Fading Stars Ch. 03


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A sickly sweet smile spread over the Nor surgeon's face. "Remember that green-haired Nor you said I could have? I have turned her into something amazing you could show Iorec. He loves his exotics, right?"

"Yeah. Well, see to these first." Xeltec tapped his microphone. "Xavra. Get your ass over here."

Under guard by the Fury, the surgeon entered the cell and went to work. First, he connected a device to Deeva's data jack. Within moments, the Silician was awake. She looked around warily then sat up. Groaning, she rubbed her temples in a surprisingly lifelike version of a hangover.

"How bad is it?" Xeltec asked the surgeon as the Nor bent over the Gravon.

"He'll live," the Nor said with a shrug. "You should see the claw marks on his shoulders. Whatever had had him wasn't exactly gentle." His voice trailed off as he connected the obvious clues around the cell. "Damn. Did she do that?"

"EuphorEx overdose," Xeltec spat. "I hope the Nor still has a brain after this."

"At least she'd have died happy," the surgeon quipped. "There is a pulse so she's not a lost cause yet."

"You wanted to see me?" Xavra said, none too happy. Her robe was open and she carried a pungent-smelling bowl in the crook of her elbow. "I'm busy watching over your sex slaves."

"Care to explain yourself?" Xeltec yelled at her, sharply gesturing towards the rather crowded cell. "When exactly have I said you should turn one of my exhibits into a raving, super-strong, foaming at the mouth lunatic? Because that's what happens if you pump a full cartridge of EuphorEx into a bloody fucking Nor! You're supposed to use a single dose to make her a willing fuck toy!"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't read the fucking instructions. You said 'make her perform' and I did. If you want a job done right, hire the right person for it. I'm a pilot, not a pimp, damn it."

"You can count yourself lucky you'll have a job after this," Xeltec threatened. "This little fuck-up of yours will have consequences. Hopefully Iorec isn't too angry right now."

"Oh, you're worried about Iorec but not about me? Fuck you, Xeltec. Once we reach the next Waystation, I'm so outta here!" Screaming in fury, Xavra tossed the bowl at Xeltec's feet. The fragile container burst and viscous white slime spattered everywhere. The smell was nauseating to Xeltec. The Grey slaver turned away retching, fighting to keep his protein paste down.

"So it is true. Grey don't work well together," Deeva said softly.

"The fuck we don't. Other Grey are so damn irritating!" Xeltec spat. "You should come back, our guest has nearly defrosted. And you-," he pointed at the surgeon, "make sure shit is spotless when I come back." He motioned for Deeva to follow him and left for the elevator.

The surgeon, loading the pink-haired Nor onto a freshly-synthesized stretcher, flipped Xeltec's receding back an obscene gesture.

* * * *

Xavra's blood boiled. It had taken all of an hour after she had signed on with Xeltec to realize that, even for a Grey, he was a colossal jerk. He was stingy when it came to anything besides his precious antiques. He bossed her around all the time, he ignored her attempts at bonding and even if he screwed up, it always were the others who had to take the blame. She had just done what he told her, even though she had clearly stated - several times - that she wanted no part in his flesh-dealing business. And what did he do? Instead of dealing with Iorec himself, he had her play host, wheel naked people around the ship and get yelled at by a - damn hot-looking - space pirate. She, who was probably more intelligent than the rest of the damn ship combined. She could do damn astromechanical calculations on the fly!

Xavra took a deep breath and sat down the statue of Xijit, the Grey patron of ambition she had been about to chuck through the nearest wall. What good was thrashing her cabin? Unless she could get a slave to clean up her mess, that tiny bit of catharsis wasn't worth it.

Fuming, she left her cabin and took the elevator down to Sickbay. The surgeon was bent over the pink-haired Nor, checking the status on some med readouts next to her head. Next to the Nor, the copper-haired Gravon with his cute choke marks was laid out on a bed.

"Hey you," she snapped.

The surgeon looked up and sighed. "Would it be too much to ask if at least one person on this fucking ship would use my name? I'm-"

"I don't care. Do you have some super-strong laxative or emetic?"

He flipped a lock of his venom-yellow-streaked hair out of his face. "Do I want to know what for?"

"Oh, I'll tell you. I want to ruin Xeltec's day, big time. Not kill him, mind you. Just make him as miserable as I feel right now." She looked around. Her gaze fell onto a healing tank in the next room. Indirect light played over long limbs. Something was off with the colors. "What's that?" Xavra pointed.

The surgeon's eyes lit up. "That's a little something I've been working on for Xeltec. A full-on sex toy bodysculpt package. Remember the green-haired Nor he said I could have? Her identity chip said she's called 'Gaia.'" He motioned for Xavra to follow him. Despite herself, she did.

The woman inside the tank had been heavily modified. For starters, parts of her skin were blue now, especially the area around her genitalia. Thin, green fuzz sprouted from her skin and a long, sinuous tail hung limp off her ample behind. Her breasts and hips had been similarly enhanced, she was much curvier than your average Nor. Her fingers and toes ended in sharp claws. She was bald and the leaf-green ears atop her skull looked out of place, but Xavra noted a lustrous green wig on a box nearby. With that, she would be quite a looker. A cable had been connected with a data jack near the base of her skull and a clear rebreather made sure she wouldn't drown in the thick, clear healing solution.

"How long did you have her?" Xavra asked.

"Less than eight hours. The facial reconstruction and the grafting of the Silician parts were the tricky bits and took me almost three hours. The rest of the sculpt was done rather quickly, all things considered. A few subcutaneous injections, a bit of nano-machine magic, especially for the alteration of her skin and hair roots. They worked on their own while I did the delicate bits."

"This looks really impressive. What's with the claws?"

"Fully retractable and a kinda last-minute addition. I've seen Iorec's bed warmer and bodyguards. It's terribly inefficient to hire two people when one can do the job, right? Once the mental conditioning takes, she will be the best fuck toy and bodyguard money can buy."

"Ingenious. But why Silician bits?"

"Do I need to spell it out?" The surgeon opened the box. Inside, on top of some flimsy bits of see-through lingerie, rested a thick Silician phallus, encased in clear plastic. "Ultimate flexibility. Whatever the master eventually desires, she can provide. With this process, genetics has become irrelevant. Just pick your options off a menu and boom. The perfect plaything for the ultimate hedonist."

A devious plan began to blossom in Xavra's mind. "When can she be ready?"

The surgeon checked the healing tank's readouts. "The grafts and wounds are fine. I'd love for her to have more fur before decanting her. And the conditioning hasn't fully taken yet."

"But she'd be ready for a test run, eh?"

"Technically speaking, yes. Why?"

"Because Iorec is still aboard. You could kill two birds with one stone. The ultimate sales pitch and Xeltec would be super-happy when Iorec orders more of her kind. You can make more, right?"

"Sure, I only need more bodies." He looked thoughtful. "And you'd think Xeltec would be okay if I let her loose on Iorec?"

"Absolutely," she said with her most convincing smile. "Just make sure she has her claws tucked away. We don't want any accidents, now do we?"

"Being yelled at today was more than enough, thank you," the surgeon said. "Give me some room, please." He initiated the release protocol. With long, slurping sounds, the tank began to suck away the healing fluid surrounding the sleeping Nor.

Xavra used the intercom to check up on Xeltec. He was busy working in his lab, that blasted Silician Deeva at his side. If she timed it right, she could be out of Sickbay and with Iorec before he even knew that something was afoot. No, killing Xeltec would be way too easy. Souring his business deals was another story entirely. And the best part - she could always use the surgeon as the fall guy. After all, he didn't tell her about the claws, or omitted the bit about the mental conditioning not working. Yes. It would all work like clockwork.

It took Xavra nearly all of her self-control not to stalk through Sickbay as she waited for the healing tank to drain. Then the Nor was doused in cleaning fluids and finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tank hissed open. The surgeon fiddled with the cable and rebreather. Xavra joined him as he injected some kind of pick-me-up into Gaia's neck. She could feel the stirring consciousness of the Nor and used her own mental abilities to clamp down on it, only allowing the basic motor functions of the body to work. Without proper conditioning, Gaia would go catatonic as soon as her psyche tried to grasp the magnitude of changes her body had been subjected to, something Xavra couldn't let happen just yet. First, she had to perform. And Xavra would make damn sure this one would perform, a show no one on this ship would forget.

"Hey, how do we feel?" the surgeon asked. Xavra heard his voice twice, with a little offset. Once with her own ears, once with the ears of the Nor she was remotely controlling.

"I'm horny," she had Gaia purr. It had been some time since she last had fully taken over another living being, way back when she was an inquisitor for a militant Grey sect, but it was like flying a low-altitude race car. You never forgot how. Gaia's hand came up and slithered under the surgeon's smock. He was already hard as a pipe. Obviously, playing God had arousing side-effects.

"Can you stand?" he asked, pulling away. "And for the Maker's sake, mind the claws!" His hands went under the smock to check the integrity of his privates.

"I saw that you were already standing straight up," Xavra had Gaia quip. As herself, she said: "Isn't it odd that she's horny already?"

"No idea. It's the first time I've done this particular kind of full-body sculpt. Maybe I've misjudged some values in the firmware of her Silician parts. I'm happy she's not a screaming vegetable." He looked immensely pleased with himself.

Xavra imagined long claws retracting and on Gaia's hands and feet, three centimeter long razor blades hissed into sheaths underneath long fake nails. Now, sitting up. Going from a hand to the whole body took a bit more effort, but within moments, she had the bodysculpted Nor stand. One hand held her steady against the tank, the other was caressing over her flat stomach and lower, until she brushed the top of her slit. Xavra jerked as the flash of arousal jolted through her. Her Grey body never felt like that when she touched herself. The concentration of nerve endings around each individual probe or opening was much lower and needed a concerted effort and often outside stimuli to get her off. Gaia moaned as Xavra's concentration slipped and the Grey gnashed her teeth to focus. Yes. Better. The surgeon was busy fitting the wig over Gaia's head, threading the cat ears through cut holes and making sure the fit was good. It was a marked improvement to her bald former self.

"We will be off then," Xavra said. "I'll let you know how things worked out." To Gaia, she said. "Walk, baby."

"Yes, Xavra. Baby." Gaia mumbled. Carefully, she took one step after another. She teetered precariously on her feet but thankfully her sense of balance kicked in. Each step more confident than the last, she walked towards the elevator, Xavra in tow. The grin on the Grey's lips was not at all pleasant.

* * * *

A melodious chime played from the control unit in the base of the stasis pod and the sound of locking bolts sliding back could be heard from the chassis. During her absence, Xeltec had used the repulsor units to move the stasis pod from the Gorgonite box to the lab floor proper. The box and its heavy lid had been removed and the stasis pod stood upright in the center of the room.

"Let's hope this whole ordeal wasn't in vain. I'm so angry right now," Xeltec grumbled.

"Tell me about it," Deeva said, unconsciously touching her head. "That force field hurt."

"What were you doing in there anyway?" Xeltec asked, handing her an industrial-strength suction cup.

"I...uh...wanted a quick after-lunch fuck. She was my preferred playmate, after all."

"Uh-huh." Xeltec slapped his own sucker onto the stasis pod at around waist-height. "Looked to me like you were scared at the sight of her being plowed by that Gravon."

"It looked painful. And bloody," Deeva admitted, fastening her cup at around head-height. "I might not love her like she did me but I hate to see someone hurt."

"No good deed goes unpunished," Xeltec said. "You think you can work?"

"I'm at eighty-nine percent operational capacity," Deeva said. "Fit enough to help you with the stasis pod. Afterwards, I can take a break to self-repair."

"That's the spirit. Ready?" At her nod, he counted down. "Three. Two. One. Heave-ho!"

Together they pulled. At first, there was no discernible result. Then came a wet, sucking sound, to which was added a disgusting, tearing noise as some long-baked together seal broke. A torrent of green liquid ran from the crack in the seal and drained through grates in the lab floor. The top of the stasis pod hinged open, nearly knocking both the Grey and Silician off their feet. Inside the pod was a wet, naked humanoid figure. An opaque mask connected to the pod by a thick, segmented hose hid its features. The body was definitely male, going by the slight v-shape of the torso and the obvious genitalia. His hair was metallic silver. The pod's inhabitant had a good muscle tone and fair skin without any visible blemishes. There was a watertight softshell container between his legs.

"All that trouble for a damn Nor?" Xeltec asked incredulously.

"I'm not sure if this is a Nor, master." Deeva gestured at the pod's inhabitant. "The proportions don't quite fit. To me, he looks like an albino Zuthrian." She picked up a medical scanner off a table nearby and ran the sensor over the stranger's chest. "At least we have life signs, even if they're rather faint. Seems like the pod couldn't quite rouse him."

"And what does the scanner say in regards to his species?" Xeltec asked. "I swear, if Iorec walks out with three of my best girls and all I get is a bit of trash, I'm so gonna space somebody tonight."

"The scanner says 'Inconclusive,'" Deeva said.

"What's that mean?"

"It means, the scanner detects traces of all the Precursor species in this one. The psionic aptitude of the Nor. The endurance of the Gravon. The adaptability of the Zuthrians... and more."

"All in one being? That's impossible."

Wordlessly, Deeva handed the scanner to Xeltec. He checked the readout, did a reset of the device, scanned the pod's inhabitant again and got the same result. "Bloody hell. Normally, I like mysteries. But today, I'm utterly sick of them."

Deeva unclipped the face mask and carefully pried it off the stranger's face. It came away rather easily. Some clear residue smeared on his cheeks and jaw remained and she wiped it away with a soft cloth. The face underneath the mask was classically handsome, with a strong jaw and pronounced cheek bones. His forehead was bisected vertically by a sharp bone ridge, which began at the base of his nose and ended atop his skull. Several metallic spots lined the ridge. Deeva carefully pulled up one of the stranger's eyelids. His eyes were completely white, without discernible pupil or iris.

Xeltec cleared his throat. "You done? We'd best get him down to Sickbay before he croaks. That would be the fucking icing on today's shit cake. Let's get a stretcher."

* * * *

"I'm sorry I made a mess out of you," Lavasi said, swiping at Iorec's face with a soft cloth.

"Nah, it's at least partially my fault too," the Gravon pirate said, chuckling. "Must have done something right."

"Did I convert you?" Lavasi asked, swabbing at some more cum spatters on his neck.

"You at least made a damn fine argument for bringing you along," Iorec said.

Besides them, Rejka stepped behind Tabby. "How about a special treat, just for you?"

"Now you're talking my language, baby," Tabby said, going on hands and knees.

Laughing, Iorec turned his attention towards them. Rejka, wearing the form of a broad-shouldered and impressively hung Zuthrian male, rubbed her cock against the Felinoid's pussy. "Shouldn't it be my pleasure to play with her?" he asked.

"Admit it, you want all of us in your bed tonight," Tabby purred, pushing herself onto Rejka's erection. "No need to try, just buy us already. Meow. And I happen to know some damn fine new crew members you could also take along."

"So you have seen through my little game already, kitty."

"It doesn't take a Wise Woman to see that you're not your average slave buyer," Lavasi purred. "Seeing as these two are already going at it again, how about I show you what else I can do with this?" She placed his hand on her own re-emerging erection.

Tabby had lowered her head on her forearms as Rejka picked up speed, pounding her into the mattress with powerful strokes. A slender black tentacle had emerged from her stomach and was teasing the loudly purring Felinoid between her butt cheeks. Tabby closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride, mewing happily as the Faceless gave it to her.

The door hissed open. "Oh, don't mind me," Xavra said, striding into the room. Her face was twisted into a sinister smile. "Here's another exhibit, with the boss's best wishes." She made a flourish towards the door.

A Felinoid entered. Long, leaf-green hair fell down over her shoulders and back, the occasional strand reaching the swell of her breasts. In contrast to Tabby, she was tall and curvy, with the first hints of green fuzz covering her body and limbs. The skin on her pelvis and around her pussy was dark blue, much like on a Silician. To Lavasi, she looked not quite finished.

"Hey there," the Felinoid breathed, sashaying into the room. Her voice had a slightly absent quality to it and Iorec sat up.

"I hope she's not high again," he rumbled.

"No, no. She's here of her own volition, aren't you, kitty?" Xavra asked, patting the Felinoid's behind.

"Yes. I'm here to play. And she said there would be cocks here." The green-haired Felinoid's eyes swept the room. "Oh my. I'm gonna have so much fun."

She closed the distance and straddled Iorec's lap. Her hand closed around his semi-hard cock. "You and I will have so much fun, big boy. And you-," she indicated Lavasi, "can plug my mouth with yours. How about it?"

"What's your name, furry one?" Iorec asked.

"Who cares?" the Felinoid purred. She reached between them and coated Iorec's rod with her juices until it was nice and hard, then she mounted him. His lustful gasp nearly drowned out a similar noise made by Xavra.

The Grey leaned against the wall next to the door, her brow furrowed and eyes fixed on the Felinoid's back. Beads of sweat dotted her oversized head as she mustered every ounce of her concentration. Thankfully, everyone only had eyes for Gaia as she reached for Lavasi's hardness with an eager gleam in her eyes.

...to be continued.

I hope you enjoyed my latest twisted fantasy. If you did, please vote and/or comment. Even if you hated this piece, let me know. How else am I supposed to improve? Thanks for your time.

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Ramjet57Ramjet57almost 3 years ago

Story is Good, Needs more chapters.

testdrivertestdriverover 4 years ago
Fading Stars 1 - 3

What ? You're not going to finish it ? A hugely enjoyable read. It needs an ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Is there more to this story coming / when will it be coming?

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 6 years ago
Love the Creativity!

The only drawback? It ended too soon. I want more! Please? Pretty please?

Love the depth to your bad guys, they aren't just mindless sadists.

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