Ezzie The Next Generation Pt. 19

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Mary’s summer gets busier.
12.4k words

Part 19 of the 27 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 03/27/2023
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Let me apologize up front for chapter 17. It was submitted for posting before chapter 18. 18 was then submitted before 17 was released. Chapter 17 got hung up, and sent back to me with a warning basically saying AI generated stories aren't allowed. LOL. WHAT? I am not sure if I should feel insulted or proud? 18 was released and posted while resolving 17. I will try to hold future chapters until the previous one has actually been posted to keep the story in order.

This chapter is a tad long. It's a bit of a transition story, (more story then sex). Some story needed to be told to set up the charity for future success.

Now on with Mary & Ezzie's story.

Saturday morning Jim and I wake up in bed together. He has a huge smile on his face. "Last night was Amazing!" He says.

I agree it was. The half of a pill I had taken in the past just made me horny. The whole pill made me want to have sex period. And my orgasms seemed never ending. The afterglow of one just seemed to linger, and flow into the build up to the next one. The down side was Jim's big dick. I wanted him, and I mean deep down in my soul I wanted him inside of me, but I am paying the price now. I am actually sore from the constant fucking he gave me. I mean it was nice. I came about a half a dozen times, and they were all good orgasms, but ooww.

I don't want him to feel bad so I leave that part out. I lean in and give him a soft kiss. "Yes, it was Amazing. You made me cum so many times." I say and I shuffle in bed, as I do I feel icky between my thighs, and then I groan thinking of the sheets we are laying in. "I know I need the little girl's room, and I am pretty sure these sheets need to be washed." I say.

Jim smiles. "The bathroom is a good idea." He says, as we both get up. He puts on his pants and shirt. I put on a robe, and head out to the bathrooms.

After peeing I do the best I can to clean myself with a wet cloth. I am covered in dried cum pretty much from my waist to my knees.

I get back into the room, Jim is dressed and sitting on the bare mattress. All the bedding is in a pile on the floor. He looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, it all needs to be washed." He says.

We hug and kiss goodbye. Jim has to pack his dorm room up. Luckily Larry, Anna & I don't have to. They can leave their stuff at their fraternity & sorority house, and this dorm room will be mine again next year. So we just have to pack up personal stuff we want to take home.

By the afternoon I have my sheets washed, and my two duffel bags in the car. On the way to Anna's I stop at Jim's. I catch him outside packing his car.

We hug and say goodbye again. I manage not to cry, but I am bummed. I pick up Anna and then Larry. We are driving along and I am uncomfortable. Anna notices in the front seat beside me. "Are you ok?" She asks.

"I am fine." I say and I fidget. Anna gives me the eye. I roll my eyes back at Larry who is leaning back with his eyes closed, and whisper. "Later."

"Oh No." She says as she turns back to Larry. "Put in your buds and listen to some music."

"What? Why?" He asks opening his eyes.

"Because I have to have some girl talk with Mary. Do want to hear about our 'women's problems'?" She asks using air quotes.

"Jesus Christ." He mutters as he pulls out his ear buds.

A minute later Anna turns and smiles. "Ok. What's wrong?" She asks.

"Ezzie, can Larry hear us?" I ask.

"No Mary he can't, and doesn't want to. Anna's ruse worked. He thinks you are about to talk about your periods. He does not want to hear it." She almost giggles.

I take a hand off the wheel at kind of point to my pussy. "I am sore." I say softly.

"Sore. Why?" She asks, concerned.

I tell her the whole story. Taking the pill and both of us needing to fuck each other almost raw. "I am barely used to Jim. He still feels So Big. I mean I Wanted Him, Anna. I Really Wanted Him. The discomfort at the time was minor, the orgasms were Amazing." I say.

"I have one question." Anna says. "You never shared or thought I might like to try it?" She asks, putting on a fake hurt tone. She smiles at me and rubs my thigh smiling at me. "Pull over."

"Why?" I ask.

She gives me a look I know there is no fighting with. "Because I said so, I am driving." She says.

I pull off at the next exit. Anna tells Larry I have cramps. Larry moves up front with Anna, and I stretch out in the back. I hate to admit it, but this is more comfortable.

We get home and Zeena attacks me as I get down on one knee to greet her. She knocks me over onto my back and she is licking my face and laying on my body. I can feel her body wagging with her tail. She is so excited. Ugh she has gotten heavy too. "Get off me." I say as I push on her. She refuses to move. She whines and gives me more kisses. "Ezzie?" I plead.

"Oh she is so happy." Says Ezzie.

"And heavy. Come on, Ezzie." I laugh.

"She has grown." Says Ezzie as Zeena gets off me, but keeps licking me. "Ok she is off you." Giggles Ezzie.

"Oh you Brat." I giggle.

Uncle comes over and helps me up after hugging Anna. "I have missed my girls." He says as he gives me a big hug.

Auntie comes to me and hugs me. It's hugs all around. We walk in the house and all you can smell is Auntie's spaghetti sauce. Anna and I smile at each other. "Spaghetti!" We both cheer.

Auntie stands between us with an arm around both of us. "I thought my girls might like a home cooked meal."

Anna and I turn into Auntie and give her a group hug. "Thank You Mom/Auntie." We say in stereo. Zeena wiggles between me and Auntie wiggling. "Of course we Love You too Zeena." I add petting her head.

The rest of the day is nice. I am upstairs unpacking when Auntie knocks on the door. "Can we talk?" She asks.

"Sure." I say. This doesn't sound good. "Ezzie, am I in trouble?" I ask.

"No, she is worried about you and wants to talk." Says Ezzie.

"So Mike said you weren't happy that your summer plans got ruined. Do you want to talk about it? I know you were excited for the internship. I am not sure I was going to be happy with one of my girls going away for the entire summer." She says smiling.

"I was. Well I am, I just...". I start to say as Auntie hugs me to her.

"I know Mary. You have had a very busy year. Freshman year alone would be enough, but you created a beautiful charity. And got Goldstar back together with Christmas for Kids." She puts her finger under my chin so I look up at her. "And I heard all about how you told Don off. I am proud of you for standing up for yourself, and your Dad's memory." She says.

"Does Mike tell you guys everything?" I ask, sighing.

Auntie hugs and rocks me. "No Baby. Just the important things. That was very upsetting to you so he gave us a heads up. Just like he knew you were upset about your summer plans changing." She kisses my forehead. "He cares a lot about you, you know. He and your Dad were very good friends."

"I know." I sigh.

"So do you want to tell me about Jim?" She asks.

I look up at her and smile. "Now the truth comes out." I say smiling.

We sit on my bed, Zeena snuggles against me, and we talk. Eventually heading down for dinner. It's nice to be home. The next couple of days I just chill out. Monday night I am in bed worrying about interviewing the people for the charity the next day. "Ezzie, what am I doing? I don't know who is qualified, and who isn't." I say.

"You don't have to. Mike has chosen only qualified people." Ezzie says.

"Yeah but how do I choose? Who do I recommend, and why?" I ask confused.

"I can help with that. Your Dad used to ask me if someone was honest? Would they steal from him or the company? Would they look out for his business interests?" Says Ezzie.

"Oh shit! How did I not think of that? Oh Ezzie, Thank You!" I say.

"You are welcome Mary. All you have to do is decide who you like. Who you think you will enjoy working with. Mike and I can handle the rest." Says Ezzie.

"I have to remember that with the charity too. You could do that for the charity. You could make people want to help?" I ask.

"Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

I lift my hand and kiss Ezzie. "Thank you, Ezzie." Now that I realize I don't have to worry about tomorrow I fall right asleep.

I get up in the morning and head downstairs for some coffee. Uncle has already left for work, and on the coffee machine is a note from Auntie. "Gone shopping. Dress nice today, not cute. Love Auntie."

I sigh and make my coffee, and head upstairs to get ready. I go looking through my closet. I have a nice pair of dress shorts, and oh..yes. A polo with Grandpa's company logo on it from a Company Cookout a few years ago. Then I smile. After I see Mike I can go see Grandpa. I take Zeena with me and head out.

The meeting with Mike isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ezzie says no to one guy. He stole from his last company and never got caught. One girl was nervous around Zeena. One guy was ok, but I kind of like Julie. She is about my height, she has a curvier body, and is pretty. I like her, she isn't nervous around Zeena and seems very relaxed.

They all leave and Mike & I talk. I tell him I want Julie. He laughs. "I kind of thought that would be your answer. Zeena seemed to like her too." As he says her name she gets up and moves to Mike. He smiles and pets her. "Is that why you brought this big girl with you today?"

"Yes and no. I missed her, and she missed me. I just wanted to bring her." I say.

"Ok. Well, tell Grandpa I said hello." Mike says.

"What makes you think I am going upstairs?" I ask.

"Really?" He says pointing to the logo on the polo. "Just a coincidence you wore that?" He asks with a smile.

"No." I giggle.

I take Zeena upstairs. She is not on a leash and is walking perfectly beside me. The first thing I hear as we walk into the reception area is a snooty lady. "Young Lady, There are No Dogs Allowed in here." She says with a bit of attitude.

"Is my Grandpa in?" I ask, ignoring her.

"And just who is your Grandpa?" She asks again with the snooty attitude.

"Your Boss, the owner of the company!" I say. Ugh never mind. "Ezzie, is Grandpa here?" I ask.

"Yes Mary, he is outside his office." Says Ezzie.

"Ezzie, can you just make Miss Attitude shut up and forget that she saw us?" I ask.

"Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

I then get an idea. "Ezzie, if I told Zeena to find Grandpa, would she know what I meant?" I ask.

"She knows his smell, but doesn't associate the smell and the name. She just knows he is part of your pack. I can make her relate the smell and the name if you want." Says Ezzie.

I giggle. "Yes please, Ezzie."

I get down and one knee and pet Zeena. "Zeena, go find Grandpa." I say.

Her nose goes up in the air and she sniffs. She must have caught his scent. She goes trotting off. She enters the office and I hear people reacting. "What The... Oh My God... It's a Dog..".

I know Grandpa's office is around the corner. Then I hear his voice. "Zeena?" He says, then I hear his raised voice. "Zeena, where is Mary?"

In a flash Zeena is sitting in the hallway looking at me, and then back down the hall to Grandpa. "Traitor." I say to Zeena as I walk into the hallway and pet her. I turn to Grandpa. "Hi Grandpa." I say looking up the hallway at him.

He holds out his arms. "Don't just stand there. Come give me a hug." He says.

I run to him and give him a big hug. I've always had a soft spot for Grandpa. He and Dad were so much alike. It was nice after Mom & Dad were gone to have him hug me. I would sometimes close my eyes and for a split second I would swear it was Dad hugging me.

As we go into his office he turns to his secretary. "Cancel my lunch and hold everything." He says.

"Of course." She says with a big smile.

He sits us on the couch and puts his arm around me. "So tell me all about college." He says as he turns and kisses the top of my head. "I want to hear all about it."

I hold their rings around my neck. I used to snuggle like this with Dad after school. "Tell me all about your day." He would say. I have a lump in my throat that I can't swallow. I let out a deep soft sigh.

Grandpa smiles down at me and wipes a tear from my eye. "I know Sweetie. I feel it too sometimes." He rubs my cheek. "I see so much of both of them in you, but when I look in your eyes. When you are laughing and happy...". He gets choked up for a minute. "I see Ben. Well your Dad." He wraps his hand around mine that's still around their rings. "You are the best of both of them." He says.

He hugs me and we both cry a bit, as Zeena sits in front of me with her head across my lap. We compose ourselves, I lean back against Grandpa and tell him all about college, what's been going on, and what my plans for the summer are. While we are talking I look around his office and I notice the picture of him and Dad, like the one Mike has. The two of them outside the building with the new sign.

Grandpa gets up and says. "I have an idea." He pokes his head outside to his secretary. I can't hear what he is saying. "Great!" He says in louder voice. He steps back into the office. "Come on. Let's go to lunch." He looks at Zeena. "You too girl. Come on."

We head downstairs and Mike is outside the elevators. He looks at Grandpa. "The usual spot. They are holding a table." Mike sees my surprise. "Come on. Let's get some lunch and celebrate Ben & Karen's Kids first employee." He says smiling at me. "I already called her, made an offer, and she accepted it. Julie will be running the charity's day to day business now." Says Mike.

I run up to him and hug him. Lunch is fun. They both tell me stories about Mom & Dad most of them I hadn't heard before. They are silly, funny stories that I enjoy immensely. Grandpa has two medium rare burgers cooked for Zeena and he puts them on the floor in front of her. If he hadn't broken them into pieces I think she would have swallowed them whole. She woofs them right down.

We get back to the office and I give them both a big hug and thank them. Today has been very nice. A couple of days later I receive an email from Mike. "Here is Julie's office number, cell phone and email. Save Them! If she reaches out to you, be a big girl and answer her."

I reply back. "Aye Aye Captain!"

The following Monday I get an email from Julie with all the details for the Bats game, hotel and picnic at the lake, and the cost breakdown. Wow that stuff can add up, but I don't care. I reply back with a simple OK and Thank You type email. Then I copy and paste the agenda without the costs into another email and send it to everyone back at school that is going.

Later that day, Anna is out with Larry and I am tanning out back when my phone buzzes interrupting the music in my ear buds. I look at the phone. It's Sylvie! "HI!" I say excitedly.

"Hi yourself, so when were you going to tell me?" She asks.

"Huh? Tell you what?" I ask.

"What, you didn't want me to know?" She asks and I can hear a teasing tone in her voice.

"Know what? I told you about Jim last time we talked." I say.

"Eh he is old news. I am a reporter. I need the breaking news." She teases me.

"What breaking news? I don't know what you are talking about." I laugh.

"No really. It's ok. I guess I just didn't make the cut." She sighs trying to sound sad.

"Sylvie, Stop. What are you talking about?" I ask.

She laughs. I called Mike to check and see if the kids from the dorm are going to the Coyotes home game again, and he told me about Julie and passed me to her. She sounds very nice by the way, and she told me all about the cookout at the lake the day after the Bats game. And You Didn't Invite Me!" She says, again sounding like she is pouting.

"Hey you said you were coming to the Coyotes Game. I figured you wanted to see Johnny." I say.

"I do, but I want to see my girl too. What if I swapped a few things around to free up that weekend. Maybe I can do the one year follow up from the lake." She says.

"I would Love That." I say.

"I kind of thought you would." Says Sylvie. "Hey listen, I am driving and getting to my next stop. I will be in touch soon."

"Ok, Bye." I say and I hear the line drop, and my music starts back up. I smile to myself. I can't wait to see Sylvie. The next couple of weeks are are kind of fun and relaxing. Jim and I talk a lot, and I really miss him. I am looking forward to the Bats game now that I know Sylvie will be there. .

Auntie & Uncle aren't thrilled with Anna & I staying at the hotel so close to home, but they understand I want to stay with the guys, and Anna wants to stay with me, for moral support of course. As we are packing the night before Anna comes into my room. She walks up to me and talks quietly. "Tell me you brought them home with you." She says.

"Brought what home?" I ask baffled.

She raises her eyebrows. "The Pills." She says.

I smile. "Anna, seriously they are good, but they are dangerous. Do you want to be sore like me the next day?" I ask.

She holds out her hand. "I will take my chances to experience one orgasm that flows into another one over and over again." She sighs. "Plus, I am used to Larry's size. I won't get as sore." She says smiling. "Come on. Don't make me get rough with you. I know where you are ticklish."

I open my closet and pull out an old purse. I open the purse and there are a bunch of the bubble packs. I dumped all the boxes a while back to make them easier to store. "Holy Shit!" Anna gasps when she sees them all. "Where the hell..." she starts saying, getting loud.

I put my finger to my lips. "Sshh. Does it matter?" I ask.

She turns the package over in her hand. "It looks real. They are real right?"

I flip it over in her hand. The foil wrap has the company design all over it, a special tamper proof seal and an expiration date on it. "Would the fakes bother with all that?" I ask.

"So one orgasm barely stops and another starts building?" She asks with a smile.

"You better bring an ice pack for the next day." I say as I hug her.

We get to the hotel early, and Andy is there waiting. We all hug and I swear Anna to secrecy. I gave Andy some money to cover her lost work, gas etc to come surprise Amy. We meet everyone when the bus pulls up. Lots of screams and hugs as we all say hello, especially between Amy & Andy. They want to know what's going on tomorrow? Where is the BBQ/Picnic? Why wear a bathing suit?

As I hand out the room cards I just smile and say. "I am taking you guys to a favorite spot of mine."

We go upstairs unpack and relax a bit and then head out to the game. We are all dressed in our shirts from last year, except Andy. We get escorted up and Mr Evans is outside the box to meet us. He shakes everyone's hand, as he says hello. Then he steps back and looks at us in last year's shirts. "No, no, no. This won't do." He says with a big smile. "We have our Memorial Day/Military uniforms on." He points to the girl that brought us up. "Go grab a bunch of team shirts, tee shirts & hats for everyone." Mr Evans smiles at me. "I have to go do game day stuff. There is a traitor inside waiting for you." He says as he walks off.

Anna looks at me. "A traitor?"

I shrug my shoulders and open the door. "SYLVIE!" I scream. I run to her and give her a hug. I step back and look at her all decked out with a Coyotes team shirt and hat. The shirt is very snug on her. She looks good.

Sylvie smiles at me. "What? I am not reporting the game. My network isn't covering it, Johnny is my guy, and well I love teasing Mr Evans. He is a sweetheart of a guy." She says hello to everyone personally. Just as she finishes the girl comes back with a cart full of stuff.

Sylvie turns to Jack and Larry. "Go wait in the hall." She says. They give her a blank look. "The girls need to change. This is now the Girls Locker Room. Out!" She says firmly. Jack & Larry don't say a word. They just turn and leave. Sylvie smiles at us. "All guys are like little boys. Sometimes they need a woman to tell them what to do." She laughs.