a shield to protect herself from the advances of some of senior gentlemen at school, while at the same time letting her wild side out in subtle and sometimes indiscrete ways. Soon after they began to start their school day at my apartment, I gave Caroline and Kate a drawer in my dresser to keep any garments (sexy bras, skimpy panties, short kilts) that they wouldn't be allowed to leave their own homes wearing or to go to school In. Caroline would change the constraining bra that she arrived in to a much more liberating one for school. She was able to get away with a demi-cup, push up bra because her breasts were full and firm and needed no support.

Initially, she was shy enough to hide her naked breasts from me as she changed from her conservative bra to her sexy platform bra, but I was pleased that she had soon developed enough comfort to allow me to watch her as she removed her blouse to change. It was what I had been hoping for as I had paraded around the apartment casually on display for the two of them over the past couple of weeks.

With no lace adornments, nobody would be able to tell that her breasts were naked and exposed under the blouse -- if not for her nipples. They were protruded and perpetually erect, half the size and length of a wine cork. She professed annoyance at being called "Nips", but she used a product called Stay Erect daily. Applied directly to her nipples, the resulting effect was a prominent display that lasted for hours. If her nipples had been dark brown rather than the soft pink that they were, her blouses would have been immodest at the very least.

It didn't happen often, but I was always particularly thrilled if they dropped by with a member of the Pledge in tow. If they let me know ahead of time, i would ensure that they caught me in an embarrassing state of undress. I seldom missed an opportunity to put on a display whenever the chance presented itself. it became apparent that Caroline would use a quick visit to my apartment as incentives for members of the Pledge to reward them for following her example.

Eventually, all four of the other members of the Pledge had been to my apartment. i praised each one of them all for their strength in keeping to their pledge and for their courage in wearing garter belts and stockings with their high heels. Conservative beliefs did not mean they had to dress that way. i convinced each one of them to allow me to take pictures of them in poses similar to my prints, which they all seemed fascinated with. Of course, the stockings and heels were the perfect compliment to their school kilts and blouses.

I always managed to develop a Hardon and would find ways to expose myself to them as I fussed around with the camera. If they were bold enough to reach out and touch, I made sure to be close enough at times to give them that opportunity.

Chapter 5 - The Three of Us Grow Closer

They had both endeared themselves to me the night of the celebratory party after our final game of the season. I had had too much to drink early on and the two of them made sure that they got me home safely. I was aware enough to realize that they thought I was drunker than I actually was, so I let them take care of me. They got me down the stairs safely enough and then they began to undress me. As they removed my shirt and sat me down on the edge of the bed, I was swaying convincingly and had developed a raging Hardon.

They dropped to their knees in front of me, untying my shoes and removing them along with my socks simultaneously. I stood up unsteadily on their instructions and with their assistance, my bulge directly at their eye level. I mumbled incoherently as Caroline unbuckled my belt and undid the zipper, her hands trembling as she did so. She let my pants drop to the floor and I stood there, swaying slightly as I lifted first one foot and then the other to allow me to step out of my pants puddled at my feet, using Kate's shoulder to steady myself as I did so.

The moment of truth: I was all but naked, only my briefs doing a poor job of hiding my engorged shaft from them. I could sense their hesitation, so I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my briefs and pushed them down slowly, my penis forced down until it sprung free, bouncing back up as it did so. My briefs dropped to the floor and I now stood naked before them, my glans mere inches from their eager gaze. I noted Kate's glance at Caroline, looking for her guidance, unconsciously licking her lips.

This was a new situation for the three of us. I flopped back down onto the bed, my arms out to the side, my legs draped over the edge of the bed, my feet dangling. Both Kate and Caroline had worn their shortened kilts to the party and from my prone position I could see that they were both commando underneath. As I looked up at the two of them, Kate followed Caroline's lead and they both unbuttoned and removed their blouses. Caroline had her demi-cup bra on and felt no need to remove it, knowing how much I appreciated the look with her magnificent and shapely breasts on display, but Kate removed her bra, anxious to join me on the bed. The stockings and garter belts completed their looks, their kilts still teasingly hiding their charms.

Both of them accepted the implied invitation to join me and lay down on either side, cuddling up close, using my biceps as pillows. My penis was at attention, pointing up to the ceiling, twitching slightly in time with my pulse. The three of us lay there for a good five minutes, Caroline idly stroking my thighs and testicles, each of us just enjoying the closeness of our new found intimacy.

Kate was the first one to stir. I heard a clasp snap and then a tugging against my thigh as she pulled at and then removed her kilt. Draping her upper leg over my quads, I could feel her moist labia on the side of my bare thigh as she cuddled in close. Instinctively, I flexed my knee slightly, sending a rippling contraction down my quad, then relaxed it before repeating the motion again. As I alternated this flexing and relaxing, Kate responded by hoisting herself up until she was straddling my thigh, both knees spread wide with her moist pussy lips kissing my pulsating and heaving thigh. Quickly, she developed a rhythmic sliding motion on my thigh, her dripping pussy providing all of the lubrication we needed.

Caroline was not to be outdone. She sat up, twisted her crotch next to my shoulder and quickly removed her kilt leaving her naked pussy framed by her garter belt and stockings. From her perch to our right, she placed a hand on my other thigh, slowly working her fingertips up and down rhythmically. She used her fingernails to gently scratch and tease my inner thigh as she worked her way north. She stopped when her fingers reached my balls and she began to caress and manipulate them gently, my cock pulsing in response. Kate's reached out with her own right hand and grasped my rod, her fingers unable to reach all the way around it's girth. With little encouragement, she began to stroke up and down in time to our own humping rhythm. I let out a gasp that served to encourage the two of them to continue with their ministrations.

As they eagerly continued with what they were doing, Caroline bent her head down slightly and licked my closest nipple. Her own rock-hard ones were floating above my ribcage, but I resisted the urge to tweak them, more concerned that she continue with her pleasuring of me. A delicious sensation was coursing through my loins and I encouraged Caroline to alternate with the other nipple. When she began alternating between licking and nibbling, I exploded with the beginning of the most intense orgasm of my young life, shooting the first wad of cum straight up into the air. Kate had the presence of mind to direct my shooting glans up towards our faces as she continued stroking, covering us all in a sticky gooey mess as wad after wad of cum continued to pulse from my cock. Caroline hadn't let up on her manipulation of my testicles and eventually the two of them milked me dry.

As I lay on my back, the ceiling spinning, I was barely aware of their continuing caresses and gentle stroking, but it kept the nausea at bay. It was the first time that I was completely naked with them and it had broken the ice for me. I had an unabashed affection for them now and saw little to no need for modesty after this intimate moment between us. We had crossed a threshold. As we continued to lie there, covered in cum, my penis began to stir again. We needed a shower and they had to get home.