Exposing the Caregiver Ch. 03


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Clare slid her hand up and down Mr. Grange's pecker and there was no mistaking it twitching this time. I guess the old guy's still got it. Thankfully the thought brought a little levity to her current situation. That levity was ruined when Mr. Grange's hands wormed their way onto her tits for the umpteenth time. Clare very nearly pushed them away, but she decided this would not take long and it was not worth the effort.

Mr. Grange's penis was actually starting to get hard by the time she finished the shaft and began to lather up his balls.

"Unnngh," he groaned.

Clare ignored the groan and finished rubbing soap into the sensitive area. That has to be good enough, she concluded, releasing his balls and once more extricating herself from his hands. Clare was past ready to end this experience and leave the bathing to the nurses. The look Mr. Grange gave her was filled with disappointment. He obviously had expected more. Clare avoided that gaze and resolutely aimed the sprayer at his midsection.

"There, good as new," Clare said as the final suds were rinsed away.

Towel him off and get the hell out of here. Clare was reaching for the towel to do just that when she heard Mr. Grange's voice. She flinched.

"Clare?" Mr. Grange asked again, and Clare reluctantly turned. What now? "Sometimes, uhm, the other nurses... they finish me off," Mr. Grange told her tentatively, "Would you mind?"

As if things could not get any crazier, had she just hear him correctly? Surely not... no freaking way the nurses are giving these guys handjobs. Are they? Then, she remembered how she was flashing Greg daily and bouncing her tits for his enjoyment. How she had—had given him a blowjob just the day before. Would a quick handjob from the nurses really that unbelievable? Clare was not sure anymore.

Standing there, looking at the old man barely able to sit up in the bathtub, Clare felt pity. What did he really have to look forward to at this point? A few handjobs here and there after baths? Hell, if the other nurses could do it, so could she.

"Okay, but just this once," Clare said finally, keenly aware of just how often she had been saying, "just this once," in the past few days.

"Thank you, you are such a wonderful caregiver."

Yea, you better think that, she thought as she kneeled beside the tub once more and reached for his pecker. Clare took hold of Mr. Grange's semi-rigid cock and began to stroke it gently. At least it is clean, she decided. By the second repetition, she once more had two hands on her tits. Clare shook her head. Men, she thought. I guess it'll just make this go faster.

Clare pumped her hand up and down Mr. Grange's member for some time while he manhandled her "girls." At one point, he pinched her nipple, causing her to squeak in surprise. Clare shot him a glare that told him, "Do that again and this is over," which put an end to that. She felt his pecker grow significantly harder as she found her rhythm and hoped that meant he would finish soon. Her arm was starting to get tired.

"You know," Mr. Grange remarked, as if reading her mind. "The old guy is not what he used to be. The other nurses often use their mouth to speed things up."

Now Clare's jaw really did hit the floor. Her hand came to a screeching halt and she looked at Mr. Grange flabbergasted. You have got to be kidding me, she thought. The nurses are giving residents blowjobs after bathing?

"What?" was all Clare could manage in reply.

"It—It's okay if you don't want to," Mr. Grange replied, "I just thought I would let you know."

Clare realized her hand had stopped and started to pump once more as her mind struggled to process the troubling information. That reasonable voice in the back of her head which she had ignored so many times in the past few days was screaming, "This is crazy!" Still, here she was, kneeling topless beside Mr. Grange, pumping his cock in order to "finish him off" after a bath. She knew this would have been just as crazy to her an hour ago. She barely knew what to think anymore.

What she did know was that her arm was tired and had no doubt that a blowjob would be faster. Jesus, am I really justifying giving this guy a blowjob, she thought and realized she was. How was it that much different than what she did for Greg yesterday? During this mental back-and-forth, her focus had been away from the handjob for so long that she felt Mr. Grange's penis starting to soften. Ugh, let's just get this over with, she finally concluded.

"Alright," Clare responded, still in a bit of a daze at what was happening. She did notice his penis instantly harden a bit. "How do you want to do this?" she asked.

The lass had been silent for so long, that Mr. Grange had figured he had pressed her too far. When she agreed, he lost his voice for a moment.

"Mr. Grange," she asked, and his old mind sprang into action.

"Help me up," he instructed.

Clare let go of his penis and rose to her feet. She took the old man's outstretched arm and guided him out of the tub.

"Just, uh, sit me on the toilet," Mr. Grange instructed, wincing a bit at the movement.

Clare eased him towards the toilet seat, where he plopped down with a grunt. Then stood up and looked at the old man, sitting there with his legs spread wide and staring up at her expectantly. Clare shook her head and thought, So much for returning to normalcy, she thought before dropping to her knees in front of the old man. Mr. Grange noticeably tensed in anticipation as her head moved between his legs. Just get it done.

Clare closed her eyes and took his aged cock between her lips, scowling at the taste of soap. For the second time, she decided, at least he is clean. Just as she had done the day prior, Clare swirled her tongue around the cock's tip before working her way down the shaft.

"Ohhh," Mr. Grange groaned, responding to her tongue's movements.

Unlike Greg, Mr. Grange was not a 21 year-old virgin who came at the first contact with a woman's mouth. This lass was delightfully good at what she was doing, but his aged equipment simply did not work that quickly. Something that he did not mind at that moment.

Clare took in as much of him as she could before starting her trek back to the tip. Mr. Grange's cock was now fully erect and he was definitely bigger than Greg. When her mouth reached the tip, she swirled her tongue around it a second time.

"Ennngh, yes!"

Clare plunged back towards the base, stroking the sensitive skin with her tongue along the way. About halfway through the second repetition, she felt the old man's hand move to the back of her head. Even though she hated when guys did that, she ignored the hand in hopes that it would help him finish quicker. When his hand began exerting pressure on the back of her head, Clare steeled her emotions and let it control her. She followed his hand's guidance up and down his cock while focusing on working her tongue throughout the process.

"Oh... oh my!"

His groans were coming much for frequently now, something Clare figured had to be a good thing. In his excitement, Mr. Grange's hand was pushing Clare to take in more and more of his penis with each stroke. His hips were also beginning to get into the action which only exacerbated the issue. Clare did her best to relax her throat and allow his cock access. With the old man's cock pumping in and out of her mouth, all she could think was, God, I hope he is close.

"Yes, oh yes!"

Thankfully, he was. When his pecker suddenly tensed up, Clare prepared for what came next. She closed her eyes and started to swallow her second load in two days. Mr. Grange thrust deep in her mouth and shot hot liquid squirt down her throat. No amount of throat relaxing could have prevented her from gagging, but old man did not slow.

"Errrrnnngh!" the old man grunted loudly, experiencing his first ejaculation in over a decade.

When his pecker retreated, Clare was only given a moment of relief before it came thrusting back, shooting another wave of semen into her belly. Clare managed to swallow it this time without gagging and was rewarded with another brief respite. The old man excitedly pumped his cock in and out of her mouth a few more times, but his seed had already been spent. Figuring this meant it was finally over, Clare started to pull away, but the pressure from Mr. Grange's hand remained. Unsure of what to do, Clare just sat there while the old man enjoyed her mouth for a while longer.

When the grip on her head loosened, Clare wasted no time spitting Mr. Grange's member from her mouth. Finally! Clare leapt to her feet and retrieving her clothing. She did not even look at Mr. Grange until her bra and shirt were back in place. She could still taste his sperm in her throat and she wanted nothing more to get a drink of water. Unfortunately, when she finally looked at the naked, spent old man sitting on the toilet, she realized she needed to tend to him first.

"Thank you, that was wonderful," Mr. Grange told her as she took his hand to help him rise.

"No problem," Clare lied. Nothing she could do about it now.

Mr. Grange smiled, but judging by how his legs trembled, that had taken a toll on him. Clare forgot about being upset for the moment and concentrated on getting him dressed and back in bed. It took longer than she would have liked, but she managed. Mr. Grange fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Clare looked at him a moment and thought, so much for lunch. Clare then plopped down on a nearby stool and put her face in her hands, coming to terms with what had just happened.

What a week, she thought. She had never been more ready for the weekend than she felt right then. Sitting there, she realized she still had Greg's appointment this afternoon. She prayed it would go well, she needed a break. Pulling her head up, Clare suddenly scolded herself. Get ahold of yourself. You are tougher than this. So you flashed a resident and gave a few blowjobs? Modeling probably entails that and more. You are not about to give up now!

Inspired by the pep talk, Clare rose to her feet and grabbed the lunch menu. She ordered Mr. Grange the turkey sandwich, tidied up his room and noted the bath on his worksheet. Mr. Grange slept soundly the entire time. By the time she had finished, she realized she was already 5 minutes late to her next appointment. She bustled down the hall, intent on finishing the day strong.

It was a credit to the job Clare had been doing that Mrs. Tyle did not complain about her tardiness. She complained about everything. Clare made it a point to be extra sweet to the old lady and by the end of the appointment, Mrs. Tyle was rambling about how she wished her daughter was more like Clare. That had to be a good sign, right?

Clare moved to Greg's room determined to regain some control over the craziness that was becoming her life. She would flash him, maybe bounce her tits a few times, but nothing else. To any other attendee, those goals would have sounded outlandish...

"Greg?" Clare called as she knocked and opened the door after his reply. Greg was sitting on the edge of the bed again and Clare wondered if the guy ever moved when she was not around.

"How ya doin' Greg?" Clare asked.

"I—I'm fine," he stammered.

"Are you going to be good today?"

"Yes!" he replied enthusiastically and Clare smiled. It really was contagious.

They both fell into their routine and easily finished the daily worksheet. By this point, Clare expected nothing less. When the time came for his "reward," Clare reiterated what she had told herself earlier. A flash of her breasts, maybe a bounce or two, and done. Easy-peasy. Greg watched Clare reach under her shirt and unclasped her bra with his normal unbridled enthusiasm. She removed her top and freed her breasts for the second time that day.

"Ohhh," Greg exclaimed, almost as if he was seeing her tits for the first time again. What more does he really have to look forward too, Clare thought as she stood there for his inspection. "Bounce?" he asked and Clare complied.

She hopped a few times, bouncing her boobs for him and giggling at the ridiculous grin on his face. The ordeal with Mr. Grange this morning seemed a distant memory and that mischievous part of her started to gain traction once more. When Greg hesitantly reached for her chest, she made no effort to stop him—even though it broke the rules she had set prior to this appointment. So he touches them a bit, I'll stop it at that, Clare thought.

Clare stopped hopping and allowed Greg to fondle her "girls." He was making them bounce plenty with his hands anyways. Clare let her mind wander while he played. She thought of New York and of modeling. She dreamed of the glamorous places it would take her. No longer would she be stuck in this dying town, filled with dying people. She would be free. The thought sent a shiver down her spine and she smiled. That smile dissipated when she came back to reality.

Greg sat on the edge of the bed before her, his pants now around his ankles, stroking his penis with one hand and fondling her breast with the other. How the fuck did that happen, she thought. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed since she allowed him to touch her breasts at all.

"What are you doing?" Clare demanded, stepping out of his reach.

Greg's hand halted immediately and he look up at her confused.

"I—I was j—just taking care of i—it," he replied. Clare immediately regretted her tone of voice. The guy sounded scared to death.

"I'm sorry Greg, it was just unexpected," Clare tried to explain, but the look on Greg's face told her the damage was done.

"S—sorry," he said, looking pathetic as he pulled his pants back into place.

Clare felt terrible. He was just doing the same thing she told him he could do yesterday. She blamed herself for spacing out and not keeping control over the situation.

"Greg, would you like to see my breasts bounce some more?" she offered, hoping it would console him.

"S—sure," he replied without any of the youthful enthusiasm he had displayed earlier.

Clare had to admit that she actually enjoyed these sessions with Greg. Sure, she was showing him her breasts, but that innocence, that feeling of pure power. She felt in her gut that these situations were rare. She wanted to make things right, to get back to where they were before she yelled at him.

Clare briefly considered giving him another blowjob, but immediately scoffed at the idea. One blowjob was more than enough for a day, and if she did it again, Greg would probably start expecting her to give him one after every appointment... Clare stood there, bouncing her tits while trying to come up with a way to make things right. Had she even been playing the slightest bit of attention to the person she was fretting over, she would have noticed Greg's smile had already crept back onto his face.

After a bit of a mental back-and-forth, Clare finally decided on a course of action. It was a little extreme, but not nearly as extreme as sucking the guy off—which she had already done.

"Greg, would you like to see something else?" she asked, listening to that mischievous voice.

"Sure!" Greg replied, his voice filled with energy once more, which made Clare happy.

"Okay, but no touching this time," Clare said sternly, and meant it this time.

"Ok," Greg replied and sat back, anxious to see what she was going to show him.

You have no idea what you're in for, Clare thought, suddenly a more than a little unsure. Looking at his eager face, she pushed the doubt aside. Greg's eyes were transfixed on her hands as she untied the string around the waistband of her uniform. The knot fell apart and Clare inhaled deeply before sliding her pants downwards.

"Wow!" Greg exclaimed when her red panties came into view.

Clare stepped free of her pants and gave Greg a sly grin, "Should I remove these too?"

Greg's exuberant nodding caused Clare to laugh. She slid her fingers under the waistband of her panties and started to slide them down. Her panties had only dropped an inch when she stopped and giggled.

"Are you SURE you want me to take these off?" Clare asked again, having a blast toying with him. Somewhere, deep in her mind, that rational voice must have given up as it watched her performing a strip tease.

"Uh-huh!" Greg replied, starting to bounce on the edge of the bed in unrestrained excitement.

Clare decided she had toyed with him enough and slipped her panties down. Greg gulped when her manicured, blonde bush sprang into view. Clare took pride in all areas of her body and felt that her pussy was just as amazing as her "girls." She released her panties, allowing them to slide to her ankles, and stepped free. She was now completely exposed to her patient's prying eyes.

While her cheeks had taken on a pink hue, Clare did not really feel embarrassed at what she was doing. Standing there, allowing Greg to see her in all her glory felt nothing like what had happened earlier. This felt electrifying. There was just something about Greg's demeanor through it all that eased Clare's concerns. Under that gaze, Clare started to twirl so he could see her ass as well. She was just as proud of the back as the front.

"Pretty!" Greg exclaiming, clapping at her performance which only made Clare blush even more.

Clare turned back towards him and leaned forward, dangling her naked breasts before him and asked, "Do you feel better now?"

His ear-to-ear grin was all the reply that she needed. Clare laughed and thought, so much for a quick flash and a bounce or two. But realized she did not really care, it had been kind of fun.

Clare gave Greg a wink before turning around and purposely bending over at the waist to retrieve her panties. The cool air on her pussy lips told her that she was fully in view.


Clare picked up her panties and turned back as if unaware of what had just happened. For his part, Greg sat there spellbound by what he had just witnessed. His eyes never leaving her midsection. Now, that was surely the first pussy he had seen, Clare thought with a wry smile, and you don't see those on TV.

Clare slipped back into her panties and then her pants. Greg's transfixed stare finally broke free of her midsection when she re-tied the string at her waist. He got in one last look at her breasts before they too were gone.

Once she was fully clothed, she asked, "So, are you going to miss me this weekend?" Greg nodded so hard that he risked breaking his neck. Clare giggled. "Well then, see you Monday!"

"Bye," was the best Greg could manage at that point.

Clare exited the building, thankful for the weekend, but realizing that she would miss her little shows as well. Oh well, there was always next week!

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LiteraryLustLiteraryLustover 4 years ago
I wish you had continued this series and kept writing

It’s good and I wish there was more

LEBECLEBECover 5 years ago
Oh No, That Can’t Be All!

Great story but only halfway done and, considering that it’s been 5 years since the last installment, I fear that’s all he wrote. Very sad. Please come back and write the rest of it.

pokerpadrepokerpadreover 6 years ago
Please continue

This is a good beginning for a great story.

Hopefully you will return and continue the saga.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I absolutely loved this and I can't wait for the continuation!!

I got worried a little when I saw the date of this last submission. Then I read your bio which made me calm down a bit. Can't wait!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Please continue

Really loving this. I would like to see Clare's activities exposed to Nathan who would then require her to undertake Naked Night Duty, her job description being to service all male patients and staff all night long.

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