Falling for Grace Pt. 01


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"I have no doubt you'll achieve whatever you try, honey."

Grace smiled, that big, beautiful smile. Too bad we didn't have time to be alone.

I got out and came around to open the door for Grace. I held out my hand for her, but she waved it away as she got out. "Am I crazy to be nervous? What are we doing, Henry? We've known each other a week."

"But I'm crazy about you. I don't want to date anyone else. Just you. So come in and meet my mom. I know your mom, right?"

"All your life. OK, I'm ready." Up the steps to the front door we went. She stopped halfway up and lightly grabbed my arm. "And by the way, I don't want to date anyone else either." A light kiss, then we went up and in.

Mom was in her salon, of course, and, even though I should have expected it, I was surprised by the sight of Edina sitting there with her, and both were having tea. "Finally" my mother said, "we were beginning to think you weren't coming." They both stood up, Grace kissed her mother and then I introduced her to my mom. Mom was warm and friendly right off the bat, and while it was good to see and hear, there was an air of the surreal about this for me. Mom poured tea for both Grace and I and then, as if things weren't weird enough, mom told Edina to sit and went in the kitchen to refill the tea pot.

Edina leaned towards me and said in a low voice "You should have warned me about this this morning. I'm not complaining, but I had no clue your mother was going to do this. I don't think I've ever sat in this room before in more than 20 years."

"Has everything been going all right with you both?" I asked with a little concern.

"Everything's been fine. I feel like I'm on another planet, but it's all good."

"This whole weekend has been like that for me, Edina. But as you said, it's all been good."

When mom came back, she and Grace did most of the talking. Mom got to know a lot about Grace, asking about things I hadn't gotten around to before. They really hit it off, which was a huge load off my mind. After talking for about an hour, mom said "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Grace. Truly. I'm glad you and Henry are seeing each other. You certainly don't need my blessing but I'm giving it anyway. Thomas and I raised him to be a gentleman, and I know Edina raised you to be a lady. Now, I have just one question for you: Do you have a dress for your prom? Or actually, two dresses. Two proms, after all."

"I have one, Mrs. Douglas. I wasn't expecting to be going to two proms. I can wear it for both proms."

"Sweetheart, if you want another dress, I'd be happy to help. I loved taking my Evelyn dress shopping. Of course Edina, I want you to join us. That's if you want another dress. It's up to you, dear."

Who was this woman and what did she do with my mother, I briefly thought. Not that she wasn't generous; she could be almost to a fault. "Well, you and your mother can talk it over and let me know. Just remember time is short. Now why don't you two go down to the basement and do your homework. Just keep the door open, please. And Grace, you and your mother are staying for dinner. Henry can take you home after."

We went down to the basement, where there was a large, old dining table and chairs, plenty of room to spread out our books. "Your mom is so charming, Henry. But I assume this is not exactly how she usually has behaved with black people?"

"Honestly, I couldn't say. This was the first time we've had black people as guests in our house. I'm really sorry to say that. I'm kind of ashamed to have to tell you that."

"Don't be. You think I'm not familiar with how most white people are with black people, especially here in South Carolina? It's not like I've been invited to dine with a lot of white families before."

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly a regular in black people's homes either." Despite the outward tension of the conversation, we were actually smiling at each other, more busting balls than anything. But there was that large element of truth there as well, and it made us both conscious of who we were and where we came from, 4 miles away and worlds apart. I hoped we could continue to overcome those differences.

We were both studying across from each other. Most of our classes were the same or similar; we each were loaded with AP classes except Grace was also taking AP math, while I was taking a not quite as hard class, Math Analysis, which she had taken as a junior. The door was open to upstairs, so we had to behave ourselves. So I thought until I felt the toes of Grace's bare foot working gradually up my right leg. I took my head out of my books and looked at her but she still had her head down with a sexy, shit eating smile on her lips.

"Grace..." I hissed, "what are you doing?" as her foot went along my thigh.

"Shh we're supposed to be studying" she responded in a whisper. "Keep looking at your books...if you can" Grace giggled as her toes rubbed slowly along the shaft of my cock.

"Ohhh that feels so good" I moaned as my cock got fully hard. This was maddening.

"If you think that feels good, why don't you take your dick out of your pants. Think how good that will feel."

The risk of being caught was not great, but it was there. I balanced the risk against how much I wanted to enjoy what Grace was doing to me, and it was really a no-brainer. I reached under the table and opened my jeans, then took my cock from my white briefs, freeing my throbbing member. I then surprised Grace by grabbing her foot and guiding it right where I wanted it, right on the underside of my cock.

"I like a man who knows what he wants" Grace said in a very sexy whisper, looking me right in the eye, our books forgotten. She leaned back in her chair, stretching her leg out to give her better leverage. "Let me go; I'll give you a great time, baby."

I let her foot go and Grace pressed her whole foot along my cock, pushing up and down. Her toes teased the underside of my head in that very sensitive area. I groaned loudly and she whispered "Keep it down, baby. Our moms are right upstairs. Just keep looking at my face."

That was easy to do. Staring at her gorgeous face gave me something to focus on and I kept as quiet as I could as I felt her pressing and sliding on my dick with more and more speed and pressure. My precum was leaking, giving natural lubrication that must have felt a little slimy to her, but she kept going and my cock was twitching against her foot.

"Are you almost ready, baby?" Grace asked in an incredibly soft and seductive voice. "You want to shoot that hot cum all over my toes? I want to feel it dripping down my sole."

"Ahhh fuck" I moaned as quietly as I could and then my balls contracted, spraying rivulets of my cum from the head of my cock all over Grace's foot and down my cock, collecting on the front of my underwear. I leaned back in my chair, breathing hard. "That was incredible!" I said as quietly as I could while also letting Grace know how much I enjoyed that footjob. "I never even thought about something like that before. But I sure as hell won't forget it."

Just then Edina called down to us "Dinner in 15 minutes! Time to put the books away and get cleaned up!"

Grace giggled. "I didn't think how we're going to get out of this. I can't even stand. My foots a mess!"

"I'm not in much better shape. My pants are going to be a mess!" The two of us with a whole bunch of IQ points between us and we were clueless and running short on time. Finally I said "I've got this" as I stood up and quickly took off my jeans, then slid down my briefs.

"Oh, dinner and a show!" Grace laughed lightly in a tone that could have gotten me hard all over again if I let it. I used my underwear to make sure I was cleaned up and then I helped Grace clean her foot of most of my semen. Then I put my jeans back on without underwear, not the most comfortable thing for me. "Really, you used your dirty underwear to clean my foot? Kind of gross, don't you think?"

"Would you rather be walking around with a cum filled sneaker?" I asked her.

"Nasty! But I'm washing my foot first chance I get!" We were both laughing at the whole situation. I stuffed my underwear in my pants and we headed upstairs. I ran up to my bathroom and got rid of my shorts in the hamper but had no time to replace them. I would have to sit through dinner commando.

It was a very pleasant meal. This was the first time Edina had sat with us aside from the day before Christmas Eve every year. Dad always tried to make it home for dinner at 5:30, and that night was no different. Conversation was light and easy, and both Grace and I helped serve and clean up after, something I almost never did aside from Sunday nights. I needed to get used to it.

After we cleaned up I drove Edina and Grace home, telling my parents I was going to take Grace for ice cream after, since our homework was actually done before that footjob. "Not too late, Henry. It's a school night" dad reminded me, with a look that indicated he knew ice cream was not on the menu.

I drove to Edina's and she got out and Grace got in front. "We're going for ice cream, mom. We won't be too late."

"Ice cream, uh huh" Edina responded. Like my dad, and probably my mom, she also knew ice cream was not what we were going for. "Don't come home with anything" she added. "Home by 11, young lady."

I drove off after making sure Edina got in the house all right. "So, we're not going for ice cream, are we" Grace said. "I'm too hot for ice cream. It will just melt when it touches my tongue" she said as she licked her lips.

"I wasn't planning on it. We can go 'park'. I know a place where we all go. It will mean meeting some of my friends. I'm ready for that if you are."

"You sure? You're ready to let your friends know you're seeing a black girl?"

"I am. If they can't deal with it, that's their problem. They'll meet you in a couple of weeks at prom. Might as well let them know what's what. I've got nothing to be ashamed of. It's the opposite actually. I'm proud to be seen with you. You're prettier and smarter than any girl I go to school with, Grace."

"You really do mean that, don't you. You're so sweet, Henry. Smarter I don't doubt. Prettier? I'm sure you go to school with a lot of very pretty girls."

"You've got them all beat." We were stopped at a light and I looked over at Grace. "Honey, I'm serious. When I first saw you, it was like being struck by a lightening bolt. I knew immediately I wanted to go out with you. I never felt like that before in my life."

Grace was quiet, like she was searching for something to say, which was something unusual for her. Finally she admitted it. "Henry, you've got me speechless. All flirting and teasing aside, I felt the same when we met. Well, maybe not quite a lightening bolt. That I felt when we were making out during the movie. But I knew you were someone special, nothing like the guys I know. And you're so damn handsome" she smiled. That gave me butterflies. I knew she was attracted to me, but that was a huge ego boost.

We got to Lookout Point, the place where couples parked, either to meet up with friends or to be alone. During the week it wasn't too crowded, but on the weekend there could be a keg or two with a big crowd of people. I pulled into an open spot and shut the engine. "Are you warm enough without the heat?" I asked.

"I will be, soon enough" Grace said in a very sexy manner as she leaned back against the door and beckoned me to her. I was more than ready; that footjob was just an appetizer.

I was in her arms and we were kissing, short kisses to start but quickly working up to deeper kisses. Our tongues were darting in and out of each other's mouths, playful and sexual. We were both on fire for each other and I pulled her shirt up over her head as she unbuttoned mine. This time I took of her bra and I kissed her all over her brown, beautiful breasts.

"Suck on my tits, Henry. Suck 'em hard" Grace gasped and I went for them, inspired by her dirty language. She was crying out as my teeth bit gently and her fingers grabbed my hair and tugged hard, holding me tightly to her tits. I unbuttoned her pants and had my hand inside her panties. Grace was panting hard, as I was as well as she rubbed my cock in my pants. I wanted to please her first to show my appreciation for how she treated me earlier. But that wasn't what she wanted.

"We don't have a lot of time, baby. You better have a condom with you or you're in big trouble."

"I have a few. Not that I'm expecting to use more than one. But I used to be a Boy Scout, you know. Be Prepared."

Grace giggled briefly, but she was too hot to really laugh. We wiggled her out of her jeans and her panties both at once, then she attacked my pants and got them off me. I had no underwear so there was one less thing to deal with. My cock was hard and dangling from my crotch, and Grace was so wet I could see droplets of moisture clinging to her pubic hair. And her scent...her scent was thrilling. Feminine and clean. If I had had the time I would have buried my face there. But we both wanted something else and we might have time to go twice if we hurried, but not too much.

As we kissed continuously we both worked to slide the condom on my cock, making sure it was secure. Her legs went wide to make a comfortable place for me. But before I entered her waiting pussy I said "Hey, I thought you wanted to be on top this time."

"No time now" she moaned urgently. "Just take me, baby. I want you to be mine and for me to be yours." She grasped my cock, stroked it twice, and then I just slid into her like I was slipping into soft butter. We both cried out from the wonderful feeling, both physical and intensely emotional. I was fully inside Grace's pussy and my balls rested on her soft ass.

"You're amazing, honey. I could stay like this all night long." I kissed her tenderly and she kissed me right back. We were grinding together and the base of my cock was pressing on her swollen clit, sending waves of pleasure all through her body.

"Fuck me, baby, fuck me hard! I'm too hot for gentle! I need this so much!"

I shifted my hands so they held the cheeks of her ass and I penetrated her over and over, quick, steady strokes which made us both grunt from the force. Then I slowed my pace and just when Grace got used to it, I speeded up again.

"What are you doing to me?" Grace wailed. "I'm so close now! Please let me cum, baby!" I couldn't deny her so I just went hard and fast, my hips pistoning up and down until Grace came. She contracted her muscles and I joined her, filling the condom with my seed.

We both needed to catch our breath, and I just stayed on top of her, my weight on my hands. We stared at each other, feeling warm and wonderful. We shared our kisses, very tender kisses, perfect for the mood we both were in. We were content in a way that went way beyond sex.

"I have to ask, Henry. Where did you learn that? You know, that speed up, slow down thing you did? It was incredible. You got me so close, then teased me. Were you working as a stud for some older woman?" Grace teased with a soft laugh.

"Don't I wish" I joked back at her. "I don't exactly know. Guys talk, older guys tell shit to younger guys, brothers to brothers, and it gets around. Most of it you have to take with a grain of salt. But I've done that before, and it worked well, so I remembered it. You always remember the things that get results, not just with sex."

"I know what you mean. Keep remembering that one, baby. I'll remember the things that make you feel good. Promise." We kissed again.

I had to get up and get the condom off. When I moved up so my head was sticking up by the window, the car next to us honked its horn. I recognized the car as my friend Michael Teller. We knew each other since we were 5 or 6. He stuck his head out his window and said "Hey, Douglas! Who you got in there? Melissa? You back with her?"

Uh oh. "Grace, it's about to get a little uncomfortable. Are you going to be ok?"

Softly she said "I guess I have to be."

"Hey, Teller, what's up? You kinda caught me at a bad moment" I called through my window.

"Yeah, we can tell" he said with a huge laugh, and his girlfriend, Karen Ryan was laughing as well. "Come on, whoever you are! Show us your pretty face!"

I was proud to be with Grace as I had told her, but I didn't want to have our great time ruined. But the moment of truth was here. Grace sat up with a big smile, covering her chest as best she could. "Hi! I'm Grace. Nice to meet you...Michael and...?"

The laughter from Michaels car died fast. In their wildest dreams, I'm sure a beautiful black woman was not what they expected at all. In fact, he and Karen looked like they were in shock. "Uh, hi, Grace. Uhm, this is Karen. Nice to meet you too." He looked like he got hit with a very different type of thunderbolt than the one that hit me when I met Grace. At least he had his basic manners. Karen nodded a hello but didn't say anything. "Sorry to interrupt your evening, Henry. I'll move away a bit and give you guys some privacy. See you in school tomorrow, man."

We said goodbye, then Grace put on her bra and shirt, then her pants. I got my clothes on and we sat quietly for a while. After a while I said, "Honey, we knew this was going to happen with someone. So why are we letting this make things weird for us?"

"I don't know, but it is. I got seen today too, you remember, at my school. We haven't talked about how hard it might be for me tomorrow. Some of the girls I go to school with are fierce. I'm not the most popular girl in school as it is with my grades. Did I tell you I'm going to be Valedictorian?"

"No, but I'm not surprised. That's great, Grace. If our graduations are on different days, I want to be there to see it, I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks. I don't know if I'll have enough tickets. I hope we're still together then."

"Why wouldn't we be together, Grace? I don't want to stop seeing you. We both said that earlier, that we don't want to see other people. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

Grace turned and looked at me. "I feel the same way, Henry. But we're from such different backgrounds, besides the racial thing."

"You know what? I don't care. I'll take the chance if you will. You're worth it to me. In a few months if things work out, we'll both be in New York. It's not perfect there; it's not perfect anywhere. But even going to different schools, we can spend time together on weekends, maybe an evening during the week. There's so much to do, music, museums, food. A lot is discounted for students. Take the chance with me, Grace."

We kept looking at each other for what felt like an eternity. "Henry...I wish I wasn't so crazy about you. But I am. It's only 9:45. We have time. Can we just cuddle together until you take me home?"

"I'd love that, honey. More than anything."

So we spent the next hour just sitting together, my arm around Grace, enjoying the warmth of her body next to mine. We did kiss a few times, but for the most part, we just sat, cuddling, listening to music on the radio. An hour later I took her home, we kissed goodnight for a long time until I had to go home. It was hard as hell saying goodnight to her, much harder than saying goodnight to any other girl I ever dated. But I was already past my own curfew on a school night. So I finally went home, wondering what was going to happen at school the next day if Michael and Karen spread the word. Morning would tell. In the meantime, I dreamed of Grace. It was the nicest dream I ever had.


I hope you liked this story. Tune in soon for more chapters soon.

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married_but_curiousmarried_but_curious17 days ago

This ... THIS ... is great writing! I'm in awe ...

6King6King5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago







NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77over 2 years ago

Very well written. Am I alone in hoping the condom breaks?

Sausage17Sausage17almost 3 years ago

That was awesome! Cant wait to read the rest!

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