Falling In Love With Mom Ch. 02

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Danny kept his promise, mom made an offer.
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/05/2023
Created 08/26/2023
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Mandy hadn't been on a date in a long time, not a real one and really in her situation it just wasn't in the cards as her station let her see men in another light. Those dates weren't in search of romance, they wouldn't be a reason to quit, they in some numbers wouldn't approve of her being a stripper, especially a prostitute if and when they found out, the ones who could change her life were not interested, nor did they engage visiting the less than upscale club she worked, or often dealt with those who walked the street- the last part which baffled her. Danny to her was intriguing and she thought to make use of his youthful jadedness, naivety, or ignorance, whatever it may be, so she can feel like a person at least for one night and not some walking goods and service. Although money is her main thing, one way she's like the other girls, he was supposed to be a regular John, yet her interest grew and they clicked when they shouldn't have, her sell went too deep and too far.

She's a little nervous staring at herself in the mirror naked, those implants have gotten a little heavy over the years, that stomach just won't get that definition back, those slight saddlebags, there's a few wrinkles, at least her brunette hair hadn't a centimeter of gray, which she smiled proudly about. Obviously men like her, but they'll screw anything. Danny seems different, seems reserved, maybe she isn't up to par- that makes her nervous, along with maybe what she thinks might be something one-sided.

"A little makeup couldn't hurt- I am a hooker but I don't have to look like one. How much do I look like one, when I don't really wear makeup, does this make me look like more of a hooker," she thought.

She settled with just a bit of eyeliner and non obtrusive lipstick color, then looked at the options of clothes laid out.

"He said casual... Jeezuz... and do I have any perfume that doesn't make me smell like a hooker? Fuck the perfume, I'm already about to wear makeup."

She picked some flared jeans and a tunic to wear.

"Does this make me look old? I hope not, I mean... I'd rather look like some old surburban mom, than a hooker," she looked at herself, then around the room, "maybe I should get a cat, at least I wouldn't feel so bad talking to myself, and crazy. They do say that talking to yourself is perfectly normal and fine as long as you don't respond, that makes sense, right? Yeah, I think so. Fuck."

Danny himself had gotten back to his motel room and taken a shower, getting ready and questioning the date as well.

"I must be fucking crazy taking some random prostitute out on a date," he told himself in the mirror.

He had tried those two leads and one came up empty, the other he would need to return to tomorrow.

"I mean... she looks old enough to be my mother. No... that shouldn't matter, dad was way older than my mom. Maybe Mandy's right about me; I don't always act my age, but some of the people my age in my situation just.. aren't, sure they have money, but that's all they're interested in; having money and living from it- I actually wanted in dads business versus living off my inheritances. It's those lazy asses that I don't relate to. Ugh... and the cordial fakeness and superficial bullshit!"

Danny threw back on his baggy jeans, grabbed a graphic t-shirt and a button down to wear over it, rolling up the sleeves just below the elbow.

"Maybe that's the thing; I just relate more to my peers more like me, even though I wouldn't totally shun the others. Maybe that's why me and Mandy seem to click; I think she's a business woman at heart, just on the low scale. Gawd I hope it's not a front. So she's older... older people seem to be more on the same accord, they know life ain't just fun and games all the time. And she's not bad looking, there's this allure to her, even with somewhat average looks, I do like her personality... how she presents herself anyway. She seems real and genuine."

He unlocked his phone and stared at her number, hissed through his teeth.

"No Danny, don't think about actually being with Mandy. It's bad enough she's a stripper- other than my image and family name, I guess if I was middle-class it'd be okay. No way, no matter what, would I actually date a hooker, a line has to be drawn. I guess if it worked, I could get her out of it... but I'd still be dating a hooker. Danny you sound like a simp, stop it!"

He made an exasperated sigh as his phone rang.

"And stop talking to yourself, your not old and eccentric enough for that, or wealthy enough," he growled, "Not wealthy enough, yet. Fuck! Hello mom, what is it?"

"I was just checking in on you."

"I'm getting ready for a date right now."

"That's good, that's good. You should be taking a break from looking for her."

"Please don't start!"

"I'm not! Honestly I hope you find her so you can get the perspective you need. You need to see the truth."

"Stop it, I ain't trying to be in a bad mood before my date."

"Then who's the lucky lady?"

"A business woman I met at a bar, we kinda hit it off... maybe something cam be had from this."

"Maybe if nothing else plans out, at least you met somebody, right? Even if it's one date, something good might come from this, even if it's not the outcome you wanted."

"That's true "

"I'm just worried and I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"She should be lucky. You have your fathers good looks and charisma. So much of it that I had been thinking me and you could-"

"Mom! If you're saying what I think you're saying..."

"Oh don't you 'mom' me, young man! Let's be honest... we both know the truth here, right?

"Yeah," he sighed.

"So does it really matter?"

"In a way...?"

She scoffed, "it's not like it'd be something that never happened before."

"That's true."

"And I remember that lil crush you had on me when you were younger, yeah? Is there any of that left?"


"Enough to try?"

"Maybe," he sighed.

"You know I love you, a lot. I'm sorry if this is the wrong time, but I thought about it and I just have a feeling you'll need me. We see eye to eye more than you do with most of the girls around here, sometimes it's like dealing with your father, dealing with you," she gave a soft laugh, "no matter what happens, I'll be here for you in any way you need, understand?"

"I understand loud and clear. But why now and why so soon?"

"Danny... really, is that how you feel?"

"No... it's just a coincidence and we have danced around this too long- that's how I feel inside."

"I'm your mom, I'll always be here, nothing will change. If this whole thing is a bust, then maybe it's a sign. I just feel like- it's hard to describe, call it women's and mothers intuition that the outcome won't be... well. It's what you want, as a parent I'm here for you, your happiness. If it doesn't work out, fine, change your mind, fine."

"What about what you want, mom?"

"I'll be happy with or without you as long as your happy. I'll always welcome you back with open arms... and legs. If somebody else tickles your fancy, then have at it, if it doesn't work and you want me back..."

"What if you find somebody?"

"I'll still be yours, baby," she said with a sultry voice, "they'll just hafta share, my son comes first."

"You are the coolest mom. I wish we could've at least done something a long time ago."

"We could have, baby, we could have, once you were old enough, I thought you'd try something."

"I'll think about it, but I need to get my date before I'm late."

"Okay, I'll let you go."



"If you're really serious and not just fucking with me so I'll give up, I'll need proof."

"Oh I got you proof, just gimme a few minutes- think I'm joking around, boy you have-," her voice trailed off as she hung up.

He called Mandy, "Mandy, I'll be there shortly, I was just having a heart to heart with my mom."

"Hopefully you two are working things out."

"She's not that bad, just... overprotective."

"All the good ones are, I'm ready and waiting."

"See ya soon," he hung up.

Danny took the short drive to Mandy's place and his phone started to get text messages. Once he got there, he called Mandy to let her know, then checked his text to see a series of pictures from his mom. One with her in sexy lingerie, that didn't leave much to the imagination, another with her topless, licking one nipple, the last one with her legs spread with "Danny's Mom" written on her thighs. He had just finished texting her that he was game as Mandy came to the car.

"I hope I look okay," she opened the door.

"You look fine, I like it."

"You're not just saying that?"

"No I mean it."

"What about the makeup?"

"It's fine, I promise, I like what I see."


"Hey! It's not like you look like a hooker," he gave her a reassuring look.

"Excuse me... harlot, remember," she couldn't hold back a smile, "thank you."

He pulled away, driving downtown, they couldn't stop taking glances at each other.

"What are we doing?"

"I figured we would check out this club down here."

"And sit around and drink to music, we could've did that at Kev's place."

"You're one of those that like to hang out at work on your off day, huh?"

"Sometimes I like to get in some overtime."

"Not that kinda club, it's that dance club."

"I actually love dancing."

"I thought you would."

"Are you going to dance, or are you just going to watch me, so you can see all the jiggly bits jiggle?"

"We'll play it by ear."

Once they mad it towards the front of the line, he made sure his arm was around her, the door man looked them over, while Mandy looked away nervous, waiting to be turned away, instead of paying with cash; Danny pulled out his gold American Express card and they were swiftly let in.

"Damn," she looked around."

"Damn indeed."

"It almost looks like a club from Grand Theft Auto five."

He gave her an odd look as they went up to the bar.

"Kev... eat your heart out," she gasped.

"Hi! What can I get ya," the bartender asked.

"I'll try that Flaming Bastard," Danny said.

"Ummm... surprise me," Mandy looked at the selection and menu, "I don't know what any of these are."

They watched the bartender mess around and come back with both drinks.

"One Flaming Bastard, and this is a Fallen Angel."

Mandy tried it, "not bad."

"Glad ya like it!"

They walked through the crowd looking for a table to sit, only finding a rather tall one near the wall with a lean bench and people watched.

"And I was worried about looking like a hooker," she leaned over to him.

He steadied watched the crowd without response.

"Ya hear me? Danny!"


"Am I interrupting your ogling of these ladies?"

"No, not at all."

"You sure? I dressed like this for you and you're looking at them over me. I could've just dressed how I usually dressed."

"I've looked at you more than you think and I didn't ask you to dress this way for me, we still have dinner, remember? The place I picked has a mild dress code and they wouldn't let you in if you were dressed kike last night."


"Yeah... otherwise I wouldn't have asked ya to dress a way and really; even if your not showing skin, you look just as good in that as you did when we first met. I ain't as conservative as you probably think I am."

"I'm just saying... I didn't come on this date to get ignored."

He looked at her and whispered in her ear, "where is that sure of herself woman I've known these two days?"

"She's still here," Mandy went to reposition and found herself caught on something, turned to find his arm around her, thumb in her belt loop.

"I'm not staring, I'm vibing," he tugged, "you're not the only one who can play the game."

Danny finished his drink and ushered her towards the dance floor, Mandy quickly finished her drink, sat it on a passing table. The two found a small opening on the dance floor, some swing house combo song was playing.

"Okay, so we're doing this," she thought.

"Show me what you got!"

The arm around her waist pushed her in front of him, he grabbed her hand with his other and spun her, took a step back without letting go. She had been in techno clubs before and the dancing her parents made her take was not lost on her, she leaned forward, grabbed his other hand and shimmied her chest.

"I'll show ya what I got!"

Mandy let go and rocked her hips, her footwork was that of a prohibition era dance girl, Danny snapped his fingers and watched her throw a bit of hip-hop moves in the mix, turned on her heel, pressed her butt to him and dropped down to her knees, back up.

"Don't just stand there," she taunted him.

Danny started a two-step to the beat, held her hips as they dipped and rocked, gave her another spin changing direction, leading her to a move much like how classic Shaggy and Velma danced together, that cleared a bit more dancing room. Spun her and she leaned out in his grip with a wink, he yanked her back close, scooped her legs up and threw her over and across his shoulders. Mandy had a devious grin, she spun him and timed it so they were back to back, her arms locked his and she was just tall enough to lean forward, lift him and flip him over her. He knew she meant business, the shock quickly went away when turned and saw her doing the Tootsee Roll, with a smile he walked towards her doing the Cat Daddy, catching the attention of other dancers, he started doing the Charleston and lead into crossovers, then Sway Shoulder Switches. Danny lifted her up by her hips and spun, back on her feet Mandy leaned her back against him, dropped down with her butt against him, pulled him into a quick Mamba and lead him into bopping. Danny spun her into a New Yorker and dipped her as the song faded.

The Disc Jockey turned the music down, "to the couple near the corner, ya got it! Good show!"

People started to clap, Mandy bowed, Danny was catching his breath, they left the dance floor as the disc Jockey went to another song.

"Oh my gawd, that was fun," she yelled.

"Shit. I guess you are pretty spry for your age! I wasn't ready for that!"

"You thought you were just going to flip me over your shoulders and get away with it?"

"What were those moves?"

"Some old school shit from my rap club days," she walked to the bar.

"I had really just planned for some simple swing and jive, but you really can dance."

"You two were great out there, what can I get ya?"

They ordered drinks while Danny rested. After a few, she kept pulling him back to the dance floor, he begged for easier moves, she had more energy than he thought. Danny ordered them two beers and closes his tab.

"Your talents are wasted on dancing at a strip club, you're fucking awesome!"

"You're not bad either. Honestly I wasn't sure if I still had it in me."

"Oh you do," he looked surprised and nodded.

She laughed. They stared in each others eyes briefly.

"How about we head out of here and go eat, yeah?"

"I'm ready."

Finishing their beers, walked out to the cool night air, she pulled a pack of cigarettes and zippo from her cleavage as they went to the car.

"Those were there the whole time?"

"Where else would I put them? Want one?"

"Sure... I'll take a booby-rette."

They arrived at the restaurant and were quickly seated. Mandy thought to herself that the girls would be so jealous of this date and think she was crazy for not taking full advantage of him, she can only hope they'll learn one day. Danny was in his phone as a distraction from her, his mom had sent him a few more pics and hoped his date was going fine. He would peek at Mandy and thought about reaching and holding her hand.

"You were just dancing all over each other, you can hold her hand, stupid," he thought.

He quickly answered his mom, put his phone away, willing himself to do it.

"Well isn't this nice," the waitress walked up, "mother, son night out."

They looked at each other.

"Yes it is, my little Danny wanted to take his mom to dinner- well not so little anymore! My mister man," Mandy pinched his cheek.

"What can I say? She deserves it. I can be a momma's boy sometimes," he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Nothing wrong with that, you have a good son. My names Helen, what would you like to drink?"

"Mom," he looked at her.


"I'll have a root beer."

"No ice," they said together.

"Gotcha. I'll be right back," she strutted away.

"Mom," he teased.

"Yeah, yeah, it was funny. Do we look anything alike?"

"We have the same eye color and facial structure."

"Okay... son."

They both chuckled. Helen came back with their drinks.

"Are you two ready to order yet?"

"Umm yeah, I'll have that waigu cheeseburger. My mom here, she has high blood pressure, so nothing with too much salt."

"Liar, sorry, no I don't, he's being goofy- the kid was always a cut-up," she ruffles his hair, "I'll have the steak, medium rare, peas and mashed potatoes."

"Alrighty, I'll have it soon as I can," she took the menus.

"For your info; I don't have high blood pressure. I haven't even had menopause, yet."

"Just rolling with the punches."

"Keep that up and no desert, mister."

"Yes mother."

"Now that's more like it, now sit up straight."

He looked at her and saw her smirk and they both started laughing.

"Maybe we should've went somewhere where you could've dressed how you like."

"This place is fine, besides... do you really want people to see you dating a known... harlot?"

"Hmmm.... Have people think I'm making out with a hooker, or my mom?"

"What are-"

He cut her off with a kiss that lasted seconds.

"Wow... I wasn't expecting that," she looked surprised.

"I don't have lipstick on my lips do I?"

"It's prostitute grade; not even cum will clean this stuff off. Can't have involved men going back to their women with evidence."

"Right," he chuckled.

"I can't believe he just kissed me! I can't be falling for him, I can't. He's so young, but we have quite the rapport with each other. No, he couldn't be falling for me, not this fast, not this street walker," she thought to herself.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Thinking about that kiss? It surprised me too. I guess what's a date without making out?"

"I suppose it is fairly tame to what I'm used to."

"It's not like a guy would have you giving him a hand job under the table, right?"

She looked at him quietly.


Mandy smirked.


"No," she chuckled, "it was in a dim lit both and a foot job."


"Like you don't have any kinks or fantasies?"

"I mean... I hadn't really thought about it."

"Maybe you should... I mean... a girl like me is the opportunity. And like on the dance floor; I can show you a few things," she leaned over and kissed his lips.

Both just let it happen and got lost in making out when they heard plates being set down at their table. Both looked up at the waitress standing there shocked.

"Umm... en-enjoy your meals, l-let me know if... if you need anything."

"Thank you Helen," Mandy said in a slight sultry tone with a smirk.

They both laughed when she quickly got as far from their table as she could. When they finished eating, they waved over Helen to pay the bill, left her a good tip and laughed at her continued worried nature as they left.

Danny pulled up to the motel and lead her to his room. The ice officially broken, he didn't hesitate to rest his hand on her butt as they walked. Once inside, she leaned on him and looked up at him with a quick kiss before dragging him to the bed.