Extending the MILF List Ch. 03


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I took another step lower and there was Chris, balls deep in Annie and as if on cue, as if I arrived on the scene only to observe, she bucked into a thrashing, keening climax while Chris rode her, pounding her tight little body hard from behind. His exertions shifted the rail. The guy on the other end groaned and responded, popping the two women back and forth with staccato little jerks which precipitated another orgasm in Annie and another, with each succeeding one magnified beyond the scale of the last one. She seemed to be in the throes of an orgasmic frenzy that controlled her little body and made her strong and demanding while bound to the rail, utterly helpless. The rail jerked and clicked, making Laura twitch and sigh. Chris hammered Annie harder and harder and she responded with full-voiced grunts. Her body seemed to draw tenser and tenser with each release, rewinding and then snapping through the climax. She did not stop and Chris did not stop the progression, a strange voice did.

"Uh, Chris? Chris!" The voice called.

I flinched, my eyes fixed on the fucking couple below me, their utter focus on fucking and being fucked, on the orgasms and it was incredible. My cock returned with a throbbing vengeance.

"Chris! Hey, Chris!"

Chris froze. "What? What, goddammit, what?"

His snarl surprised me. It sounded feral but I noticed Annie shivered, her arms stretched over her head, elbows to her ears, her little ass bunched up between them. Chris had his hands on her waist and used her to accelerate his pummeling but the shifting rail below her was still, without the reverberation on the other end. He pulled back and eased into her once more and she groaned loudly, her head shook back and forth, showing me her covered eyes.

"Chris!" The voice said again.

My eyes did not leave Annie.

"What? What the fuck, Sean?" Chris finally looked up or opened his eyes or whatever because he looked back and up at me.

I glanced at the other end of the rail and found the naked guy pointing at me. Chris had seen him pointing and now he was looking at me.

"Hey Sonny." He said, overly casually. "Merry fucking Christmas. Want a go?" He pulled out of Annie and she objected, her voice tense, wordless, and demanding. The bitch loved to fuck.

I staggered down the stairs. My eyes flitting around trying not to stare any more. I could not help it. I was seeing Laura filled with a new cock and I had a sense of what that must be like for her. She was genuinely being used, fucked by a stranger while her son watched. The conflicting emotions must have boiled in her and, mixed with her obvious arousal, must have made for a very colorful climax. Her head lifted and she pointed her covered eyes at me.

"Sonny?" Her voice mewled at me. There was a plea in it but for the life of me I could not understand what she was pleading for. In my mind, she was getting exactly what she wanted.

"You're Sonny Duncan?" The guy planted in Laura Wills asked.

I nodded dumbly, my cock tenting my pants so obviously I could not hide it so I did not even try. The guy's eyes did a flicker glance to check out my package. He pulled out of Laura. I swear, I think I flinched when I saw his cock. It was long, crooked, and skinny but the head looked deformed. It was broad but irregular and brown, it reminded me of an Asian mushroom. It looked like the rabbi wasn't wearing his glasses or had too much holiday cheer or something because the usually neat bullet crown was no where to be seen. In its place as a more or less flat, irregular shape more like a shield, almost shaped like a little flower, so many curves did it have. My eyes took all this in with interest before flicking away, the same sort of inspection he had given me.

"I am Sean Favors. We've met but, I don't remember you. Sorry. I know we've met, though."

Sean Favors was a kid from high school who had gone away on a basketball scholarship. He and I never ran in the same social circles. "Not like this." I muttered. I looked at Chris. "What the fuck is going on here?"

Chris was staring at me and he looked suitably guilty. He didn't answer, though.

Sean did. "We're, uh, we're trading mothers." He blushed clear down to his bare nipples. It was so fast and so immediate I thought for a moment something was wrong with him. Then just like that it was gone. You'd think with that sort of exertion he'd have been red. His body was angular, but gaunt, broad shoulders, flat chest with a protruding sternum and lank stomach, haunches and legs and basketball white, like he never, ever went out into the sunshine. He did not look like an athlete but he could hit the three from anywhere on the circle. I remembered that from high school.

I regarded him for a moment, with his dripping, misshapen cock. "Trading mothers?" I looked at Chris and back again at the tall guy.

"I want to fuck my mom, Sonny. Chris, he said you'd help."

Chris regained control of himself, pulled his cock out of Annie and said, "Put your pants on and let's go have a beer."

"I have my pants on." I said, completely deadpan, which was easy because I was still not entirely awake...but I was getting there. Sammy would have been proud.

Chris rolled his eyes but still smiled. I had not lost my touch.

The tall guy did as instructed, pulled on a polo shirt while Chris did the same, dressing. Chris padded in stocking feet over to the stairs.

"Uh, what about, uh what about them?" Sean asked, staring at the two nude woman bound to the rail, neither of which were speaking but lay bent over their respective ends of the rail, fully compliant, panting still from their recent orgasms.

"They'll be fine. Wait, toss the blankets over them so they don't get cold. And the leggings and socks." Chris spoke with such casualness!

I waited while the two guys covered the nude woman and put on leggings and stockings so they didn't chill in the basement. Chris opened the vent overhead to put a little more warmth into the chill air and we all trudged upstairs.

Chris got us beers and we sat down in the living room. The silence was awkward. It was like I could feel the pussy emanating from downstairs. It was distracting.

When no one spoke, I pulled my mind's eyes off the two woman and looked at Chris. "So? What is this about?"

Chris grimaced, swallowed and spoke. "Sean, here, wants to fuck his mother. I told him you could help."

"Uh huh." I wanted to ask how all that came about but decided to keep my trap closed for the moment.

"See, its not like it sounds. We were on the plane back. Mom and dad had a big fight and so we came back Christmas morning rather than later in the week, just Mom and I, not Dad. Sean was on the plane and we traded seats to commiserate."

"Commiserate? About what?"

"Christmas was fucked. He got kicked out of school."

"I got kicked off the basketball team." Sean offered. "Lost my scholarship. I avoided coming home till Mom went to the Bahamas. Told her I had a girlfriend and I was meeting her parents. Mom huffed and puffed and went to the Bahamas."

"I found out his Christmas was fucked up and invited him home with us, you know for a little Christmas cheer."

"Uh huh." I said again, to let them know I was listening.

"We fucked Mom." Chris said. "Last night. All night." Then his eyes twitched. "What are you doing here, anyway? Just drop by?"

"Your mom sent me a text."

"It wasn't like that." Sean said. "We sat up drinking hot toddies and Chris said he could get the neighbor lady to come fuck us."

"Annie." Chris said helpfully.

"Uh huh." I repeated.

"I said, uh, well, I said I'd rather pork his mom." Sean flushed scarlet again. "We were pretty well in the bag by then. I, I would never have said that if I was, you know."

"Sober." I said helpfully.

"Right. Sober." He took a draw from his beer and sat forward, all elbows and knees. The furniture did not fit him particularly well. He had regular brown hair and a long face with a lantern jaw except that it was more pointed but still the larger portion of his face. It all matched his tall frame, his basketball frame.

For a moment I thought his face looked like his cock and almost giggled. The thought was mean and I realized I was a little irate that he had been planted in Laura Wills, despite my near-certainty that she had been climaxing around his cock. I did not want to be petty; Laura surely responded to being fucked by this stranger, a guy that she did not know, or at least I presumed she did not know Sean Favors. Well, she did by now.

"I said it before I could stop myself and thought I was going to get punched but Chris, fucking Chris says, oh yeah? Like it wasn't nothing. He grinned and said he remembered my mother and thought we could work out a deal. I could fuck his mom if he could fuck mine."

Chris took up the narration. "That was when Sean here got all flustered. He asked if I thought he could really fuck my mother. I told him I was a hundred percent certain of it. He bet me a hundred bucks I was lying. I told him I could go up right now and fuck her. He could too, if he wanted."

"Fuck, I didn't believe him. I told him he was just fucking with me."

"Since when did you two become such buddies?" I asked.

"Jealous?" Chris said, that flinty tone in his voice. "Have you ever met Sean's mom?"

I looked at the other kid and shook my head. I had no recollection. Why would I have met this guy's mother? No reason at all.

"She is unbelievable. Sean kept insisting that I was lying, you know, about fucking my own mother."

"I finally told him I wanted to fuck my mom but, but I could never imagine actually doing so." Sean added hurriedly, like it was something he was about to forget and had to say before it left him altogether.

Here Chris got a little sheepish. The shift was so abrupt it alerted me to his penchant for acting and being on stage. He had never done that with us, his buddies before—we were all blown away the first time we saw him on stage. He was great, really great!

"I told him that you could fuck his mother and then figure out a way to get her to fuck him."

"Can you do that?" Sean asked, looking up from his big, folded hands. "Could you get her to fuck me?"

"Why would you tell him that?" I asked Chris, looking daggers at him.

Chris had the good manners to blush himself. "Because you fucked my mom and then arranged for her to fuck me. I figured you could do the same thing for Sean here." He stared at me for a moment, meeting my stare with one of his own, equally unblinking. "Sonny, just meet her, just once and you'll see what I mean. You'll want to fuck her."

"You mean you want to fuck her." I said, no question about it.

Chris nodded. "The whole world wants to fuck her."

"Want to see her?" Sean asked. "She still models some. She was never a fashion model. She was a Playboy model. She keeps her letter from Hef framed in her bedroom."

Okay, that changed the whole discussion. I may be shallow but I am not stupid. Hef has great taste. "So, let me get this straight. You want me to fuck your mom and then arrange for her to fuck you? In exchange, you fuck Mrs. Wills there?" My little lizard brain was dancing. I had the perfect solution. My cock got hard and all I could do was stare, imagining how to make this all work out.

"I have a sister." Sean said. "You can fuck her too."

I developed a twitch. I looked over at him and grunted. "Uh huh." I waited. I used the time to reflect on how the private world ends up reflecting the public world.

Sean colored up again and finally dropped his head into his hands. "Okay, okay, I want to fuck her, too."

"Which? Mommy or sister?" I asked dryly. I looked at Chris. "So that is why you went first?"

Chris shrugged.

I knew the answer to that but I dared not say it.

"Mrs. Favors is fine and you know I always wanted to do the mother-daughter thing." The look in Chris' eyes was telling. The fucker was working an angle. Of all of us, he was the one I would have least expected to be working angles. He was. The fucker was thinking of my mom...and Tawny. That is what he was after! Now, now I understood.

My cock got really hard. I glanced at the clock. It was nearly four. The girls would be home by five or six. My cock throbbed. My head hurt and I felt that ebullience when something clicks and comes clear.

"I can show you a picture of mom." Sean said, his voice a tense, high whine. "I, I have never done anything like this." His eyes shifted back and forth, "you know, like uh, downstairs. But goddamn I love it." He looked over at Chris. "You can totally fuck my mom, Chris. Really."

"And there's the rub." Chris intoned, quoting the bard.

We went to his room and Sean pulled up his mother's Facebook page. Holy shit, she was hot. Red curls, tits, ass, she had it going on. "When was that picture taken?" I asked.

"This summer. She likes the camera."

"The camera likes her. I can definitely see that she would be a great...er...challenge."

"You can fuck her." Sean said.

As if I needed his permission, though it was good to have it.

"I will definitely fuck her." I decided.

"I have no confidence that I can do that. Hence you." Chris nodded in my direction. "Sean's mom does fuck. We know that. Quilla too, but I have no idea how to make this all happen."

I nodded. "All you know how to do is tie up your mother and let him fuck her." I said dryly.

"Oh no, we fucked her last night. She sucked me while Chris fucked her and then she mounted me while Chris did her in the ass." Sean jingled happily. "This morning though, shit, I never imagined. I went back to the guest room last night and left them...Chris snores. I got up late this morning and showered and thought I would find them still in the sack but no, Chris was fixing breakfast and Mrs. Wills was no where to be seen." He snorted with laughter. "I was busting at the seams trying to figure out what was going on. Chris was so casual. Finally, after we had a second cup of coffee, he told me he thought they had waited long enough and told me to follow him. We went downstairs and there they were, two women, nude, bound up like that. Jesus, just waiting to be fucked. Chris gestured to me and said, 'take your pick'. The rest you know."

"The text?"

"What'd it say?" Chris asked.

"I sent it." Sean injected, coloring up again. "Saw her phone laying on the nightstand when I went looking for you guys and I sent it. After you said Sonny could help me fuck my mom, I just couldn't wait."

I looked at Chris. Something did not make sense...oh, the pin on the phone. Laura must have given consent somehow, to let Sean use her phone...which contained some more implied consent. You know, I decided, that doesn't really matter. I was here now. Still, something worth remembering. "Here's how this is going to work, Chris." My tone must have sounded dire because his face flinched. "Sean is going to start an affair with your mother. He will fuck her whenever he likes, however he likes. Only him. No more for you. You simply cannot go there any longer."

"What about Annie?"

I shrugged. "Let me finish. I am thinking this through. Sean, when does your mother get home?"

"Friday, no a week from today, after New Years."

"You fuck Mrs. Wills and then go pick up mommy dearest smelling like sex. That day, I mean."

Sean nodded, eagerly. Chris did not seem so happy about the arrangement. I meant it that way. He wandered off the reservation and there was going to be consequences.

"You tell your mother everything that happened at school, why you are home, your lies, everything. When she asks why you tell the truth now, tell her, someone advised you to do it."

"Uh huh, okay." Sean sounded a little more doubtful.

"You keep fucking Mrs. Wills till your mother asks about it. Take her home, fuck her in your bed if you can get away with that."

"You mean mom?" Sean looked astonished but thrilled. Another mother fucker, no doubt about it.

"No, numbnuts, Laura."


"Mrs. Wills. You need to learn her name. As soon as you can, start doing her in your house, in your bed or wherever. Some place Sean's mommy is likely to catch you dick down in Mrs. Wills." I had to fucking spell it out for him.

"Oh shit, that would make Quill crazy! Mom might let me but she got all up in Quill's shit for doing it in the house." Sean was smiling.

"You're objective is to get caught. You want your mother to see you balls deep in Laura MILF. If she opens the door, don't stop fucking her, come while your mother is watching. Once you get to that point, call me. I'll take care of the rest."

Both Sean and Chris looked at me with wildly different looks on their faces.

I focused on my friend and decided to torture him, just for a few minutes, because he volunteered me for this; just recompense. "No, Chris. No more Annie. In fact..." I got up and went down to the basement. I was unwrapping Annie when Chris and Sean appeared.

"Go home, Annie. Don't come over here again till I tell you that you can. If you do, if I find out about it..." I did not finish. "You'll owe me more than your niece." I said darkly in a tone too low for the other two guys to hear. She nodded, her eyes wide, which for a Chinese woman made her look really frightened. She gathered up her clothing and disappeared. I looked at Chris. "Give her to him." I said softly.

Chris stared but then finally, he nodded, like he surrendered. He looked at Sean. "If I could have done it without him, I would have. Now we have to do what he says." Chris was talking to himself but Sean nodded. Good for both of them to fit that into their brain pans. Chris went over to where his mother was still bound to the rail. "Mom, you are Sean's now, and Sonny's. Not mine. You don't do anything I say till Sonny says so. Okay?" He had laid his hand on her back. Her blond head was turned away from him. When she did not respond, Chris knotted his hand in her hair and pulled her head up. "Okay?"

She mumbled something and then nodded.

"Take her." I said to Sean. "She's yours."

He looked gobsmacked to the max. "Now?"

"Now." I said. While Sean was stripping off his clothing, I walked over to Laura and ran a hand down her smooth, pale back over the bulge of her ass. "Mrs. Wills, are you okay?" I asked.

She turned her head towards me. "Sonny, hi. Yes, I'm okay. What does he mean? I am Sean's?"

"You are his lover. You met him on the plane, invited him home for a holiday meal with you and Chris and then seduced him after Chris went to bed. You are in lust with him. You love his cock and you want it in you all the time."

"Oh Sonny, really?"

I slapped her ass. Laura jerked and then groaned.

"Yes, Sonny."

"He is going to have you any time he wants. Not Chris. Till Sean is done, till Sean fucks his own mother, you are the substitute. Do you understand?"

Laura nodded vigorously. Her blond hair flew. "Yes, Sonny." Then her eyes found me again. "Fuck his mother?"

I nodded. "You are going to help us seduce her."

Laura Wills actually smiled. "Like the others?" She asked, her voice quivering like a harp string.

"Like the others, if you like." I agreed.

She surprised me though. She shook her head. "No. I want it like, with Clara." She said.

I remembered Laura, a very different version of Laura and I found that prospect arousing. It hooked my head and left me jiggering the thought around, trying to see how it fit.

Naked Sean appeared in my narrow vision, his very odd cock fully erect. He stood looking at me, waiting. I nodded. "Put that thing in her. Remember, get it while its hot. Once you are ready to get caught, take her to your home and fuck her till mommy dearest catches you. Got it?" I tapped Laura on the small of the back, "the objective here, Laura, is for Sean to fuck his own mother, the same way Chris has been fucking you. She needs to see him with you, know that you are laying down for him. She needs to be jealous of you. She needs to want to be you. Got that? Once she sees you fucking him, I'll take over and you and I are going to fuck her. I guarantee you will enjoy fucking this woman." My voice had descended into a low, smooth growl. I gestured to Sean. "What are you waiting for?"
