Fallout 11: Her Business Trips


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In addition to her 1040's, which showed that she made far more than she let on, I found 1099 forms from a company called Stanton Enterprises. The most recent showed that she had received a significant amount of money from this outfit. But for what, exactly?

The contents of another folder provided a clue. In it, I saw what looked like signed consent forms and a contract between Donna and Stanton Enterprises. I didn't understand all the legalese, but I was able to get the gist of the document.

It appeared that Donna had agreed to appear in at least five feature-length porn videos every year for five years. The document was signed, notarized and dated just over three years ago. Next to Donna's signature was another from one Harold Stanton, President and CEO of Stanton Enterprises.

I took the folders to our copier and made copies of everything, which I placed in another folder I would take to the attorney. I scanned the more incriminating paperwork to a pdf file and saved that to a thumb drive. My plan was to email those to James.

I put everything back in her drawer, closed it up and locked it. I felt I had more than enough evidence, but I needed some context for all of this. Had she been cheating on me for our entire marriage? And where the hell is all this extra money coming from? I had no access to her emails or text messages, so I was at a disadvantage there.

I emailed the files to James, then called him to let him know. He thanked me and said he would put it into the mix and see what he could find. From there, I went upstairs to our master suite. We each had a walk-in closet and I generally stayed out of hers, again out of respect for her privacy.

I went into her closet and began digging around. I found several clothing bags with skimpy dresses and other outfits more suited for night clubs than anything else. I also found a couple of wigs -- one of which looked like what I saw on the woman in Oklahoma City.

She also had one of those small plastic set of drawers that could be stacked. I looked through the drawers and saw some small boxes. Opening them, I found contact lenses. I never knew Donna to wear glasses or contacts, but I noticed something odd about them. Looking closer, I realized these were merely cosmetic, designed to change the color of the wearer's eyes.

I also found a small booklet that looked to contain temporary tattoos. One of them looked like the rose I had seen on the woman in Oklahoma. Damn, I thought. How far had Donna gone to pull the wool over my eyes? Who is this woman I'm married to?

Digging further, I found a box in one corner that held a variety of sex toys -- dildos and vibrators, mostly. I had told her that I would love to watch her play with herself using toys like these, but she rebuffed me, calling it "perverted." At the bottom of the box, I found a DVD in a plastic case. I pulled it out and saw it had been labeled, "Dee Dee and the Boys Vol. 1 -- Raw Footage" with a black marker. What the fuck?

I went downstairs and put the DVD in the player and turned on the television. I started the player and noticed what looked like a narrow padded bench in a dark room. There was a date stamp in the lower right corner which indicated the video was made about three years ago. Interesting, I thought to myself.

The bench was bathed with bright light. I saw Donna walk over to the bench, wearing a short sundress. She also wore a long red wig, no doubt in an effort to conceal her true identity. I heard a gruff male voice in the background.

"You're on time. Good. Now, get naked," the male voice commanded.

"Yes, sir," Donna said quietly as she nodded her head. She unbuttoned her dress, slipped the straps off her shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor. She was totally nude underneath and I saw that her pussy was shaved. I remembered that it was bout three years ago or so she started doing that. A large man wearing only a towel came up to her and inspected her as though she was a piece of meat.

"I see you're married," he said, holding her left hand up. The camera zoomed in on her hand, and I saw the rings I had placed on her fingers when we got married.

"Yes, sir, I'm married," she said.

"Does your husband know what you're doing?" he asked.

"He does," she said.

"Is he okay with it?" the man asked. Donna nodded her head.

"Yes, sir, he's okay," she told him. "He knows that he can never satisfy me with his two-inch pecker, so he said I can go find someone to satisfy me sexually." WHAT? I screamed at the television. I never said any such thing and she knows I'm larger than average, measuring at about seven inches in length. Then it dawned on me that perhaps this was a script she was supposed to follow.

"Alright, get up on the bench," he said. Donna complied and climbed on the padded bench. "Spread your legs so we can get a good look at that pussy." Again, she complied. As she did so, the man fingered her and inserted one digit inside her. She moaned as he did that.

"You like that, do you?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she said. What the hell is with all this "sir" crap, I asked myself. I've never known Donna to be the submissive type.

"Well, then, it's time for you to meet the rest of the crew," the man said as he waved his hand. Soon, there were a number of men surrounding her, looking her over, feeling her pussy and breasts. Donna closed her eyes and moaned as they felt her up. "What do you think, boys?" he asked.

"Looks like prime pussy to me," a large black man said.

"And married to boot," the first man said. "Well, what do you say we send her home with a nice present for her cuck?" The others laughed and they all dropped their towels. That's when I noticed that every one of the men were very-well endowed -- perhaps as much as nine or ten inches. I also saw the look of lust on Donna's face as she took in all the cocks before her. I shook my head as though to tell her "no," before realizing this was already a done deal.

"Let's give her what she wants, boys," the first man said. Soon, Donna had a large black cock in her mouth as the first man fucked her. The others stroked themselves as they watched. Soon, the first man finished inside her and pulled out. Another man quickly took his place. When the large black man ejaculated in her mouth, she swallowed, then turned her head to suck the next man in line.

This went on until she had fucked and sucked all of them. I noticed that none of them used condoms. No wonder she got gonorrhea, I thought. No telling what else she might have. I thought the video was over, but I soon realized there was much more to come.

The first man got on the bench with Donna, and positioned himself under her, his huge erect cock pointing up. Donna eased herself up and slid down on his cock, taking his whole member inside her. Two other men held her legs open and a third man positioned himself between them. What the hell is going on, I wondered.

As I watched, the third man ran his huge cock over her slit as she looked down. Then he began to squeeze himself into her. I watched, shocked, as she took two very large erect cocks into her pussy at the same time. Was this even possible, I wondered. As he worked his way inside her, Donna gasped.

"Oh God, yes, fuck my pussy," she moaned. I had never heard Donna speak like this before, and I was shocked. The two men fucked her until they both ejaculated inside her, then two more men took their place. This went on until each of them had double-penetrated her pussy.

But that wasn't enough. As I watched, Donna took them all on, three at a time, one in her ass, another in her pussy and a third in her mouth, making her airtight. Donna had never let me get anywhere near her ass, saying it was filthy and disgusting. But here she was, letting them all fuck her until they finished in her ass.

When they were all finished, Donna lay on the bench as the men surrounded her, masturbating until they ejaculated all over her body. I saw her stretched-out pussy gaping wide as cum dripped from her in great giant globs. I thought I was going to get sick.

"Well, boys, what do you think?" the first man asked after they had each taken their turn. "Do we keep her?"

"Yeah, let's keep the cunt," one of the men said. The first man put a sheet of paper on the bench and handed her a pen.

"Sign here," he said. "This makes you our cum slut. From now on, you're at our beck and call. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," Donna said as she wrote on the paper. I could tell there was nothing on the paper, but that didn't matter.

When this scene was over, the camera zoomed in on her face, which was coated with cum. She smiled as she brought her ring hand up and wiped some of the jizz with her ring finger, coating her rings with the nasty stuff. She licked it off and smiled into the camera.

"Sorry, hubby," she said. "I'm their cum slut from now on. Bye now, bye." The video faded to black and I ejected the DVD. To say I was shocked would be the understatement of the year. I was devastated. I cried, yelled, and screamed. How could she do this to me, to us?

At this point, I realized that whatever love I had for her was gone, replaced by a burning hatred. I wanted her dead, gone, out of my life forever. I had to get out of there, so I cleaned myself up and went to the Hitching Post, a bar and grill I sometimes liked to visit.

I ordered a beer and a burger and sat down to think about what had gone wrong in my marriage. I wracked my brain trying to figure out what it was I had done to make Donna do what she was doing. I always treated her with kindness and respect.

I showered her with love from the moment we were together, often buying her flowers or cards for no reason other than to say I loved her. I thought we had a satisfactory sex life. I know I was satisfied, and she seemed happy as well. Never once did I even think about cheating on her. I would never hurt her like that. So why is she doing this?

I finished my burger and looked at the time -- 4:00 pm. I had an idea, so I called Robyn Hawkins office. After what I had discovered, I knew I would go nuts until I was able to get the divorce started. I listened as the receptionist said her spiel, then made my request.

"Well, let me look, Mr. Carson," she said. "It seems there's been a cancellation and Ms. Hawkins is available at 8:00 am tomorrow morning. Would that work for you?"

"Absolutely," I told her.

"Very well, I'll change your appointment right now and she'll see you first thing in the morning."

"Thank you," I told her. "I'll see you then." That made me feel a bit better. Shortly after that call, my phone rang -- it was Donna. I debated not answering it, but decided to go ahead and take it.

"Yeah," I said when I opened the call.

"Uh, Bob, it's me, Donna," she said, a bit shocked by my abrupt greeting. "Are you okay?"

"Not really, Donna," I said. "I've had a really bad day. What's up? This is a bit early for you, isn't it?"

"Well, not that early," she said. "I am in New York, you know. I just wanted to touch base and let you know I'm going to have dinner then I'll be tied up with clients this evening."

"Thank you for letting me know," I said. "How is everything going?"

"Quite well, actually," she said. "The deal we're putting together looks like it'll really be good for our bottom line."

"That's good," I told her.

"Bob, are you sure you're okay?" she asked, sounding concerned. "I'm a bit worried. You don't sound like yourself."

"Just not feeling too well right now," I said. It actually wasn't a lie -- the thought of her right now was making me sick to my stomach.

"I'm sorry, is there anything I can do?" she asked. Maybe unfuck yourself, I thought to myself.

"No, there's nothing you can do," I said. "I'll be going to bed a bit early. Maybe if I still feel bad tomorrow, I'll go see someone."

"Well, you go and take care of yourself," she said. "I want you in perfect health when I get back. I miss you, you know."

"Yeah," I said.

"I love you," she said, signaling the end of the call.

"Me too," I told her before ending the call. I wondered if she caught that I didn't tell her I love her as well, but really didn't care whether she did or not. I finished my burger and headed home, where I laid on the couch and watched television until I fell asleep.

I woke up early the next morning, made some coffee, took a shower, dressed and got everything I needed for my appointment with Robyn. I got there a few minutes before 8:00 and was ushered right in. Robyn stood and shook my hand. She looked to be about my age, with long wavy dark hair.

"Good morning, Mr. Carson," she said. "What can we do for you today?" I told her everything I knew and put a large folder on her desk that contained all the evidence I had found so far. Robyn looked through it all, her eyes widening as she scanned all the documents. When she finished, she put the folder down and looked at me.

"I understand you've already spoken with Mr. Hammer?" she asked.

"I have," I said. "And I've provided him with some of that information as well. He tells me he has colleagues in New York and they'll be keeping an eye on her out there."

"Good," she said. "What are you looking to get out of this?"

"Everything," I said. "I want her out of my life. I want to keep my house, my retirement, my income, everything. As far as I'm concerned, she can have the half-million in her account, her retirement, and her personal property. I'm not willing to give her a red cent in support."

"Looking at the financials, it appears she makes considerably more than you do," Robyn said. "I don't think there'll be any issues with support. The court may order you to sell the house and give her half of the proceeds, and a portion of your joint assets, but I'll do my best to minimize that. Fortunately, in this state, you can file on the grounds of adultery and once that's proven, most judges here use that in the division of assets. I'll get with James to see what he's got and work something up. When will she be back?"

"Sunday afternoon," I told her.

"Perfect. That'll give me plenty of time to put this together and get it filed with the court," she said. She handed me a business card after writing her personal cell number on the back. She also handed me a paper with a set of instructions. "If anything happens, feel free to contact me. Don't do anything stupid. I'll call you when the papers are ready to be served."

"Thank you," I said. She smiled and stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. We shook hands and I left the office, stopping at the receptionist's desk to leave a retainer.

The next two days were quiet. My routine was the same -- get up, go to work, come home, eat, go to sleep. My boss said I could take the time off, but I was restless and couldn't just sit at home doing nothing.

On Thursday afternoon, I got a call from Robyn, asking me if I could meet her and James at her office the next morning. I agreed and told my boss, who gave me Friday off. That evening, I got a call from Donna.

"I just wanted to let you know that everything is on track and I'll be home Sunday afternoon," she said.

"That's good to hear," I said. "What time do you think you'll be home?"

"I'll grab an Uber at the airport, and I should be home about 1:00," she told me. "Then we can celebrate. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yeah, it does," I said.

"Okay, sweetie," she said. "I'll see you then. Hope you've taken your vitamins. I plan to screw your brains out." I chuckled at that.

"Sounds good," I said. "See you then." We ended the call and I sat back with a smile. Oh yeah, someone is gonna get screwed, I thought to myself. The next day, I showed up at Robyn's office a few minutes before our scheduled meeting and was immediately ushered into a conference room. I shook hands with James and Robyn and was introduced to two large men in dark suits.

"Bob, this is Agent Smith, and this is Special Agent Jones," Robyn said. "They're both with the FBI."

"FBI?" I asked. "Why is the FBI involved?"

"We'll get to that," Robyn said. "Please, let's sit down and go over this." We took our seats and Robyn pulled out the divorce papers. "These were filed in court yesterday afternoon. I've written them up as you requested. You said your wife is due to be home tomorrow at 1:00 pm, right?"

"Yes, that's right," I said.

"Good," she said, handing the papers to James. "James will serve them to her then. He's also a Notary Public, so he can witness her signature if she signs. I think she will once she realizes her situation." James opened his briefcase and put the papers inside. Then he pulled out a thick binder and a stack of DVDs and set them on the table.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"This is my final report," James said. He handed me a picture of a rather sleazy-looking man with slicked-back hair.

"Who is this?" I asked. "He looks like a real sleazeball." James snickered.

"His name is Harold Stanton," James said. "And you're right about that. He actually makes sleazeballs look like Boy Scouts. He runs a national chain of strip clubs from his headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. He's also heavily involved in the adult movie industry. He's a rather colorful character. A few years ago, he ran for Congress and was soundly defeated. He caused quite a stir on social media with some of his crazy rants.

"About five years ago, he started an exclusive men's organization. The requirements for joining were quite simple. All a man had to do was pay a $5,000 membership fee and have the right physical attributes," James said.

"What do you mean, right physical attributes?" I asked.

"They have to be very well-endowed," James said. "At least nine inches."

"You mean..."

"Yes, they're all required to have large genitalia," James said, answering my question before I could ask it. "This organization has chapters in a number of cities across the country. They get together once or twice a month for a gangbang. Sometimes, they recruit local girls. Other times, Stanton arranges to have someone participate. Your wife was one of the first women he recruited."

"But that would mean..."

"Yes, your wife has been doing this for at least the last five years," James said.

"Damn," I said. "How did she manage to do that with her work trips, though?"

"From what we were able to gather from her conversations, she would pad her trips by one or two days," James explained. "She would participate in the 'event,' then take a day or two to, er, clean up and recover. She figured that after a couple days, she would have recovered enough so that you wouldn't notice any changes in her." That deceitful bitch, I thought to myself. All this time, and I never once caught on.

"She took great pains to keep you from finding out about her other life," James said. "She would often disguise herself, using wigs, temporary tattoos and contacts designed to change the color of her eyes. She knew that you respected her privacy enough that you wouldn't go digging into her closet, so she was able to hide the... tools of her trade, so to speak."

That much was true, I thought, remembering all the stuff I had found in her closet and her desk drawer. But James wasn't finished.

"About three years ago or so, Stanton decided to make a bit of money off the monthly gangbangs and started making videos of them for sale. Everyone who agreed to participate got a small cut of the royalties," he said. "Your wife agreed to participate and signed an open-ended contract in which she agreed to make five videos a year. So far, she's made fifteen feature-length movies for Stanton," he added, pointing to the stack of DVDs.

"Stanton posted five to ten-minute clips of these videos as advertisements to a number of porn sites," James said. "So far, those clips have been viewed and downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. Your wife's attributes are pretty well-known by now. But there's more.