Ezzie The Next Generation Pt. 15


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"Um, probably the second one." I say.

"Mary!" She gasps.

"Auntie, they doubled the pay to $500,000 and put the charity logo in my last scene." I say.

"They Doubled it? But Mary!" She says.

"Auntie, it was a lot of fun. I wanted to do it, and Nicole was with me the whole time." I say.

"You had a sex scene with Nicole?" She asks shocked. I giggle and nod my head yes. Are you Grandparents going to be able to watch it?" She asks.

"Watch it or like it?" I ask trying to dodge answering.

"Oh God!" She moans

"Oh they will get over it. I say thinking of the rift between me and Nana since she insulted me and Dad. I let her have it that day, and then stormed out of the house.

"Auntie, I promise I will tell you all about it when I get home." I say.

Auntie smiles at me. "Are you having fun Mary?"

"A blast." I say with a big smile.

"Then go have fun, and promise me you will stay safe." She says turning on her concerned Mom/Auntie tone.

"I will, Auntie. I Love You." I say.

"I Love You Too." She says as she kisses the screen and ends the call.

Nicole must have been watching. As I look up after putting the ear bud in my purse she and Nick are walking back with drinks in their hands. Nicole looks at me with a soft smile. "Is everything OK?" She asks.

I smile. "Yes. She just wasn't expecting to see me on gossip sites or to hear I filmed a Hot scene." I say.

"I am sorry. I wasn't thinking of your family. I was trying to build some buzz for you." She says.

I hold her hand and smile. "I know. It's all good. I was planning on telling her all about the movie when I got home."

Dinner was amazing, but we were constantly interrupted by people coming to the table. Some other movie stars saying Hi, but mostly other agents and studio executives looking to set up a meeting sometime to talk.

Nick's agent comes over. Nick stands up and gives him a big handshake and man hug. Nick is all smiles. Nick looks at me. "Mary, this is my agent Tom. He has gotten me a bunch of kick ass parts over the years."

I stand up and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you." I say as he holds my hand so gently in his.

"It is my pleasure, Mary. I thought you were great on the Alan Fudd show. Oh hey." He says looking at Nicole. "Are you in town for Nicole's movie?" He asks.

"She sure is." Says Nicole. "It went great."

"That's great!" Time says and looks right at Nicole. "So when do I get to handle both halves of my favorite Hollywood couple?"

Nick speaks up. "After today. ASAP."

"What happened today?" Tom asks.

Something the way he asks seems off. "Ezzie, does he know what Nicole's agent tried to do?"

"He does. He heard the whole story from one of his informants, as he thinks of them. He pays crew members on certain sets to keep him aware of anything interesting. The agent trying to get on a closed set, and Nick threatening him was definitely interesting." Says Ezzie

Nicole smiles at Tom. "Like you haven't heard? Please, Tom." She says.

"Ok ok, I might have heard." He laughs. "He is a troll and you know it. I know he got you your start and some nice rolls, but you have seen what I have done for Nick. Let me do that for you. I'll even throw in a special couples rate." He says with a smile.

Nick is now behind Nicole with his hands on her shoulders. "Next year Tom. I don't want him to get a broken contract fee."

"Next year it is. We will talk." Tom looks at me. "Mary, it was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to seeing your acting debut in both Nick and Nicole's new movies." He says with a smile and goes back to his table.

I ask Ezzie. "Just how much did Nick's agent make last year?"

"Personally he made a little over $250 million, but his firm had over $1.5 billion in client contracts." Says Ezzie as Tom walks away.

I can't help but cough in surprise as I am sipping my water. Nicole looks at me concerned. "Are you ok?" She asks.

I clear my throat and smile. "Sorry, it went down the wrong tube." I say with a small smile.

"Ezzie, I need to be an agent. Never mind real estate, we could make Big Big money together as an agent." I say. "Do you need a special license or anything?"

"No Mary. Tom has a business degree, but you don't have to have one. It's just networking and contacts. Just like your Dad did with Goldstar." Says Ezzie.

"Except Tom has an extra zero or two. I think I found my calling, Ezzie." I say.

The rest of the dinner is Amazing. I have never been to such an ultra fancy restaurant. I realize how lucky I have been. Nick & Nicole have been so nice to me. Yes some of it is thanks to Ezzie for the charity, but the personal stuff is all real. I decide I am buying dinner, but I know they won't let me.

I excuse myself to go to the ladies room. "Ezzie, have our waiter meet me by the bathrooms please." I say.

"Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

He is standing there waiting when I arrive. I pull out my credit card. "I want to pay for dinner tonight." I say holding out my card.

"Oh no, Miss I can not. He would be very upset with me, if I did." He says.

"Ezzie?" I just think.

The waiter reaches for my card. "Of course Miss. I will bring the slip to the table when you are back at the table." He says and walks away.

"Thank You, Ezzie." I say as I walk into the ladies room.

"You are welcome, Mary. He is right though. Both Nick & Nicole will be mad that you paid." Says Ezzie.

"I know." I sigh as I enter the stall.

I am back at the table, and the waiter brings over the check in a very fancy real leather folder, with my card already inside it and run. Nick is the first to react. "NO. NO. NO. NO." He says loudly. He looks at the waiter. "Really you took her card?" He asks.

"Sir, she was very persuasive. She insisted." The waiter says, sounding nervous.

I look at the check. "Oh Shit!" I gasp. I have never ever seen a check so high. This is like 5 times higher. Wow!

Nicole tries to reach for it, but I pull it away. "No Mary. Give it to me. They will cancel your charge and we will pay." She says sternly.

"No." I say holding it away from her. "I want to do this. You have both been so kind to me. The least I can do is buy dinner." I say looking back at the check. "A surprisingly expensive dinner, but I have it." I say.

The waiter scurries away and Nick leans forward, and gently says. "Mary, that is sweet, but it's also super expensive. We can't let you do that. You can't afford that."

I think of Mike seeing this charge, and smile. "I will admit my lawyer will shit when he sees this, but I can well afford it." I look at Nicole and lower my voice. "My parents left me about $150 million that I just inherited, and his ongoing businesses make me about $15 million a year. I can afford it." I say.

Nicole is shocked. I can see it in her face. "Sweet little, humble Mary? Seriously? I never would have expected that. If you were a spoiled rotten rich kid, like you see running around town. Sure, but you are so sweet and caring" She says.

"My Mom & Dad, and then Auntie & Uncle kept me in the dark about the money until I was 18. They brought me up right I guess." I say.

Nicole reaches out and gives me a soft loving hug. "The more I learn about you, the more I love you, Mary."

"Thank you." Is all I can think to say.

Nicole breaks the hug and looks at me. "I don't care how much money you have. You do that again when we invite you out to dinner and I will be very insulted and mad." She says with a smile. "Deal?"

"Deal." I say. Nick is looking at both of us and Nicole just puts her hand up to him, as if to say stop. He lets out a small grunt, but sits back.

She looks back at me. I am trying to figure out the tip. "It's already on the check, Mary. Just sign it." She says.

"Really?" I ask. She moves her finger down the slip and points to the gratuity. "Oh. Ok." I say signing it.

The waiter comes back to clear the desert plates and Nick stands up. He walks up to the waiter. He puts on hand on his shoulder and shakes his hand. "My man, you ever let a guest of mine be sneaky like that again and pay the bill...well I won't be happy. Are we clear?" He asks in the friendliest voice.

The waiter is an easy head shorter and looks up at Nick. "Yes, Sir." He says.

"Good man. The meal and service was great as always." He says patting the man's shoulder.

I see the man slip something in his pocket. "Ezzie, what did Nick give him?"

"They always tip extra. Nick gave him $400 he had in his pocket. He has another $100 for the valet. They always tip well because they have both been there before they made it." Says Ezzie.

I walk right up to Nick. I stand in front of him and look up at him. "Nicole is right, you are a big teddy bear." I say and I give him a big hug burying my face in his chest.

He gives me a soft but firm hug. "Ok ok. No ruining my reputation in public." He says letting me go.

Nicole is behind me putting her arm through mine. "Come on. Let's not embarrass the Big Lug." Nicole and I step outside with Nick behind us, and the paparazzi are still there. They start yelling my name. Nicole smiles at me and says softly. "They learned your name. Do you want to talk, or get in the car?" She asks.

I hold her arm tight. "Not alone." I say.

"Of course not." Nicole signals Nick to get the car, we turn, and take a few steps towards them.

They all ask at the same time. "Why are you in town? Are you doing a movie? Are you going to be on Fudd's show again? What was the scene you did? Why was it hot?" It's overwhelming.

"Ezzie, what do I say? What is Nicole thinking I should say?" I ask.

"She thinks it would be great to get the two of you on Alan's show. Maybe do it from the World Premiere after the screening of the movie." Says Ezzie.

Oh good idea. "I would love to do the Alan Fudd show again. It was so much fun, and he was so nice." I look at Nicole. "Can we invite Alan to the Premiere? I mean he is the reason we met, and the reason I got to do the part in your movie." I say.

Nick is suddenly behind me. He puts his hand on my shoulders softly, to let me know he is there. "You hear that Fudd? Be there or else." Nick says with an evil laugh.

Nicole looks at the camera. "Alan, you can come do a whole setup and show right from the theater. Come on. It will be fun."

Someone else screams out. "Mary, any plans for another movie?"

"Umm, I don't know. I am not sure what I want to do." I say.

Nicole gives me a squeeze. "Mary is a beautiful, intelligent & humble young lady. She will be great at whatever she decides to do." She says and as she turns me, Nick stands behind us kind of shielding us from them as we get in the car.

We get back to the house and I realize I am exhausted. Nicole kisses my forehead, and points me to the guest room. "Off to bed young lady. Go call Auntie before it's too late. Tell her all about today and get some sleep. Tomorrow we will show you some sights and have some fun."

I realize all of a sudden Nicole is mothering me. I give her a hug. "Thank you for everything today." I say as I hug her.

She squeezes me, tilts my head back and kisses my forehead again. "You are welcome. Now go." She says nudging me towards the room.

I text Liz first. I get no answer so I try calling, and I get voicemail. I start to worry she doesn't want to talk, but I tell myself to relax. I call Auntie and she answers right away. She is in bed with Uncle. He rolls over and smiles at me. "Hi Trouble. Are you having fun?" He asks.

"I am having a lot of fun." I say.

"I understand I may see more of you than I want to in your new movie scene." He says.

I giggle as I remember Zeena knocking open my door when I was getting changed. I was standing there in just a thong and Uncle got a good view. I screamed at Zeena. Uncle groaned and looked down at the floor as he walked away. "Nothing you didn't already see when Zeena knocked open my door last year." I say with a smile.

He moans and rolls back over. "You and Anna are giving me more and more gray hair every day." He says.

Auntie shakes her head and smiles. We spend the next fifteen minutes or so talking as I tell her about the whole day. I then tell her about paying the check before I knew how much it was. I tell her how much and she gasps in shock, and then laughs. "I will call Mike in the morning and warn him. It was a very nice thing you did for them." She tells me with her proud smile. I ask about Anna, and Auntie tells me she is fast asleep. I almost forget it's two hours later at home, and it's almost 10:00pm now here. "Be safe out there and call me when you are getting on the plane ok. Uncle will be at the airport to pick you up. I Love You!" She says.

"I Love You too Auntie." I say and end the call. I try to text and call. Liz. The text goes unanswered and the call jumps to voicemail after 1 ring. She refused the call! I just stare at the phone. First a few tears trickle down my cheeks, then I actually start to cry.

Just then Nicole knocks on the door and peeks in when I don't answer. She sees me crying, so she comes and sits beside me on the bed. "Hey what's wrong?" She asks, hugging me.

I just breakdown, and cry. Between sobs I tell her the whole story. The fight. Liz not seeing me off. Not answering my calls or texts and the last one going to voicemail with one ring. I sob and she just holds me and strokes my hair.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This chapter was so beautifully thought out. Seeing Mary being able to stand on her own instead of completely relying on Ezzie was a smart direction to take. It’s always fun when she has conversations with Ezzie to figure certain things out but it was cute when she found out much Nicks agent made and decided that was her future. I can’t blame her for that but I would think she would want to be an actor since she seems cut out for it and with Ezzie backing her up, she could be huge as long as she remains humble and friendly which works for Nicole and Nick so that should be easy. Thanks for another fun chapter that always lifts my mood. This story could make a pretty good antidepressant and mood elevator.

LynchjimLynchjim8 months ago

Yes just like tzzzr I too have enjoyed/loved all 41 chapters you Truely are a very talented writer I’ve enjoyed every story you’ve posted on literotica so far and I’m looking forward to the next 41 chapters yet to come hopefully all of the Mary and Essie adventures seen as Mary is so young there’s so much of her life to still write about. I can actually see liz not lasting long and Mary moving to Los Angeles to start her agent plus acting career with having Erie why not have both careers Mary can buy into nicks agents business and become the top dog making billions.

tzzzrtzzzr8 months ago

I've enjoyed all 40 (now 41) chapters with Ezzie. I normally don't enjoy sci fi but you've done an excellent job of including the sci fi where it fits.

Looking forward to seeing where you take the next 40 chapters. :)

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