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"That works," Erwin said quickly. He paused for a moment and looked at her with an amused expression. She fidgeted because even though she felt in control, his look unnerved her.

"Your solution is that you accept there is no solution."

She smiled back at him. That wasn't much of a trick, she thought. Maybe his mind is exhausted after all.

"Unless you can support that statement, our agreement is null," she said.

"Of course, I can support it," he said. "Did you think I was trying to trick you, Florence? Yes, you did. I'm disappointed in you. It's my second disappointment since this whole thing started.

"I'm not disappointed in your experiment. When you first explained it, I wondered whether I might have come up with something similar if the situation had been reversed. I don't think I would have had the detachment to do it, but I did see the logic behind it.

"No, the first disappointment was when I realized you started your experiment with insufficient data. You didn't do enough preliminary research, and that's not like you. I have the feeling it was because you let your emotions blind your thinking."

"I don't want to interrupt you," Florence said, "but I do need to remind you of a couple of things, and then I'll shut up. Number one, you're not justifying the statement you just made about there being no solution. Number two, I know you are much better than I am at being persuasive, so I'm only going to listen to you for a short time. If there is no substance in what you say, only attempts to manipulate my emotions, I'm going to consider our agreement void, tune you out and resume the experiment."

"Fair enough," he said. "This won't take long. But you will have to participate by answering some questions. You met some of my sexual partners and got a few to pose for your aversion images. There weren't that many, so you probably found all of them. Did you interview any of them?"


"Why not?"

"I didn't need to. I researched them without their knowledge and found out everything I needed to."

"And from your research, you concluded that I was not a serial adulterer and there was no pattern. At least you got half of that right."

"What do you mean? Did you cheat more often and manage to hide it? Did you cheat in town as well as at conferences?"

"No. The part you got right was that I hardly ever cheated. Since you knew that, why didn't you ask yourself why I cheated at all?"

"I did. The data showed it happened randomly. Maybe you were drunk or the woman was especially attractive or persuasive."

"What data that led to that conclusion?"

She didn't answer.

"There was no data, because you never spoke to the women. And there was one other person you could have spoken to who had all the information you were looking for. Go ahead and cry, Florence. That's an undergraduate reaction, and you made a mistake that only an undergraduate would make.

"I can't prove it, but I think you were acting as a vengeful fury, not a scientist when you were devising the experiment. Otherwise, why didn't you talk to any of the women? Most of all, why didn't you talk to me? Maybe they wouldn't have told you what you wanted to know, or maybe I wouldn't have, but how could you know?

"I would have begged you to not divorce me, and I I would have explained what happened and why. Maybe my explanation wouldn't have changed your mind about wanting revenge, but you never even heard it.

"There was a pattern, but you didn't see it, because your research avoided emotional confrontations. You have no excuse, because they are a vital part of your sexual pathology research. Yet when it came to yourself, you couldn't face them."

He stopped as heard her sobbing. A smile lit up his face as he watched her, and when he spoke again, his words were in a soft and soothing tone of voice.

"You failed as a scientist in this case, but I'm happy that you did, because your failure kept me from despising you during your experiment. When I was hurting and exhausted, I clung to your failure.

"When you started treating me like a rat, I thought I didn't know you at all. Then I realized you were doing all of this because you were too scared to find out what I was really doing and why, and it made me love you all over again. The chemicals in our brains work in strange ways.

"Stop crying and listen or I won't tell you the pattern."

She reached for a tissue and blew her nose. She reached for another and wiped her face. She sniffled and waited and finally got impatient.

"Go ahead!"

"You already know this from your experiment, but because you didn't do the interviews, you never made the connection. It's all about anal sex.

"Whether it was physical or because they were trying to feel special by seducing someone who has a name, women scientists have been approaching me at seminars and conferences for years.

"Nothing ever happened until a few years ago when I was talking to one of them in a hotel bar, and she told me she would do anything I wanted in bed, including things my wife would probably never do. I don't know why -- actually, I do know now, but I didn't then -- but I asked her if she was talking about anal sex? And she said, sure, she loved anal sex.

"It turned out she was lying, because I was the first man she had ever taken in her ass, and I had to stop because she began screaming from the pain. But when I pulled out, she went to the bathroom for a while, and when she came back, she said she wanted to try again.

"It still hurt her a lot, and I wanted to stop, but she insisted. Afterward, she asked me if I were willing to please her orally, and I did. She had a lot of orgasms, and before I left her room, she said it was worth the pain.

"We talked about anal before we got married and maybe a couple of times after that, but you were so turned off and scared by the subject that I dropped it. I told myself that our life was so good, including our sex life, that it wasn't necessary, even though I had enjoyed it with other women before I met you.

"But that episode with the groupie at the conference released what I had been repressing. It's almost like an addiction. My body desires anal so much that when it has the chance, it overrules my rational mind.

"I don't go looking for it, but after that, whenever a woman would come on to me, I would ask her how wild she was in bed. They all said they were wild, but most of them ended up backing off when I told them what I wanted. Except every once in a while, one of them would say it was no problem. After the first one, I always made sure they had previous experience.

"I thought about telling you several times, but then I reasoned that all it would do was hurt us both. If you had accepted it, I would have been upset. I don't know why, but I can't be happy in a marriage where you would allow me to cheat on you. I would never put up with you doing it to me.

"If you had decided to divorce me, that would have been even worse, and it wouldn't have made you happy either. It was a lose-lose, so I kept it secret.

"I'm pretty sure that even if you torture me to the point of madness, my inclination toward anal sex will still be there.

"I tried to tell you all this right at the beginning, but you weren't listening to me. I'm not faulting you on that, because you knew that I would say anything to get you to stop. You had no idea that would include telling you the truth."

He stopped speaking and sat looking at her. She was glaring at him and crying. Finally, she spoke.

"So are you saying that this whole experiment was flawed and useless?"

"No, Florence, not at all," he said quickly.

"If I had known that all you were after was anal sex, and I couldn't change that, I would never have started this."

"Don't think about what might have been," he said. "You did what you did, and we are where we are now. You've succeeded in conditioning me to do some things without turning me into a babbling imbecile, so your experiment was mostly successful. I'm not going to divorce you -- or I should say, that's not my intention at this moment. I've kept my promise to tell you about the solution to your problem, and if you continue to hurt me for no reason, I'm not sure what I'll do."

"Oh no, Erwin," she said. "I won't do that. I'm going to bed, and when I wake up, I'm going to think about what you told me and what it means to our marriage. Then we'll talk about where we're going from here."

He smiled at her and quickly moved back to the holding pen. He was asleep in seconds. Without thinking, she put a bowl of smoothie and a bowl of water in the pen. In bed, she wondered for a moment whether she should have unlocked the cage.

She looked at the clock when she woke up and found that she'd slept more than ten hours. She rushed to the holding pen and found Erwin fast asleep. He had woken up earlier, because the bowls of food and water were empty. She sat there thinking for more than an hour before she saw him stirring.

Before he could say anything, she began to speak.

"I've been watching you and thinking about what you told me. I thought about aborting the experiment, but we both know that no matter what turns up during an experiment, you abort only if there's no reason to continue.

"At first, it didn't seem as if there was any reason to go on. There are only six days left now, and I've accomplished everything I wanted, except for one thing. As you pointed out, there's no way to accomplish that.

"But as I thought about it, I realized that I was not looking at the problem the right way. The problem is not that you are hard-wired to want anal sex. The real problem is that this need of yours makes you vulnerable.

"To put it another way, since the only way you can get anal sex is by cheating, you're going to cheat. Even though I'm sure you'll now try hard to give it up -- yes, I see you nodding, Erwin, and I believe you -- there is a good chance that you will succumb again.

"There is a way to prevent that, and it's the same way that I've been conditioning you to overcome what I thought was your problem -- desiring other woman. The pain and humiliation of the aversion theater won't work on this problem. But maybe the attraction theater will. As I've been watching you sleep for the last hour, I've been thinking about a solution. It's so horrible that I almost hope it fails.

"But if I'm honest with myself, I know there's a chance it might work. So even though it goes against all the rules of scientific research, I'm going to meet the rat halfway and hope that will help the experiment succeed. Please move forward to the attraction room."

When they were both naked in the attraction room, she got on her hands and knees and waited. Erwin watched her but didn't move.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked. "I'm full of lube and ready."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No -- yes," she said. "Damn it, Erwin, get going before I change my mind or get hysterical. I never examined your cock closely until just now. I didn't realize it was so large. It scares me to death, but I'll hold on as long as I can."

He got up behind her and moved forward. When he grabbed her and held her, she moved her hands back and pulled her ass open. A moment later, the tip of his cock touched her and she flinched and held her breath. He pushed forward and concentrated on trying to move slowly.

It didn't help, because the moment he was into her ass, she began shaking and making soft sobbing sounds in between taking deep breaths.

Finally, she said, "Please go faster, Erwin. This is excruciating. I want you to finish as fast as you can."

He moved a little faster and soon was all the way in. When he began pulling out, she screamed and then stopped herself.

"Faster!" she said through clenched teeth.

He increased the pace and she began panting to deal with the pain. He started to get excited by her muscles clenching out of control around his penis, and he moved faster. Then she screamed loudly, "Come! Come! Come!" and began sobbing uncontrollably.

He pulled out one more time, and as he pushed in, he came, even though he didn't feel like he was ready. He pushed deep into her and stayed that way as she cried and he felt her spasms, which kept him aroused. Finally, she stopped and after a while he became soft. He tried to pull out carefully, but she still jerked a few times and cried out.

He sat down, and she collapsed onto the floor of the cage and wept. She lay there while he watched her. Gradually the tears stopped, but she still didn't move. He heard her breathing slowing. Then she took a couple of deep breaths and began moving.

He was resting against some cushions and didn't see her grab his ankles. Before he knew what was going on, she had pulled him flat on the floor. He tried to get up, but before he could, she got on top of his stomach and faced him. Then she rose up and came down hard on his stomach. She did this three times, knocking the wind out of him.

He took huge gulps of air and looked at her helplessly as she moved up his belly and over his chest. She stopped when her legs were around his head and his mouth was an inch from her crotch. Then she leaned back and pushed forward slowly as she spread her legs. He watched as her anus moved toward his mouth. As it opened wider he could see his white come inside.

"No!" he yelled.

"Yes, Erwin," she said calmly. "You're going to eat out my ass now. I know you don't like that, and the come going into your mouth will make it even worse. But you're going to do it. I'm ready to attach the sucking machine and the vibrating dildo to start your pleasure torture if you'd rather do it that way. But one way or another, you're going to do it.

"From now on, you're going to fuck my ass every cycle until the experiment is over. You'll be getting all your anal at home. It won't be every day, or even every week, but more often than your conferences. I hope it will be often enough to keep you from straying.

"Each time you screw my ass, you're going to eat your come out of it, and I'm going to attempt to pleasure myself into orgasm while you do it. That will help me accept your cock in my butt.

"So we can do this the easy way or I can hook you up and we can do it the hard way. It's your choice. Take your time thinking about it. I won't rush you, but we don't have many days left, so the rest of the time, we'll be focusing on this."

She heard him underneath her. He was gagging, and then he cried a little. Then she felt his tongue in the area between her vulva and anus, and then it stopped and there was more gagging. Inside her anus, she still felt tremendous pain, but she noticed she was starting to get aroused.

When she felt his tongue go across her anus, her excitement mounted. She touched herself and found her juices flowing. She began rubbing her fingers across her clitoris.

He continued licking for a while and then took a breath and stuck his tongue inside her. That's when she took off like a rocket. Her anus spasmed over and over around his tongue and pushed his come into his mouth and all over his face as she orgasmed.

She was amazed at the pleasure she was feeling, but when she finished coming, the pain inside her ass came back as bad as before.

The pleasure wasn't worth the pain, she decided, as she lay there, but she would have to accept the pain occasionally, like Erwin would have to accept what came after. She could use her "come" command to shorten her pain, but she would have to gradually increase the time he ravaged her ass, or he might feel cheated and still seek anal from other women.

Later, he gazed at her silently as she spoke.

"I'm not going to subdue you by jumping on your stomach anymore, Erwin. From now on, I'll put restraints on you and sit on your cock to do the anal. Then you won't be able to stop me from moving onto your mouth. You really hate eating your come, so I might have to use the vibrator and cock sucker to motivate you, but you've been so easy to train that I'm sure you'll be conditioned in few days and the restraints can come off."

Two days before he was due to return to work, she unlocked the holding pen. He sat looking at her for a while and then slowly crawled out. She helped him get to his feet and held onto him as he walked unsteadily around the house. He saw her rat cage construction from the outside for the first time and told her she had done a good job.

That night she walked him upstairs to their bedroom and encouraged him to make love on top of her for the first time in over three weeks. They were both tentative, but after a while, they got into the groove and both had satisfying orgasms. She came just seconds after him. She wondered if he was thinking about whether he'd have to give her oral when he came. They didn't say anything after they cleaned up, and both of them fell asleep almost immediately.

She woke up with a start. It was morning, and he wasn't there. She jumped out of bed and threw on a robe. Her mind was racing. Had he run away in the night and left her for good? Had she destroyed their marriage? Had he done something violent to himself? She began crying as she raced down the stairs, and then she smiled. He had crawled back into the holding pen and was sleeping like a baby.

That day there was no sex, and they didn't talk much either as they watched television. She awoke in the middle of the night to find him missing again, but he was back in the holding pen. She decided he must think it was more secure than sleeping in the same bed as her. He would need a lot of nurturing and tenderness once the experiment was finished.

She called in sick the day he went back to work, and she spent most of the day worrying. Would he come home? What would he be like if he came home? Could she do what she had to do?

She heard his car and was waiting as he walked in. She embraced him and gave him a tender kiss.

"I'm so glad you're home, Erwin," she said.

He didn't say anything. He seemed to be waiting for something.

"Now please give me your briefcase while you take off all your clothes. Please put them on the chair here and crawl around the screen into your holding pen."

She locked it behind him.

"When you finish in the elimination room, we're going to the attraction theater, where I'm going to give you some nice anal sex. I'll try to hang on a little longer today than yesterday. I'm happy that you appreciate my efforts, Erwin. It helps me to know how much this means to you.

"Afterward, you'll get to eat out my ass while I pleasure myself. Then I'm giving you a reward. I'm going to suck you off until you come again.

"Then we're going to get out of the cages and wash up and have a great dinner that I've cooked for you. And then we're going to bed, and I'm going to hold you while we're naked, and if that arouses us, we'll have slow and tender sex. I hope you stay in bed all night tonight. I can't wait until I wake up next to you."

The next day she went back to work, but she left work early to make sure she was home before he was. He followed her orders again, and everything went smoothly that day and the rest of the work week.

On Saturday, when they were eating breakfast, she said, "I was prepared to call in sick to both of our labs Monday morning in case I needed another week to reinforce the training. But now I don't think that will be necessary. I was even thinking that we can talk about tearing down the cages and getting our house back to normal. Wait. Where are you going?"

"Just to the garage," he said without turning around. "You told me it took you three days to put your experiment together, but with my power tools, I'll get everything to the junkyard in less than two hours."

She watched him while she sipped a cup of coffee. He seemed relaxed, calm and focused as he quickly dismantled her experiment. A thought came into her head as she watched him, and it bothered her. She tried to dismiss it, but it was one of those ideas that wouldn't go away.