Extending the MILF List Ch. 18


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"Deal?" I asked.

Her eyes went closed again. She breathed out, like the next breath would be her doom, poisoned and foul.

She nodded.

"Okay." She giggled a little. "God, I am so confused. I don't know whether to cheer for or against you." She shuddered. "God, sex with my son...and you! My god, what sort of man are you?"

I grinned.

"I am a real motherfucker." I got off the bed so she couldn't try reading between the lines on my face. I plodded through the shower then dressed, letting her watch as I did. Neither of us spoke. When I was dressed, I stood gazing down at her half-naked body, covered haphazardly—she'd peeled down the bed and crawled under the sheets but only partially, one bare leg lounged under my eyes.

"I'm not the first, am I?" She whispered when I paused to stare at her body.

"First?" I muttered.

"You own someone else. It can't be Suzanne, even though she had a helping of Sonny on the side."

"On her back, actually." I grunted, amused.

Carol Lynn nodded but still thoughtfully.

"There are others. My god, do you have a string? I mean are you a pimp? Am I dealing with an actual pro? Have you suckered me into whoring for you and I just volunteered?"

I wanted to remonstrate and deny, but luckily they bounced against my teeth and I swallowed their broken bodies. I had another option that seemed better.

"Does it matter?" I whispered. "First, last, aren't we negotiating for the right to offer each other pleasure and thus own it and through that erotic channel, you?"

"You're a cocky bugger. I like that...I think." The woman appeared drunk, or at least intoxicated. Disbelief swam behind her eyes, like she didn't believe what she was doing, or what she was thinking.

I didn't know who she was asking but decided to leave her. I turned away and left the room, through the living room and out.

I sauntered down the hall all buzzed with unrealized sexual potential, only realizing in the elevator that I might be fucked. I was counting on finding Caroline Bickerstaff and daughter still in the bar. What if they'd left? Then I'd not be able to cheat. It also occurred to me that Carol Lynn and I hadn't worked out the parameters of our little wager. On the other hand, she surely realized that if I lost, she'd have me anyway, which meant I'd have her. It was difficult to see who was the loser. I love that sort of bet, a win-win wager! I wondered if the devil was in the fine print.

It didn't matter, Mrs. Bickerstaff and daughter were still in the bar, sitting at the same table.

The daughter, Sophia or Sophie saw me and followed my approach with her golden eyes. When I sat down between them, she adjusted to my presence.

"Hi. Still here, I see." I muttered.

"Mr. Duncan..."

Whatever Caroline Bickerstaff had to say, I didn't want to hear it. I cut her off.

"I fucked her." I said to them. I felt a little guilty pride butter up my teeth. "She wants to see me fuck someone else. I nominate you." I looked over at the younger woman. I held out my hand. "Sonny Duncan. Do you mind if I borrow your mother, take her up and fuck her while the blonde watches?"

"Yes." She said with a definite nod of her head. "I do mind."

"You can come along, I mean to watch, if you like." Her effort to knock me off my stride failed and she understood that. I saw the gleam brighten in her eyes.

"No. Not that. I'm not here to watch. This isn't a field trip, it is the main attraction." The gorgeous young woman fixed me with her light hazel eyes and smiled impishly. "I always wanted to watch my own mother have sex. She's been telling me how to do things all my life. I think its time she demonstrate she knows what she's talking about."

Caroline Bickerstaff swelled up as though she was about to object but when Sophia smiled at me, Caroline realized she was being teased and the objections behind her teeth subsided. I glanced at Caroline; she was staring at her daughter.

"So, which is it, Sophia or Sophie?"

"My idiot mother named me Sophocles. So you figure it out." The young woman said.

"We are here to satisfy our requirements." Caroline said.

"Sophocles? Isn't that a man's name?"

Sophie grinned a little.

"You see the issue."

I noticed she didn't call it a problem.

"So, I'll call you Sophie."

She smiled and nodded her assent.

I looked from mother to daughter and back again.

"Are you all here to have sex or not?" When neither responded, not even looking at each other I continued. "I need to know if you are interested. Do you mind if I take your mother upstairs and fuck her while my friend watches?"

"I want to watch. I want to see that, see Mom on her back, finally. I've been telling her she needs to have more sex for several years. Like she listens to what I say."

A wild thought poked me in the eye. It hurt.

"Shouldn't you be named Electra or something?"

The young woman with the molten chocolate skin looked around at me. She didn't smile. Her hazel eyes looked golden in the darkness of her face.

"Are you serious? Is she really upstairs waiting?"

I nodded.

"Holy dog shit. Mom, I thought you were kidding."

"I told you were were here to have sex with him."

"I know but...but...holy dog shit!"

"Honey, that is so..."

"I know, I shouldn't be so crass, but god, Mom, what do you want me to say? Holy God fuck a prophet? Do I have to be profane to satisfy you?"

"Girls, girls, no bickering. It scares the little bishop."

They both looked at me.

Sophie pulled her eyes away from me, popping like two little suction cups, and looked at her mother.

"Where did you find this guy?"

I couldn't let them lose sight of the present subject.

"You realize that if you come upstairs, its no bra and not just watching, right? You know that this is the mother-daughter day public schools could never arrange? It'll be a dip in daughter and a dip in Momma, right?"

"Holy dog shit! Really?"


"No. I am not sharing a cock with my mother. Fuck her if you like. I'll watch but, but eew."

"You have to, Sophie." Mrs. Bickerstaff breathed the words like she had bad breath.

I grunted.

"You don't even call her by her right name, do you?"

Caroline looked over at me, glaring, her eyes as dark in her face as her daughter's were bright and light.

"I'll just wait here." Sophie whispered, suddenly realizing that we were not just chatting in theoretical terms.

"You can't. You have to. If you don't, god, I'll never hear the end of it from Bicky. He'll be furious that Kline handed off Rebecca and his daughter to this guy and bent them both over a table."

Apparently this was news to Sophie because she gasped. Her response however, did not follow my expectations. She turned her eyes to me, her hand against her plush lips but not hiding them.

"You, wait, you mean Mrs. Kline, from before? And, and..."

"Lovely." I offered my help.

"Lovely." Sophie's voice went all soft and fluffy.

"Sophia, you must do this. If you back out, if you refuse him, then, then the settlement stays frozen or gets revoked altogether and Bicky, your father could go to prison. He'd never last in jail." Mrs. Bickerstaff lost some of her dreadnaught composure. "And we won't get any of the settlement. Nothing." There was real pain in her voice. "You must." She told her daughter, confusing the source of her pain in my head.

I shook my head.

"Mrs. Bickerstaff, under no circumstances is she going to have sex if she doesn't want to. I do not like a fucking desert. I want humidity and that usually happens only if someone is into the proceedings. If she doesn't want to, she can stay here. Hell, if you don't want to, you can stay here. I have a policy against reluctance and, well, if I can't find a way to make you smooth the way and enjoy a nice little bump in the night, then forget it."

"Why does this woman want you to bring up another woman?" Sophie asked, her voice rasped. She took a drink of water. The sound of her swallowing made me hard. I am such a twist!

For a moment, I considered trying to gin up some cock and bull story that would end up the same place as I was but as I set about trying to concoct it, I realized if I just told the truth, they'd think I made it up. Why go to all the trouble to lie when it was entirely likely they'd think the truth was a nasty lie anyway. I wasn't going to waste a perfectly good lie when the truth would mostly likely get the same result. I could take a little time because I realized both women were face to face with the theory of fucking a stranger and it was rubbing them a little raw, in different areas.

"Carol Lynn in a collar." I muttered to myself and lost my train of thought. "God, I could have her ass." I continued my mumbled soliloquy.

"What about my ass?" Caroline asked.

"Not your ass, the blonde's. Her name is Carol Lynn, two words. If I can bring up a woman and fuck her right in front of her, she owes me her ass." I don't know why exactly I changed the terms of our endearment but I didn't want to put Borland's little contrivance that I had now made mine, in front of the Bickerstaffs...Bickerstaves? Whatever. This was Borland's business and though I'd contorted his original idea somewhat, I had some hope that I'd added value. I hoped this Jason wasn't a dick. No, I didn't mean it that way.

"What did you wager and don't tell me your ass." Caroline said, her voice dripping with irony, or maybe it was sarcasm, no, it was irony. Or maybe just skepticism.

"I'd be her boy toy. She'd get to call me up at two in the morning to come and lick her pussy anytime she liked." I realized saying those words, that this was another place where we'd eschewed fine print in the contract. How long exactly was I to be at her beck and call as her cock and balls? Truthfully, I decided it just didn't matter. If it became an issue, I'd deal with it when that happened.

"You? Her boy toy?"

"Hey, no catcalls from the peanut gallery." I growled at Sophie.

"I didn't mean it that way. I meant that, well, okay maybe I did mean it that way. You don't have that too sweet to eat look that a good escort has. You don't look like the death of a diet. You look like a healthy meal that you don't need to feel guilty about."

"He's not a guilty pleasure." Caroline chimed in.

Sophie giggled. It was a nervous giggle and I realized what was happening. They were getting their heads around the situation, preparing to get their lips around it. If that meant they'd get their legs around it, I could wait. If those legs were just for walking, then I'd made a tactical error with strategic implications.

"How did you come to make such a wager?" Caroline asked.

"I, well," I hesitated, stubbing my mental toe on the threshold of the truth. "I had an affair with a woman and her husband is Carol Lynn's ex-husband and he wants me to seduce her so she won't be so focused on their son who is picking colleges and she doesn't want him to leave home and her ex-husband is worried that the son is losing his balls or whatever because his ex-wife is coddling him so he wants me to get with her and distract her while he gets his son to move in with him before accepting entrance to an Ivy wall school." I'd talked without breathing and now I gasped in air because it was like I'd been holding my breath and got way behind.

Both women regarded with me with their dark skepticism, I'm clear about what their expressions were. When they looked at each other, they both laughed. Suddenly they seemed all relaxed.

"Holy dog shit. You're a terrible liar." Sophia chortled.


"So? You coming or not?"

Caroline sobered.

"It's been a while since I had sex. I don't know if I can come or not."

Sophie's expression, staring at her mother, was priceless. Disbelief. Horror and oh, curiosity vied for dominance and just blurred her features. She pulled her gaze from her mother and I saw a certain look in her eyes and a set to her plush lips that would warn anyone who knew her.

"Mr. Duncan, you said you've had Mrs. Rebecca Kline and her daughter, right?" Sophie asked.

I nodded. For a second I thought it was competitive antagonism that moved her. Nope.

"Listen, listen, if you can put Lovely Kline between my legs...I mean eating my lunch box, holy dog shit, I'll do anything for you. You have to promise me, promise me that she'll, that she'll have sex with me."

Oh such modest demands! How I wanted to describe for her the many variations I could envision for her. I nearly asked if she'd ever pulled a train or been airtight but I hesitated, wondering if she was a book lover or an actual sexual savant. No sense in scaring her away with ill-timed questions about the higher divisions of sex education that I'd been exploring. I may not be all that adventurous compared to other people but I certainly was getting a merit badge for quantity and quality.

"Miss Bickerstaff, I believe I can have Lovely and her mother both go down on you."

I saw the disbelief, that look a woman gives you when you say something stupid about loving her for her mind or worse, her personality. I didn't wait for her to compound the fracture. I took out my phone and found Rebecca Kline's number and dialed it. I put it on speaker and lay it on the table before me.


"Mrs. Kline?" I said.

"Oh god, Sonny, oh god. Are you calling to do it again. I mean, like the other day when..."

I cut her off. I really didn't want the Bickerstaffs to know I was boning my sisters. Why, I wasn't exactly clear about that but until I'd signed them to my straight and solid, I didn't want to hand them too much information just yet.

"Becky, is Lovely there?"

"No. She's at work. You have her number, right?"

"Will you ask her to call me. Tell her I have a woman who wants her between her knees. I mean she wants Lovely between her legs, face first."


"And you. She wants the both of you to go down on her. Lovely will do that right?"

"Of course, after Sunday..."

I cut her off again.

"This is Wednesday, hump day. Is she going to bring you home dick tonight?"

"Good Christ, I hope so."

"Tell her she needs to make sure you practice up."

"Who? May I ask, Mr. Duncan, I mean who is this woman?"

I glanced at Sophie. Her mouth was open. I could see light glinting off her glottis.

"Sophocles Bickerstaff." I said.

Sophie gasped, loudly.

Rebecca didn't hear because she was hissing her own damn self.

"Oh my god, she's marvelous, like poured caramel. I bet she tastes...uh...lovely." Rebecca Kline dissolved in an unbecoming fit of giggles at her horrid pun.

"Tell Lovely to call me when she has a chance, just so I know she understands that Sophie's pussy is in her future, the future of her tongue, any way."

"I will." Becky murmured, awe and reverence in her tone.

I disconnected and returned my phone to my pocket.

"Holy dog shit!" This time Sophie cried out the words with real feeling. "Where do I sign?"

"Anything? Really? You did say anything?" I looked over at her mother. "She said anything. How about you? What is the price of anything with you?"

The woman suddenly dropped her chin, tucking it down even though her eyes remained fixed on me.

Suddenly all the oxygen drained out of the room and I couldn't breathe. Suddenly, the conversation had become rock solid serious. I could see it in Mrs. Bickerstaff's eyes. I got a weird feeling, wondering what could be so utterly serious and worried that it'd dwarf my experience and thus my abilities to fill her need, or whatever she chose to call it.

"Sonny, may I call you Sonny?"

"If you are going to fuck me, you can call me anything you want. Well, not anything, I mean, you can call me any respectful...I mean, well, okay, Sonny is good." My cock was yelling at me to shut the fuck up and let the woman speak her terms for handing me the deed to her "anything". Shut up and listen, my cock screamed. Only I could hear him.

"You said, you said she wagered her ass. I...I've never had anal sex before. I, I'd like to try it."

"Holy dog shit, Mother, you make it sound like a medical procedure. She means she ain't never been fucked in the ass before." Sophie spoke with tentative relish, like she was tasting some new, exotic food and couldn't quit decide if she liked it or not. I knew the feeling.

"No, I haven't. Have you, daughter?"

Mrs. Bickerstaff the first was no slouch when it came to sparring with her daughter. Her response put the contender on her heels.

I was trying not to giggle myself.

"I think we can arrange that." I saw immediately that I'd come too quick. I should have invented some objection and made her work for it because Caroline Bickertstaff was looking distinctly suspicious. I had to complicate things. "But that means she has to offer up the ass too." I said, hoping this was inspiration and not digging in the bottom of the hole."

"She?" Caroline whispered. "Whom do you mean?"

"Her." I jerked my head at Sophie.

"Anything you get, she gets."

"Does that mean Lovely has to eat her too?" Sophie asked from high up in the cheap seats. Her voice seemed so far away I could barely make out the language she was speaking much less capture and subdue the actual meaning she flung at me. I waited for Caroline to speak but she did not appear to have anything to add on the matter.

"Yes, of course. That is what it means." And just like that we established a rule for sex with the Bickerstaffs.

"If you arrange for Lovely and, oh my god, Mrs. Rebecca Kline to kiss my little sister, then by golly you can have my ass and no, Mom, I haven't done that before. Hey, Mr. Duncan, you know what you're doing when it comes to the ass, right? I'm not going to need to stand for a week when you're done, am I?"

I wanted to rave and laugh and dance around but I managed to hold it together.

"Let me suggest something, as an option. Once you've had a cock in your ass, imagine having one knocking on the front door at the same time."

"Knocking? Oh, oh! You mean, entering in the front...oh!" Sophie squeaked once she got all the dots connected properly. "Oh my holy dog shit." She breathed. "Mom? Mom?" She snapped her fingers.

Caroline Bickerstaff stared at the table as though trying to see through it. When her eyes lifted up, she mumbled something. I couldn't understand it.

"I beg your pardon?" I responded, deathly afraid I was taking too long and I'd find my room and bed empty of willing blonde pussy when we got up there. I counted on my hand and decided these two would make a quorum and we could convene our sexual congress and vote up and down as we needed, even if Mrs. Northcutt the former had booked.

"I said, Mrs. Honeywell told me that if I agreed, I had to do whatever you asked and that if you asked, it'd be because you thought you'd figured out a way to make me orgasm that I hadn't tried before. She warned me that once you discovered how to make me come, I'd be..." She tottered to a halt. Her eyes lifted up to look at me. "Raymond always wanted to bring another woman into our bed. When I asked for another man, he stomped out of the house. That was the beginning of the end." She spoke as though in a trance. "He never considered what I found interesting sexually."

Suddenly she jerked and her whole demeanor shifted. She looked over at me, eyes wide and white, like little beams of light out of her flawless obsidian visage.

"You, you know what I want to see? I want to see you fuck Dannielle."

"Holy dog shit!"

"I want you to fuck her in the ass. I want to see you and two other guys fuck her at the same time, mouth, ass, and pussy!"

Uh oh. I thought. I held up my hands.

"I think you misunderstand me. This may be tangled up with your ex-husband and his dishonest business dealings but for me, I make love, not war. I am not into angry sex or hate sex, or, or revenge sex."
