Extending the MILF List Ch. 05


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Dalia's hand found mine, clamped onto Georgia's ass. She suddenly flinched, and broke the kiss. She twisted around to look in Herman's direction. He must have touched her because he spoke, his voice was thick with post orgasmic pleasure.

"How but a kiss for Herman?" He mumbled.

Dalia left me and snuggled up to the black man and kissed him. He towered over her. Her head bent back and they kissed like newlyweds.

"Herman? Herman, goddammit!" Gloria did not seem to be too happy to be sharing. "What are you doing?" The woman, a Rorschach image of black and white to my watering eyes, seemed to be twisting, but she was as flexible as a passenger train and could only look around enough to see Georgia still humming her own tune of happiness.

"Goddammit, Herman, what are you doing?"

I pulled out of Georgia and she staggered back against me. She fumbled with her skirt. I pulled my pants up and got Mr. Happy safely tucked away. Our froth was already turning to ice. God it was cold! I buckled up.

Dalia seemed intent on dry humping friend Herman. Her arousal steamed around her like a silver white aura.

Georgia, her clothing more or less arranged, pulled at Dalia's elbow. Dalia shook her off. Now, Georgia did not take kindly to being shaken off like that. She grasped Dalia by both shoulders and pulled.

Herman released her with a loud smack.

"Goddammit, Herman! Let go of me. I'm going to smack the black right off you!"

"Dalia, we need to go!" Georgia hissed.

"That man can kiss!" Dalia warbled, sounding utterly drunk. Then she giggled. "He has real lips! Got a big, huge cock, just like they say, too!"

"Herman! Goddammit, that was her hand?" The woman stood up and turned around. A huge hand bag flung around in a wide arc. Herman lifted a forearm and it connected.

I grabbed Dalia and Georgia and motored them to the door. It opened to the mindless fanfare beyond, and the warmth. The cold was stalking me like a mummy and I felt it closing in. Through the door, I heard the parting screech from Gloria just before I pulled it closed behind Georgia.

"Dally, we need to go. Now." Georgia said. She turned to me, took my head in her two hands, one of which held her purse she had retrieved from Dalia. She kissed me, the purse pressed against my face. "We'll call when we get there. See you, Sonny!" She whispered.

Without another word, she grabbed Dalia and they cut through the crowd and disappeared. I stood against the door for a while but figured I better make myself scarce before Gloria appeared. I returned to our table and sat down, completely alone.

The band played on.

Champaign flew. Whistle farts spewed. Around me, lots of people kissed.

I felt drained. I gazed around the room, my back to the door and imagined D. Debra arriving behind me and inviting me with a whisper up to her room to finish what we started some weeks ago. I wanted the dance to be over, so you can imagine how I felt when a pair of hands fit coolly over my eyes.

A shiver ran down my spine and my cock, that I thought must be sated snapped back into shape, strapped on his helmet and reported for duty. In the noise and racket of the post-coital celebration, the voice carried words buts the tone blurred.

"Guess who?" She said.

At least it was a woman.

"I, uh, Jane? Me, Trazan, you Jane?"

My eyes were open when she took her hands away and I glimpsed her black skin. My heart sank. I felt like I'd been kicked in the gut. Now, given the thrilling evening I had just shared with my sisters, you might think me shallow or persnickety or ungrateful or maybe just stupid, but I am just being honest. When I realized without mistake that the cool hands over my eyes and the delighted voice was not D. Debra Hamilton, I was gut punched.

Pathetic I know. Shit, I felt even worse when I twisted around to see who it was. My first thought was of course Mrs. Honeywell and that made me nervous, just the thought of her here and needing to introduce her to D. Debra Hamilton gave me the heebie jeebies. It wasn't Alissa.

"Sonny? Is that really you?" Ahmay Alan asked.

"Ahmay! What a surprise. How are you? Happy New Year!"

She bent around me and kissed my cheek. Her breasts nuzzled me like man's best friend.

"Happy New Year to you, too!" She tittered. Her giggle seemed a little artificial but then, it was five minutes after midnight of the new year, a little champaign giddiness should not be surprising. I still reeled inside the echo chamber of my own glass heart, deafened by my own fantasies.

I looked around, searching for D. Debra and saw nothing like her. Finally, it dawned on me that I was not thinking of what was going on up in her room at that moment.

"Rodney's around here somewhere...oh, there he is. Kissing the girls as always."

Ahmay clearly thought I was scanning the crowd for Rodney and well I might have been but as she noted, he has his lips fixed on a black woman tucked barely into a flaming red dress.

"Rodney! Leave that poor girls alone and come see who I found!" Ahmay cried, waving a hand with a white kerchief in it. The effect was comical and I thought that it was impossible that the man could hear her, much less had any attention to share beyond the voluptuous woman he was kissing breathless. My eyes lingered and my sense of him crystallized. The man had fine taste, a pussy connoisseur to be sure.

Despite my doubts, he shucked the clinging woman free and strode over to us. The woman wobbled like she'd been sucker punched, eyes bleary, licking her lips like a cat eying a bowl of milk that was just out of reach. This pussy had had a taste of Lay Down Alan, though. That much was lusciously obvious.

"Sonny Duncan! As I live and breathe!" He extended his hand. His jovial voice did not match his eyes which rested on Ahmay who now stood behind me, her hands resting lightly on my shoulders. Rodney did not miss that pose and what he read into it glinted in his eyes.

I stood up. The cramp in my guts denied he had any reason to be concerned. The guy was built like and old bank safe and there he was. I shook his hand. Rather he crushed mine. I let him, figuring I deserved it for what I wanted to do to his sister and I was taking it for every man that saw her. I felt the pain as he ground my knuckles together. It felt comforting to have that sort of real pain to match the pain slicing slivers off my heart.

"Sonny Duncan! How the hell are you?" I have to tell you, mo'fo, you brought me some of the craziest pussy I have ever banged!" He grinned. "That blond...my god, she did love the Lay Down! And Mrs. Honeywell...." His eyes widened and he looked around and hunched his chiseled shoulders in a conspiratorial pose. "I mean, the other one, god, that, that was something. I didn't tell no one who you did that day but, man, if I ever get a shot at her, I'd trade just about anything...." His eyes widened.

I felt Ahmay move around me to stand next to her brother. He slipped a gentle arm around her lily wasp waist and tucked her safely under his arm. There was nothing but calm protection in his pose. Ahmay regarded her brother with clear worship, an aura he basked in but seemed utterly unalloyed, despite our shared experiences. Their shared sexual cooperations did not sully their obvious affection. Sonny, beware!

"Sonny, my man, if you ever, ever have another crazy pussy like that blond who you want me to do, you just call me. You have my number right?"

I wondered how I would have his number but he did not seem to notice he'd asked a question.

"Ahmay, give him one of my cards. Call me if you ever have another broad you want to offer up. I, I don't feel like it would be stealing. From what I saw, you have your thing and it is perfectly fine. Just call and I'll bang them for you." He grinned and for a moment I glimpsed the gentle character beyond his hard exterior.

I felt about an inch tall.

"Ahmay, give him one of my cards."

She slipped free of his encompassing arm and fiddled in her purse. She leaned into me and kissed me lightly on the cheek, pressing a card into my hand. "Sonny, me too. Call me, too. Here is my card. Our number is on it, I mean, both our numbers." She stepped back, looking like she just put a hundred dollar bill in the poor box at the chapel.

I glanced at Rodney and I cannot describer the relief I felt when I saw laughter in his eyes. He punched my shoulder, rocking me onto my heels.

"White boy, my sister likes you and she don't like nobody! Congratulations! That makes you special. Com'on Ahmay, my peeps is waiting. Got females to tease and please and lay down with Laydon! Happy fucking New Year!"

They walked away and I almost sat down, just from nervous confusion.

I suddenly felt too tired to sit. A contradiction, I know, but when you suddenly have the tidal wave of exhaustion swamp you and you know if you sit, your muscles will just pack up and go home and you'll turn into goo and the only way you move is if you stick to the bottom of someone's shoe, that is how I felt. I was fucked out, unfucked, and fucked up, all at the same time.

I leaned on the table. It tipped under me and everything on it slid onto the floor. The crash of things seemed to fit into a fissure of silence and suddenly everyone was looking at me. I imagined I had "motherfucker" and "sisterfucker" stenciled on my forehead, and "teased" on a tee shirt. I felt like Cameron Diaz' cum doo from that movie about doing Mary or whatever it was.

I felt so embarrassed. I trotted to one of the trash cans and started cleaning up. A couple of the waitstaff came right over and assured me things were fine and I could go home, well, they actually said I should go to my room and leave things to them to clean up. I helped anyway till it became obvious I suck at cleaning, which my mother and sisters could attest too. They just thought it was cause I was lazy but it's really because I'm like pigpen, when I am done cleaning up, it is usually worse than when I started...so naturally if I never start, I end up way ahead. Figure that one out. Rationalizations are my thing.

However, they did have one effect on me. When I finally felt like no one would notice, I sidled out the door and casualled my way to the elevator. Twenty-six. I remembered the floor, which was a good thing. I was at the door, fumbling with the key card before my mind finished its reboot. The door opened about the time my mental ticker tape clattered out the question about what I was going to find when I opened the door.

D. Debra was bent over my sister, kissing her on the mouth.

Tawny sat on the end of the bed, leaning back on her hands, her blouse opened and one breast just visible between them.

I give them both credit, they both looked fucking guilty when they realized the door had opened and it wasn't the Hotel breaking wind. Tawny's stockings were loose, like they were stretched out of shape, sagging at about her knees. D. Debra? She was naked. I mean, starkers.

She stood there, staring at me with her bleary eyes and her big tits. Her nipples looked just like eyes, or maybe it was the other way round, her eyes looked like nipples? Naw or both. She stared at me with her whole body, tits and eyes, at any rate.

I stared back. God, she was beautiful.

Instead of jumping on her and fucking her silly, which, by the way would not have gone very far, I know that now. Instead of doing anything at all, I glanced around the room as casually as I could and asked, "Where's Chris?"

The two women looked at each other, a little startled, I think.

"Shit, you didn't kill him, did you?" I asked.

Tawny grinned. "D. Debra tied him up in the bathroom. She, she told him if he let her tie him up, she'd fuck him." Tawny grinned a loopy grin.

"Jesus, what have you guys been up to?" I was afraid to ask but did anyway. Some folks seem to get real pleasure out of mixing chemicals with sex but I just don't. I get all numb and shit and things don't fit right and I fumble around and I can't get my cock in her asshole and shit. That doesn't sound right. See? When I think about being high I get all stupid.

I think fizzy widgets are for people who have gotten bored with sex and they think some carnival lights might add back some of the lost phazzaz. I guess I am not there yet.

Staring at naked D. Debra Hamilton, I realized I may never get to the point that I was bored with fucking, so long as I got to keeping adding variety to my menu. I like the cafeteria plan when it comes to pussy. There, I said it. I'm not a slut, sluts can't say no or at least don't. I'm not a whore, they collect a fee and everything is negotiable. I have standards. I do and I'm not protesting all that much, really. No, I just like sex and I was sure hoping naked D. Debra Hamilton meant there was intercourse in Sonny's immediate future.

I unbuckled my pants, suddenly all optimistic about the new year. I had no idea!

D. Debra sashayed over to me and put her hands on my hands and stilled them. If I hadn't been all thumbs, I might have succeeded in getting my cock bare and her hands might have done something entirely different. I didn't. She didn't. I just stood there looking this nude woman in the eyes, trying not to move in case she didn't realize I was there. I felt like a mouse in a cat video. If cute was going to happen, I feared it'd involve my hide, likely just parts of it and not the whole thing, still in one piece I mean.

Now, I am not a complete idiot. I was a little messy with Georgia and I figured that if D. Debra put her hand on my cock it would either still be pussy damp or pussy crunchy and either way, she'd know with absolute certainty that that particular cock had been thrust inside some deep dark female cave. I had a vision of her sniffing my cock and my imagination failed at that point because I couldn't figure out if she'd be jealous, which was a little attractive till I considered the possibility of getting kneed in the balls or she'd be cool and cosmopolitan and ask who I'd fucked. At that point, I knew I'd say "Georgia." And she'd ask, "Georgia who?" And I'd say, "Georgia Duncan" and if in her current state, she'd put two and two together and realized I'd just fucked my sister. I had no desire to go there so my fingers went all thumby and she stopped me from unfastening my trousers and playing at jousting with my spear. I may have drooled a little and had to suck it up.

There was something else, too. I didn't want to go into the bathroom and take a quick, inconspicuous shower because they just told me Chris was tied up in there and I really had no idea what to do about that. I really didn't want to confront that. So, see? I am not a complete idiot. D. Debra may have been naked in all her blonde glory but I was actually in a spot of bother or two actually. I just did not have a good handle on the situation and so my hands went all numb and slow and D. Debra halted me before I got them open.

"Sonny. That's your sister sitting there." D. Debra said reasonably. "You don't want her to see your thingy, do you? No. Of course not. I, I was about to go down on her. I hope you don't mind. I mean, I want to kiss her little flower and, I didn't tie Chris up. I..." Now she giggled. "I told him that we wanted a little alone time, that if I could persuade your sister to go down on me, I'd let him fuck me and her too." D. Debra wobbled and took a step back.

My cock was so confused I could not decide if he was getting harder or going soft. I hoped this did not mean I was going to have a confusing year. It certainly started out that way. My optimism had gained some alloy and that is optimistic since it could easily have been considered contamination and adulteration. Adulteration? Hmm, there's an interesting word for my new year...my mind was wandering like an untethered helium balloon in summer.

D. Debra was still talking. She seemed so reasonable except for the fact she was nude and her nipples were long and swollen. I wanted to feel them on my tongue again but that was not to be.

"You cannot have your sister seeing your thingy, Sonny." D. Debra continued, repeating herself. I think for emphasis, right? "So, you have to just watch. Do you like watching? Hey, what about Chris? I want cock but since I cannot have yours, do you mind if I have a little of his? I mean, just to scratch the itch a little." She glanced over her shoulders; my eyes dropped to her fabulous tits. She looked back and my eyes snapped back to meet her gaze. No, no, I wasn't staring! "She may not be ready for tasting the gourmet mix." She glanced quickly back at Tawny. "She thinks, she says I should just give in and, and mount you." D. Debra giggled. "Not like a trophy on the wall, all stuffed with your glassy eyes staring and bulging like." She made her eyes wide and bulgy. "No. I'm not just a tease, Sonny. Really. I, I do like you. A lot. Really." She rubbed on hand over her tit. It looked so rude I almost slapped her hand but realized just in time it was her breast after all. Maybe she had an itch. My breath caught. Fuck me, I could hope, right?

She was talking again. "See, I keep you panting after me because, once a man has sex with me, they all turn into assholes and I'd feel terrible if I turned you into an asshole. You're nice but not shy so, so, if I wanted you to, you could turn me around and zoom me till I screamed. I, I know that but I sort of like letting that potential pleasure sit out there, new and pretty. If, if I let you have sex with me, the I'd be turning you into an asshole. I have that power over men. I do and I don't want to. That just wouldn't be right. So, I have a solution. I forgot something. It wouldn't be right either for me to, you know, have a little Christmas sausage...."

"Christmas is over. It's New Year's." Tawny said from the bed. She lay back on the bed, her legs widened. "You can eat me now. If I like it, maybe...."

D. Debra tried to look around but it was like her eyes were hooked to mine and she couldn't look away. I held her like the great Kreskan. No, I mean Mesmer, the Great Mesmer. She had one eye that wobbled away by itself and I confess, it grossed me out a little, that one eye wondering around like that. I'd never seen her do that and it was creepy.

D. Debra turned around. Tawny looked around her at me. I think she thought Dee Dee couldn't see her because she gave me a big wink and a grin. She flopped back onto the bed and lay there while D. Debra widened her legs and pushed her skirt up her thighs.

Dee Dee turned to look at me, her hands caressing my sister's legs. "No peeking." She warbled. She grabbed a bedspread and pulled it over her head, covering Tawny's lower torso.

Tawny struggled to her elbows. She waved at me. "Back up. Hide. Don't let Chris know you are there." She giggled but it got caught in her throat. She tried to gasp and choked. Then her eyes rolled up in her head and she lay back down onto the bed. "Oh my god, she knows how to eat pussy." Her voice sounded so amazed. "She is even better than y..."

I interrupted her. This was getting awkward. "Hush, don't distract her." I said.

Tawny nodded agreeably. Her brain seemed to be once more in charge of her mouth. If she kept speaking her mind I'd have to put something in her mouth to shut her up. You figure it out.

Under the bedspread, D. Debra lifted her head. "If you come, he fucks me. If you don't and my tongue gets tired, then he fucks you. If I quit."

Tawny nodded her head. "Yes."

The funny thing was that neither of them sounded drunk. They sounded perfectly clear, perfectly reasonable and rational unless you listened to what they said, like a politician talking on TV with the mute button on. Everything looked normal.

When my mind comprehended what they were saying, nothing seemed normal.
