Ezzie The Next Generation Pt. 16


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I giggle at the downward doggie. "The doggie, huh?" I ask smiling.

"Nothing like that." He says with a smile. He stands behind me. "May I touch you?" He asks.

"Ezzie is he seriously asking to touch me?" I ask.

"Your hips, Mary. You aren't in the correct posture." Says Ezzie.

"Oh." I say with a smile. "Of course, Jim."

He gently puts his hands on my hips, and corrects my posture, and then nudges my foot in a bit. He then assumes to pose beside me and smiles. "See it's not so bad, is it?"

"Nope." I groan as I fall over sideways laughing.

He sits in front of me. He is kneeling and sitting back on his feet. I sit up and sit Indian style. "So how was your introduction to yoga?"

"It was ok." I say.

"You don't seem as frustrated." He says with a small smile.

I take a deep breath and let it out. "No, I don't think I am."

He sits on the floor like me. "Do you want to talk?" He asks. I just let it all out. I tell him the whole story of how my plans got flushed down the toilet on me. "Well there is that, and then there is the part where you are going to Two baseball games with VIP treatment. You are going to a movie premiere..... Hey wait a minute. When you said Nick showed you how to punch, did you mean Nick, Nick? As in Nick & Nicole?"

I smile. "Yup. He is a big teddy bear. He is so nice." I say.

"Wow. Thats cool. Hey, do you want my help with the email?" He asks.

"Really?" I ask surprised.

"Sure. I am great at writing. I wrote a bunch of emails and form letters for my Mom's Yoga Stuff." Jim says.

"Yeah but I have to do it tonight, and it's getting a little late." I say.

"And I have zero to do." He says.

"Ezzie, is he serious? Can he really write well? Does he have nothing to do, or is this all to impress me?" I ask.

"Yes he can write well. His only plans for tonight was to play video games. Yes he does want to impress you, but he would honestly like to help too." Says Ezzie.

"If your sure?" I say.

He gets to his feet and reaches down to help me up. "I am sure. Lead the way." He says. We get to my dorm, and he suggests we do it in the common area. We can use the tables and chairs.

"Ezzie, why doesn't he want to go to my room?" I ask.

"He really likes you and doesn't want to seem like he is just looking to get some action." Says Ezzie as I walk into my room for my iPad and keyboard.

I smile to myself, as I fluff my hair in the mirror. "He is sweet." I think to myself as I walk back out to him. For the next hour Jim treats the email like an English assignment. What do you want to say? Ok type it out. Then once one paragraph is done he stops me, and suggests and makes corrections.

In the end I have a really good email to send out. I forward it to Nicole first and ask her what she thinks. I flip my iPad and keyboard closed, and Jim gets uncomfortable. "Well I should probably go." He says.

"Are you sure? Do you want a soda? Maybe we could sit and talk." I smile inside. It's cute he is trying so hard to be a gentleman.

"No I should go. Tomorrow night?" He asks.

"Absolutely." I say surprising him with a hug. "Thank you for the yoga lesson and helping with the email." I say as I turn and kiss his cheek.

I walk him to the door. I watch him walk away. "Ezzie, is he thinking about me?" I ask.

"Oh he certainly is." Says Ezzie. "Do you want to know what?"

I giggle. "No, I don't think I do. I bet I have a good idea."

"Oh you certainly do." Says Ezzie.

"Ezzie!" I giggle. "Are you peeking?"

"Not peeking so much as I just feel it all." Says Ezzie.

"I know, Ezz. I am just teasing you." I giggle and walk back to my room. A little while later I get an email from Nicole, telling me I did a good job and to send it. I send it to Tom, and I go to bed.

The next day I get an email back from Tom. He was interested in me when Nick asked because of my commitment, drive & wholesome image. He will allow me to put it off a year on one condition. I need to send him an email about one VIP I meet at each event, the ball games, movies and interviews. I need to talk to them for 1-2 minutes and report back just one thing about that conversation I could bring up with them if I saw them again in a month. I can do that.

Later that evening I am excited and I give Jim a big hug. "Thank you for last night. He pushed off the internship to next year." I say and kiss his cheek again. I step back and I can see him blushing.

We start with the punching bag. I show him exactly what Nick showed me. I put one hand behind the bag like Nick did and say. "Punch it." The bag flies out of my hand. I guess I am not as strong as Nick. I stand more behind it and use two hands when he punches it. Damn this is hard. I trade places and Jim holds the bag with one hand. "Show off." I say as he is able to hold it.

We then move onto yoga. We start with what we did yesterday and he adds a few more positions. I haven't eaten tonight, and I am hungry. I insist on buying him a gourmet meal at the cafe.

We sit there talking so long they are cleaning up around us. Jim insists on walking me to my dorm. "You can never be too safe." He says.

"I should tell the school my German Shepherd is a service dog, and bring her to school next year." I say, and then I really think of it. I could. "If anyone questioned her you could handle that, right?" I say to Ezzie.

"I could. Zeena does miss you terribly while you are away." Says Ezzie.

I smile and Jim laughs. "You wouldn't?"

"Wouldn't I." I laugh.

Jim stands up and holds out his hand to me. "For tonight my lady, would you allow me to honor of escorting you safely home since your usual security isn't here?"

I take his hand. "I would be honored, sir." I giggle. He takes my hand and slides my arm inside his. Oh. I like this. We walk arm in arm the entire way back. We stop at the front door. Jim looks at me for a moment and smiles. I can see him thinking. "Ezzie, what is he thinking?" I ask.

"He wants to ask you out, but is nervous you will say no." Ezzie says.

I smile at him. "Make him do it please, Ezzie."

"Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

"Mary, could I take you out to a real dinner this weekend?" Asks Jim, sounding nervous.

"Only if we can workout again this week?" I say with a smile.

"Deal." He answers quickly. "Thursday? The gym is always quiet on a Thursday night."

"Thirsty Thursday." I giggle. "It's a date." I say as I get up on my toes and pull him down a bit to kiss his cheek. "I can't wait." I whisper in his ear.

I watch him walk away. He turns back and smiles. I wave to him and walk inside. I can see my reflection in a mirror. I have a big smile on my face. Then I get an evil thought. If I am thinking about Jim, let's make sure Jim is thinking about me. "Ezzie, could you make Jim have a vivid dream tonight?" I ask.

"Of course. What would you like him to dream about?" Asks Ezzie.

I actually giggle out loud at the thought. "Us having sex while doing yoga. Any yoga position he can think of." I say.

"He will have very vivid dreams tonight, Mary." She says.

I study some and then go to bed. During the night I dream about Jim fucking me in the gym while doing yoga. I wake up in the morning and sigh. I am so horny. "Ezzie, did you make me have that dream last night?" I ask.

I can hear the smile in her voice. "That was all you last night, Mary."

I think for a moment of grabbing a toy out of the nightstand draw, but I don't want to think of Liz. I roll onto my back and spread my legs. I reach into my panties and run my clit. Mmmmm this is a nice way to start the day. Ooohh this is nice. I can feel myself getting wetter, and then reality comes crashing in. My alarm clock goes off! Fuck! I have to get up. I let out a deep breath and get out of bed.

I am walking through the quad, and I am still daydreaming about my dream. "Ezzie, did Jim enjoy his dream last night?" I ask.

"He did Mary?" Says Ezzie.

"Did he, uummm do anything this morning about it?" I ask smiling.

"He is doing something about it right now." Says Ezzie.

Oh shit. Imagining him doing that, while thinking of me, it's making me tingle. I open the door to the classroom and sigh. It's going to be a long day. I try to get the image out of my head, but it pops up here and there. "I am torturing myself." I think in my head between classes. "I wonder what he looks like. I hope he isn't small. Please let him be average. I think he is at least average. It looked like a nice bulge in his shorts." These thoughts keep bouncing in my head.

"I could show you." Says Ezzie.

"Really?" I ask.

"I could show you what he was doing this morning. His memory of it." Says Ezzie.

"I want to say yes, but I want to say no too. It's almost like a present. You want to know, but you want to be surprised when you open it." I walk into my last class of the day. "I will say no Ezzie, but thank you for offering."

"Anytime." Says Ezzie.

I am walking back to my dorm and all I can think about is pulling off my damp panties and masturbating until I orgasm. I have been getting all hot & bothered on and off all day thinking about Jim.

I go into my room and open my vibrator drawer. I laugh wondering who might have seen it when they moved my room around. I pull the drawer out and dump it on the bed, and I get a little sad. I bought all of these with or for Liz. They all have a memory attached to them. There is a knock on my door. It's Amy. She has a certain knock. "Come in, Amy." I say.

She walks in and sees the toys on the bed. "Woah." She sighs. Then she sees my face. "Oh Mary." She says as she stands beside me and puts her arm around my shoulder. "Are you ok?" She asks.

I look at her and sigh. "Fuck it. All day I have been horny daydreaming about having sex with Jim. I thought I would come home and take care of myself, but all of these are a memory." I sigh.

"Fine." Says Amy as she grabs my trash barrel. "Then they get thrown out." She says tossing them in the trash. She stops at a toy made just for a bum. "Except this one. I bet Andy would love using this on me." She says placing it aside. She puts the barrel down, and smiles at me. "Of course now we might have to do some toy shopping for you."

I just turn towards her and hug her. "You are such a good friend Amy. Thank you." I sigh as she holds me tight and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Oh Honey, you are so welcome." She says softly as we hold each other. She runs her fingers through my hair. "But if you are horny." She says letting it trail off.

I pull back and smile at her. "Really?"

"What? The other night was amazing and I can't stop thinking about it." She gently pushes the hair out of my face. "We had fun the other night. Then Andy & I did the next night. I am horny too, but I think today we shouldn't just fuck. I mean it was Really Fun attacking you, but today I want some soft loving I think." She says.

I reach up, put my hand behind her head and nudge her face down to meet mine. We share a soft, gentle, loving kiss. I reach for the bottom of her shirt and pull it up and off her. As her hair falls loose around her face she reaches out for my shirt, and pulls it off. I hug her and nuzzle her neck while I reach behind her, and open her bra. She hugs me and pops my bra. She then runs her fingernails down my spine so softly it gives me chills.

We both step back and let our bras drop. With her arms free Amy reaches out and holds my face in both her hands. She tilts my face up and gives me a soft loving kiss. She breaks the kiss and I move my mouth to her nipples. I go back and forth gently nursing on each nipple. I smile as I hear her sigh, and feel her fingers running through my hair. Once they are both nice and hard I drop to my knees. "Mary!" She says.

I smile at her. "Sshhh. I want to do this for you Beautiful." I stroke her cock while I softly grip it in my hand. I see a small drop of precum seeping out. I lick my lips and suck the head of her dick into my mouth. I wrap my lips around her just under the head so I can lick my tongue under the ridge of the tip.

Just like with her nipples I suck and lick on the tip of her dick so softly. All the while I am slowly jerking off her shaft. She sighs and moans as she softly holds my head. She steps back and pulls away from me. "Nooo." I sigh.

Amy climbs on the bed and holds her arms out to me. I climb up beside her. She smiles at me. "Spin around." She says.

I giggle. "Oh. A little 69ing." I say as I move over her into position. I barely have her hardon in my hand and she tugs my hips down, and I feel her tongue lick all the way through my pussy lips. I let out a sigh of pleasure as I lean forward and go back to sucking on the head of her dick.

I am trying so hard to concentrate on sucking on her dick, but she is doing a fantastic job. I can't help gasping and moaning as she licks and sucks on my pussy and clit. She sucks my clit into her mouth and won't stop flicking it with her tongue. I can't help it. I have to pull my mouth off her hardon. As I gasp and shudder as a nice orgasm rolls through me, and I end up rolling off her.

Before I know it Amy is over me. "I love watching you orgasm." She says as she pivots her hips and slides her hardon into me. I moan as she slowly slides into me. She sits there for a moment, and smiles at me. "Ready?"

I let out a loan moan of pleasure. "Uh..hhhhhh." As she slowly pulls back and starts fucking me so softly and gently. I can't think of describing any other way, then by saying she is making love to me. I wrap my legs around her just holding them against her. I run my fingers through her hair, and nudge her head down. We kiss so softly and stare into each other's eyes.

We stay like this for a bit until Amy's breathing increases, and her fucking is getting a little firmer. She is going to cum. I tighten my legs around her. She buries her face in my neck panting. I turn and whisper in her ear. "Come on Beautiful, do it. Cum for me. I want you to cum inside of me." I manage to finish and Amy groans and pushes in hard. I wrap my arms and legs tight around her, holding her in and against me. I feel her body tremble with a few small shudders.

It takes a moment, but I feel her body relax. I loosen my grip and she rolls off me with a sigh. After a moment Amy looks at me and sighs. "I wanted to make you orgasm." She says a little disappointed.

I push her hair back behind her ear. "And I wanted to make you cum. I win." I giggle.

"Brat." Amy says with a smile, then she gets a bit of a serious look on her face. "I owe you so much." She says.

I get a little defensive. "You don't owe me a dime!" I say.

She rolls over on her side looking at me. "Oh No! Not that! You are the first person who saw me for me. You gave me your friendship and more. I can never repay you." She says.

I wrap my arms around her in a big hug. "Oh you silly girl." I say as I kiss her cheek. I pull back and look into her eyes. "You are a beautiful person inside and out. You are my BFF." I say as I hug her again.

I see a tear in her eye. "Mary, I was in a real dark place before you showed up. Really Dark."

"Ezzie, what does she mean Really Dark?" I ask.

"While she wasn't planning anything yet she was despondent. She would lay in bed in dirty clothes and hungry. She would cry herself to sleep. She couldn't see anything changing, and didn't want to live on the streets again." Says Ezzie while Amy keeps talking.

"Then you showed up like a ray of light. We had food & clothing. We could even wash our clothes. I was able to talk to a counselor. The future didn't look so bleak. I took the counselor's advice and joined a therapy group, and I met Andy." She says with a big smile.

Now I feel like an ass. I was feeling bad for myself because I had to put off my internship for a year to get the charity properly set up for the future. So it could give kids just like Amy a future. I feel a tear in my eye, we just hug each other and cry.

I then get a guilty feeling. "Ezzie, has Amy ever had sex with me because she felt she had to? Does she feel like she owes me?" I am almost afraid of the answer.

"At first Mary, in the past it was the way anyone doing her a favor wanted to be thanked. Then she realized that wasn't why you did. You wanted to have sex with her, and she enjoyed it too. It wasn't just some guy pushing her to her knees or bending her over the hood of a car. She enjoyed the sex. It was fun." Says Ezzie.

I sniffle. I trust Ezzie, but I need to hear Amy say it. "Amy, did you ever feel like you had to have sex with me in the beginning?" I ask trying to wipe tears from my eyes.

"Honestly?" She asks.

"Of course." I say.

"In the beginning I thought you expected it like everyone else. Then I realized that wasn't you. You weren't looking to be 'Thanked'. You liked me. You wanted to be my friend. Are we friends with benefits?" She giggles. "Yes we are, but more importantly you are my friend. I haven't had a real friend in forever." Amy says.

"Oh Amy!" I sigh and hug her. We both start crying again.

By the time we stop crying we are both a mess. I smile at Amy. "How about we get washed up, and I take my BFF into town for a milkshake & French Fries."

"I would Love that." Says Amy.

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LynchjimLynchjim8 months ago

I absolutely adore this story from the characters to the storyline i love it and am always looking for the next instalment thank you so so much for entertaining me like you do x.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I wondered how this sequel would work and could it be anything like the original. When I first started reading this story I thought it seemed kinda clunky, not smooth like the original although the emotional content was very strong and helped to make it more acceptable to me. I then went back and read the original and realized that it had the same issues at the start but just like this story, you fell into your rhythm and made this one incredible with all the fun, silliness at times, and showing the drive of her father when he got Ezzie. I now look forward to every post just like I used to and cannot wait for the next chapter to drop. Thanks for both the original and the sequel as they are both a great way to put me in a much better place after reading them.

Lexx xoxo

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