Exploring Our Sexuality

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Couple explores realm of extramarital sex.
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My wife, Kim, and I have always had a great sexual relationship, probably because Kim's attitude is that virtually anything goes between consenting adults. We have both logged in to various erotic story websites, and enjoyed many of the stories that we found there. The biggest complaint that Kim has with these stories is that either someone winds up playing a silly game and it goes further than anyone thought it would, or everybody gets drunk and fucks. Her comment on the drunks is that most of the men wouldn't be able to perform worth a damn if they got that sloshed. So it wasn't a real surprise to me when she decided to write her own erotic stories.

She wrote a few stories and posted them, getting a reasonably good response, but she still wasn't happy with the way the stories were going. She did get quite aroused while she was writing them, and that resulted in very good sex. In fact I begin to encourage her to write more, because she often wanted to try things out before putting them in her stories. Kim actually got the most aroused when reading, or writing, stories in the swingers, group sex or threesomes categories. As we had never participated in any of these activities, she felt she couldn't really write a good story about something that she hadn't experienced. It frustrated her a bit, and she would start story after story, but not finish them.

Finally, one night after we had watched a porn video, then made love, she got out of bed to use the toilet, and when she came back she told me that she thought we should try to experiment with swinging, or group sex, at least once, to see if we really were missing anything. I kind of hemmed and hawed a bit, and finally asked if she thought this was really a good idea. While it might give her a basis for her stories, I wasn't sure that it was all that necessary.

"The thought of watching you with another woman has intrigued me for quite awhile. In fact while we were having sex, I kept imagining watching you having sex with another woman, and while I was doing that, someone else was fucking me."

The discussion went on for several days, off and on, and we finally decided that we would try it. The question, of course, was now how do we try it.

We decided to make a list of the people we knew that we would want to go to bed with. We sat down over a drink or two, Kim making up her list, and me mine. After we finished them, we exchanged lists, and when Kim had scanned my list quickly, she started laughing.

"Well, I see I don't have a problem with you deciding to leave me for a woman with big boobs."


"Not a single woman on this list has breasts any bigger than mine."

Kim was right. "Well, you know I have always told you that I preferred yours."

We went over the lists, combining them, and finally came up with three couples that we thought we would like to dally with. Kim then told me to let her set the stage for this, and I agreed.

Mark and Mel

A couple of weeks later, Kim called me at work and asked if I minded if we had Mel and Mark over for dinner on the following Friday. Of course I agreed, and didn't think anything more about it until I got home from work on Friday. Kim was already home, and as I walked in, she told me that I had about an hour to get showered and cleaned up before our dinner guests arrived. I had completely forgotten about the dinner, and was a little puzzled by the way she was dressed. Kim had on a red silk dress I had never seen. The dress fit like a glove, outlining her breasts, making clear that she hadn't bothered with a bra tonight. The dress was slit up both sides, nearly to her hips, so when she walked, it was clear that her legs did indeed go all the way up.

"Is this a special occasion, or what? I don't remember you dressing up like this before, and certainly not like that."

"Well, you might just get lucky tonight, and we could try out our new ideas."

"With Mel and Mark? Just how do you propose to do this?"

"I've kind of felt Mel out a bit over the last couple of weeks, and I think that she might go along with it. I have at least gotten her to think about it. I haven't actually proposed anything yet, just a bit of girl talk up to now. Just let me handle it tonight."

Now while Kim is my idea of gorgeous, being petite, but perfectly shaped, Mel would catch any man's eye. She is tall, only about an inch shorter than I am, with long, long legs and breasts that seem as though they were sculpted. Mark is a little bigger than I am, and an extremely gentle man, and I would suppose that women would think he was good looking. Extremely intelligent, and a good talker, I have liked Mark since I first met him, although I was a little concerned that this might break up a good friendship. I said so. I guess I was starting to get cold feet.

"No, it won't go to that point, let's just see what happens."

I shrugged and went off to do as I was directed, returning just in time to set up the bar before Mel and Mark arrived.

When Mel and Mark arrived, Mel seemed a little surprised by what Kim was wearing, as both Mel and Mark were wearing the kind of clothes that they normally wear when they come to our home. Mel was in a skirt, cut to just slightly above her knees, and a white blouse. Mark was just wearing slacks and a shirt, like I was.

We did nothing out of the ordinary, having a drink before dinner, then wine with dinner – nothing we hadn't done numerous times before. When dinner was finished, Mel helped Kim clear the table, then we went into the living room to wait for the coffee that was brewing.

We had been chatting about nothing in particular for a few moments, when Kim announced that she wanted to extend an invitation to Mark and Mel. Figuring what was coming, I cringed inside, but didn't say a word.

"Mike and I have decided to try sexual relationships outside our marriage. We have also decided, because we like you both so much, that we would extend an offer to the two of you to join us in our experiment."

At this point, Mel started to say something, but Kim held up her hand;

"Please wait until I've gone through all of this before you respond.

We have never done this before, and until the last few months, probably would not have considered it. Our marriage is quite sound, and this is not because our marriage is going sour. We simply want to experiment. If you decide to accept our offer, we would be extremely pleased that you did so. If you decide not to, we understand that also, and will absolutely not be offended. You don't even have to decide now, you can put the decision on hold until whenever it is that you decide that you do or do not want to participate in this. The big thing to remember is that we value your friendship, and would not want this invitation to affect it in any way. We will not ever ask you to explain yourselves, nor will we ever ask you again. We don't want to embarrass you or have you feel that we are trying to promote a lifestyle.

Mike and I will go get the coffee ready now, and we will not say anything more about it, one way or the other unless one of you brings it up."

As we rose to go into the kitchen, I was a little surprised that there was not a stunned look on either Mel's or Mark's face. Mark had a rather fixed smile on his face, and Mel was flushing a bit, but that was all.

We went into the kitchen. As I was getting down the cups and saucers for coffee, and Kim was getting out a tray for the coffee pot, cream and sugar, I could hear whispers in the living room.

I looked at Kim, and whispered, "Well, here goes nothing." She simply smiled at me, and continued with what she was doing.

We were almost ready to bring the coffee out, when Mark and Mel came into the kitchen. I couldn't get a single impression from either of their faces, other than that neither of them looked grim, and they both actually looked rather friendly. Mel was the first to speak:

"I thought you were up to something like this from all the comments you have made over the last couple of weeks. Those comments certainly were intriguing, and did set me wondering. Ultimately, we started talking about it, and decided that if you were really hinting at what I thought you were, we would go along with it. I really do think that I would like some brandy in my coffee before we go any further though."

"Where do we go from here?" Mark said.

Kim quickly responded, "Well, Mike gets some brandy for our coffee, then we go sit in the living room and talk about it. It isn't as though we were experts ourselves."

I grabbed the bottle of brandy out of the liquor cabinet, and set it on the tray with the coffee.

Kim lead the procession out into the living room, seating herself on the couch and patting the cushion beside her while she looked at Mark. I set the coffee tray down on the coffee table, and looked around to see where I should sit – I clearly hadn't thought this part out at all.

Mel saved me – or at least I think she did. She pointed at the big armchair by the fireplace, and asked, "Why don't you sit there."

I settled myself in the armchair, as Kim and Mel poured out the coffee and brandy. Mel passed out the filled cups, then came and seated herself on the arm of the chair that I was sitting in.

"Okay, where do we go from here?" asked Mel.

Kim replied, "We can do one, or more, of several things. We can simply start here, and finish upstairs in separate bedrooms. We can all fuck here. We can even split up with each 'new couple' going to a separate home, or any combination of these things. What would you like to do?"

There was silence for a minute, then Mel said, "I think that, for the first time, I would like to be able to see Mark with you, and for him to see me with Mike. That way there can never be any question of going behind anyone's back. Besides, I would like to see Mark fuck you while I am being fucked by Mike."

I started to interject, but Mark beat me to it: "If you have an appropriate porn video, I would think one would break the ice, so to speak, for everyone."

We all agreed, and I turned on the television, and pawed through the various videos we have, finally selecting one that might be appropriate. It certainly did not apply to the present situation, but it at least dealt with 'group sex' without being completely bizarre.

I turned away from starting the video, and saw that Kim had moved over extremely close to Mark, lifting a leg, and laying it over his legs as she snuggled up to him, her head on his shoulder.

Mel was still sitting on the arm of the chair she had directed me to sit in, and as I sat down, she stood up.

"Perhaps things ought to be made a little clearer - I'm available." she said, as she stood in front of me, hiked up her skirt, and slid her panties down and kicked them off. Then Mel straddled my legs, and leaned back against me so we could both see the television.

I had a sudden thought: What if Mel didn't like what I did, what if she didn't like having being eaten, or sucking cock?

"Before this goes too much further, I think we need to have some ground rules. What individual likes and dislikes are there?"

Before I could say anything more, Mel straightened and interjected: "I would say anything goes but violence. We are all experimenting right now. What may have been true last week may not be what we want now." Mel emphasized this with a wiggle on my lap.

Kim agreed, "While I haven't particularly enjoyed the taste of cum in the past, I see no reason to limit us in that regard. If Mark wants to cum in my mouth, he may. If Mark wants to fuck me in my ass, he may. However, if I decide that after a couple of times that I don't want to do that any more, then that is it, no pestering me to do it, and none of that business of, well she let me do it. These are all personal likes or dislikes."

Mel agreed, and lay back against me, wiggling her hips once again.

As we watched the video, I raised my hands to her breasts, cupping them, and playing with her nipples through her blouse and bra. After a few moments, I decided that this was being silly, and unbuttoned her blouse, which let me look down over her shoulder to her breasts, encased in a white, somewhat lacy bra. Looking down I suddenly realized the bra had a front clasp. With all caution thrown to the winds (I'm not sure why I should have been cautious, we were long past that) I unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts for me to cup them, and play with her nipples.

I had caressed her breasts for a few more minutes, feeling her nipples getting harder and harder, when Mel sat up and simply removed her blouse and bra, saying, "These are in the way of a very nice feeling."

As Mel lay back against me, I slid one hand down between her legs, which she promptly spread a little wider, allowing me completely free access to her nether lips. I looked over at Kim and Mark for the first time in quite awhile. Mark's shirt was off, and Kim's dress was down around her waist, her breasts pressing against Mark's chest as she kissed him. His hands were occupied underneath the bottom of her dress, and they were both oblivious to what we were doing.

I think Mel noticed what they were doing, because she stood up, easing my hand out of her pussy, and pulled me to my feet. Once I was standing she unbuttoned my shirt, throwing it on top of her blouse and bra, then started unbuttoning her skirt. I followed with my pants and briefs, then as we both stood there completely naked, I realized just how pretty she was. Her breasts were very close to my dream, her nipples erect. Her public hair was trimmed for a bikini, but was also quite sparse, leaving her nether lips showing quite nicely. Her hair flowed down over her shoulders, and was clearly a match for her pubic hair.

As I was giving Mel a through exam with my eyes, she was obviously doing the same with me. Her eyes roved down my body, stopping on my pelvic region for a moment before coming back up.

"I would like to tease you until you come, then tease you again until you are ready for me to come in you."

We embraced for a few moments, her breasts pressing against my chest, and my cock pulsing against her lower belly. Then, with both of us seemingly of the same mind we lowered ourselves to the rug, Mel on her back, with me propped up on one arm next to her. I saw her look over at Mark and Kim, and glanced that way myself. Kim had straddled Mark's head, and was just lowering her head to take him in her mouth. I watched for just long enough to see Kim actually take him in her mouth, and Mark pull her crotch toward his face, then turned back to Mel.

"Do you like watching Kim playing with Mark?"

"I think it is one of the more erotic things I have ever seen."

I leaned over and kissed Mel, our tongues trading thrusts back and forth. I started letting my kisses trail down her neck as my hand and fingers moved gently over her thighs and mound. When I reached her breasts, I sucked her nipples into my mouth, one at a time, while my fingers entered her, curling up and rubbing the roof of her muscular sheath, which had become quite moist.

I continued to suck and nibble on her nipples while my fingers invaded her, occasionally coming out to play with her clit before delving back into the depths. I finally decided that it was time for my mouth to move further south, as she was starting to make moaning noises.

I let my tongue and lips caress her on the way to the juncture of her thighs, finally arriving to find her trying to raise her hips up toward my mouth. I blew gently across her very moist pussy, then lowered my head and sucked her clit into my mouth, and gave it the same treatment I had been giving her nipples, all the time keeping my fingers moving around inside of her – sometimes sliding in and out of her, other times stroking the roof of her vagina. Mel's hips started moving even more frantically, giving me trouble in keeping my mouth in place, when suddenly she came. I could feel a small warm flood come over my fingers, and loud noises – they couldn't be called words – from her mouth.

I kept going until she was begging me to stop, and to come to her. I sat up, smiled at her, and told her, "No, I won't yet. You get to rest a minute, then I am going to bring you right back up to the edge again before I enter you."

After a minute or two I started to let my fingers trail very lightly along her inner thighs, as I leaned down to kiss her. I repeated my earlier performance, kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples, finally inserting my fingers into her as my mouth headed back to that wonderful pussy. As I started to suck on her clit again, I felt her hand grasp my cock and guide it into her mouth. We lay in a sort of sideways 69 position, although Mel was still primarily on her back as we enjoyed mutual oral sex. Her hips started that frantic movement again, and her play on my cock suffered a bit, as her attentions were obviously primarily on herself. Despite the lessened attentions, I found myself getting very close to reaching a climax, and told her so. She immediately released me from her mouth and announced that she wanted me to come in her.

I waited for a few moments to let myself wind down at bit, but continued to lick and suck at her clit until she was actively pulling at me, trying to get me to turn around.

I finally sat up and reversed myself, positioning myself between her legs, which Mel had so obligingly spread widely apart, lifting her knees up toward her chest as she did so. I moved closer, centering my cock on her waiting pussy, letting the tip of my cock just touch the entrance to her pussy. Mel grasped me, and pulled me toward her, and I eased into the waiting depths, as Mel first spread her legs even wider, then wrapped them around my waist.

I glanced over at Mark and Kim, and saw that Kim had mounted Mark, and was fucking him with all her might, while she leaned over and let her breasts graze his chest. The warm, moist silkiness of Mel's pussy then got my entire attention, and I could have cared less about what anyone else was doing.

As I set up a rhythm of thrusting into Mel, then pulling back, I saw Mel's head begin to whip back and forth, and heard an entire series of "Oh, oh, oh" from Kim. Mark was repeating, "Oh Jesus, oh God, I'm coming" over and over.

I couldn't hold it back any longer, and as I spurted into Mel, she frantically thrust her hips at me as I felt that same little warm flood cover my cock.

I lay on top of Mel, completely spent, trying to keep my weight off her by holding myself up on my elbows, but not wanting to withdraw just yet. We lay like that for several minutes while we both recovered, then I raised myself up enough to completely withdraw and lay back down beside her with my head on her breast. I don't know how long we laid like that, but I finally rolled completely off of her and just lay there on the rug letting my heart beat finally slow down to normal.

Kim and Mel got up about the same time, heading for the bathroom to clean up, while Mark and I just lay there. When they returned, Kim asked, "Well, that was more than just wonderful, but where do we go from here?"

Mel's response was, "I would like to fuck Mike one more time tonight, if I can get him up again. I suspect that the best way to do that would be to let him rest for a while, then start in again. By that time it will probably be pretty late, so it might be best if we stayed the night, unless that is a problem for you."

"Not a problem with us, and I would like to try Mark again, and see just how long I can make him wait before he comes. Mike, why don't you and Mel take our bed, and Mark and I will take the guest room."

We talked a bit further after agreeing that Mark and Mel would spend the night. From what was said, some implicitly and some explicitly, we all wanted to do this again, and thought that this would add a significant amount of spice to our sex lives. Coffee and brandy having been served all around, we finished our coffee, and I stood up, grasped Mel's hand and headed for the stairs, with Mark and Kim following fairly closely behind.