Fabric Standing Guard

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Loving and dominant fooling around in (almost) public.
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Thank you for reading. This is a quick piece that's mostly smut. Hope you enjoy and please leave a comment if you can!

The Fabric Standing Guard

I was the best kind of exhausted, the kind at the end of a day on vacation. Maria and I had a long day of fun and sun. Snorkeling by the beach, good food, a nice hike, and then back to our hotel. She'd sprung for us to spend our last two nights in a really nice resort so we'd spent the hour before dinner on the hotel's beach then up to dinner with a view over the water. Afterwards we went up to our room and showered the sweat and salt and sand away, only to be ready for bed way too early.

"I don't wanna sleep," I said, applying lotion after my shower. Maria, who had showered first, was peeking out the window. Our room faced the pool and had a small view of the beach. It had the classic hotel curtains where it was two-layered. The first let in some light but the second fully closed it off. She had the first layer closed for our privacy as we showered and changed but was peeking out to the view of the pools and greenery, little torches lit all around. It was a really beautiful place.

And Maria standing there made it more beautiful.She and I contrasted a fair bit. She had tanned skin, tall and curves, thick, long dark hair. I was pale, slim, and had pretty short blonde hair. I'd had short hair almost all my life because I'd played soccer all my life and hated the way it got in my face. That was where we met, actually, in a rec league. I was a striker for my team, she was the goalie for hers.I scored twice on her and she came up to me after the game. I thought she was going to get mad but she just said, "Do you have any plans after this?"

Just like that we were together and it had been a year and a half since.

"We could head down to the pool," Maria suggested to my lack of desire to sleep, "Don't need to go in now that we're all clean just lay some towels on a chair and relax."

"That sounds nice," I smiled.


Ten minutes later we were on a lounge chair by the pool, the palm trees and ocean in the distance. No one was out there except a couple in a nearby jacuzzi. We laid out towels on the chair. We both wore big sweatshirts we'd gotten from a national park we had hiked in a year ago. I wore random old shorts that were pretty short and she had on some linen pants.

Maria sat down and spread her legs and I sat between them and leaned back into her. She pulled another towel out of our beach bag we'd brought and draped it over us, ending it right at my neck, to act as a blanket.

It was hard to think of a time I'd been so content. Her legs outstretched on either side of me. Me, cuddled into her back. She rested her face against my hair at times. I could hear her take in my scent which made me giggle a bit but also feel tingly. She liked my hair short. I asked if she wanted me to grow it out once and she basically had a panic attack at the thought. Her hands were wrapped around me for a while along my waist, but soon one made its way up to play in my hair, nails along my scalp, behind my ears.

We talked for a while, going over the day, agreeing on how nice it had been. We watched the stars. We watched the torches. We watched the pool water ripple in the slight breeze. Her hand made its way up to my sweatshirt and gave my boobs a quick squeeze under the towel. The towel didn't move much but I got nervous and said a weak, "Hey!" But I enjoyed it, and she knew that. There was no bra after all so it was easy for her. She let her hands move down and rested them on my inner thighs as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Baby..." I whispered.

"Sorry Essie, just adjusting," she assured me, "Not my fault you're so fun to touch." As the blush from the sentence spread in my cheeks I glanced at the couple in the jacuzzi and they seemed to not notice we were around.

"Okay," I said, weary of her. Maria always liked to push my buttons in new and interesting ways, ways I tended to like, but never had we done something without complete privacy.

We talked a bit more and she pointed out our hotel room from the pool. You could see the light on inside, and the outline of the chair and the lamp and the top of the bed. A few rooms over we saw a couple sitting on the bed together. Again, just their outlines, but pretty clear silhouettes. They were sitting up against the headboard, his head on her shoulder, looking like they were watching TV.

"Pretty easy to see," Maria said.

"Yeah, gotta pull those curtains I guess," I said.

"Mhmm," Maria nodded into my neck. Her hands traveled up my body again.

"Maria...," I whispered, looking at the couple.

"No one's here, sweet thing," she said, her hands came up into my sweatshirt, having to angle down and up to get inside. Nothing was on underneath. They moved up.

My skin lit up. I felt redness fill my cheeks, my face, my chest. I was flushed immediately. We were too exposed but...did I like that?

There wasn't much time to think about that, though, as her hands wrapped up my tits and cupped them softly. She took care, I could tell, to keep her second and third fingers on either side of my nipples. I held the towel tight. If it fell I'd still be covered, but her hands would be in my sweatshirt, clearly.

"Baby..." I said, "If you want that we should go upstairs."

"In time," she said, and her fingers slid in and pinched softly on my nipples.

My feet made points immediately. My eyes fluttered shut. "Uh," I let out a little too loud before biting my lip hard to stop. She didn't let up, playing with them for a few seconds. I tried to say something, but I was enjoying it. She knew me. She knew I was.

"We..." I tried to say, "We should..."

"We should what?" She asked, pinching slightly harder. I gasped. I opened my eyes and looked around. The jacuzzi couple was gone, but the fact that I hadn't noticed them leaving in the pleasure was slightly concerning. "We should go inside?"

"Y-yeah," I managed to get out.

"But you like this," Maria said, her heels hooking onto my legs and spreading them a bit, "You're my perfect little slut who likes the idea of being touched out in the open like this."

"Fuck," I whimpered at her words and the warm breath of them in my ear.

"Tell me," she commanded. My eyes drifted shut again.

"I like it," I said.

"Detail." She pulled them a bit.

"Ah...I'm a slut who loves you playing with my nipples in public..." If the rest of my body wasn't red already, admitting to her all that did the trick.

I heard a low rumble in her throat. It was this noise she made of satisfaction when I followed something she told me to do. Usually followed by a,

"Ah!" I let out a slightly loud sound and bit my lip again as her teeth sank into my neck. She sucked hard and released.

"Now lift your sweater," she told me.

"Wait, but-"

"It's for your own good. If someone comes they can see the angle of my shoulders. Clearly down then up. I'm not in a natural stance. But if you lift it it can be just up, doesn't look all that much like anything."

She...had a point. "Are you sure?"

Her voice fell to a whisper against my hair, "I'd never let anything bad happen to you, hermosa."

I shivered. She knew I got tingly when she spoke Spanish. I nodded, looked around and reached down, lifting my sweater up and over my chest. Her hands fell into a more natural position. I brought my knees up, which she didn't stop me from doing. She left my breasts and just traced her fingertips around my tummy and thighs since they were so close together. I felt so exposed, just the simple towel stopping me from flashing anyone who walked by. Just some simple fabric standing guard.

That's when I heard it. Voices. Many of them. The pool technically closed and the resort hit quiet hours at 9:30. It was only 9:00.

A group of women, probably around our age of late 20s to early 30s, came rushing out and leaving drinks on the pool's edge before jumping into the pool immediately as if it had been preplanned. Immediately my legs tightened hard to my chest but Maria's gentle firmness slid them forward just a bit so her hands could still have access. We'd seen this group before, it was a bachelorette party. They all started to laugh and talk, most clearly drunk. They were just having fun, not sloppy or overly loud.

But to me it felt so exposed. My fabric standing guard felt like too little. I moved to pull my sweater down, feeling so exposed and cold, but Maria's hands swooped up and landed on my chest once again, so warm. She was right, with the sweater up it looked like nothing was happening under the towel.

Before I could say anything she pulled my nipples gently, then pinched a bit harder. One of my feet lifted and patted down on the chair. I bit my lip hard. "Did my little fucktoy think she was allowed to lower her shirt?" Maria asked. Her sweet talk was often in Spanish, but the dirty stuff stayed in English.

I let my hands fall back down to my sides, gripping her thighs. She let her little rumble out again at that, sighing so sweetly into my ear afterwards.

"Could drop this towel," she said, my eyes still shut, face trying to stay blank as if I was just napping on my girlfriend, "They'd all see me playing with you. How red you are. How you just couldn't resist. Tell me, if I dropped the towel and showed you off, what else would they see?"

I thought for a moment. I think she wanted to hear me say they would see me enjoying it, or that my nipples were hard and my body was burning up for her. But instead I said a different truth.

"They'd see me drop my shorts," I whispered down, practically into the towel, "And drop my panties. They'd see how wet I am for you. Be-because of you..." I let out a silent moan as she squeezed my tits tight.

"Fuck..." Maria let out, her turn to be surprised by me. "They'd all be awed by how perfect you are if they could see you bare like that baby. Such a slutty girl. Drop your sweater, we're leaving."

As turned on as I was, I dropped the sweatshirt under the towel as I sat up, adjusting nonchalantly and standing up with Maria. I looked up at the hotel room and the outlines of all our stuff, excited to get up there.


In my head the door of the hotel room would burst open, but it didn't. Maria walked us slowly. Up the stairs and into the room, the door opening with a creak, the air conditioned room bringing extra nerves to my skin. I walked in at her gesture and she closed the door behind us. I was going to continue walking but her hand came out to my sweatshirt and tugged it, pulling me back. Then it came up to my hair, the close crop meaning her hand needed to really dig in. She turned me and I found my way back to the door, back going into it, her hand protecting my head from hitting with force.

Her lips came to mine and suddenly the burst of motion came to a stop. She was an inch from my lips. My eyes were heavy but slightly open to see what happened next. With a tight grip on my hair her other hand came to my cheek, holding it tenderly.

"Take off my pants," She said. I could barely move but I reached and slid her pants down as far as I could. "Panties too." I did as told, unable to look down to marvel at her how I wanted to. As I did her eyes stayed on mine. "You're so fucking gorgeous."

I was going to say something in protest, but her lips pressed in. For how domineering she was being the kiss was so gentle. Tender lips on mine made my fingers lose their strength. They fell off her waistband and to my sides before remembering who was in front of me and moving up to hold her waist. She kissed me with such possession, and I kissed back with such acceptance to that.

Her tongue moved along my bottom lip. Mine moved along her top. She shimmied as we kissed, sliding her pants to the floor, stepping out of them. Her hand came down my body from my hair and I rested my head on the door. It ran over my sweatshirt and pulled at my nipple so my mouth opened wide in moaning surprise. Her tongue explored me then and soon I caught up and explored her back.

A moan escaped here and there, but for the most part the only sounds in the room was that of air. The air of the AC, and the breaths we gave off. Our lips never left each other from the moment they touched. We took each other in and breathed out when we could. It was dizzying. Oxygen was secondary now, her lips were everything. Her thumb soothed my cheek, running on my cheekbone, telling me she was there with me. Drowning in each other.

Her lips wrapped my tongue up and sucked on it and I trembled at the feeling as her hands moved down and started to lift my sweatshirt. I felt her go deep on my tongue, as deep as she could, I almost choked, and she sucked all the way down, slipping off the tip just as the sweatshirt reached my neck and she pulled it off of me, tossing it away.

I was left panting. "You're incredible," I said but she rushed my body against the door, pressing hers to mine, her curves filling in my slim frame. She ran a hand onto my cheek again and her 2nd and 3rd fingers found my lips.

"You were so good downstairs," she said, her fingers pressing in and flattening down my tongue, "Do you like the idea of being all hidden?"

I couldn't talk as her fingers pushed in. Far. Deep. I tried to take them and a tear formed in the corner of my eye as I did. Her eyes were on me, watching me with a highly aroused fascination. I couldn't respond so I just nodded.

"And do you like the idea of being watched?"

My instinct was to say know, but downstairs, all those women in the pool, I'd made eye contact with a few. They didn't know. They couldn't. But I did, and I didn't hate their eyes and mine meeting for that split second.

Her other hand wrapped around my neck now. "Answer me, pet." Her fingers moved out of my mouth, dripping wet.

"I think so," I whispered.

"Good girl," she smiled, her hand with the wet fingers disappeared from view and I watched her eyes flutter closed and she let out a long moan. I realized she was rubbing herself and she adjusted to press her thigh between my legs.

"Ah!" I moaned immediately, and started to move my hips, but she squeezed my neck a bit and opened her eyes to bore into mine. "Stay still, slut." Her hand, more wet now, came up and slid fingers into my mouth again. Her taste filled my tongue as she used me to reapply to her fingers. Then they left and she was back to rubbing herself.

I could hear it, slightly. Her frantic fingers on herself, showing just how turned on she got teasing me outside. But the way she held me was anything but frantic. It was controlled. Thought out. My face became redder as the air got harder to inhale. Finally she let me go, hand still there but not squeezing. I gasped, her mouth found mine and out of instinct my lips wrapped around her tongue.

She made a moan of approval and so I didn't stop. I sucked and sucked and she shivered and started to moan loudly against me. She fell into me a little, the door hard behind me, her body soft in front. I released her tongue and she dropped her face into my shoulder as her hand fell from my neck to my breast to squeeze it as she released a loud moan into my skin. My hands came up around her as she came hard, the door creaking in its hinges as she shook it and me in this small moment of me holding her and taking care of her. Kissing her ear and running my hands along her waist and hips.

Eventually she came up and kissed me weakly, laying more along my cheek. I smiled and we held each other's gaze for a moment before kissing resumed and slowly became more and more aggressive. I could feel her energy come back with each purse of her lips. Each slide of her tongue. She was feeling the dominance once again.

And soon her hands were on me once again in a possessive way. Holding my waist, pulling me into the room. To the bed. I'm not sure how she managed to pull off my clothes so deftly, and her own at that, but soon I was down on my back and she was standing off the bed.

"Curtains," I smiled up at her. We still only had the first layer curtain closed. For full privacy without our outlines running around we'd need the second. But Maria shook her head.

"No," she said and got on the bed. I was a bit nervous. I could still hear people outside. It sounded like a few more people were out there along with the bachelorette party. I remembered how our room looked though. The shadows had been angled so anyone laying on the bed wouldn't be seen, you could just see above that. So I didn't think too much of it as Maria got on the bed with me.

But then, she surprised me. She sat between my legs, spreading them. "Good girl, so wet for me," she said and I felt my blush deepen. She picked up my legs and slid beneath them so my thighs landed on top of hers. She looked down at me and I smiled at her. "What?" I asked.

"Trust me?" she said.

I nodded, "Always." She held her hands out to me. I took them. She pulled.

I flipped up to be standing on my knees or else risk falling. I ended up straddling her chest and she shimmied down so I was above her face. I looked down, a silly grin on, and then up and saw it...

The curtain.

"Wait," I said but then her tongue found me. She licked me slowly and let out a long slow,


My body shivered. My arms came in and looked for a place to go, both hands landing hovering around my face, finger between my teeth. I looked back out at the curtain, the small piece of fabric protecting a gallery of people from seeing me sitting on Maria's face, bare as can be, getting licked to heaven.

"We should close the curtains..." I whimpered. I was holding in my moans. Somehow it felt like if I stayed quiet no one would see.

"You like it," Maria mumbled into my pussy. My jaw dropped and I let out a silent moan.

"P-please," I begged. It was like the words only had a small window of time to come out, otherwise I'd release into cries of pleasure, "People will see."

"Yeah..." Maria said. Her lips were against my pussy as she spoke, "They'll see the most beautiful girl in the world feeling good. Enjoying their eyes. You enjoy it, don't you my little whore?"

Her tongue dove in and I didn't know how to feel. The pleasure overtook my body but my mind was on the curtain. My hands covered my breasts, even though I knew it wasn't visible. Not really. It got quieter outside, which made me think maybe they noticed? Or probably not, right? There were a lot of rooms. But maybe they did?

Maybe they were watching. Seeing my silhouette writhe. Seeing hands rise below me and smacking down on my ass, getting loud breaths out of me that I quickly silences. Seeing my own hands wildly pawing at my hair, my face, Maria's hair. Seeing me look down into her lovely eyes. And then seeing her hands reach up along my tummy, up to my tits, and giving my nipples little pinches.

I thought of them seeing all that and realized, just as her pinch pressed down, I loved it.

And so, with their fingers pressing in on me, my voice released. I moaned loudly, not caring about neighbors or the possible eyes on me. Her tongue invaded and willed pleasure into my body and all over, warming and tingling every inch of my skin. My cries echoed and Maria moaned loudly into my pussy as well, playing with herself behind me. But she was focused. She traversed me like the expert she was and soon I was unraveling, her already wet face receiving a flood, my entire being crying out into the roof, the walls, and out the window through the sheer curtain. My silhouette quivered, shook, and writhed again and again and again and soon couldn't take much more and fell out of view along the bed below.

I laid there, panting with Maria. I reached over and used my panties to wipe her face, barely able to open my eyes, muttering a sorry.