Exhibitionist's Apartment Pt. 03 Ch. 06

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We meet busty Kim and Kate.
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Chapter 6 -- Busty Kim

One Thursday morning, Caroline was going straight to school from home for a meeting with office administration. Kate arrived earlier than usual that morning and was impatiently knocking on the door. I had just gotten out of the shower and was toweling myself off, wondering why she hadn't used the hidden key. When her impatient knocking continued, I wrapped a towel around my waist, holding the corners together with my left hand. I climbed up the stairs to the side door, peeved that she hadn't let herself in.

As I opened the door, about to let my annoyance be known, I was surprised to see Kate was not alone -- Kim was there with her. She was the last member of the Pledge to be brought by -- Caroline and Kate had brought each of the other three by last week. I had known Kim for a while now, having met in Sunday School a few years before and I was quite fond of her. She was vivacious and outgoing and wore her emotions on her sleeves -- I had had a crush on her since grade nine and she knew it. This was her first time here at my apartment.

She had been on the gymnastics team with Kate for the last couple of years, but had quit this year when her developing figure had interfered with her competing at the level she was used to. She was no taller than Kate at 5'1" and shared her muscular glutes, torso and legs, but her breasts were a sight to behold. They were large and torpedo-like (two halves of a football glued to her chest) -- you couldn't fail to be amazed. It gave her a top-heavy appearance, but she was athletic and graceful. They had a head turning effect on those meeting her for the first time, but she was not the least bit self-conscious about them.

Kim had always been touchy-feely and expressed her feelings quite openly with those around her. She was generous in her affection and was in the habit of greeting with alternating kisses on the cheeks and a bear hug. Despite our height difference, she always managed to keep it warm and natural and her hugs always left me with a enduring glow afterwards. However, her enthusiastic and physical greetings had gotten her into trouble at times with her firm and cuddly embraces of both her male and female peers. Her toned and prominent breasts were always front and center and were unyieldingly firm. She was not reluctant to use them when showing affection. Her bear hugs were enthusiastic and referred to as breast hugs by my teammates. She always finished her hugs with a shimmer, ensuring that you noticed her erect nipples. This morning, they were hard to miss as she was not wearing a bra.

Kate introduced us unnecessarily right there on the threshold. As the expression goes, Kim's headlights were on and it was obvious that she was (surprisingly) braless. She always wore a bra. I towered over both of them and Kim's erect nipples were impossible to miss under her tight fitting blouse. As I stepped aside to let them in and close the door behind them, Kim opened her arms for a hug, ignoring the fact that I was using a hand to hold the towel in place. I awkwardly obliged (I loved her hugs!) and the towel dropped at our feet.

As Kim drew me in for her usual enthusiastic embrace, my now exposed cock was firmly planted between us and was stiffening rapidly. The glans had nowhere to go but up and there was no way that she wouldn't be able to feel it happening. She let her hands slip down my back to my still damp cheeks as she pulled us together and continued with the tight squeeze for a good 20 seconds. She slowly rocked back and forth, gyrating her hardened nipples into my ribs, below my pecs. My cock shifted position against her blouse, her taut stomach muscles unyielding, her grip firm. As her nipples bore holes into my ribs my developing erection pushed back.

When she reluctantly released me from her breast hug, I was standing there naked in front of the two of them, exposed to their wide-eyed gazes, my erection completing it's growth as they stared. I had no problem with this state of affairs of course and apparently neither did they. As Kim bent down and picked up my towel, her face was mere inches from my pulsating and stiffened member. She appeared lost for the moment -- she couldn't look away as I took the proffered towel from her hand.

Before using it to cover my now fully engorged member, I glanced at Kate with a quizzical look, then parted my arms and drew her in for a hug of our own. Although she (and, by extension Caroline) had seen me naked before, this was the first time that we had exchanged an intimate embrace. Kate didn't hesitate in wrapping her arms around my naked midriff, closing her eyes as she did so. My glans was free floating between us and I loved the sensation of friction from her blouse, throbbing with renewed vigour.

Things were awkward as these unforeseen development had caught the three of us all flat-footed. We were crowded there on the landing, neither of them able to avert her eyes, looking straight down at my impressive erection. As I clumsily repositioned the towel and closed the door behind them, they began to descend the stairs, almost reluctantly it seemed. Kim stopped partway down when she noticed the framed prints, holding Kate and I up as we descended behind her. I started in with some lighthearted banter as I followed them down, the towel now serving it's intended purpose of modesty, no matter how poorly. I offered to put on a pot of coffee as we stood there at the bottom of the stairs, but the tenting of the towel caused by my now fully erect 11 inches was definitely the elephant in the room.

In many ways, this was the dream scenario that my vivid imagination might have conjured up for my exhibitionist self, but I was caught awkwardly seeking a way forward from here. As I prepared the coffee, Kim rescued me by making note of the massage table tucked in under the stairs. She asked if she could check it out. I wasn't sure what she meant by that, but I didn't hesitate to offer to pull it out into the open, glad for a distraction from the tricky moment we found ourselves in.

I was still awkwardly holding the towel with my hand -- it was small one and was too short to tuck the corners together to keep it in place. The massage table was heavy and awkward to maneuver without two hands, so I turned my back to them as I let the towel drop again, crossing the room to retrieve my robe. I was just as proud of my butt as I was of the rest of my physique and took my time putting it on, my still damp skin causing it to cling provocatively. It really didn't do a better job of hiding my erection than the towel had, but it freed up my hands to pull out the table.

While we were waiting for the coffee to brew, neither of them were able to keep from staring at my robe. Although I was covered at the moment, it was light and flimsy, made of a nylon/rayon blend with satin lapels that threatened to part at any moment and expose my engorged shaft and glans again when they did. In profile, there wasn't much left to the imagination and the loosely tied sash was about to let go. When it did, I pretended that I wasn't aware and let it all hang out for a good 30 seconds as I clumsily adjusted the position of the massage table. The ladies were silently staring until I DID notice my parted robe and closed it.

Kim hopped up onto the table, her legs dangling over the edge. She let her feet swing loosely back and forth, her shoes falling to the floor as she did so. She then pirouetted on her cheeks and swung her heels up and onto the surface, bending a knee as she leaned back, propping herself up with her arms in a semi-prone position. This had the immediate effect of thrusting her breasts forward, straining her blouse to confine them, her erect nipples and areolas clearly outlined through the white blouse.

Her kilt was riding high, exposing bare thighs above the dark panels of her sheer silk stockings. While I was admiring this generous glimpse of exposed flesh, a switching of her bent knee for the other resulted in a flash of naked beaver greeting my eyes. I pointed this out to her and then Kate (who had also been admiring Kim's antics) lifted the hem of her own kilt, showing me that she too was naked underneath.

It opened the floodgates. The two of them began babbling at the same time, Kate confessing that as part of their routine, the members of the Pledge did not wear panties on Thursdays, the day of their weekly meetings at the school library. That was a new one for me. I didn't know that her and Caroline went to school without panties -- any day of the week! That it had become a part of the Pledge's requirements for their members. One of the reason that members had to be 18 to join was that, as adults, they were responsible for their own behavior. Getting caught at school without panties would likely result in a suspension and would no doubt have drawn unwanted attention to the other members of the Pledge. Each member of the Pledge had to practice personal discretion to protect the reputation of the group.

I wondered out loud why Caroline had allowed, let alone condoned such a practice. Was it a custom of the group that she participated in and was comfortable with? They told me that the idea had been a recent initiative on her part and that she had not allowed any real debate when she introduced the new policy the first week of school. She had had the members of the Pledge remove their panties then and there at their first meeting to show their compliance. Her stated reasoning was that if they were nude under their kilts while attending classes, they would have to be conscious of their sexuality all day long. Having to be extra careful to avoid exposing themselves to the wayward gazes of their lustful peers would keep them on their toes and acutely aware of the weight of their virginity pledges. Although shaving their pussies was not a part of the requirements, all six members of the Pledge had done so as a matter of course. Surprisingly, they had found that a shaved pussy was easier to hide than a bushy one under their kilts.

Caroline definitely had a dark side. This was her club and they were going to follow her rules. It had developed Into a bizarre exhibitionist bent for the members of the Pledge. Caroline had unwittingly introduced this group of avowed virgins to an outlet for their suppressed impulses and desires. Despite their virginity pledges, these women subconsciously craved attention. They wanted to do many of the forbidden activities of their more liberal peers, but were constrained by the very pledge that set them apart.

They were also guilty of shortening their kilts on occasion as part of the exercise, making it even more difficult to hide their exposure. They were rewarded with a real thrill and a sense of pride knowing that their "inadvertent" flashing was turning their peers on, no doubt a topic of discussion and snickering amongst their friends. All six members of the Pledge realized how careful they had to be in order to avoid getting censured by administration. Caroline had upped the ante for all of them. Although none of them expressed any objections, they had a difficult time seeing the parallel between their vows of virginity and their bald pussies and shortened kilts.

Kate and Kim were here this morning to experiment with shortening their kilts. It was an old trick used by private and Catholic schoolgirls since the first time that that school uniforms had been introduced. They would leave their homes in the morning with their kilts at full length hanging to their knees, but by the time they reached the school, the kilts would be at mid thigh, having rolled their waist bands around their belts.

This wasn't something new for Kate, I had watched her do this a couple of times before. She had to leave her shirt untucked in order to hide the evidence of the waistband from the nuns (who were well aware of the practice) and hope that one of them didn't ask her to kneel. If the hem of the skirt didn't touch the floor, it was deemed too short and resulted in a phone call home or 20 hours of community service if you were 18 or older.

This morning, they had come to see me because Kate knew I would be an enthusiastic participant. Kim had heard from the others in the Pledge about their visits here and she was anxious to see if I was as comfortable with my own personal nudity as they had suggested. Kim knew that I had a crush on her and had been hoping to use that to her advantage. Looking for an excuse for Kate to bring her to my place, Caroline had offered to lend Kim one of her own demi-cup push up bras for the day. She kept them here in a drawer that I had let her and Kate share. Kim was as well endowed as Caroline and was looking forward to switching her own modest bra for Caroline's risqué one.

Usually, a shortened kilt resulted in upskirts that revealed a flash of panties, not pussy. With their short kilt revealing all to anyone watching, the Pledge had now graduated beyond the more conventional upskirts of their contemporaries of more tantalizing glimpses of white panties to full-on beaver shots. My two guests this morning related how much of a thrill it gave them and the others to climb the stairs at school knowing that their peers would get fleeting glimpses of their bare pussies with a well-timed glance. They were well aware of the attention that they were generating amongst the senior gentlemen at school.

All this talk about exposing themselves and my own recent nudity eliminated any awkwardness that the three of us had been experiencing up until now. They hadn't been here twenty minutes and had already seen me naked and erect. Kim's outgoing nature was re-asserting itself and my own comfort with personal nudity had broken the ice. Kate (along with Caroline) had seen my erections plenty of times over the last few weeks due to my deliberate immodesty and our comfort with each other, but Kim had never been here before and I had bared it all anyways. No doubt, I was a shameless exhibitionist.

Kim had come to borrow one of Caroline's revealing demi-cup bras that had been left here in her drawer in my large dresser. The dresser had a full length mirror at the far end adjacent to the shower as well as two angled side mirrors that allowed a more complete reflection. For changing, a small area could be separated from the rest of the apartment by the wheeled, mirrored three-panel screen/room divider. So I led her over to the dresser, turned on the light and wheeled over the screen to allow her to change with a modicum of privacy. Or so she thought.

As I stepped away and sat down next to Kate, we were not more than ten feet away from the back of the mirrored screen. Kim was unaware of just how exposed she was behind the two-sided mirrors and so she made no effort at hiding anything as she unbuttoned and removed her blouse. Her proud breasts were revealed in all their glory to both Kate and I as we watched her disrobe, her areolas puckered and nipples protruding. I was pleased that Kate did not let Kim know just how much we could see.

Unaware that we could see everything, Kim was absently pulling on her nipples -- tweaking them directly in front of our eyes. They had been erect from the moment I had greeted the two of them at the door -- it turned out that Caroline had given her a small tube of Stay Erect gel and she had applied it to her nipples as her and Kate had arrived at my door this morning. Kate had been thinking of my voyeuristic pleasure when she encouraged Kim to arrive braless since she was going to be borrowing one of Caroline's bras anyways. Neither of them had expected to be greeted by a nearly naked man at my door.

As Kim continued her conversation with us, oblivious to her exposure, she turned in profile as she hiked up her kilt in front of the mirror. She untucked her shirt and let the hem hang down to help disguise just how exposed she would be with a shortened kilt.

Sitting down next to Kate had parted the lapels of my robe and my engorged cock was right out there again -- my glans bouncing slightly to the rhythm of my pulse. I was worried that Kate might be jealous of the attention that I had shown Kim this morning. It was not the first time that I had been naked with either her or Caroline before, but never under such intimate circumstances.

I couldn't help myself as I began to stroke my cock right then and there. The situation was overwhelming and sensual for both Kate and I as we watched this beautiful peer of ours undress before our eyes, unaware of the display that she was putting on. Kate's eyes had a hooded look to them as her right hand dropped to her pussy and she began to twiddle her clit, the two of us sitting side by side, pleasuring ourselves. It was the first time that I had ever masturbated with a partner and it felt very natural. I reached over and lifted her left hand over to my cock, wrapping her fingers gently around as much of it as she could grasp.

She began stroking my shaft in earnest, in time to my own rhythm. The sensation of being pleasured by a much smaller and unpracticed hand was unique and I let her take over -- otherwise I would have cum right then and there. I carried on our conversation with Kim, who was apparently unaware of our own shenanigans, lacking the height to be able to see over the top of the one-way revealing screen. My breathing was becoming erratic as Kate varied her grip and timing of her ministrations of my member. It was, after all, her non-dominant hand -- that was engaged in frigging herself.

Kim was now modeling her short kilt, figuring out just how short it could be. Any shorter than mid-thigh would expose skin above the panels of her stockings any time she moved or sat down. The two of them were a close match physically -- about the same height and musculature from their years of gymnastics training -- both with near perfect muscle tone and grace. All but the boobs of course. Kate had the perfect gymnast's body, Kim had the same body with perfect melons. She was continually pulling on and tweaking her nipples as she found and put on Caroline's platform bra -- leaving most of her breasts exposed and her nipples protruding. Her large DD's didn't need the support, but she could not get away without wearing a bra at school. Going braless would have been unacceptable even as the spectacle of her stiff nipples was impossible to hide.

As Kate and I watched this perfect creature getting herself ready to put back on her blouse, Kate lost her concentration and I took over on working my meat. Kate was working her fingers frantically in and out of her pussy -- no doubt she was enjoying Kim's show as much as I was. Kim now had her blouse back on, but it remained unbuttoned as she fretted about just how much her nipples were showing. Her use of the Stay Erect gel and her constant tweaking had stimulated them into rigid cork-sized nubs.

She was hoping to get away with a shortened kilt without having any panties on. On top of that, she was going to forgo her regular modest bra for one of Caroline's platform bras which would leave her nipples exposed under her blouse. Having applied the Stay Erect gel, her nipples were front and center, impossible to miss. No matter how daring and bold she wanted to be, she couldn't go to school like that. With her stockings and heels, she looked the vamp and not a virtuous student.

Unexpectedly, she stepped out from behind the mirrored screen and caught the two of us pleasuring ourselves. Kate was on the edge and was breathing heavily, about to cum. Kim didn't appear fazed by this at all, which gave me the distinct impression that she was not surprised, was fully expecting to find us thus occupied. As Kate's orgasm overcame her and she stifled her gasps of release, Kim told us she needed our help -- that the Stay Erect gel had stiffened and enlarged her nipples too much. She wanted us to lick and suck a nipple each to remove the gel so that her erect nipples wouldn't get her into trouble today at school.