Exploitable Lust Pt. 10


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Back inside my house, I took a quick shower to refresh myself and redid my hair and makeup. I remained naked while I awaited Jerome's text and simply relaxed on my couch as I enjoyed a very out of character for me mid-morning beer. My reasoning was, I was acting out of character the whole weekend, might as well keep it up. As I sat and sipped my beer, my husband called to check-in and see how I was doing. I told him that I was enjoying my time alone, but of course, failed to mention that I had been acting the slut for a black man since he left. He informed me that he was doing well and that he was playing well in the tournament, which meant he had the chance of playing in the finals. This indicated he would be home later on Sunday than expected, which I took to mean I had more time to be the slut. We ended our conversation, as he had to get ready to tee-off for the day, and I was waiting to hear from Jerome. I was into my second beer when finally y phone chirped with a message from him.

Jerome: I'm on my way back, put on a pair of your daughter's practice cheer shorts; the smaller the better. For your top, find a crop top from your daughter's room and pair everything with a simple pair of sandals. We are going out for some fun.

Me: Am I to wear the collar, sir?

Jerome: No, but you are to bring the timebomb. Your phone, keys, and purse are to stay at your house. I'll honk when I arrive, don't make me wait.

Me: I understand sir. See you soon.

I hurried into my daughter's room to secure the pieces of clothing I was to wear, and it didn't take me long to find the appropriate items. I pulled on a white pair of three-inch Nike Pro compression shorts and matched it with a black with white logo Nike crop top. Looking at myself in a mirror, I had a very sporty appearance and it was very apparent that I wasn't wearing a bra. Seeing myself made my pussy leak, and I eagerly awaited Jerome's arrival.

It wasn't long until I heard the car horn toot outside, and I rushed out to see him. As I had grown accustomed to, I kissed the hood of his car, feeling the rumbling engine on my lips, before getting inside. When I sat down, I was immediately presented with Jerome's phone. I gave him a curious look at which he responded, "I have uploaded the video from this morning to the typical site I post your pictures and videos. All you have to do is hit the submit button to make it official." Again I looked at him in a mix of disbelief and desire; he was once again leaving my complete exposure in my hands. Testing me to see how far I was willing to go, what I was willing to give up. I sat there in the passenger seat holding his phone and thought about my decision and what it meant. Submitting the video would surely lead to my husband and daughter become aware of my secret life, but as I thought about it, I was surprised to find that I wasn't concerned about my family finding out. I was a new woman, and I was no longer bored with my life. My life would change for sure, the final result of the change was beyond me, but I wanted deep down to find out.

So with unsteady breathes, and a nervous finger, I pushed onto the screen to submit the revealing video. I was officially exposed online. Jerome laughed a little as I just stared at his phone screen, contemplating what was next. He then reached over and pulled his phone from my hand before pulling away from my house. We drove in silence for a few minutes before pulling into the parking lot of the local library. Again I looked at Jerome quizzically, but all he said was to get out once he had parked. I did as told and then followed him inside the building. It is a relatively quiet afternoon for the library, but I still felt out of place for how I was dressed. However, I didn't have time to worry about that as Jerome led the way towards a bank of computers at the rear of the building. Jerome found an open computer somewhat on its own, and out of the way of the others. He instructed me to sit down in front of it, while he grabbed a chair and sat beside me.

"Log in to the computer slut," Jerome said as he sat down. I say nothing in return and do as I am told. As I do, I realize I am still holding the timebomb, as I have to set it down before using the keyboard. Thankfully, I am familiar with this library and have an account, therefore I was able to log in without any issue. When I began typing, Jerome reached over and grabbed the timebomb off the desktop in front of me. Once I was logged in, I watched as he uncapped the illicit thumb drive, and plugged it into the computer. I was curious as to what he had planned, but I did not have to wait long to become informed.

"I'm sending over a link to all the videos I have taken of you this weekend, and I want you to put all of them onto the timebomb."

Pulling up a browser, and signing into my email, I quickly find the link in a message from Jerome. Clicking on it, I am brought to a Dropbox folder and inside of it, I find the videos from the weekend. I then begin the process of copying the files to the thumb drive. It takes a bit of time, but eventually, all the videos were on the timebomb drive.

"Rename the drive to your first and last names," Jerome instructed sternly after the files transferred. Again, I did as I was told without a word. "Okay slut, now log out." I was curious as to why he had us come to the library just to transfer the files when in the past he used my daughter's laptop to do that. However, I didn't ask and simply followed his command. As I reached to retrieve the thumb drive though, he stopped me. "Leave it," he said sternly, and I became aware of why we were at the library. He was planning on having my time bomb "explode". Now that a video was out their clearly showing my identity, it seemed he had no desire to continue to keep my secrets hidden, and wanted to push me to put everything out in the open. Of course, there was always the chance that anyone who found the drive would not share the material with the world, but I felt that was highly unlikely considering what it was.

Once my hand left the drive, Jerome stood and motioned for me to follow him. He led the way back outside to his car, and the time bomb was left waiting to be found. My pussy gushed with the idea of a stranger finding it and exposing me further online. We are back in his car, which I of course kiss before getting in, and are driving away. After a minute, Jerome has me strip out of my clothes, sandals included, and hand them to him. He holds them in his lap as we continue to drive. Soon we are on a less traveled back road, at which point he rolled down his window. He then, item by item, tossed out my clothes from the car. This means I am left naked in his car with no chance of covering up, and again my pussy gushes.

After a bit, Jerome turned back towards the busier part of town, and then onto the highway. It was at this point that he told me to suck his cock. I eagerly did as I was told, and had his mighty shaft fully erect in moments. I lost myself in the task, bobbing up and down on his girth, trying to earn his prize. Eventually, my mouth and jaw began to get sore as I had been at it for some time. I didn't stop though, as I was his slut, and he hadn't told me I could. After a bit longer, I felt the car begin to slow, and then turn. From the feel of the ride, I got the sense that we were on a gravel road, and I realized I had no idea where we were or where we were going.

It was another ten minutes of driving on the road before we stopped and Jerome had me sit up. I looked around to try and get my bearings, and get some feeling back into my jaw, but as I did all I saw was trees; I had no idea where we were. Jerome got out of the car without putting away his saliva slickened tool and proceeded to the trunk of his car. Moments later he came around to my side of the car and opened my door. His pants were refastened and he held a length of rope in his hands. Before pulling me out of the car, he twisted me in the seat to tie my arms behind me. Helping me out, he pulls the extra length of rope between my legs and up into my sopping wet cunt. With the other end of the rope in his hands, he led the way into the trees and away from the car with a small bag over his shoulder. Thankfully, the ground wasn't rocky, so I did not have difficulty without shoes, but with my hands behind me and a constant tugging into my sex I certainly had to stay on my toes; both figuratively and literally.

Further, in the woods, Jerome broke the silence asking, "you understand slut, that after today, your life is going to be different?"

I replied simply and honestly, "yes sir, I know."

"How does that make you feel," he continued without looking at me and continuing deeper into the trees.

I took a moment before answering to collect my thoughts, but eventually answered, "I feel freed."

"Explain," he asked.

"It is a weight off my shoulders. I no longer have to hide what I am, and what I desire sexually."

Jerome pushed me further, "what are you, and what is it that you desire?"

I let the words flow out of me as we continued to walk deeper into the woods, "I am a slut, a slut for black cock. I desire to serve them and be used by them. To be humiliated by them. I desire more than anything to be a true black cock slut."

He was silent for a moment after my answer, but he continued to lead us further away into the wilderness. Eventually, he spoke again, asking more questions. "Does being exposed turn you on slut?"

"Yes," was my immediate answer, before added, "but it also scares me. I have realized that I get turned on more when their is risk and humiliation involved. Being exposed online is the biggest form of humiliation and risk."

Finally, after a long walk, Jerome stopped. He dropped the rope as he looked around, and I was thankful, as the constant pressure and rubbing of it had made my pussy quite sore. I watched as he walked around, circling me, looking as if for something in particular. He walked behind me, and out of my line of sight, but it wasn't long before I felt him come up behind me. He began tugging at the rope, and soon my hands were free. However, this only lasted for a moment as he then guided me over to a fallen tree, and bent me at the waist over it. I waited without saying a word as he worked to resecure my hands in front of me and then feed the excess rope down and under the tree. He then tied my ankles together with another length of rope that must have been in the bag. Grabbing the end of rope that secured my hands, he somehow attached it to the rope around my ankles with something that sounded metallic, effectively securing me in my position.

I was very vulnerable; naked and tied up in the middle of who knows where, and yet my pussy dripped with anticipation. Jerome was behind me and because of how I was tied, I could not turn my head to see him. I could hear him though, as he moved around. It was nerve-racking to not know what was going to happen next, but my body reacted in a way that expressed a desire for whatever it may be. Suddenly, he spoke from behind me, "Stay here slut." His words shook me. He was leaving me tied up and naked to go where? I was flabbergasted and scared, and extremely aroused. He said nothing else, but I could hear the sounds of his footsteps get more and more distant until I couldn't hear them anymore.

My body trembled with the thought that I was left all alone in the middle of the woods naked and tied to a tree. I had no idea how long Jerome would be gone, or where he went, or even if he was coming back. I just had to trust that he would, or else I would find myself in a very difficult situation of not being able to release myself and no one knowing where I was.

It was a very long time of me just tied to the tree in the silence of the woods. I had no idea where Jerome was, and if he was coming back. Though I was scared that he had left me, my body, my pussy, ached with arousal at the thought of being left naked and tied in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, I heard a strange clicking sound, and then the tightness of my bondage gave. My arms were no longer attached to my legs by the ropes. Clueless as to how that happened, I gingerly made my way to a standing position examined the situation.

On the ground underneath the fallen tree, I found a mechanical locking device that was opened and it dawned on me that Jerome had attached the ropes from my hands and ankles via the lock which was apparently on a timer. Relieved to be free, I worked to get the ropes off my wrists and ankles, and as I did it dawned on me that the timed locked most likely meant Jerome had no intention of coming back. Panic-stricken, my head began to dart around looking for anything that would help explain why he left me as he had. Almost twenty feet, directly behind where I had been secured to the fallen tree, I saw a piece of paper. Hoping it was a note from Jerome, I scurried to it. It was indeed a note from Jerome, but what it said nearly caused me to faint.

"Slut, you have a new life now, and I thought it best you entered into it just as you did with your first life; naked and afraid. I am not coming back, but will gladly enjoy your services again once you make it back into town. However, I understand that if after becoming an exposed webslut, you decide to go into hiding for a while. Hopefully, you can figure out some amicable solution with your husband when he ultimately finds out your true nature; a black cock slut. Good luck on finding your way home, I didn't leave you too far away from the edge of town, and I'm sure you will find some gracious help from horny truckers."

Finishing the note, I laughed hysterically. I should have yelled, or even cried, but instead, I laughed. I was lost and naked far from home without my phone or any money, and yet, the first thing that popped into my head after reading Jerome's words was that I couldn't wait to get back into town and have him fuck me into oblivion. He was right, I was a black cock slut, and now I just needed to get back to some black cock; the rest would all figure itself out.

The End


If you would like more of this storyline, please let me know, but for now, I am ending it and focusing on the other still pending ones along with the possibility of a few new ones.

Thank you,


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

More!!! So many more fucking adventures for her, Wendy the BBC slut. Hopefully hubby finds out everything and embraces it, encouraging her to be even more depraved with Jerome

kellyblue66abckellyblue66abc4 months ago

oh I want more of the story. great job on the humiliation and the degradation

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well, a fairly decent job of humiliation with a slow buildup of forcing Wendy to assess her interracial feelings. THe ending kind of fell flat and we were left with a feeling that she was going mad. A more fitting ending would have Jerome have a bunch of black guys (maybe a couple of black fraternities) pulling a train on Wendy when she was bound on the log. She would have a full head helmet mask (with locks) to keep her identity. After getting gangbanged for several hour, the guys leave and she is released from the ropes. Does she finally think that she probably try to make her family life better? We would have liked to find out just how she gets back home. Does she have to take care of some truckers or what? Does the police pick her up and finally call her husband to come get her? Does her daughter fall under the loving care of some black guys? Just how far does Wendy go before being found out? Love the novel thumb drive idea as a privacy bomb (very unique and creative).

SirtofawnSirtofawn8 months ago

Really enjoyed to potential exposure aspect. Great idea on the thumbdrive, there's so many more places you can run with that, especially if no one found it and it was retrieved. Thanks!

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 1 year ago

There really was no drama or anything engaging. Just a fairly repetitive series of wife fucking a black guy and being humiliated. But once you did it once, it just became old. There was no development from that even if her story was made public because she did not care.

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