Expanding Her Horizons Ch. 01

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She acts on my fantasy to my surprise.
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I was at the top of the stairs and was heading for the bathroom when I turned my head to look along the dark hallway in to our bedroom. There was my wife with her white towelling robe wrapped round her rummaging through her chest of draws for underwear; she lifted out her black and red thong that matched the black Basque with the red roses on it. My heart skipped a beat and my cock twitched with excitement it reminded me of why I was upstairs in the first place, the bathroom.

I headed in to take care of business, once finished I noticed that when she had her bath she shaved her legs, armpits and maybe trimmed her bush. Wow was I in for a good night now the kids were in bed asleep? It certainly looked liked it so as I left the room I glanced down the hall and saw her naked with her back to me, she turned slightly and my eyes got wide fast. She was completely shave, nothing, bare. Something I had asked her to do for years, but she'd always refused or done it and complained about it. Swallowing deep I couldn't wait for her to come down stairs and take me to heaven.

Sure enough I heard the familiar creak on the stairs of heels shoes and my cock twitched some more. Then she appeared at the door. My stomach shivered, my eyes widened, my heart beat faster and I found it hard to breath. There she stood in the highest heels she had in a matt black at least 5 inches, she'd not worn these in ages, citing they hurt her. The black stockings were sheer and as she turned slightly to reach her hand bag I saw they were seamed -- my favourite. Over the stocking of her right leg was the silver anklet I had bought her, it being a bit of a fetish of mine. The seam of the stocking lead my eyes to the skirt she had on, it was black and just above the knee, but had a delicious slit up the thigh. The slit was not slutty nor was it conservative, it was just nice, the slit emphasized her sexiness and I looked towards her breasts, the low cut top did little to contain her ample 40Bs. I stared with my mouth hung open like a dog drooling for a juicy bone. Her lips were a deep red, her eyes were dark and heavily made up and I then noticed the scarlet nail varnish on her fingers. I only noticed them as she was counting out condoms and placing in her bag. This was getting better, she was going to play the hooker for me and make me use one, oh what a night this would be. Standing side on she bent forward and looked across the room at me, and a smile was forming over her red lips.

"Do you like what you see then baby?" she asked with her sexiest voice.

"What's not to like, you look hot, really hot." I replied as I started to get up.

"Stay there for a minute. I want you to look at me, think about what I am going to be doing soon." She looked right into my eyes.

"Oh I am thinking alright. Why don't you get over here and tell me what you're charging" I smiled.

She looked at me and then frowned a little. From a small carrier bag she produced two pairs of metal handcuffs, and walked towards me grinning.

"Oh you're feeling a bit naughty are you" I asked, smiling, I couldn't wait to raise that skirt and feast on her body.

"Left hand please." And took it and slipped a cuff on. "And now the other one please" and I raised my right hand, only for her to slip the cuff round the wrist. She pulled me up using the cuffs which hurt a little.

"I think I'm going to have to put your hands behind your back" she said with firmness in her voice as I reached with both hands for her breast.

"ok I surrender" I chuckled expecting her to kiss me or let me loose on her beautiful tits. She undid the cuff and pushed my hands behind my back and I heard he click, click, click as she fastened it. Her hands went to my belt and began to unbuckle it, the button popped soon after and then she used her lovely red fingernails to slide down my zip. My trousers were lowered to my ankles as she slowly knelt in front of me. My cock was straining to be freed from my boxers her fingers danced across the front of me crotch making me twitch and jump. Looking up at me she licked her lips and the light glinted off them. Her fingernails traced up to the waistband of my boxers and stopped.

"Remember what you wanted me to do, one of your fantasies?" she purred. I nodded, she was going to make up a story of her with a lover. Or was she going to be the housewife hooker that has been working all day to make ends meet. Or was she going to ... my thoughts were interrupted by her fingers slipping inside the waistband and her nails scratching my skin as she lowered them to my knees alongside my trousers. She formed her mouth in to a perfect O shape and breathed her hot breath on my tip making it shiver and my heart skip a beat. She teased me by pulling away, and sitting back on her heels.

"I think you need to sit down" she said with a grin. "Then I can tell you what I am going to do." Standing up she walked towards me and pushed me backwards on to the middle of the sofa. She walked away from me forcing me to watch her ass as she swayed her hips. Taking a hold of her handbag she brought it to an arm chair, and set it down. She sauntered over to me and leaned forward allowing me a look down her top. Her breasts were encased in the 'oh so sexy' black Basque, and the edges of a couple of red roses were poking above the neckline of her top. I leant forward to nuzzle between them but she pulled back. I could not lift up to get closer due to the cuffs and the trousers round my ankles. Her red nail scrapped over my tip making my entire body shake and shiver.

"Now my dear husband, for ages you have wanted to have me take a lover." She stepped backwards and ran her hands over her chest. "You wanted me to date another man, to kiss him, to let him touch my tits" Her hands demonstrated the movements. "You want him to run his hands up my thighs." She leaned forward and lifted the hem of her skirt and ran her red nailed hands up to the tops of the stockings and to the milky white flesh above them, then she let the skirt drop. She walked to the dining room chair and lifted her small black trench coat and put it on. She was really making me want her now. In the distance a car horn tooted three times, she lifted her handbag and smiled.

"Well that's him now" she giggled.

"What? I'm sorry what did you say?" I shook my head to try and lift the haze of excitement from my mind.

"I said that's him now. My lover. You know the man I am going to be going on a date with and, if he's lucky, fucking his brains out later." She turned and began to walk to the hall.

"What? What you mean?" I tried to get up but she said quickly

"You wanted me to have a lover, well I found someone to play with and he's waiting. See you later." And she again started for the door, then stopped.

"Mind you it might be a case of don't wait up" she giggled and was gone.

I jumped up, and went to walk but tripped on my trousers round my knees and landed heavily on my side. I wriggled the cuffs off, they were the ones you can get in

novelty shops and you can easily open them if needs be. Stumbled up and yanked up my trousers up and headed for the door. My phone beeped with a text message but I ignored it and got to the front door and outside in time to see a black BMW turn out of our street and out of sight.

I raced back in and grabbed my phone to call my wife but the call went straight to her voice mail. She had turned off her phone. I looked at the text message, it was from her. It was long, she must have written it in advance and sent it when she got in the car. I read it and tried to take it in. 'Darling for years you wanted me to have sex with other men so by the time you read this I will be in his car heading for a night with him. Sorry I handcuffed you but you wanted it now you have it. I love you so I am going to try this. Maybe I will enjoy it and we can carry on. XX.' The stories on the internet sprang to mind, and the phrase 'be careful what you wish for, it might come true. I hit reply and typed 'I will wait up for you. I love you. This is great. I would not have stopped you. I hope you have fun.' I hit send and put the

phone on the table next to my laptop. I tried logging on to websites. I tried typing up notes. I shut the laptop down. I turned on the TV, I surfed the channels, I tried a DVD or five. Nothing was able to occupy my mind, one minute I was full of fear or jealousy and grabbed for the phone to send a text to say STOP I DIDN'T MEAN IT, or PLEASE DON'T or things like that. Then I would get an image of my super sexy wife in her Basque, and heels giving her new lover head, or his head between her legs and I would get hard again and again. I wanted to make my self cum over and over, and I almost got to the edge a few times. All this and she had been gone only two hours it was now 10 pm. I finally gave up and laid on the sofa and turned on the TV. Some mundane show blurbed out and tried to fill the room.

But without her there and knowing she was maybe in the arms of a lover or in his bed made the room empty. Adverts started, and some cleaning agent was shown,

'It will clean anything' it said. Pity it never cleaned my mind a year or so ago I thought.

We had been married for close on 18 years and from day one of meeting her I loved more than anyone I'd ever known. She'd always kept her hair long it was a brown colour with the odd fleck of red in it and she always looked hot and sexy in my eyes. She gained some weight over the years after two kids, most women do, but even then I wanted her. Her green eyes would capture me when she would look in my eyes and she'd only have to walk near me for me to want to reach out and grab her and pull her into kisses and hope it would lead to more. But I had a fantasy, a fetish, a desire to see my beautiful wife in the arms of another man, to see him kiss her, touch her, excite her, to slide inside her and make her cum. I wanted a man to take her with a big cock, to stretch her, make her wet make her pant and cum hard. Then I wanted to slide my own cock in her and to reclaim her body.

She had always been a good sexual partner for me. I could make her cum hard enough to make her pass out. Before the kids came along we had made love outside, had been adventurous. But now, it was all very familiar, both of us could predict how the other would start or move next. It wasn't boring by no means, since the kids she had allowed us to use a vibrator and that had been fun. We'd used alcopop bottles, and once a cucumber. The nearest I ever got to having her like I had wanted was to use a large lubricant tube to open her, she came from it and then I slide in, she moaned "I can't feel you, are you in me?" I just couldn't hold back and came in huge spurts into her. It was wonderful.

The memory was in full force when I heard my phone beep from the table, I raced like an Olympic sprinter to get to it. Peering at the illuminated screen it was a text message from her. 'Had a nice meal and drink in a bar now heading for somewhere quiet. Looks like you better not wait up. xxx' My heart thumped rapidly in my chest. What could I say back, 'go for it'? 'Don't do it'? 'Come home, I'm sorry'? My usually thinking brain, not the one in my pants, could only type 'ok' I mean you wife's gone out on a date with another man, a new lover, fulfilling your ultimate fantasy and all I could reply was 'ok'.

As the light of the phone dimmed, so did my butterflies in my stomach. Only to be replaced with a nagging sensation of 'what have I done?' I settled back on the sofa and looked at the TV, the man and woman on screen hugged immediately I pictured her in his arms and I got hard yet again. This was torture, my head was swinging back and forth between 'this is great' and 'oh God what have I done'. It was so confusing. I tried to watch the TV but it was no use nothing would push the images of my wife with him out of my mind. My eyes opened with a start and I looked at the clock, the hands said 12.20, as I came to I thought about bed then remembered she was out, the fog of sleep disappeared straight away and I rushed to the table and grabbed the phone. Nothing! Placing it back on the table I went in the kitchen and got a drink of water to ease the dry feeling in my throat.

Water sprayed across the side as I coughed in reaction to my phone bleeping as if to say 'ha ha got you'. I lunged at it and the name on the top of the message was my wife. I read it and stopped in my tracks. Putting the phone on the table I took a deep breath and picked it up and read it again. 'Don't expect me til late. He is amazing. Three times and still wants more. Will text when I am on the way back'.

She'd done it. She'd found a man, dressed to seduce him, teased me, gone out on a date. Now she was in his bed. Now she was having sex with only the second man ever. What could I reply? I didn't want to send an OK again and sound like I didn't care. I didn't want to sound too happy or sad about it. I typed the keys and read back "Have fun. Love you. Thank You. Tell me about it later." I didn't expect a reply but one flashed back . "No. Thank You"

Well that wasn't what I expected. I had imagined a 'I hate you' or something about 'you made me do this' or 'I hope you are pleased I am a slut now'. Sitting with a hard on, on the sofa I watched the flickering box in the corner without taking anything in. The old clock on the wall chimes 1 am. Then 2 am. At 2.07 my phone bleeped and I looked at the screen. 'I'm on the way. Love you xx'. If it was even possible my hard on was now even harder.

The familiar sound of a key rattling in the lock happened at 2.30 and in she walked. Her hair that had originally been up in a clip was now down flowing across her shoulders and looked ruffled. Her lipstick had lost is glossy glint, and her stocking seams were askew and she had a glow to her skin.

"Hey you, I thought you would be in bed." She smiled looking radiant.

"How can I go to bed knowing you are out doing whatever." I replied with the butterflies in my stomach making way for tap dancing elephants.

"You mean who, not whatever." She grinned. "Oh and the who, is called Karl."

"Who's Karl?" I asked, she'd never mentioned him before. She walked to me and kissed me on the lips, I wrapped her in my arms and she pulled away slowly. She was glowing, smiling and full of confidence. Using her hands she pushed me back to the sofa and then told me to sit on the floor. She moved round me and I caught a glimpse down her top at the bites on her breast. There were three 'hickeys' as the Americans call them. I went to say something when she pressed her finger to my


"He's left his marks on me darling, you may want to push me away when you see me under these clothes."

"I won't." I tried to reassure her. As I lowered myself to the floor she sat on the sofa and slowly parted her stockinged thighs. The black smooth material made way to the soft milky white flesh above. Just slightly above was a mouth shaped bruise on her right thigh. I stopped for a second taken slightly aback. She looked down at me and appeared worried.

"Wow darling, he's left one here as well, I'd love to see if there are any more?" My voice reassured her.

"Find out!" she replied. She wanted to spread her legs but the skirt was tight enough not to allow it. She stood, towering over me in her high heels and looked down on me and told be to reach round and unzip her skirt. As I leaned into her my face pressed against the front of her skirt I could smell the odour of sex coming from behind the thin black material. My fingers fumbled with the zip at first but the came under control and then the clip was undone. Her hands came to the waistband of

the skirt and she used her knee to move me back a little. Very slowly she inched the skirt down her thighs until I could see the black thong appear and the roses seemed to taunt me saying they had seen more action tonight than I had, as they slipped into view. As the black material hit the floor my eyes focused on another 'love bite' just above the line of the thong. In the back of my throat I groaned with pleasure. She took off her top to reveal the rest of her magnificent body encased in that super black Basque.

"Now baby," she cooed, "time for you to kiss my sore parts better."

"Sore?" I asked somewhat stupidly.

"Yes, did you think I wouldn't want to expand my horizons with someone bigger? You said you would love me to have sex with a bigger cock."

"Yes, ... I ... well I didn't think you would, I thought you would go with someone the same size" I said in amazement. She laughed and the voluptuous flesh atop the Basque shook temptingly.

"Karl is bigger than you darling. You are what 5 or 6 inches?" It was a rhetorical question, "well Karl is about 9 inches long and thick. Oh God is it thick." She moaned out the last sentence and shivers took her body. I reached for the thong and her nails dug into my hands, as I looked up she was shaking her head to stop me.

"I want you!" I begged.

"First you have to suck my tits, then you have to lick me and while you are licking me I will tell you about tonight. That's if you want to hear it."

"Yes I do ... please, yes ... tell me about you and Karl." Her hands went to her breast and she lifted one then the other out, my mouth dropped open at the sight.

The original three 'love bites' were alongside another five or six, accompanying them were some imprints of his hands on her tender white flesh and her nipples were hard and redder than I had ever seen before.

"He sucked them a lot and gripped them and made me beg for him to bite me. He was in total control of me." She now looked more nervous than ever. I stood and gently kissed each nipples and ran my tongue over them. Once I had toyed with her nipples I gently kissed the whole breast flesh making her shiver.

"Mmmmmmm yes that is baby, make them feel better, they need some gentle touches." Her head went back and a moan escaped from her lips, the lips that had kissed another man for the first time in 18 years of marriage. On her neck under her long hair was a 'love bite'. This really challenged me as she had always banned me from biting her where it could be seen, now here she was with a lovers 'mark' on her neck.

"Enough!" she panted. And I stopped. Through her deep breathing she rested her hands on my shoulders and looked through her hair and told me to lay down on the floor. I did as she asked.

"You made my tits feel so much better, but there is somewhere else that need your gentle lips" standing astride me she hooked her fingers into the thong and gentle drew it down. But she stopped.

"Close your eyes" she told me. I did. When your eyes are closed your other senses are boosted. My ears detected the swishing of thong on stocking, my nose smelt the musky odour coming from this stunning goddess above me. My skin felt the tiny current of air that she created as she removed the thong completely and threw it to the floor besides my head. I felt the movement of her as she began to straddle my face. It was then I remembered that she had completely shaved herself for her new lover as her smooth, silky bare pussy rested upon my lips. Without being told my tongue jetted from my mouth and touched her sensitive body. She whimpered above me and shivered.

"OH MY GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" she moaned out. "Oh darling make my soreness go away." I licked kissed and nuzzled the soft wet flesh of her open

body, and all without looking. I sneaked a peek at her pussy, it was very red and angry looking, and tasted so sweet.

"There is no cum in there, I made him wear a condom." She looked down at me. "Actually he wore four. Each time he had me." My cock was throbbing, aching and had she touched it then and there I would have exploded all over her hands.