Fairy Tales: Analella


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He somehow pounded her even harder for a time while keeping her pinned. Ella savoured every moment of it while it lasted.

"Yesss," she hissed.

"Ha, I knew you'd still like that," Kit said, breathing even heavier.

"I love it," Ella moaned.

Kit hesitated only briefly. "I love you."

Ella's eyes widened. "Say that again?"

"I... love you?"

She giggled maniacally, pressing her hand to his cheek and holding his face steady so she could look straight into his eyes. "I love you too, my silly boy." She gave him a gentle pat. "Now I want you to cum in me, ok?"

"Oh El...."

Kit closed his eyes and whimpered desperately while continuing to fuck her butt as hard as ever he could. It ended sooner than later, as she kind of expected it would. He grunted in that cute, helpless way of his that she sometimes got to witness, and came deep in her ass.

His face was a picture of sexual bliss and satisfaction. Ella smiled to see it, and at the feeling of hot cum spurting inside her. Kit's cum rather naughtily filling her backside for the first time, though not, she promised herself, the last.

He rolled off her, sheened in sweat and still recovering his breath. Ella felt the pang of separation and immediately rolled over to cuddle up partly on top of him, needing the security of his physical contact.

They were quiet for a time, just being together under the stars, basking in the glow of their recent intimacy. Ella ran her fingers up and down Kit's chest and shoulders, just toying as she enjoyed the moment. His hand inevitably slipped down her back, his hand groping her booty, and his fingers eventually finding their way to nestle up her bum. A fairly ordinary gesture of affection between them, but Ella particularly appreciated it just then.

"It has been such a wonderful night," Ella said.

"A perfect night," Kit said.

"Hehe, you think so?"

"You don't?"

Ella let a slow, lazy smile take over her face. "No, you're right. I don't see how it could have been better." She kissed Kit's cheek. "It was my first time having sex, and... and being in love. I don't think I could be happier with either."

"I'm glad," Kit said. "Though I suppose there may be some details we should discuss, now that you know the complications that come with loving me."

"You're probably right," Ella said, resting her head back on his shoulder. "But maybe not just at the moment?"

"No, of course. Perhaps tomorrow?" Kit paused a moment. "Would you, possibly, care to stay the night? I'd have to make some arrangements, but--"

"Sorry, my darling," Ella said wistfully. "I have to get home tonight. It's important, I think. At the very least I have to return a carriage, and there's something about leaving by midnight at the latest." She sighed. "What time is it anyhow?"

"Um... I've slightly lost track. It must be getting close to midnight now, though. Is it truly that important? I can arrange for your carriage one way or another."

"I'm afraid it might be," Ella said, sitting up with a groan of regret. "Wanda said so, and she's the only reason I could come tonight at all."


"Come, not cum, silly boy. Now help me back into my dress."

Kit pouted. "Not what I wanted to be doing tonight."

"I know, it feels foolish after everything else. But I must leave soon, probably, and it would be better to be wearing it than not."

"If that is how it must be." Kit took her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, back and forth. "Can I send someone to bring you back tomorrow? We could have... not breakfast, too early, lunch maybe? Or an afternoon something or other?"

Ella grinned shyly. "I think that would be fine. I will ask Wanda tonight if there's any reason I can't stay at the palace with you sometimes. It was all such a blur earlier I didn't ask half the things I should have, and have probably forgotten most of the rest."

"Or stay all the time," Kit suggested softly.

Ella could barely restrain the fast, excited beating of her heart and the way she only wanted to launch herself at him and stay cuddled up to him all night. "We shall see what we shall see. Now--"

Ella froze as the booming chimes of the clock tower began to ring out through the still night. "Midnight? Already? Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit!"


"Sorry for the swears. Shit."

"El, don't panic. We can--"

She was already up and running. She vaguely remembered the way back through the maze, it wasn't overly complicated when one had a sense of it, and the notion she had was enough to lead her back to open terrain. A moment to regain her bearings as to the front of the castle, then she was sprinting off again, glad not to have to worry about her heels as she ran.

There was something very freeing about tearing off at full speed across a grassy lawn. She'd used to love things like that, tearing on her own paths through the woods when she was younger. She didn't often have cause for acting so recklessly these days.

Ella spotted her carriage making ready in front of the palace as she approached. The two hired boys were watching the front steps, as though expecting her to appear from an ordinary direction.

Ella, vaguely realizing that taking off as she had without most of her clothes had perhaps been too hasty, seized the opportunity for what it was. Without many people in the area to spot her, and with her driver and footman looking the other way, Ella raced for the far side of the carriage, opened it, and dove in.


Ella grabbed the open door on the other side, closing it too, then pulling down both blinds on the small windows.

"Is that you, miss?"

"It's me," Ella called back, stifling her giggles of relief. Her mind was only just catching up to the foolish thing she'd just done. "Can we return, please."

"Certainly miss. Sorry about that, only we expected you to come back down the steps. Miss Wanda said you'd want to leave at midnight and--"

"It's all for the best, thank you," Ella said. "Plans got a bit muddled, you know how it is. But please, we must leave now. I'm late already, I think, though I'm not sure for what."

The carriage started up, and Ella breathed a sigh of relief that her half-naked stunt hadn't landed her in any difficulty. It was so fresh on her mind, the exhilaration of it all, but along with that came the increasing awareness of how silly she'd been. This was a royal function and royal grounds. She was getting away with something just by being here, let alone running about like a madwoman with her various parts uncovered.

Still shaking from the excitement, Ella risked a peek out the window. She wasn't sure quite what she was hoping for, but was ever so pleased to see a figure out on the darkened lawn. Kit, only half-dressed himself, come to see her off.

Rather daringly, Ella opened the side door and blew him a kiss as her carriage passed. Kit caught sight of her, smiled, and shook his head in mock despair at the state of her and the way she'd run off. Still communicating silently, Ella gave a broad shrug, something he'd be able to see at that distance, then put a hand to her heart.

Kit laughed, all by himself in the large yard, and gave her a deep, grand bow just before her carriage turned and he was out of sight again.

Ella closed the door and settled back down for the trip, sighing happily at the thought of how much joy Kit brought her, and how much she longed to see him again already. It would only be a separation until the next day, not long at all really. She could manage until then.

There were, happily enough, a few blankets stowed in the carriage with Ella. She made use of them, one for sitting on to make her ride more comfortable, and one to wrap around herself to hide her relative nudity.

"He shall most likely tease me about that," Ella murmured to herself. "Though I suspect he might also have enjoyed it, horny boy that he is." She leaned back and closed her eyes. "Ah, no matter either way. I only want to be with him again, is all."

The ride went by with Ella hardly taking note of it, lost as her mind was. Only the final stop in front of Kismet and her footman opening the door startled her back to reality.

"Here we are, miss. Um...."

"You don't mind if I keep this blanket, do you?" Ella asked, bashful of the way he looked at her so curiously. He had seen her in her fine dress earlier, and most likely suspected that she didn't have it on anymore. It would have been obvious, even with a blanket around her. "If you need it back, I'll only be a moment."

"Quite alright, miss. That is... yes, you keep it. Miss Wanda will sort it out, I'm sure."

Ella nodded gratefully, accepted a hand down while clutching her blanket tight about her with her other hand, then thankfully made it back inside Wanda's shop.

"The returning hero!" Wanda cheered rather loudly as Ella entered.

Gus, sitting cozily on the counter, squeaked a greeting as well.

Ella closed the door and waited to hear the clip clop of horses starting off again. She padded closer to Wanda and Gus, giving the latter some affectionate pets. "Are you drunk?" she asked Wanda suspiciously.

"What else was I meant to do, waiting for you all night?"

"Yes, that is a fair point."

Wanda grinned at Ella in a slightly unfocused way. "How did it go?"

Ella beamed and blushed in equal measure. "So well. Perfect as could be." She clutched a hand to her chest, overwhelmed. "I love him, Wanda, and he loves me."

"Excellent! Come, have some wine to celebrate."

"Perhaps just a glass."

Wanda poured a pair of glasses half-full. "Incidentally, why are you wearing that blanket? Am I to understand you haven't brought back my dress?"

Ella bit her lip. "Alright, so it went not quite perfect."

"And your shoes? Your butt plug?"

Her ears burned. "Very nearly perfect, ok? But do not fear, I shall be able to gather that all up and return it tomorrow."

Wanda giggled. "Quite alright. You needed to leave something behind. It was meant to be the glass plug only, but I suppose a whole outfit doesn't hurt."

"Why should I need to leave anything behind?"

"To add mystery, to make it a story for all in the land to engage in, and so the dashing prince can find you again."

Ella opened her mouth, closed it again, then frowned. "Bugger. I never told him where I live."

"These things happen."

"Ah well, I'll try the woods tomorrow. He won't need my clothes to find me. Or my plug. How would those help anyway?"

"Yooouuu'll seeee," Wanda teased in a sing-song voice.

"Ah, right." Ella sipped her wine. It was nice, but made her wistful of sharing wine with Kit instead. "You have reasons for all these things you say and do. It is difficult to remember sometimes. But you are my fairy godmother, after all. No, sorry, domme-mother."

"Exactly so. And speaking as such, what is it in fact you wore back from the ball?"

Ella held her blanket tighter. "I'd rather not say."

"Haha, is it anything at all? How on earth did you manage that? Or are you a little streaker at heart on top of everything else?"

Ella sighed and let her blanket fall partly open. "Nothing like that. It was a foolish thing I did, though I seem to have got away with it. My mind was altogether occupied with other things, and then midnight came before I was ready." She shrugged. "I did not mean to flash myself to anyone, though I admit there was a certain silly thrill to my departure."

Wanda clinked her glass against Ella's. "Ah, for my youth. I miss doing fun, foolish things. That's the problem they never tell you about growing older and wiser. Wisdom tends to be safer and less exciting."

"How old exactly are you?" Ella asked.

"None of your business," Wanda said promptly. "Besides which, you'd never believe me."

"You never looked all that much older than me, though the way you comport yourself certainly suggests confidence and wisdom."

"I shall take that as a compliment, but I still won't tell you. More wine?"

Ella regretfully shook her head. "I suppose I must return home before my stepmother does, or it will be worse for me. I think, I hope, it may be my last night I have to suffer through at that dreadful place." She scooped Gus gently up in her hand and pattered toward the door.

"I hope so for you as well," Wanda said, though a little sadly as though she didn't believe it.

Ella paused partway to the door, once again using her commandeered blanket as a makeshift robe. "Do you really believe all that about the story of my leaving my clothes behind? That it will be mysterious and astounding?"

"It's the fact that no one knew who you were, dear Ella," Wanda said. "And that you vanished again after claiming the prince's attentions all evening. That's really the important part." She idly twirled her mostly empty wine glass. "If you had stayed all night, there would have been nothing but jealousy. But you'd gone, so now it's a thing of fantasy and intrigue. Who are you, after all? Where did you go? Is the prince truly smitten? Is it love at first sight? All that nonsense."

Wanda set down her glass. "Leaving behind a single item probably would have been best, as far as the romance of the tale. But it doesn't hurt to be leave some redundancy. So long as everyone knows the prince is searching far and wide for the owner of the glass butt plug who so stole his heart last night."

"We met many times before that."

"Best that people don't know that. Then it's not a thrilling romance, it's an intrigue by a foreign agent to install some nobody in the palace."

Ella slowly shook her head. "I haven't drunk that much tonight, yet I fear it was too much to make sense of half the things you're telling me."

Wanda waved her away. "Never mind that. The point is you're gaining support from the public, and not their loathing. That's the objective."

"You are a terribly complicated thinker, Wanda," Ella said. "I would say too cynical by far, but you've always treated me so well in the ways of love, self or otherwise, so I think you cannot be as cynical as you sometimes would appear."

Wanda leaned her chin on one hand and grinned sloppily at Ella. "I can see your boob."

Ella laughed, letting some her tension ebb away, and turned to leave the shop without adjusting her blanket. "Good night, Wanda. Try not to be too hungover tomorrow. And thank you for everything."

"Good night, little Analella. May your prince come soon." She snickered helplessly. "But not cum too soon, if you know what I mean."


Getting back into her room was a struggle. It was significantly more difficult climbing up and through the small window than down, let alone how late it was, how tired Ella felt, and how she really didn't want to be locked away in her room again.

She managed the feat somehow, tossing Gus and her blanket through the window first, gently as she could, then hauling herself in after. It left her exhausted and ready for slumber, but she only really had time to get herself and Gus settled, and get snuggly under her covers, eyes gratefully closed.

Ella was snapped back to alertness what felt like a moment later, though she might have dozed off briefly and truly had little sense of what time it actually was. The front door crashed open and Ella groaned as she heard loud footsteps and drunken laughter.

"Oh, Gus Gus," she sighed. "I don't know that I'm able to handle this right now."

"Squeak," Gus said sympathetically.

"Ella! Elllaaa!"

Ella groaned again and got out of bed. She calmly got herself somewhat presentably dressed while her stepsisters yelled for her. Someone would remember she was locked in her room sooner or later, she thought, and if they didn't there wasn't particularly anything she could do about it.

She was waiting by the door when Francesca finally unlocked it, but as she suspected it wasn't enough to save her.

"We've been calling," Francesca said snidely.

"I couldn't very well do anything about it, I'm afraid," Ella said.

"Don't take that tone with me. We're hungry, make us something quick, would you?"


"And I don't see why you're so tired," Francesca said, still snappy. "You've had nothing to do all evening. We've been doing the hard work of trying to catch the prince."

"And how did that go?" Ella asked without really thinking her question through.

Fortunately, Francesca's ire was directed at someone else in this instance, even though by circuitous route it would have led straight back to Ella again, if only anyone had known.

"My girls were the most beautiful in the land," Francesca said fondly.

It was a hard statement to take seriously given the state of them now, Ella observed. They'd clearly found the champagne at the ball, at the very least. Anne and Dru were ever so disheveled at the moment. Sloppy, even.

"That harlot!" Anastasia complained. "It was... she was... she's ugly!"

"And stupid," Drusilla agreed, currently sat at the table with her head fully resting on it, softly drooling over herself. "Ugly and stupid. I don't see why the prince would want something like that when he could have had us."

"Both of us, if he wanted," Anne said. "I wouldn't mind, if we got a palace out of the deal."

"His loss!" Dru mumbled loudly.

Francesca sighed. "No accounting for taste. Why the prince would have ever wanted a plain strumpet like that, I shall never know. Be quick about that food, Ella. My girls need cheering up."

"I see that," Ella said.

She scampered off quickly as Francesca turned a glare on her. She took some consolation in how much angrier her stepmother would be if she knew Ella was the diabolical seductress in question, who had apparently robbed her stepsisters of their chance at happiness, or at least wealth.

Ella couldn't decide whether to laugh or fume about it all as she prepared a midnight snack. She was exhausted enough not to really get anywhere with the decision, and besides her thoughts kept circling back to her time with Kit, and how happy she was in spite of her step-family.

She prepared a charcuterie board and fruit, not missing the chance to stick a wide variety of the items up her bum before serving. Despite her lack of energy and motivation, the petty revenge helped see her through the way it so often did. She suspected in this case there would be traces of Kit's cum mixed in as well, which surely her stepsisters would enjoy, given how badly they wanted him, or indeed just his money.

Anne and Dru dug into the food with wild abandon, simply disposing with any sort of manners or etiquette. Ella made sure not to stay too long so as not to give away her feelings on their appearance. She pattered back and forth from the kitchen, staying nearby since she knew it would be trouble for her if she went back to bed so soon.

It was all she wanted though, was just to be comfy and warm and allowed to drift off to sleep. In an ideal world, having Kit next to her as well would be simple perfection. She wondered idly if it might have been ok to ignore Wanda's advice entirely and spend the night with him. It probably would be worse in the long term, but for the sake of tonight perhaps it would have been worth it.

Ella had to help her stepsisters out of their ludicrous outfits afterward, though at least it was easier than getting them into all the bustles and corsets in the first place.

She'd never been so grateful for bedtime when she finally got to sink under the covers and drift off for real.


The next morning came too soon. It wasn't nearly as early as Ella was used to having to wake, since the rest of the household was sleeping in too, but given her exertions and how late she'd been up, even sleeping late wasn't enough.

Her stepsisters were particularly whiny and demanding, on top of everything else, both suffering hangovers at the very least. Francesca wasn't in bad shape, relatively speaking, but she was still obviously annoyed at her girls' lack of success catching a rich husband the night before, and was determined to be persnickety about anything she could.