Exquisite Torture Pt. 02 - Asuka

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Alex hosts Dawn and Asuka for dinner and dessert.
6.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/11/2019
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Her hand has been creeping up my leg for an hour now, teasing me for this whole meeting, entirely deliberately. She probably thinks she started when her strong but gentle hands landed on my forearm while we laughed at pictures of my child trying to stand on her head so she could rocket a peanut M&M into the air from her nostril. She didn't have to lean so close. She definitely didn't have to rub a breast against my shoulder. She didn't have to do any of those things to ramp up my awareness of her. Her perfume electrified my brain before any of that happened. Add in her voice, which grabbed me with a sweet and sticky binding, and I was instantly reminded I was hers.

She really didn't need to escalate things by having him text me, reminding me I'm his, too. "The hand on your leg is going to beat you tonight unless you're a good girl." Of course, I'm always a good girl, but I still hope I get beaten a little. She's never had her hands on me like that, and thinking about it makes me press my thighs together. "You know where. 8 PM. I'll have food. Wear something that shows off some cleavage, and your blue contacts," he concludes. I haven't worn those icy blue contacts in years. I'm surprised he remembers them, but I probably shouldn't be. His memory is obsessed with me.


Dawn is wiping tomato sauce from her cheek when Alex escorts me into the kitchen of his home, 8 PM sharp. "Hey girl." She slinks over to me, pulling me into a tight embrace. From the corner of my eye, I see his intense gaze trying to weld us together. I oblige him, pressing my hips against hers. After enjoying our extreme proximity for a moment, she parks her face above mine. "It just occurred to me that I got a little over eager our first time and didn't even say hi. I felt bad."

"You made up for it since then," I tell her.

We chuckle together before she jerks her head back. "Those are new." Her forked fingers point at my eyes.

"Old, actually. His idea." I direct an accusatory head tilt his way.

"And just why did you think she needed those?" Her inquisition will not be denied, driven home by the pointed gaze she rotates toward him.

"She didn't need them," he deflects easily. "All I did was put hot fudge on the ice cream."

She narrows her eyes, annoyed at his perfectly reasonable and adroitly phrased response, before those same eyes return to examine my face critically, nose inches from mine, lips quirked upward. "You know you're beautiful without them, right?" Blush creeps into my cheeks, which receive soft kisses.

"You hot fudge excuse is acceptable," she judges in her sultry drawl, raising her head to stare him down. His satisfied smile is glued to his face and entirely fireproof. She shakes her head slowly, giving him the point, but not the game.

"I made piles of stuff, family style," he tells me, arms in a wide, encompassing gesture, "so pull up a plate. You'll need your strength." I slide between him and the food, plate at the ready, reviewing his offerings with my eyes and nose. His hand clamps onto my ass. "No being lazy this time."

"Hey!" she yells at him. "No spoilers!" I can't see his face, but something happens between them over my head, the magic of her fire meeting his iron.

She frees me from his unrepentant grasp and steers me around the kitchen island, delivering her critique of his culinary efforts. Several dishes get high praise, but the artichoke dip is dubbed too much vegetable for her tastes. I fill a plate, and it's halfway back to empty before I notice that, while she's chatting idly with him, she won't stop staring at my lips.

I decline the special banana pudding. Edibles and I don't have a great history, and they're both much more experienced, so dessert is likely way too strong for me. "I made sure I was almost out of whipped cream," he tells me after building a towering swirl of it atop her bowl. His finger beckons me closer, and I obey.

"Be a good girl and hold still." He knows what calling me that does. I pull a deep breath into my lungs. He takes advantage of my inflated chest and sprays a line of whipped cream between my tits, which he promptly fishes out with his tongue.

"Hey! I didn't say you could play with her yet." He shows me a small, insolent smile, hidden from her, before he puts on a steely mask of command. A quick turn and few steps carry him back to her. She holds her ground easily, but a small uptick of her lips betrays how much she enjoys him being near her. Up close, their size difference is suddenly exaggerated when his silhouette eclipses hers briefly as he crosses my vision. He strokes the backs of his fingers up her neck before capturing her chin between his index and middle finger, gently turning her face to the side and tilting her head back. His other hand sends a small stream of whipped cream onto her neck, which he laps up with a single, glacially slow pass of his tongue. When he's done he releases her, and she eyes him critically, but ultimately she can't keep the smile on her face from growing wider. "I guess that's better," she concedes.

He kisses her cheek and nips at her jaw before spinning to face me. A strained gurgle fills the kitchen as he shoots the last of the whipped cream into his mouth before offering me the can.

"Aww, you remembered my favorite," I snicker.

"You don't get to do that until you're naked."

"Yes, Sir." He won't admit how much he likes it when I call him that. He's so worried it'll go to his head and he'll forget his rules of how this is supposed to work.

"I can't wait to see you giggle from that while I feel you up," she remarks, still smoldering.

"Please fondle me while I'm high, Mistress." No one will ever make me stop calling her that. She'd never demand it, but she loves it, and she's not complicated about it. Plus, it literally feels good in my mouth.

The mouth she proceeds to kiss softly, mango lip gloss filling my senses, washing away my awareness of time as she takes what she wants. "You know I can't say no to a good girl," rings in my ears as I notice my lips are vacant as well as numb, even though I've yet to partake in any recreational substances. Her fingers grip a chunk of my ass, and I whimper as my knees go weak. "Time for you to do some work," her honeyed voice fills my ears. "Feed me my dessert, but I want you topless." She turns her head toward him. "I assume you don't have any more cleavage tricks planned."

"Nope. You're good."

Her face swings back to mine. "Whip 'em out and feed me. Get a move on, girl." As I pull my white, ribbed tank top over my head, he appears beside me to take possession of it. My bra follows. Neither of them move to touch me, so I pick up a spoon and scoop up the top of the spiraling pyramid of whipped cream. "I didn't tell you to use a spoon."

"Please don't get infused banana pudding all over my kitchen," he interjects. "That will make me unhappy for several reasons."

"Just a couple bites. I promise," she consoles him, no hint of negotiation in her voice.

"I can't say I don't want to watch that." He presses his lips to the back of my ear. "This isn't one of those times where I want you to be bad. The beating will be quite lackluster if you make a mess. Although, I would enjoy watching you clean my kitchen naked."

She's more than close enough to hear his soft, rumbling voice. "What did I say about spoilers?" she gripes.

"She already knew she was getting beaten tonight. You told me to tell her that."

She freezes for an instant with a thoughtful sqint. "You right. My bad." Eyes full of cinders flip back to mine as her smile smolders. "Now, feed me." I drop a dollop of the whipped cream onto one of my nipples, which she quickly slurps into her mouth, tugging on my tender bud with gentle suction. The other nipple receives the same treatment before she takes the small bowl from my hands. "That's enough." Her eyes find him behind me. "We don't want to be bad guests and make a mess."

His greedy hands clamp onto my ass as she lifts a full spoon to her mouth. It's my turn to watch her lips, but his kneading, needy grip is rather distracting. I struggle to keep my eyes focused when his lips start roaming my neck and shoulders, beginning a slow, purposeful consumption that mirrors her own.

My eyelids have just started to droop with a flutter when her metal spoon rattles in the glass bowl, jolting my awareness. His teeth clamping on to my shoulder amplify the effect, and my whole body tingles with a rush of anticipation. My eyes freeze, fused to her body as she moves to stand close, sending a wave of her heat over me. Her floral, leathery scent carries blissful recollections to my smile.

"Close your eyes," she directs, and they drift shut, leaving more room on my face for my grin. She begins to devour my mouth with the softest kisses. My quivering lips chase hers, only to find empty space before she kisses me from a new direction. I surrender quickly, and she takes my mouth with hers, gently and patiently.

Her hands find my waist, pulling me close, and somehow I notice he's disappeared. I'm not surprised; he loves to watch us. She sends a sigh into my mouth as her fingers dig into my ribs. Her teeth match that aggression, tugging on my bottom lip before her tongue dives in search of mine. A deep breath presses her breasts against mine. My hands go flying through the air, guided by her grip on my wrists, to land on her gorgeous ass. My fingers clench reflexively, driving her kiss to voracious levels. Her thumbs find my jaw, palms cupping my cheeks tightly while she devours my mouth.

Momentarily sated, she lets the kiss cool without going cold while I enjoy two handfuls of her butt. Her hands drop to my hips and begin to walk me backwards. I follow her lead as the floor texture changes under me, cool, rough tile morphing to smooth wood. Her hips mesmerize my hands with their sultry ticking, each peak accompanied by the click of a neon green stiletto. After a left turn, a soft rug appears under my simple grey flats, which I think is a grey and pink arabesque pattern, because I think we're in his bedroom. His cologne, ginger and other spices, confirms my suspicions.

"Keep those eyes closed, girl." A fluttering kiss lands on both my eyelids. "I'm gonna enjoy unwrapping you." She sucks in a sudden breath. The smallest change in the texture of the sound of her voice tells me she's turned her head. "You are too damn quiet when you move." I hear the faint puffs of a series of tiny kisses. "Apology accepted, but no distracting me. Hands on my ass is fine but nowhere else. Not yet. And keep your junk to yourself."

"Yes, Mistress," he replies, exaggerating her title as it leaves his mouth. He may be a top, but he still likes to let her be in charge, and he likes to watch me and her so much he's more than willing to hand over the reins.

A satisfied, jiggling, "Mmm," from her tells me his lips are still active, and that he's still atoning for his behavior. Her fingers walk their way down my ribs to the waist of my blue and grey tartan skirt as her mouth reclaims mine. Blood rushes to my hips and beyond as she tugs the zipper down and my skirt falls away. Her hands dive into my black leggings and my tiny grey panties to clutch at my butt. She disappears from my mouth as she tugs the last of my clothing to my feet, and I can't restrain the gasp from my fluttering abdomen. I step out of the puddle of my clothing, along with my shoes, gloriously naked for my mistress and master.

Her warm breath on my belly becomes a wave of fire up my limbs. I barely hear the bed creak over my rasping breath and pounding heart. Her fingernails on my calves tell me the bed creak was him sitting to get a better view. I turn my knees outward slightly to display myself to him. Her lips sample my thighs at random, moving upward, over my hips, grazing a nipple before landing on my chin.

"Open your eyes," she directs. I see him sitting on the bed, holding the empty whipped cream. "I've been looking forward to this all day." Her carnivorous eyes reduce me to frozen prey. She takes the can from him and holds it out to me. "Time to get fucked up and then get fucked," she murmurs, nose brushing my cheek.

I suck down the nitrous quickly, eager to obey the whims of my goddess. My jaw goes limp, turning my smile into a smear of melted wax as my body begins to thrum. Her fingers generate shocking distortions in the vibrations, dragging strangely pulsing lightning up my spine. Her head ticks to the side, and his palms are searing my hips before I realize it was a signal to him. His mouth goes straight for my neck, so wonderfully predictable. She strokes my breasts gently with her nails, making it difficult to breath. His growling is easy to hear when my ear is between his teeth. Her teeth one up him, latching on to a hard nipple. A squeak escapes me, hidden in an involuntary gasp. His kisses across my shoulders tilt my head down, forcing me to watch her mouth cut a burning trail to my other nipple. She slurps it into her mouth just as he grips my ass tightly, and his tongue in my ear makes my knees unhinge.

He cups my weight in his arms, hands behind my thighs, and then tosses me easily onto the bed. "Sides?" he asks.

"Mmm, yeah," she purrs, turning toward the bed.

"Don't you wanna be naked too?" he asks, shamelessly eyeing her ass.

"You mean you want me naked?"

"I want all of us naked," he responds, voice full of faux affront at her implicit accusation.

"So egalitarian," she snarks. "C'mon," she prompts him, flinging her arms into the air and eying him over her shoulder.

"Yes, Mistress." I love how sweet he is to her, never forgetting what a privilege she is. He takes his price though, which I'm sure she expected and is happy to pay. He shoves his hands under her top, lifting until his palms are full of her tits. Her eyes close for a blissful moment as he fondles her before tugging her royal blue sweater over her head. He switches tactics with her painted-on white jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them with more patience than I could manage. I see her start to melt in the heat pouring from his chest and down the arms he has wrapped around her. He kneels behind her, removing her shoes before gently pulling one foot and then the other from her jeans. Her emerald green satin thong is whisked away, eight aggressive fingers yanking it to her feet. He can't resist taking a bite of her ass, but he's gentle, because we're just getting started. Back on his feet, he frees her fabulous tits after taking another tax, sliding his hands under the band of her bra and around as soon as it's unhooked. For a moment, she wears the transcendent expression I imagine her touch puts on my face.

Momentarily sated with his taste of her, he propels her in my direction with a kiss on her neck and a gentle smack to her ass. On her hands and knees above me, she turns her gaze back down my body at him for a moment before she parks a firm kiss on my cheek. Sucking kisses walk down my jaw before she whispers, "You can use this hand, but not the other one." My fingers dig into her back, willing her closer. She presses herself against half of my body, and then begins to kiss her way downward. My fingers wrap themselves in her hair, tightening our connection, content to be idle, knowing my mistress doesn't mind when I don't interfere.

A few soft thuds tell me he's naked now. To be contrarian and for no other reason, I'm certain, because I know he loves to kiss me, he starts at my foot. Each toe gets a kiss, proving me half right, before he begins to gnaw his way up my leg. No mouthful of flesh is safe from his conquering teeth. Delirious math tells me the two of them will probably arrive at my hips simultaneously.

When they do, they share a look before kissing their way inward - his mouth feathery light while she tugs with firm suction. Their lips meet, hovering over my pussy, ignoring me totally. He lifts her, hands under her arms, until they're upright and straddling my legs. She can't withstand his mouth anymore than I can. It devours her jaw, starting at her chin and moving to the neck she promptly surrenders completely, laying back in his arms. He kisses his way to a breast, sucking aggressively on her nipple. She gasps and digs her fingers into his beard, her back finding new rigidity.

Watching him consume her makes me completely soaked. I want his teeth all over me. I want her to tell my fingers to do everything he's doing to her. I want both of them to use me until they're exhausted. I bite my lip to make myself focus, in danger of shoving my hand between my legs with an automatic need. Good girls don't touch themselves unless they've been told to.

Her hand farther from me, to ensure I have the best possible view, abandons his beard in favor of his dick. She starts to stroke it slowly while her eyes bore into mine, with the occasional flutter when he moves to a new sensitive spot. "Torturing and using you has been fun, but I wanna watch you work for it." His hands leap to her tits while she lectures me. "I wanna watch you worship this dick, and that's just the beginning." A small groan clenches her stomach as his lecherous grip distracts her momentarily.

She pulls his face to hers and attacks him with a wild kiss while dragging one of his hands to her smooth pussy. Their mouths battle aggressively, contrasting with the more gentle action of their stroking fingers. She pulls her lips from his, panting. "I want you on your back," she tells him, "but I wanna come first." She clamps her hand over his, directing him inside her, entirely unnecessary, since he loves to make her come as much as he loves destroying me. His other hand grips her ass, pulling her close, sinking deeper into her. She sucks on his heavy shoulders and thick neck while he works his fingers inside her.

Her kisses turn to bites as her orgasm nears, digging in her teeth to buy recovery time between the waves of bliss threatening to wash her away. I'm envious that he gets to please her, that his fingers are where I want mine. But I'm doing exactly what I've been told to do, and being a good girl makes watching them even hotter. My pussy gushes when he gets rough with her as she starts to moan loudly, his fingers leaving her ass to tangle in her hair. He tilts her head back to grasp her neck lightly with the broad expanse of his teeth. She fucks his hand firmly, demanding the push that will bring her to the end she needs. He bites her shoulder to anchor her while he strokes deeply and firmly inside her until her body shakes as she screams.

She shudders in his hands as he lays her gently beside me, where she can reach the half she's responsible for. A few more strokes inside her while she recovers make her vibrate. His face sprouts the grin I love before his eyes tell me he's taking control. Since I know his purpose is to make her come again, I'm totally in.

He kisses his way up her body, fingers still taking her slowly. His motion above her pops her eyes open. "Wha-" is all she gets before his mouth claims hers. The surprise on her face melts into bliss quickly. I'm informed of my part in the goings-on when he reaches to me with his other hand, grips my hair, and drags my face to her breast. I latch on greedily, both hands cupping her succulent flesh.

His mouth releases hers as he kisses his way toward her chest. I hear the breath she takes to admonish him for his audacity. Instead of words of authority from my mistress, she expels nothing but shredded air when he snaps a gentle bite onto her other nipple. We feast on her while her hips roll beneath us, his fingers never wavering in their task. She digs into my hair, and her tight grip pulls me closer, blessing me with a comforting security.

Her moans are growing louder when he pulls her fingers from my hair. Expecting he'll want me to move, I rise to my hands and knees. "Kiss her," he mouths. Successful anticipation sends a content pleasure thrumming through my body. I stretch myself up her chest, dragging my body against her, until my mouth can reach hers. Our smiles collide feverishly. After a moment, her breathing slows, and I know he's backed off because he wants to watch us make out while he gets her off.