Falling In Love With Mom Ch. 07

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Finding who family really is & getting stuck thoughts.
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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/05/2023
Created 08/26/2023
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Danny couldn't help but think about those people at the restaurant, something felt off between them and Jennifer. She said they were friends, they said they were friends, yet Jennifer didn't really act like it, he's seen her with her friends. While at work, he decided he would go there for lunch and find some answers.

"Welcome... do you have a reservation," the maître d asked.

"Umm no... I was wondering if Chuck and Dorothy were here? I think... I think we might be family. I was talking to them last night."

"You must be Daniel Fullard, yes?"

"I am."

"I was told to look out for you, follow me, please."

Danny was lead back to Dorothy's office and announced in.

"Daniel," she smiled, "could you get Charles and have the room prepared?"

"On it, ma'am," he left quickly.

Dorothy stood up to meet him, a portly woman seemingly pushing near sixty.

"My how you've grown dear, give us a hug, yes?"

"You were waiting for me?"

"We were," she gave him a tight hug, "we were hoping you would come back, although not the next day, but soon enough."

"I just wanted answers. You all and Jennifer claim to be friends, but she seemed off, like she was hiding something."

"Me and my hubby will answer your questions in due time... I mean... not due time, but lunch."

"Are you two actually married, you look like you could be related."

She just smiled.

"And honestly I feel like she may have been hiding that maybe you two aren't that close of friends to her and more to my actual mom."

"Yes, your mom and dad to be precise. We are friends with Jennifer, or we'd like to think so. Please, Daniel, I don't want to leave Charles out of the conversation."

"I'm sorry Dorothy, I've just had quite the time, I mean... with finding my mom and my dad dying."

"I understand."

"That room is a private dining room and nothing crazy, yeah?"

"Right on the nose, Daniel. Shall we get going, yes?"

She lead him down a hallway to a room with a medium sized conference table.

"Daniel! Good to see you again," Charles smiled, "lunch will be here shortly, have a seat, yes?"

"Yeah... I... you two talk like..."

Dorothy and Charles smiled at each other.

"He's a bright one, yes?"

"I mean... more than looks can run in a family."

Danny sat next to them and started putting pieces together. He was about to speak when food was brought in.

"You were going to say something, Daniel," Charles asked.

"You're not just friends of the family, you are family... Rebecca's family, yeah- I mean yes-ugh," he shook his head.

"What gave it away, dear," Dorothy asked.

"You talk like her, she says things like that."

"At some point you just don't notice it anymore," Charles said.

"I never really noticed it until now. Do you all talk like that, you seem to smart and refined to-"

"My how the pot calls the kettles black," Charles interrupted.

"I know I do it too. I don't know why, I mean...," he smacked himself, "I was only around her like only six months."

"Don't try and stop now, dear," Dorothy laughed.

"Blood runs thick, Daniel," Charles replied.

"My dad never talked like that, and both of you do, did one of you just pick it up, being married for so long? Jennifer doesn't talk like that either."

"It's an odd family trait," Charles said.

"You want to know why Jennifer is standoffish? She discovered something she shouldn't have. It was by accident. Rather a family secret that incest runs about us Corneworths," Dorothy explained.

"Yes, it's something that we keep secret. The poor girl found us getting intimate looking for the bathroom at the family resort. You'd think she'd be over it, especially with what I saw last night. You two are dating, yes? Taking your old mans wife?"

"I think you're right, she did get over it, because she was the one who asked me. I just think that she didn't want me to know that you were Rebecca's family. See... I met her- so incest runs in the whole family?"

"To various degrees. Jennifer only knew about us, we're usually such a close knit family that one wouldn't really notice, and of course we don't present like that. Some like us have gotten married, some just date, or explore they're familial crushes and find love elsewhere, like Rebecca did," Dorothy explained.

"It's in the genes," Charles added.

"Is it a bad thing she did that?"

"Heavens no. If some didn't seek out, we'd probably be a bunch of Cronenberg creatures- it's fine. The genes are strong with deep related offspring, than those who are mixed blood," Dorothy explained.

"So... if I get this right... those of us with related parents have stronger genes than- but her and my dad weren't related."

"They weren't, but Rebecca's parents are," Dorothy said.

"What are you telling us? You said you met her, your mother, yes?"

"I did. When my dad died, Jennifer could legally tell me that she wasn't my actual mom. I hired a detective and went looking for her. The thing is... when I found her... fuck it, I can tell you two and I guess not be ashamed... I met her before I knew who she was and we started to connect and we did stuff."

"You fucked," she gave him a knowing look.

"We did. Long story short, I saw pictures and I took some of her hair and it came back she was my mom. Do you know anything about what happened with her and my dad?"

"We do. She threw her life away to be a teenager again, she turned her back on you, Daniel, she was a shame of the family, she was excommunicated," he explained.

"Did you excommunicate me, too?"

"No, my good man, you wouldn't be here. We were hoping one day to see you again. It was mostly out of respect for Henry that the family stayed away, so you wouldn't grow up confused and such," he said.

"So you met Rebecca. How did it go," she wondered.

"We had a great connection and it was really strange at first. Only when I found out we were related, that it made some sense. I was pissed at her about it."

"As you should've been," they both said.

"I'm confused about it, she told me everything she knew. She didn't tell me about the incest parts, she did say our connection was genetic- now that makes sense."

"Daniel... if you want to be a part of this family, nobody will turn you away, some have never met you, or at least not officially, but everybody loves you," she said.

"Now Rebecca... how did that go," Charles steered the conversation back.

"I showed her the test and she cried, I told her we couldn't be together because she was my mom and she left me. She regretted it. She had already told me that she was trying to get money together to find me, my dad and Jenn- she didn't even know dad died. It was not a good scene."

"But how did you feel about it," she asked.

"I admit I was falling in love with her, and it was weird enough that she's a prostitute and stripper..."

Charles shook his head with a tisk.

"...but I figured I could look past it, then I find out she's my mom, and now I'm mad and still have feelings... I just don't know!"

"Daniel... Daniel... relax. She did leave you, but she is your mother and it sounds like you still have feelings for her. We aren't going to tell you what to do- only you can decide that. If you can forgive Rebecca, then at the very least do so, if the connection is that strong, then nothing will keep you apart. If you want to leave her like the rest of us, then that's fine, too. It's all new and has complied into a mass of mental chaos that you weren't prepared for," he explained.

"If you need anything, feel free to come by. If you want to meet more of the family, we can help. You might find somebody you fancy, like a cute cousin or niece, if Jennifer doesn't work out," she said.

"How... how would I have a niece?"

"Trust us... don't go there," he said.

"Well what are you two to me?"

Charles and Dorothy looked at each other.

"Let's just say; we're your cousins," she said.

"We do have a records book, if you want to know exactly who everybody is, but it'll make your head spin," he added.

"I guess it doesn't matter if we're all family," he shrugged.

"Damn near the family creed. There's a family reunion coming up soon, if you want to come," she offered.

"Yes, You have some cousins that would love to get to know you," he said.

"I think he's pretty cute," she smiled.

"Is our family swingers, too?"

"Not really off the table," he shrugged.

"I think I feel a bit better now, thank you so much."

"Any time, cousin. We are.. sorry about what Rebecca did to you, you don't turn your back on family like that- at least not for stupid and inane reasons," he started getting angry.

"Watch your blood pressure, honey, yes?"

"She regrets everything she did. My... mom... is all alone in the next city over. She doesn't want anything from anybody, she said she just wants her family, no money, no handouts, just to see her family again."

"It would take a miracle to get anybody to give her the time of day," she huffed.

"So last question, I guess; does Jenn know about the whole family... or just you two?"

"Good question. I wouldn't be surprised if she figured it out eventually, having been dragged along to functions with your mother, but she only knew about us," he said.

"Right. I should get back to work, plus I have a lot to think about. Thank you for the food," he stood.

"What's family for, right," Charles smiled.

"You can't leave without the Corneworth goodbye," Dorothy stood.

"Can't have that," he smiled, "how do we do it?"

Charles gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, so he did the same. Dorothy hugged him and pulled him down.

"Since you like older ladies, the offer still stands," she whispered, then kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you both, especially you Dorothy. I won't be a stranger anymore."

They walked him to the front door as a woman about his age walked in, he noticed her features, she was fairly average build but had wide hips and he noticed her plump butt. she smiled curtly at him.

"There's one of them we were talking about Daniel," Dorothy pointed at her.

She turned and looked at him.

"I guess I'm your cousin? I'm Rebecca Fullards son."

"Daniel. I've seen you around, we actually went to high school together... you graduated two years before me. I'm Tiffany."



"I just met our... cousins, yeah?"

"Easiest way to put it, it can get real complicated, but most of us are actually cousins."

"I'm looking forward to meeting more family after talking to them."

"They show you the family meet and greet, yeah?"

"They did."

"I mean... we did just meet... and it looks like you're leaving."


"It's nice to meet you... cutie cousin Danny," she hugged him and kissed him deeply," and see ya later, yeah?"

"Same," he smiled.

"Next time we meet, lets get coffee or something. Welcome back to the family."

"Thanks Tiffany."

He left, giving one last look to the three of them and went back to work.

He had a lot to think about, between his mom, new found family, Jennifer. He loves Jennifer and it makes sense how he could be with her, given how his family tends to be, even if she isn't related to him, but the biggest mess to sort is the Rebecca situation. He decided to take a walk around the property and then it dawned on him; they are generally rich or wealthy, but if his mom is an example, they can't be all like that, she was born here, there is a number of Corneworths here, he is curious if any works for him and he doesn't know, finding himself looking at people with scrutiny.

Jennifer was at his place that night, they were just cuddled together, relaxing, watching a movie. Thoughts still danced in his head.



"How come you didn't tell me that Charles and Dorothy were my cousins?"

She looked up at him, "because if you knew, you might have freaked out like you did about Becca, or you would then start thinking about her again. Things have been good for you, for the past few days."

"Were you going to tell me?"

"I planned on it and not in a way in the future plan, either. You went up there today, didn't you?"

"I did."

"They're actually nice people."

"What do you know about them?"

"More than I should. Like that there's rampant incest. Becca and Henry took me to her family reunion at this Florida resort your family owns, I was looking for the bathroom and found those two having sex. Earlier that day, they were introduced as cousins. I was weirded out, can't lie, but it was sorted out, I thought it was just them, but then I saw others doing things like making out, or holding hands, when they thought certain outsiders aren't around."

"How do you feel about it?"

"After a while... I guess I was considered okay to know and I got pretty desensitized to it- that's why I didn't bat an eye when you said, well... you know what you did. I understand incest more and the stigma less."

"Is that one reason you wanted to be with me?"

"Huh... I guess I never thought about it, just always thought you were cute when you grew up. I really didn't want you stuck in your head and drinking yourself stupid again."

"I can't not think about her, though."

I know that! Just don't let it consume you. It's okay to love her, she's your birth mom, even if you hate what she did, you can still love her... at least that's what they say. If you're in love with her... that's okay, too. I understand loving somebody society sez I shouldn't. Of course if you hate her overall, well she did nothing to earn your love to begin with, as a parent."

"That makes sense."

"I told you... I'm on your side."

"I met another of my cousins there, too."

"I'm not surprised. You have family all over."

"She said she went to high school with me."

"Oh? Which one?"

"There were more than one?"

"Remember that time you almost got jumped by those two guys and those other three guys helped out of nowhere?"

"Yeah... really‽"

"Really, really, Donkey."

"She said her name was Tiffany."

"Don't know her."


"Now that it's been a few days and I hope you have the crazy out of your system... can we have sex?"

"I thought you were gonna ask something else."

"Like what?"

"Ah dunno. To try and talk to Rebecca again?"

"Umm nah... but if you do; bring me with you. Now... sex," she pulled his cock from his boxers and started sucking.

He reached and fondled one of her breast, "maybe this is what I need."

She held a thumb up and kept sucking. Danny tugged her panties down and when she went to take them off, he laid her back down to give her a turn. She loved how he sucked on her clit, she was just starting to get worked up, when she felt him move and mount her. He balanced himself on the couch, started slow and steady, held her legs up, giving her more, enjoying the noises she was making, watching her breast bounce, he wished she played with them more, like Rebecca did.

"Baby... I wanna ride that dick," she ordered.

Jennifer climbed on top of him, their lips met before she bounced on him, her breast inches from his face jumping up and down in a slight circular motion. Danny gave her butt a few smacks, he could imagine Rebecca's butt being far softer, bigger, how much he liked to hold it. He was snapped from his thoughts when Jennifer climaxed and yelled in his ear.

"Not done with you yet, Danny boy," she kissed him passionately, "momma's gonna make you all better."

Jennifer turned around, plopped back down on his cock and leaned on him, working her hips slowly, his hands in hers being rubbed on her body, he gently kissed her neck.

"Feel good, baby?"


The position reminded him of Rebecca, he pictured getting one of her lap dances, watching those wide hips of hers work and he would hold her love handles, her butt would just sit in his lap just right, unlike Jennifer's that seemed to rest on top. He liked Jennifer's butt, but it wasn't hers. It had a nice shape, it was just too taught for as big as it looked, she stuck her legs on the inside of his, leaned forward to brace herself on the coffee table- this was oddly one thing he did like about her butt; when she bent over it spread itself, brandishing both of her holes. She bounced hard, fast, slamming herself in his lap, he tried to pull away from his thoughts again and focus, sucking his thumb and sticking it far as it'd go in that tight upper hole of hers and wiggled it inside best he could with how fast she was moving. He felt himself ready to go, breathing turned to grunting as Jennifer pumped out his orgasm.

"That's it baby... fuck!"

Jennifer slowed a lot but kept dropping herself just as hard, he knew she was getting close, closer she got the slower she went, legs shaking. She moved her legs back outside his, sat straight up, wailed as her breath grew heavy, climaxed and dropped herself down one final time. She leaned back on him, gasping for air. Danny wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"I love riding this dick... you make me feel so good!"

"Same thing she said," he thought.

"Did that help you?"

"I think it helped some."

"Hey... I just want you happy above all else, you know that."

"I know and I love you so much, mom, that's all you ever do."

He turned her head so he could give her a few kisses.

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ManoBlueManoBlue8 months ago

Didn’t like that meeting, way too casual

SteveIsWarmSteveIsWarm9 months ago

Wow, what a story! Just read it all in the last several days. I hope there will be more.

Mojo648Mojo6489 months ago

To be continued please.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey9 months ago

I really love seeing this whole story develop.

Southpaw1430Southpaw14309 months ago

Thanks. I hope you will continue the story.

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