Fallen Woman


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When they were both naked they kissed and explored one another standing in the seeming tropical room, the tender, intense passion making them both tremble. Reginald was smooth and strong, mostly hairless except thick growth in both armpits and crotch. Taking is manhood in her hand Jenny stroked the proud length and caressed the thick knob.

Yearning to please she dropped to her knees and kissed the plum-sized knob and ran gentle fingers over his shaft and balls. When he didn't protest Jenny began to lick him all over his sex, bathing him and pleasing him, happy to repay him for the wonderful meal.

For the fifth time that long, strange day Jenny lapped an erect prick and she smiled at how much better she was getting at it. Reginald shuddered and whimpered as she ministered to his engorged member. Discovering that performing this for a clean man who she found attractive was far more exciting than sucking to get a job, for pay or out of fearful lust.

Taking her time she indulged him using her new found skills and Jenny saw him marvel at how good it felt. Shamelessly she took him deep and fucked his length with her sloppy mouth. Lewdly swirling her tongue as far as she could reach she debased herself happily for the handsome toff who had treated her so well.

As she suckled him Reginald bought a pillow down from the bed and dropped it beside her.

"Kneel on that and bend over the bed." He directed gently.

Obediently Jenny did as instructed, laying face down, stretching her arms over her head on the mattress, presenting her bottom to Reginald. Sharing the pillow he knelt behind her and aimed his prick at her cunny, pushing in and piercing her deep. Grunting with the violation she winced from discomfort, her well fucked pussy having been untouched the day before.

Immediately Reginald began to fuck her quickly, insistently driving himself toward bliss. The grind of his phallus inside her swollen vagina delighted her and Jenny turned her head to the side so she could breathe as pleasure robbed her of breath.

Within a span of minutes Reginald pulled out and told her to climb on the bed on her back. Lying supine she spread her legs for him and he reentered her, once again moving rapidly, his prick burning her with sweet friction. The handsome man groped her breasts aggressively and Jenny whimpered from his manhandling, the discomfort adding a primal animalistic quality to the encounter that she found titillating.

Next Reginald asked her to climb on top of him, then he lay on his back, feet off the side of the bed. Sitting on his cock felt embarrassing, and being the active rider at first seemed obscene, but when she was able to angle her hips and rub his prick into her cunny exactly where she wanted it Jenny suddenly began to enjoy intercourse even more. Soon she felt the tingle of an approaching orgasm and she rode faster and harder, bringing herself to bliss using Reggie's lovely prick.

When she shuddered to a halt, her body trembling with excitation Reginald flipped her off of him and entered her from above, pummelling her into another euphoric fugue state. Head lolling she drifted in an ecstatic dreamland of hedonistic pleasure until Reggie grunted and alerted her that he was achieving orgasm himself.

Looking up at him as he grimaced in sexual abandon Jenny felt deep affection for the handsome man tasting euphoria nestled within her grateful clasp. When the warm spill of his seed seeped into her Jenny felt it as a detonation of primal joy and accomplishment. Nothing before in her life had prepared her for the feeling of accomplishment she felt in receiving a man's deposit deep inside her core for the first time.

For a long time they lay snuggled together after, wrapped in blankets and recovering from the intensity of their mutual pleasure.

"I have never experienced anything like that before." Jenny said, her sincerity capturing Reggie's attention.

"You are a singular woman Miss Morrison."

"Ain't no-one like me. Mr. Pettigrew." She mocked.

"I'd like to show you something, if I may?" Reggie seemed bashful all of a sudden.

"What sort of something?" Jenny asked slyly, hoping it was a new sexual trick.

"Come along."

Rising he offered her his hand which Jenny took, pleased by the feeling of his strong fingers entwined with her dainty ones. Then she wondered if a farm girl's small, but callused and strong working hands could be considered dainty. The handsome, educated man drawing her to the large bookcase that filled one wall had most likely held hand with women who had never milked a cow, hauled wood or weeded and acre of land. Still her hand was much smaller than his and she felt delicate the way he treated her.

"Do you read?"

"Oh yes. Back home I read all the stories to the family. It was one of my favourite things, us all snuggled by the fire, them gathered 'round me. Some of my best memories."

"Did you ever read them horror stories?"

Before she could answer Reggie passed her a nearby lamp and pulled the spine on a book called The Vampyr by John William Polidori. A muffled latch clicked from behind the bookshelf, the book hinged back and Reggie pulled on it swinging a door sized section from the rest of the shelving revealing a passage behind.


"What's behind there?"

"I bought this building last year and remodelled this area into an apartment. There are three in the building, but I haven't found quality tenants as of yet." Reggie gave a moue of displeasure. "I set this up for the adventure of it. Come see."

Still holding her hand Reggie scampered down some tightly spiralled stairs. The stairs carried on to the floor above but he lead her down, barefoot, on smooth wooden stairs that didn't creak at all they were so firmly built.

They passed another door, but continued down until they reached an end to the spiral, Jenny took a moment to shake her head from the dizzying descent around the tight spiral.

Unhooking a latch Reggie lead her through the door into what looked like a study in the spill of the lamp. Guiding her past him into the room, Reggie held back and closed the door behind her as she took in the thick rich carpet she walked on, the fine leather chairs, polished wooden desk and small tables with neatly stacked books and note pads atop.

The room was small and cozy, the far wall held another small door, but every other wall was draped in tapestries and carpets with shelves filled with heaps of reading materiel standing in front.

"Go ahead put the lamp there on the desk."

As she placed the lamp on the tidy surface Jenny noticed a silk dressing gown draped over the desk chair.

"I'm chilly. May I put this on?" She lifted the floor length, carefully embroidered garment for him to see.

Reggie was lighting another lamp by the chairs and turned to see.

"Would you deny me the pleasure of seeing your naked body?" He pouted, his moustache crooked after their lovemaking drooping sadly like his eyes.

"What about a compromise?"

Pulling the silken robe over her goose-bumped flesh she left it undone, the open front exposing her breasts and pubic hair to him. Standing with hands on hips she posed for him already feeling better as her backside at least had cover.

"I accept the compromise." Reggie grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "Shall I pour you a drink?"

Another small side-bar stood in a corner and Reggie poured himself something from a decanter.

"No thank you."

"Nothing at all?"


"Damn! The one thing she wants is the one thing I cannot provide. There is no tea service here, nor kettle to warm it."

"Then I don't need anything, thank you."

"You are truly a unique woman Jenny Morrison." Reggie grinned and drained his drink in one gulp, then winced from the burn of the spirits. "All of the others wanted as much drink as I could pour into them."


"Yes, just through here. Come, lets see."

Reggie took her hand once again and lead her to the little door. Opening it he revealed a black, cool space with a foul odour emanating from within. Guiding her closer he lifted a lamp behind her, but Jenny's shadow made it difficult to see within. Gently urging her in with his free hand Reggie followed behind, his body close as Jenny stepped into the cold, dank space.

"This was once the foundation of a church that burned down in the Great Fire." Reggie's voice echoed off cold stone walls.

As he stepped in behind her the light illuminated figures standing around the perimeter of the room. The heavy thud of the door closing behind Reggie startled Jenny. Turning to look she saw him naked, gleaming in the light, flanked on either side by dead women each posed upright on some kind of wrack, their rotting faces twisted in pain and anguish. Spinning she saw more bodies, perhaps a dozen standing all around the walls.

"The streets grew too dangerous to play my funny little games so I moved inside, underground. Safe and secure." He giggled manically. "They won't fix me yet."

Stepping away from him in the small, stone space Jenny recoiled as she understood she had stumbled into the lair of Jack The Ripper.

"You may squeal all you like. No one will hear you down here."

Reggie began to stalk around the room moving to Jenny's right while she stepped away keeping distance between them, but risking brushing against the woman's bodies displayed around her. The cold stone floor bruised her feet and sticky blood pooled beneath the corpses feeling tacky and glue-like under the fresher kills. Feeling nausea she looked at Reggie trying to reconcile the man who she made love to moments before with the brutal killer she was now looking at.

When she had circled so that her back was to the door she turned and tried to open it but The Ripper pounced and grabbed her neck, spinning and hurling her into the wall. Hitting with a shoulder she felt the wind driven from her lungs with the power of the impact. Immediately the Ripper was upon her. A flash of light and she saw his fist coming for her face, tucking her chin like her brothers taught her Jenny took the blow on the forehead and saw stars as her brain bounced off the inside of her skull. Slumping to the ground she held onto consciousness by sheer will power alone.

Blinking unfocused eyes and gasping for air she looked up to see Reggie staring at his own hand pale and shocked.

"Ooooowwww! Bloody hell! You broke my fucking hand!" Cradling his right hand in his left Reggie gaped at his mangled knuckles. Turning in a circle he danced gingerly in shock, uncertain how to deal with his agony.

Without hesitation, without planning Jenny simply reacted, instinct for survival taking over. The lithe girl pulled the belt from the silk robe, twisted one end around her left hand and made a fist, stood and with her right hand rapidly whirled the belt around Reggie's neck twice. As he recoiled from her she pulled tight and twisted her right hand around the other end of the belt. Placing one foot on his back, between his shoulder blades she pulled as tight as if she were hauling a reluctant mule into a pen.

The Ripper panicked and reached for the his neck to loosen the belt desperate to open his sealed airway. The broken hand crumpled as he tried to move it and agony distracted him allowing Jenny to lock in her grip, settling her planted bottom leg better.

Sensing the increased danger The Ripper used his greater weight and superior strength to shove backward, ramming them both into the nearest wall. Jenny's back slamming hard against the stone, but she maintained her pressure with the leg braced on his back, the belt still strangling the man.

Frenzied, his air running out as he struggled, The Ripper clawed at the belt with his left hand, but the silk fabric was slippery and too thin to get the fingers of his functioning hand under. Reginald Pettigrew was dying. The next act of desperation he attempted was to reach both hands behind him and pull the straps closer to loosen them. The two combatants began a tug-o-war over the short length of belt, a match far closer than the frantic murderer would have believed.

The contest of strength began unbalanced as Jenny had better leverage because of her leg, the awkward angle the Ripper pulled from over his shoulders and, most importantly, Jenny was able to breathe. The struggle up to that point had already used up all the air in Reginald's lungs, but as Jenny huffed and panted she fed her weary muscles oxygen that he couldn't. Every heartbeat Reginald lost a percentage of strength. Each heartbeat Jenny did as well, but she was able to somewhat replenish her blood.

A week before Jenny had been working on a farm. The same farm she had worked her whole life. The girl may have been weaker, but she was in much better condition for endurance tasks. Two beings pitted against one another in the ultimate battle for survival, both knowing that if they relented one iota they would perish. The combat became one of willpower and Jenny was raised in the Famine on a failing farm. Reginald Pettigrew, the privileged stalker of society's weakest and most vulnerable had no concept of will power compared to Jenny Eileen Morison.

Through her bare foot planted firmly between his shoulder bladed Jenny felt his heart beat slow, stutter, fail and something violent happen inside his chest someplace, then he slumped. On the farm she'd had to strangle rats from time to time and she knew that even after a creature lost consciousness if you gave them air they might revive and bite you.

Jenny held her position until her hands throbbed from lack of blood.

Pushing him away she released the belt and watched him fall face-first to the paving stones making a sound like a hollow gourd being broken on the road. It made her ill. The whole experience, the struggle, the violence and the putrid copses made her vomit right onto Jack The Ripper's nude corpse.

When Jenny felt capable of walking on her wobbly legs she left that dungeon of horrors, closed the door, put out all the other lamps as a conscientious person did, walked out of that study up to the second floor and flopped on the day bed falling into a catatonic sleep that was neither restful nor soothing. Nightmares dogged her continuously. Every sound was The Ripper rising from the floor to stab her, pull her bowels out and hang her on a coat-rack.

In spite of her fears the morning arrived and Jenny lived.

The terrified girl immediately went to work and didn't stop thinking of new tasks until sundown and hunger forced her to stop and finish the meal from the night before.

Before that though she tentatively went downstairs through the secret passage and all the way back into the chamber of horrors. The flickering light of the lamp made her frazzled nerves jumpy thinking the Ripper twitched, but when she set the light down and watched him it was obvious he was dead. Confirmation calmed her on that front, which freed her anxiety to stress about being arrested for murder.

Closing the door to the Ripper's tomb she searched the desk thoroughly. Inside she found a diary detailing his crimes, which she tossed onto his body once she realized what it was. Then she found money. In the end there were several thousand pounds in fifty, ten and five pound notes. Jenny counted and recounted the total of three thousand two hundred a fifty pounds until her brain would finally accept the number. An apprentice in a good trade might earn twenty five pounds annually, so the riches before her seemed unbelievable.

When she found the deed to the building she understood that on some level that was what she had been searching for all along. Jenny had already uncovered his signature on another document so next she set about learning how to copy it. It took several days before she could no longer tell them apart and she amended the ownership of the building to herself. It took three days to learn to forge the bank manager's signature because she couldn't actually tell what the name was which made her forgery much more difficult.

In the days before she claimed ownership of the apartment she found a brickyard and had them deliver a load of bricks and mortar to the rear courtyard behind the building. There, day after day she toiled hauling bricks into the basement. Starting with the door she sealed The Ripper within, alongside his unfortunate last victims.

Searches discovered other secret passages behind every wall. The building did indeed have three apartments, but the top and bottom floors were vacant. Jenny began ordering everything she would need to make the building pay for itself. When a man hired to build walls to divide the upper floor into smaller rooms he demanded to speak with the owner not a slip of a girl. Jenny fired him after showing him her forged deed for the building and hired his next in command to take his job. That man hired the first man's crew at a slightly higher wage and the red-faced former business owner stalked off realizing he no longer had a company.

On the first floor she built a tasteful salon and several more small rooms.

In the secret basement she completed building a wall across the study hiding the old church foundation beyond. The nightmares continued so she began another layer.

In the evenings she walked the streets of Whitechapel and found the most vulnerable, recent denizens of the alleys and told them of her plan to create a safe brothel for the unfortunate. Asking around she found a pair of reliable bouncers who didn't hate women and avoided conflict with clients, but who could break heads with the best of them.

When the rooms were ready and the salon decorated she opened Lady M's Scarlet Salon. She herself sang and played piano while girls entertained gentlemen callers in the small bedrooms above. Each girl rented the room for a week and kept anything they earned above room and board. No violence was permitted and the rooms were regularly cleaned.

When her second wall of bricks was finished Jenny's nightmares diminished, but it wasn't until a third stood between her and the horrors beyond that her sleep grew restful.

Bribes and careful blackmail allowed Jenny to run her business right up until World War 2 without scandal or significant incident. The Blitz damaged the roof, but nothing more. When Jenny died in 1953 well into her eighties the building was demolished, but when they levelled the building they didn't dig down far enough to find the old Church foundation. Instead they covered over it and built a ten story office tower that stood until the eighties.

The next time the foundations were re-dug they found the bodies, but they were all mixed in with an undiscovered plague pit from the 1300's. The Ripper and his victims were mixed in with plague bodies below and it was never uncovered who any of them were. The remains were respectfully reburied and the area remade into the deep foundation for a skyscraper.

The diary confirming the identity of Jack The Ripper, the corpse of the killer himself and his last victims were thus lost to history and the case grew into the greatest murder mystery of all time. Jenny never told anyone of what she'd done in that basement. Many times she entertained close friends in the study next to Reginald Pettigrew's tomb, but the famous madame never hinted as to what lay behind the brick wall. However friends did remark on how smug she would act whenever she sat behind the old wooden desk, with her feet up, sipping tea.

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SplitPeachSplitPeach9 months ago

Really loved everything about this, thank you.

AnnalovesitAnnalovesit9 months ago

What a fantastic story, and a happy ending.


DeepTrance3DeepTrance39 months ago

Wonderful read. Loved the twists.

BeerbeardBeerbeard9 months ago

Excellent! By the way, it’s “hansom” can, for next time.

Radical5Radical59 months ago

Fabulous story!!! Absolutely delightful.

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