Experiences at the Surgery Pt. 07


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But I'm getting ahead of myself. First of all we are going to do another little clean out. We are going to put this tube in there.." she said, brandishing a long thin tube with one opening at one end but two at the other and pointing at my pussy.

I admit I was a little slow on the uptake as I had never been catheterised before. I didn't realise what her intentions were when she pulled on gloves and proceeded to wipe me down between my legs with strong smelling antiseptic.

I certainly did get her intentions though when the blunt end of the catheter breached my urethra and my bladder started to empty it's contents into a little plastic jug she had picked up from the trolley.

I squealed into the gag. This had no effect on Marion who merely connected a syringe to the other tube where the pee was not pouring out, and calmly plunged the syringe home.

I felt a strange sensation inside me as the balloon of the catheter inflated. The dribble of pee from the tube started to slow. I had no control, and watched humiliated as the last drops of urine dribbled out.

"It's a Foley catheter Jane. It's now inflated inside you so it can't come out. I'm now going to put about half a litre of sterile water back into your bladder to give you a good rinse."

She went behind me again and i heard a bottle being opened. When she reappeared she was holding a large full glass syringe, which she carefully connected to the catheter.

I watched, slightly mesmerised, as she slowly pushed the syring plunger home and the contents were forced back into my bladder. When she had finished, she locked a pair of forceps onto the tube and removed the syringe.

I felt full inside, and slightly uncomfortable with the pressure of the water in my bladder. I wanted to complain but the ballgag made that impossible. Marion disappeared behind me again. I could here water running and more packages opening. The tension inside me built. It was awful not being able to see what she was preparing.

When she reappeared, she had a large blue enema bag on a small metal stand. It was very full. Hanging down from it was a long plastic tube with what looked like two plastic spheres attached at the end. Small rubber tubes hung off them with rubber ball inflators at their end. I remembered seeing one of these when I'd purchased my own enema kit. More anxiety took hold!

"Now Jane, this rather clever appliance is called a Bardex catheter. You've probably guessed it's going in your bottom and you've guessed correctly. It has a nice feature to assist us medics. You see the balls can be inflated." She demonstrated by enthusiastically pumping the two rubber hand pumps, and the two plastic spheres surrounding the tube filled out to around three inches in diameter.

"I'm going to put one of the balls inside your anus, just beyond the sphincter, and then inflate it. That will give you a nice full sensation, but most importantly will stop you being able to force the Bardex out, and make it easier for you to retain the enema, I'm also going to inflate the other ball on the outside of your anus just to make sure nothing leaks. I think you'll find it a very stimulating experience...

Oh..I nearly forgot, silly me. One thing I should have told you is about the enemas themselves.

You're going to have three today. The first will be a nice warm glycerin soap one of about two litres. That will loosen all that nasty fecal matter up nicely. I think you'll find the cramps are rather severe, but that's the soap just doing it's job. Then we'll do two rinses. The difference with the rinses will be that the first will be a warm water high enema rinse. For that I'm going to use this tube."

She picked up a coiled rubber tube of the trolley. It looked impossibly long for the purpose she had in mind and just the look of it terrified me.

"The final rinse will be with this little gadget," and she picked up another rubber tube that was shorter in length but had a swollen end about half an inch in diameter at its end and about five spray holes in it. It looked not unlike a miniature shower head except that about a foot from its end there was a pronounced swollen sphere around the tube.

"This little gadget has two functions. It's known as a Higginson's syringe. Professor Higginson was an old friend of my Fathers by the way. So the end is nice and broad and is inserted just beyond the rectum. Being so broad it stops water flowing back into the rectum. That relieves the cramps. The swollen bit here," and she manipulated it with her fingers, "is another naughty little pump. It allows me to get your gut nice and full for a thorough rinse. Clever isn't it.?"

I groaned once more. Resigned to my fate I could already tell my poor bowels were in for a severe test.

"Just so we don't have any accidents or misunderstandings Jane I will remove your gag. I expect you to remember your safe words in case of emergency, but of course using them will deny you the little reward I have planned once you are clean..."

Marion pulled my head forward off the chair back and unbuckled the gag. The sense of relief from having the ability to communicate was immense. I asked Marion to wipe my mouth and for some water, which she duly did and supplied. As I gulped down the cool refreshing fluid, happy to rid my mouth of the taste of the rubber gag, she cautioned me not to drink too much, as it and a lot of other fluid was going to sorely test my catheterised bladder.

I stopped drinking immediately and asked her if she would give me some relief if I needed it.

"Well Jane," came her reply, "I'm sure you will get plenty of relief if you need it," and she winked at me conspiratorially...

"But I..."

"Quiet young lady. I want no noise out of you. You'll put me off. Right, get ready for the first enema."

I watched silently as she applied a generous amount of lube to the Bsrdex and the adjusted me in the seat to her satisfaction. I was nearly lying down by the time she was happy, The Bardex was slowly pushed into me. I felt so full before she got it through my sphincter that I was convinced it was too big. Finally, after much twisting, I felt my sphincter yield and swallow the bulb. Marion stood back and admired her achievement and then reached for the hand pumps and slowly pumped them.

The gradual distension of my rectum by the catheter was shockingly unpleasant. Perhaps childbirth gave similar sensations but I had no reference point. There were nerves inside me that complained at the stretching to the point that I felt I was being split open. I whimpered, but Marion carried on till she was satisfied. She then pumped up the outer bulb. This had no real effect. I tried to adjust to the strange sensations inside my bum, but it was extremely uncomfortable.

Once satisfied that the seal was good, Marion pulled up a stool and sat in between my legs.

"So here is the first one Jane. Prepare yourself..."

Any thoughts that Marion might treat me gently were gone in the first five seconds as the first cramp ripped through me. I squealed, but Marion ignored me, and I'm sure opened the valve up further.

I started to count in my head to distract myself from the agonies I was feeling down below. The cramps kept coming, and when I tensed Marion massaged my stomach, which relieved the cramps but worried my bladder.

By the time I got to a mental hundred I was sweating as if I'd been in the Gym for an hour. It was torture...worse than Solange's caning...

Suddenly she stopped the flow. I tried to lift my head to see what was going on. I just caught sight of Marion reaching for a stop watch before a searing cramp bit once and I collapsed back into the chair.

I was in agony..."Matron please..." I managed to utter.

"Thirty seconds more Jane. It will be worth it if you can hold on..."

I started counting. At fifteen I felt feint from the pain and then it waned...

At thirty, Marion moved swiftly. She released the Bardex and told me to keep my bottom closed as she slowly eased the tube out. She then pulled me up into a sitting position and positioned a clear bucket between my legs.

"Release," she shouted, and with what felt like seconds to spare I let my poor muscles go.

The noise, the smell and the force of my bowels ejecting the soapy syrup was inconsequential compared to the relief. It was immediate. Then there was a pause.

I wanted to shout to the heavens that it was over, but the pressure built up again and another load poured from me.

Finally, after about 5 minutes it stopped. I fell back in the chair exhausted but somewhat elated. Marion said nothing. She busied herself clearing everything up and then right in front of me started lubing up the long rubber tube that was destined to wrap right around my colon and rinse me out.

The second enema didn't initially bother me or my insides. It seemed to take forever for Marion to insert the long rubber tube till she was satisfied. When she let the valve go, the tube was so far inside my colon I didn't realise for a minute or so that the rinsing had even started.

Gradually though the familiar signals started, and my guts gurgled with all the water that was being fed into me. The blue enema bag slowly emptied and the feeling of fullness in my tummy became more of a burden. As I looked down, I swore I could see that my normally flat stomach was distended. I looked pregnant!!

Despite being told repeatedly by Marion not to wriggle, my increasing discomfort made it impossible to keep still, and the sweats started to build again.

I felt utterly subservient to my Mistress. She towered over me, occasionally massaging my swollen belly and then running a finger down over my clitoris and around my openings to check I was holding everything in. She didn't speak and it was clear I was to be silent too.

My poor sphincter was fighting against the increasing pressure. I was determined not to disgrace myself, but the sheer amount of fluid inside me was tiring my sphincter muscles out. It took an enormous amount of effort to fight against my body's will to evacuate. Marion stood by me watching, a thin smile of satisfaction on her face.

"Right Jane, let's be having you now. I'm going to pull the tube out slowly...so clench. I don't want you to lose a drop. If you do I'll make you clean the floor..."

She slowly eased inch after inch of the glistening rubber tube out, coiling it carefully as she did. The slowness of her actions deliberately strained me and my will to comply...

Finally the tube came free, and my poor bottom released a small fart...another little humiliation...

"Oh Jane...really," She admonished and I blushed once more.

Marion then got me to me to sit up by grabbing my nipples and pulling them...another source of pain on top of all the others. Sitting up also made me wince from my now overfull bladder stabbing pain...

"Release!" She barked. The very word was joy to my ears, and I just let go.

The force of the enema's expulsion was intense and prolonged and yes...pleasurable. Just being able to let each peristaltic wave burst out of me relieved the turmoil my poor guts were enduring...

I tried not to look at the bucket as it filled up with its fetid cargo. Marion of course studied it all intensely. She was in her element...

Finally, I was allowed to lie down again. Relief once more...except for my poor bladder which felt like it was going to burst...

"Matron?" I asked timidly "could I please be allowed a pee?"

"What?" She looked at me with disbelief written all over her face.

"I need to go Matron. I'm going to burst. If you don't let me, I'll have to use my safe word.."

"Very well Jane," she said in a tone of voice that was laden with disappointment. "It will mean another forfeit though..."

The small jug was emptied and the catheter released. My bladder immediately started to void, the liquid hissing and splashing into the jug with tremendous force, small drops of spray going in all directions but particularly on to Marion's hand holding the jug. The corner of her mouth wrinkled with disgust... I scarcely cared, the relief for me was wonderful ...just wonderful...

Marion closed the forceps well before I was finished, she wasn't going to be denied all her sadistic pleasure. I lay back in the chair, the feeling of even partial relief for my tortured insides making me feel almost high...

She went behind me to refill the enema bag. I idly looked at my watch to see what the time was and was surprised to see it was already gone 6pm. How much longer would I be under Marion's thumb I wondered? My poor body was feeling tired with the ravages it was enduring, I needed rest..

Getting the Higginson syringe inside my rectum was yet another unexpected trial. Despite plenty of lube Marion laboured with the task of breaching my already battered rosette. I gasped with the pain and yelped. This yelp wasn't heeded by Marion, in fact it was rewarded with a series of stinging slaps to the insides of my thighs in a show of her frustration.

"Keep still," she shouted. "Your punishment log is filling up yet again Jane."

I did my best, but she was really pushing me to the end of my tether...

Finally she was satisfied and started pumping the syringe vigorously. The fast flowing water initially felt pleasant for my insides and there were very few cramps. It was also obvious that my gut, now empty, could deal with a greater volume of water. Marion refilled the enema bag causing me to worry about how much fluid she intended to administer. After two full bags I felt bloated, like a beached whale, and the pain in my poor distended colon was becoming unbearable again.

She paused, found her stopwatch and said. "Right hold for fifteen minutes now Jane, and don't disappoint me."

The minutes ticked by. My sphincter bravely held on. Marion went to a drawer and fetched a Hitachi wand. She plugged it in and switched it on. It hummed menacingly in her hand. I knew immediately of her intentions. Would my poor bottom be able to cope with the additional sensations of sexual stimulation...it felt like the cruellest of challenges as the wand would divert my attention...

The first touch of the wand to my vulva made me jump, but the ripples of pleasure soon started. The power of the wand was intense and my clit became hungry for relief...

"Now Jane, here comes your reward. Lie back and enjoy it but don't let me down by losing control and letting go of your enema. You should be able to hold on and still enjoy my attentions."

Marion knew exactly what she was doing. I probably would have been able to cum without having an accident if my bladder hadn't been so full. All those enemas had filled it up to bursting point.

As the first ripples of excitement built up and my breathing became more laboured, she turned the wand up to a more powerful setting, i gasped and moaned.

"Matron please noooooo..."

She ignored me, brought the wand up, rested it directly on my nubbin and pressed it home harder still.

"Maaaatrron," i squealed as i felt the first waves start to engulf me. My sphincter tightened one last time and then everything burst all at once...

Wave after wave of pleasure engulfed me. I lost all control as I came and came and came.

And of course my poor sphincter decided it had had enough and let go too.

As i rode the orgasm I was blissfully unaware of the water expelling from my bottom, and I didn't care...

When i came down to earth though, i knew immediately what happened. Marion's face was purple with rage, her mouth was open, and she had a face etched with abject horror.

I managed to stem the flow, and lay there with my chest heaving and my nipples pointing to the sky...

When i pulled myself up i could see she was saturated. The expulsion had covered her from head to toe. It felt so right thst she had paid the price for pushing me too far, but I knew who would suffer when it came to the reckoning up...

"Well," she started in an affronted voice. "I have never..."

She hesitated..."in all the years I've never known... "

She could barely get the words out, "you disgusting little trollop."

There was a pause, and then she pulled brutally on the enema tube that was stil lodged inside me.

It was too much. The prolonged torture of my poor insides could be endured no further. I wailed..."Musstaaard!!..."

Marion let go immediately.

"Sorry Jane...I thought you could take it. I went too far...Let's get you out of all of this paraphernalia. "

She busied herself gently releasing the forceps allowing my bladder to relieve itself into the plastic jug. Next the catheter was slowly prised from my urethra. Finally the enema tube was teased from my bum, I was unfastened from the chair and helped to the toilet...

She left the room. I did my business, cleaned myself up and regained my composure.

When she reappeared, she was holding a long black quirt.

"Before you go Jane, you should receive your punishment. I think six strokes with this are appropriate. Five to the buttocks and one to your mons veneris. Bend over and touch your toes.

"Matron I think that's unfair. I've endured quite enough. I want to go home."

I felt the colour rise in my cheeks as I tried to exert my will over my domineering Mistress.

There was a momentary face off between us, neither wanting to give way to the other, and then surprisingly she demured.

"Very well Jane. I will suspend the punishment for now. But I think I'll make it double or quits. Come to me on Sunday with your hair the way I want it and the punishment will be cancelled. Fail to do as I wish, and it will be doubled. Do I make myself clear?"

"Very," I said. My nerve was starting to fail. I was so uncomfortable challenging Marion's will. She was so overwhelming...and I loved it...

I knew then that my luscious locks were finally doomed...


Later, curled up in a ball on the couch in my sweats, a mug of steaming chicken soup in my hand, I rang Fay.

I told her what had happened that afternoon. She was aghast...but praised my stamina and resilience.

"It sounds like it was torrid to me Jane. I mean fancy using my knickers on you...I'm mortified..."

"Yes they were a bit smelly..."

"Oh God, I'm horrified she did that. Sorry."

"Don't worry Fay. Overall it was amazing. She knew exactly how to humiliate me, exert pain and pleasure me. My poor bits just got rather sore at the end."

"I think you're crazy.."

"Yes probably Fay. Crazy and addicted..."

"So I'll see you in the morning?"

"Yes I'll be there. I'm determined to see it through. I want my revenge on Dawn for her deceit."

OK, I'll see you at 9am. By the way, if you have some time on your hands watch the movie Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow, and study her haircut. I think it would suit you perfectly..."

"Oh. OK, I'll try. See you in the morning."

"Yes bye for now," and she hung up.

I finished my soup, had a leisurely bath and headed for bed. Propped up on a mass of pillows I got my laptop out and streamed the film. I was asleep before it had been on ten minutes...

To be continued...

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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosabout 3 years ago

She used a safeword, that should immediately end everything. Yet the dom tried to administer punishment after? She is a terrible dom and should not be allowed to be in a position of power of others...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely Rivetting

I found the entire series captivating. I can't wait for eight and beyond.

woodseaveswoodseavesalmost 6 years ago
exciting and extreme

I was going to wait until the series is complete but have decided now is a good time to say how much I am enjoying your account of Jane's bizarre experiences with Marion, Faye and Dawn.

The strongest aspects are the interplay of power, domination, submission, humiliation ...... and the heightened orgasmic response. I can certainly relate to that based on some of my own experiences. The pee and scat might not be to everyone's liking, but they are powerful elements which I, personally, find highly arousing..

So I hope you continue in this way and are not put off by the negative comments from people who were forewarned but chose to read on anyway. Keep up the good work!

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