Extending the MILF List Ch. 03


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Pitiful. I thought of Laura, though, and again I had that feeling that I understood her better now. It gave me a twinge, the thought that enduring this teasing from D. Debra made me better able to elicit the pleasure from Laura Wills. I felt so proud.

I lay down on my bed with an arm over my eyes feeling curiously conflicted and utterly ashamed but of what, precisely, varied depending on the direction I faced. How could I ever tell D. Debra about the MILF list or lists, or Sid's arrangement with Alissa or Mr. Cheng and his interview process or the various strangers and the opportunity fucks they represented, or my relationship with my mother, or my sisters for that matter? That led to the inevitable cascade of both dread and recriminations because, no matter how I turned it, the hope of having a prosaic romance with a nice girl with big tits, great ass, and legs seemed impossible to me.

Yeah, D. Debra Hamilton is no nice girl but still, I wanted to treat her like she was. I dreaded the moment when I had to either tell her or face the future when she discovered the spectrum of my lust, my penchant for fucking strange all the way to mommy dearest. I was a slut. I felt bad about that in between feeling bad about not fucking Mom or my sisters, neglecting Alissa or helping Laura into a new utility with a whole set of new strangers willing to fence their female parent in exchange for a shot a her blond pussy. I lay there for a while utterly unable to move. The guilt and then some shame rattled through me, leaving me breathless and immobile.

Tawny knocked on my door and stuck her head in all doe-eyed and suggestive. I had a knot in my stomach the size of Texas. I waved her away, telling her I was sleeping in my room tonight. She looked so crushed, after she closed the door I dashed to the door and called her back to explain who had called and that I was, well, conflicted. She seemed relieved that she was competing with love, rather than being the butt of indifference. She seemed comforted by the comparison oddly enough. She patted me on the cheek in her sisterly manner, the old sisterly manner before she sister-fucked me into submission and agreed to take a break saying she had had plenty of cock today and tomorrow would be soon enough.

Believe me, I got the implication. I closed the door and lay down on the bed again and decided I had turned into a pussy. Just then Brent called and though he wanted to chat and I felt better hearing from him, I blew him off the phone with the understanding we'd talk more tomorrow morning at 10 when the first ball game started. He was coming over but I begged off an extended conversation, using the excuse that I had to call the other guys. I did so. Landon panted into the phone and Darlene (and Kyla) said "hello", in person, panting as they did so, their breathy voices leaving no doubt as to what I had interrupted. Chris answered on the first ring and wanted to discuss Tawny and what he should say but I blew him off the phone too. I called Sammy's house again and he answered and the lurch of disappointment in my gut told me I had been hoping Alissa would answer the phone. That was why I called the house and not his cell. I thought about asking to speak to her but left it as an unasked request. I managed to just invite Sammy over and escape a conversation. He'd be over around ten.

Suddenly I was both alone and exhausted. I was so nervous, I had no idea what to do. I turned on the TV in my room and fell asleep watching football. I did not lock my door, thought. I awoke around one, turned off the TV and went to bed. Despite that, I did not wake till well after the blisters were gone off to work. I was just done clearing the night's cobwebs when the doorbell rang. I had not eaten anything and was famished. I let Chris in and he sat and talked while I fixed me something for breakfast—pouring milk on Frosty Flakes; I'm such a chef.

Chris seemed nervous and twitchy, which I chalked up to being right there inside Tawny's house. He looked fully relieved when the bell rang and he left me to let in Brent and Sammy after we heard the roaring arrival of Sammy's Camaro. While I rinsed out my bowl and put it in the dishwasher, it occurred to me that Chris was sitting in my kitchen thinking about fucking my sister, for which he had nothing to trade me. He did not consider the benefit this had for me or that there was any benefit at all to me. So it made sense he would be a little twitchy—to say nothing of the new restriction on his mother. I bumped my forehead as he opened the door; I should have asked him about Laura and Sean, just to remind him. Sammy and Brent came in followed by Chris and we flopped in the living room. Landon arrived shortly thereafter. We settled in the living room and waited for the game to start.

"So? How's the MILF list treating you guys?" Brent asked, a cardboard joviality in his voice.

For an uncomfortable few moments we all looked around at each other and no one spoke.

"Mom and Darlene are wearing me out." Landon said finally, bobbing his head. He looked around at us with a flush in his cheeks. "They both want to add another cock to the picture because apparently being double-teamed has virtually the same appeal for them both. They talk about it all the time, sometimes with me...er...while using me, using my..." It was hilarious to see Landon sputter to a stop. "They want another cock, is the upshot." He finally finished.

Sammy waved his had. "Pick me! Pick me! Fucking Sonny is ignoring Mom and she is grouchy as a bear with a thorn in her paw. Damn, but she has been hard to live with since he bailed on her. Least he could do would be to throw her a fuck once a week or so, so my life would not be so miserable. I am not getting any at all."

"Bullshit, Sammy. You ought to be paying Annie rent." Chris growled.

"Oh, well, yeah, there's that." Sammy grinned. He looked at Chris a little weird, "I, uh, I have done your mom a time or two, Chris. Hope you don't mind."

Chris looked at me, not Sammy. "Oh, no, I don't mind." He said, his face a mixture of resentment and lust. The old Chris who might have been inscrutable was completely gone except for the fact that the emotions he felt were so predictable. Embarrassment or shame had kept him quiet for most of his life, as long as we had known him, but no more. Both had been initiated by a whole menu of things. He grinned then but it was glassy, reflecting, not translucent, "Even with us doing her, Annie still complains that she is being neglected."

I wondered if Chris was going to confess anything, aunts, uncles, sharing his Mom with Sean Favors, his hardon for my sister? Nothing of the sort. He clammed up.

I looked at Brent, "Well? What's up with you and Natasha? Your dad find out about you two yet?"

Brent rolled his eyes. "Don't go there. They fight over the phone and then she comes in and...well, let's say she likes make up sex even when the old man is not even in the same state. She has told me a dozen times that we have to stop. I raged the first few times but now I just point and laugh. That just makes her more angry and then we..." Brent looked around the room. "Do you guys really want to hear this? Shouldn't we be asking Sonny about Deedee Hamilton?"

A general clamor followed but I shushed everyone and pointed to the TV because the game was starting. They were having none of that. Landon leaned over and snatched the controller out of my hand and muted the game.

"Sonny, you got to tell us what the hell is going on. Shit, it's like you died. We never see you." Brent insisted.

"I was studying. The MILF list sort of fucked up my classes."

"Fucked up! That's a laugh!" Chris muttered.

"His mommy ran away." Sammy said, chortling behind his hand. "He's so sad."

The other guys did not know what he was talking about and now, when they heard about it they were puzzled. I figured Alissa must have slipped but when pressed, Sammy confessed it was his Aunt Melissa. That bitch. It also told me something that the 'Mom network' had not leaked the circumstances in my house.

"Turns out, our man Sonny has been negotiating with much larger enterprises for pussy beyond the MILF list." Sammy gave me a look all stern with an arched eyebrow and everything. "You want to tell them about it or shall I?"

"What about your Mom. Where is she? Now that you mention it, I have not seen or heard from her for...weeks." Landon said.

"Me, neither." Brent interjected, his voice filled with pathos. He sounded like he was speaking of the dead.

I rolled my eyes. "That's a long story."

"Longer than your dick?" Sammy asked straight faced.

"Leave my dick out of this." I growled and Sammy laughed at me, shooting me the finger. Alissa was a subtext.

"I was a little miffed about Mom refusing me but when Aunt Melissa told me your mom had scarpered, I guess I figured things were evening out after all."

"Yeah, well he has sisters." Chris muttered.

Landon apparently did not hear because he insisted I tell them what was up with my dear mother. "So where is your mother? Do we get...er...are we going to see your lovely mother here today? I, for one, would love to wish her Merry Christmas!" His eyes were totally serious.

Suddenly I knew what my buddies were thinking; it was 'piece de Cici' time in their mind.

"She's not here." I said and stopped, suddenly confronted with how much of my life extended beyond the MILF list.

"I can see that. Where is she and don't tell me she is at work." Landon looked sideways at Sammy.

I was caught but decided I could try to deflect and distract. "I think I'm in love." I muttered, my eyes on the carpet. Oh, the uproar, you'd have thought I was announcing I was gay and wanted everyone to contribute a piece of their ass to my new hobby. When the hoots and howling quieted I told them about meeting the infamous Double D Hamilton—it was so bad with me that I felt distinctly uncomfortable calling her "Double D" like they did. The disrespect felt terrible. I persisted, hoping it would go away. It didn't but other distractions would appear. I was tiptoeing around all the embarrassing land mines I had planted in my own backyard, including the fact I was in the process of extending the MILF list to my own sisters who are hardly MILFs...it became rapidly clear to me that I had not thought through this confrontation with my friends, the brotherhood of the MILF list, very well.

"Sonny, Sonny, Sonny, you have to tell us all about that!" Landon hooted, like he had any fucking room to talk.

But then, from the jaws of horrible embarrassing and potentially uncomfortable confession, I was saved.

The garage door began to raise, rumbling and bumping.

Everyone looked at me, Chris with the most intense stare.

I felt the most confusion of my life. I was happy my sisters were interrupting this but I also worried that Tawny might be with them and that simple fact suddenly made me uncomfortable. I was patently uncertain I would be able to hide the fact I was doing my sister from my buddies. Plus, and this is likely what bothered me the most, I wondered if Chris would understand that he was second in the "do Tawny" line. What would he think if he looked into my eyes and saw lust reflected. On the other hand, what would he think if there wasn't? It was a conundrum.

"Is that by any chance your dear mother?" Sammy asked, clearly knowing better.

I squirmed, I stuttered, I changed the subject. "Hey," I gestured at the TV, "anyone want a beer? It's almost noon."

"Sonny, its ten-twenty." Brent remonstrated, precise as always.

"It's noon somewhere." Landon said nodding. "Beer for me. Fuck the clock." Everyone else nodded and for the moment I was off the hook. I danced out to the garage to find the garage door open and Tawny at the wheel of Mom's car, blocked from entrance by Sammy's ugly parking job, slanting across the access to the garage. I waved at Tawny, a little confused because she was alone in the car and ran to the door. I yelled at Sammy he had to move his car. I went to the garage fridge and found it was bare of beer. I cursed then looked at my beautiful sister. She could buy us beer! What a happy coincidence. I ran out to her car and asked her to roll down the window.

She gestured to the back seat. "I went to the store. I am going to make pizza for you and your friends. I got snacks and I'll make cookies later." She smiled impishly, daring me to say something about her plans.

"There's no beer." I groused.

Her face registered the truth of it. She looked positively guilty. "Oh, yes, well, we have been drinking your beer, you know, to take the edge off. You weren't drinking it. Didn't want it to get stale." She was reaching. We both seemed to be straining to return back to the brother-sister, bother-blister, dynamic of the past. It was a challenge but we have long years as bother-blister and the habits were easy to fall into again. "I'll go get you beer. Don't worry. It's not even noon."

"It's noon somewhere." I returned, poaching Landon's line.

"I'll pull in and you can help me unload and then I'll make a beer run."

I nodded, looking her right in the tits, trying to see down her blouse. She noticed and pulled her coat closed over the V that revealed her cleavage. "Sonny! Quit it!" She shrilled but her voice held delight and not the antagonism of the past; not quite blister or sister, more like female, like a woman taking pleasure at being noticed.

Sammy got out of his car.

I waved to him and told him I was out of beer and that I'd help Tawny unload the car and then she'd make a beer run. He nodded and ran back into the house. I turned to follow Tawny into the garage and suddenly my cock snapped erect. A moment later the garage door began descending behind me. My heart hammered in my chest again. There was something surpassingly sexy about Tawny closing the door to hide us from view. She got out of the car and just stood there, watching me as I came around the car.

Twelve hours was too long. I pushed the car door closed and took her in my arms and kissed her. Her lips were fire and lava, her tongue plunged into my mouth immediately. She groaned as I pressed her back against the car. The kiss shattered and we were staring at each other. Her hand slithered between us and she caressed my cock.

That simple action, the velvet admission that she knew I was hard, that I was hard for her, and that she wanted me as much as I wanted her thrilled me. I opened her coat and unbuttoned four of the buttons of her white blouse. She shivered against the car, her hands trilling up and down my sides. Once her bra was revealed, I pulled it up and off her tits and took one in my mouth. Her nipple was hard against my tongue.

Tawny groaned loudly in the dull light of the garage. I sucked at the breast hard, leaving a large mark on the slope and then shifted down to pull the nipple and the flesh around it into my mouth. Tawny squirmed. Her body was alive with motion and had she not been wearing a business suit, I would have fucked her right there against the car.

"Oh Sonny, please, no. Your friends, they, they...uh god, Sonny, that feels so exciting, so marvelous." She held my head as I bent her against the car and laved her breasts with lips and tongue. Her nipples were hard little nubs. I sucked one back into my mouth and she groaned again. I heard the bump near the kitchen door and we jumped apart like we'd been shocked with a tazer. Tawny skipped to the fridge and opened it, hiding her dishabille from whoever was at the door.

It opened and Chris stuck his head out. The light went out.

"Get the light, would you Chris?" I said as I opened the back door of the car and pulled several sacks of groceries against me to hide my happy tent.

"I guess you're right. There is no beer. I could have sworn there was some of that stuff you like." Tawny said to the refrigerator.

The garage light came on.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Chris said, his voice pitched funny so that it barely sounded like him.

God, but I felt caught, guilty as hell. "I am going to unload the car and then Ditz will go get us beer, won't you Ditz?"

From her sheltered place behind the fridge door, she turned to glare at me, her bra was mostly in place but she was still buttoning the blouse. The slope of her right breast showed a large, obvious hickey. Oops.

"Open the garage door, Chris. I'll be right back with the beer." Tawny said, a finger rubbing the bruise on her breast before she tucked the blouse over it and buttoned it.

The garage door began to raise. I staggered up the stairs and into the kitchen. Chris let the door go closed and went back into the living room. "Duncan is out of beer!" He announced and joined the jeers. "He is sending his sister to go get some, so never fear."

I set the plastic bags down on the counter, pressing my cock hard against it, trying to get it to deflate. "I have to get a couple more bags, I'll be right back. I darted out the garage door, my tent flying high.

Tawny stood by the car and her eyes found my cock as I came down the stairs. She goggled but then snickered. "You are looking well, Mr. Duncan." She tittered.

"You are an evil woman." I said. Then I thought I would torture her. "I am going to fuck you today. With my friends right in the next room."

Her eyes flashed and then she got into the car and started it.

"Wait. I need to get the rest of the stuff." I opened the back and got the remaining bags. Finally it occurred to me to ask, "What are you doing home?"

"Oh, I took Georgia and Dalia to work. I took the rest of the week off. I told them about Double D. They are going to a holiday party tonight so they will be home late. They are going to find dates for New Year's since you are off the menu." She looked up at me. "I uh thought you might need someone to make pizza or serve snacks, or whatever. You know, whatever."

I nodded. I grinned and felt stupid. What the hell was I grinning about? She pulled out and I took the rest of the groceries into the kitchen. I was putting things away when Sammy hollered for me to leave that to the woman and come give an account of my non-MILF activities.

I got all the refrigerated or frozen stuff put away and then did as they demanded, but not before using a bag of frozen corn to reduce the swelling in my pants. I was more or less normal when I returned to the living room.

A commercial came on and Sammy looked around. "Well, Sonny? You want to tell it or should I?"

I had a feeling of vertigo, mainly because I had no idea what Melissa had told Sammy about the situation. Or, for that matter, what Alissa had told Melissa. I shrugged. "You'll likely tell any story better than me, Sammy, go ahead." I could see by the look on his face that he had been bluffing because he looked disappointed.

He was not done in yet. "Okay. Where is your mom, Sonny. We all were looking for a little more of her than we have had. Where is she?"

I decided right then to make them pull everything out of me. Right. That sounded good but I was still me. All I had to do was stall till Tawny got back, but that could take a while. I had to make this good or I was going to tell everything I knew. They all knew that, but they did not know the transformation that was overtaking me. "She is in China. It seems, my fine feathered friends, that Sid Kingston has a cock the size of my arm or my head and our dear Annie finds getting it all inside her voracious little snatch to be a challenge. My mother, however, does not." I stopped, as though that explained everything.

"She took me in her ass, remember." Brent said in his logical 'I can explain everything' professorial voice. Everyone nodded, those faraway looks bespoke a remembrance of things past.