False Colors

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A seemingly innocent series of mistakes leads to deeper love.
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False Colors

[Author's note: all characters over the age of 18]

Lindsey gasped as she walked into the living room of her house to see her son Grant naked, pulling on his (sizable) cock, in her living room in the middle of the afternoon. Lindsey had come home early that day after having a cancellation at the office and had assumed Grant had gone out or taken a nap when she called out and not received an answer while walking in her front door moments ago.

After a long moment where he didn't react to her presence, Lindsey realized her son's eyes were closed and he had air pods in, blissfully cut off from the world as he rubbed one out in front of his own mother.

Grant's cock quickly drew her attention: it was bigger. Bigger than her ex-husband's. Bigger than most of her college boyfriends and lovers. Lindsey couldn't help imagining out the warm piece of flesh would feel violating her most intimate places. Part of her wanted to stride up to him that very moment, get on her knees, and swallow the whole thing in her mouth before he had a chance to react.

She thought better of it though and quietly retreated back out of the house. This time, she made a show of slamming the door both opening and closing, hearing Grant's startled reaction in the distance and smirking to herself.

"Hey, I'm home!" she shouted, much louder this time, "Grant, honey, are you home?"

"Uh, yeah Mom," he yelled back, "I'm just, uh, in my room changing real quick. Just finished, uh, working out."

Oh I bet you did she thought, "Come say hi."

"Oh, I'm not decent," he replied, "Give me a minute."

Lindsey chuckled to herself. Part of her wanted to keep teasing her son, but he seemed embarrassed enough as it was.

Of course, how much more embarrassed would he be if he knew his own mother had seen him stroking his cock just minutes before? Lindsey couldn't stop thinking about it as she made her way to her own room to change. She had to pass Grant's room to get to hers, and was a little disappointed to see the door shut tight as she walked by. By now Grant's equipment was probably secured away behind a tight pair of boxer briefs and shorts. Unless...no, he wouldn't be so bold...unless he had run to his room, locked his door, and just kept stroking. Was his fist furiously flying up and down his length even as she made her way to her own room. She went to shut her own door, then thought better of it, leaving it slightly ajar.

She knew shouldn't encourage such behavior--a boy can't just masturbate whenever he wanted all day, after all--and teasing her own child sexually was beyond the pale for any mother, but the thought that Grant's fist could be covered with his own hot cum at the very moment she was shrugging off her blazer and unbuttoning her blouse just got her so excited.

It wasn't like Lindsey was starved for sex. She had been no virgin when she married her husband and she kept a steady stream of affairs both before and after her marriage dissolved. Her ex had even known and encouraged several of the women she brought home, something that turned out to be a mistake when he ran off with a particularly nubile coworker she had brought them both to play with after a very festive holiday party.

No, on the contrary, Lindsey was so oversexed it was almost cartoonish. It was all self-confidence too: she had no work done and her age was definitely showing, but she exercised and took care of herself, her big ass and thighs drawing in men and women both.

Her own son though. She'd obviously never considered Grant as a possible lover. It was disgusting, wasn't it? Incest. Of course she knew the word. In a way, the kink was inescapable. She remembered being barely eighteen and calling boys only a few years older than her "Daddy." She laughed about it. These men had basically been children themselves, little older than Grant was now.

Grant. Her thoughts kept going back to Grant. Which was bad, as she was now in her stockings and panties, dropping her bra on her bed, thinking about her son. Rubbing her tits, thinking about her little boy sucking at them, only now he was a man. A man with a beautiful cock.

It was getting to be too much. She pushed aside the crotch of her panties and fell back on her bed, rubbing her clit, sighing as the thought of Grant's naked body filled her mind and made her so very wet.

Oh this is so bad she thought.

"Grant, baby," she moaned as she felt her climax quickly coming on, "Fuck me baby, fuuuucck meee."

Lindsey shuttered as she came to the thought of her own son. On her back, trying to catch her breath, she caught something out of the corner of her eye. She realized she had never shut her bedroom door, giving anyone a clear view of her naked in just her stockings, long fingers dancing between her pussy lips.

Had it just been an illusion? Something she imagined? Had Grant heard his name and caught her pleasuring herself to the thought of him, her own son?

I guess that makes us even, she thought, chuckling at her poor baby's further embarrassment. Grant had always been very understanding about his mother's carnal nature. Not that she had even rubbed in it his face, obviously. He definitely didn't know about the group sex she'd had with his father and others, and definitely nothing about her fairly regular bisexual moments, but there was no denying his mother was clearly a very sexual woman. Well-dressed, fit, with a string of boyfriends, and--with their rooms so close--he must have heard things over the years.

Could that be a possibility? Was Grant not only masturbating in her house, but to the thought of his own mother? Again, the very thought should have been disgusting, but somehow she found it enticing. As much as she'd pushed the envelope in so many other ways--Lindsey balked at the thought of her own mother knowing a fraction of the carnal activities she'd gotten up to, especially in her youth--but what about this taboo? Incest. A common fantasy and one of the most consequential to break. She could go to jail. Her friends and family would break contact with her. Society would forever remember her as something vile: a woman who gave all of herself to her own flesh and blood. Her own son.

Just the thought of it was making her so hot that she was already wet and ready to masturbate again.

Lindsey quickly stripped off and headed for the shower. Usually she'd wrap a towel around herself, but instead she just glanced out her bedroom door and confidently strode down the hall to the bathroom she shared with her son.

Just as she thought she'd made it--a little disappointed to be showing off with no one to see--the door to Grant's room swung open. He was dressed now, t-shirt and jeans, as he caught his nude mother standing right outside the bathroom door.

"Hi, baby," Lindsey said. She made the salutation breathier than usual, her eyes half-lidded, really laying it on thick. All the things she would be doing to someone she was trying to fuck. She was laying it on so thick that she almost made herself laugh. If this were any normal man, it would have been utterly ridiculous, playacting before the inevitable sex.

But this was her son: the inevitable sex would have been impossible, a taboo breaking infraction to nature. Even letting him see her like this, naked and vulnerable, was taboo. She had no doubt the sight would make him hard. What kind of mother would do that? Make her son hard on purpose? Tease her own child with the possibility of sex?

God, I am such a slut she thought.

After standing there, both of them frozen, for what felt like a long time, Lindsey smiled at her boy and quickly slipped into the bathroom, leaving him dumbfounded.

Safe behind the closed door, Lindsey's fingers quickly found her clit again. She was drenched, rubbing herself and moaning for the second time in minutes. She couldn't remember the last time one person had made her this uncontrollably horny. She wondered if he was outside right now, listening to her pleasure herself. She hoped he was. That he was brazen enough to pull out his cock and stroke just outside the very door she was leaning against, a splash of cum against the door as he listened to her making herself climax. She shivered as another orgasm hit her.

Pulling herself together, Lindsey turned on the shower and set about washing herself.


After she had cleaned off -- interrupted by another impromptu masturbation session mid-shower -- Lindsey remembered she didn't have a bath towel waiting and would have to walk back to her room naked again.

It was only then that a thought occurred to her: if she wasn't careful, her teasing could push Grant over the edge. They had seen each other naked -- at separate times -- now, and she had no doubt her son had the same appetites as other young men. The thought of her own son raping her in a fit of lust would have been totally alien to her just hours ago, but so would her own thoughts of incestuous sex. Lindsey had always been a bit of tease and while she always tried to be the one in control, she had become a victim of rape more than once in the past. Her ex-husband had drunkly forced her in all her holes with the help of his new young girlfriend not long before they separated. Her body had enjoyed it, but the feeling of powerlessness and humiliation had been final nail in the coffin of their marriage. Grant was nothing like his father, but if he snapped and tried to fuck her now, she didn't know that she could forgive him or herself. Even as she came to terms with wanting his body, she knew she had to stay in command of the situation, that incest had to be her choice as a mother.

I just wish Grant raping me wasn't making me so wet Lindsey groaned as she signed a cross over her chest and peeked out into the hallway. Grant's bedroom door was open, but that couldn't be helped. Ready to dash out to her room, Lindsey noticed something against the bathroom door: a fresh, fluffy towel.

Her heart almost exploded in her chest. While normally she'd find the act absolutely sweet, in light of her new desires, the love she felt almost brought tears to her eyes. Grant had seen her naked and his first thought was to bring her a towel. He didn't even make a show of it, just dropped it by the door where she couldn't miss it. She suddenly felt bad she had even entertained the notion her sweet boy could think of forcing her.

She could have gone to Grant's room, embraced him in a big hug, and probably fucked him right then.

Instead, she pulled the towel to her chest -- hugging the big fluffiness, leaving her ass and crotch exposed -- and almost skipped to her room like a young girl in love.


Grant's sweet little act had unknowingly set off a major chain events. Unknown to him, but an object of intense focus and obsession for his very horny mother. Lindsey laughed at the thought Grant was somehow seducing her better than any man she'd ever been with and was likely completely unaware. If he was aware, he was probably completely confused and maybe a little shocked by the small glimpses at his mother's cavalier sexual acts, unsuspecting that the woman that gave birth to him was now determined to seduce and fuck him before the night was over.

She didn't believe it would be terribly hard to fuck Grant, but she wanted to do it the right way. If she was going to break the ultimate taboo, she wanted to make it special for both of them. Even before her divorce, Grant had been Lindsay's entire life. Finishing school, progressing at work, everything had been to give her child the best life possible. In a strange way, it was poetic that she would be finally giving her body to her baby boy, fully bringing her son into her innermost life as a sexual being. Giving birth to him, feeding him, clothing him, and now, finally, becoming his experienced, sexy lover.

Part of her was worried she had somehow gotten all of this wrong. That Grant had been jerking off in the living room just because he knew he would be alone all day. That he had merely been shocked by her nakedness but not aroused. That leaving that towel had not been an act of love, but of admonishment, asking her to cover up. Lindsey was unused to rejection. She was a beautiful woman who liked to have sex, and it was easy getting people to want to fuck her. She was good at it and she enjoyed it.

He wants me she told herself. All boys want to fuck their mothers. Grant's just going to get the real thing.

Between her shower and her several masturbation sessions, Lindsey had lost a lot of time. She had to get dressed and start cooking quickly if she wanted the perfect dinner ready for her boy. She could hardly commit her best acts of seduction over Chinese take-out and a couple cans of Sprite.

First, she had to get dressed. Her pussy tingled at the thought of cooking for him in the nude, but even for what she had planned that would be coming on much too strong. She decided to forego both stockings and a bra, her only undergarments being a tiny pair of sheer black panties. They didn't give much in the way of coverage, but they were sexy to look at and she had no doubt they would be soaked through with her juices by the time Grant saw them.

Oh he'll love that Lindsay thought, her fingers grazing her nub through the fabric before she stopped herself from wasting time masturbating once again.

She decided to leave her legs and feet bare. She had no way of knowing if her son shared her ex-husband's foot fetish, but her legs never failed to entice any of her lovers. Now she just need something to cover herself as she cooked while leaving her body on display, teasing Grant with another glimpse of the nakedness he had seen earlier that afternoon. She settled on a simple, blue dress that left her arms bare and came down to about mid-thigh. It buttoned all the way up the front, but Lindsay left in about halfway open.

Quickly doing a simple hair and make-up job -- again, she didn't want to be too obvious about seducing him -- Lindsey took a look in the mirror. She looked cute, doing a little spin that made the hem of her dress fly up a bit, revealing her scanty underwear. She couldn't remember the last time she had been this excited.

In a strange way, she was about to have a first date with a man she had known all her life, but he wasn't a childhood friend or a schoolmate who had suddenly asked her out. She was going to have a date night with her own son.

The thought made her more horny than she'd even been in her life.


"Grant, darling," she called up to his room, "Dinner's ready."

Lindsey went back to the dinning room and dimmed the light just a bit. She was lighting a couple candles when Grant finally made his way in.

"Wow, Mom," he said, taken aback, "What's the occasion?"

She giggled at his joke, "Can't a mother cook her only son a nice meal?"

The spread was fairly simple: chicken, some long grain and wild rice, peas, a salad, sliced french bread, and a pair of wineglasses, one for each of them. While the meal itself was not out of place, Grant couldn't think of the last time his mother had expended his effort for a normal weeknight dinner.

She studied his face, trying to gauge his reaction, seeing if she had already reached too far. It was early enough in the evening that if she knew she had been wrong about her son's desires, she could play it off, no harm no foul.

"No, of course, Mom, it looks delicious," he replied, crossing over to scoop her up into a big hug. Lindsey felt so good in his arms and squeezed him tight. Grant squeezed back. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, squeezing his forearm after they pulled out of the long hug.

"Let's eat!" she said.

The meal went by uneventfully. Grant wasn't quite old enough to be drinking wine, but this was with dinner and he didn't question it. Lindsay made a point to smile and laugh through the whole dinner conversation. It helped that her beautiful boy made her so happy, even without the continuing tingle between her thighs. The alcohol only intensified that. Grant quickly accepted when his mother offered to refill his glass. By the end of the meal, he was refilling hers and Lindsey was looking very rosy cheeked.

"So," she asked out of nowhere, "Are you seeing a special girl at all, baby?"

Grant suddenly clammed up, "What makes you ask that?"

"You're just such a handsome young man," she said, smiling at him, "I'm curious."

He's so cute when he's embarrassed she thought.

Grant just chuckled, "Uh, no, nobody special."

"Well is there anybody you like?" she asked. She looked at him very intently now. He had looked away when she first asked about a girl, but glancing back, he was suddenly caught her gaze. Lindsey knew the sexual power of strong eye contact. Eye-fucking was an age old tool of seduction.

"Um...I guess there's one girl," he replied. Her heart began racing.

"Yeah?" she said, still staring him down.



"Oh, like an upperclassman?" she said, feigning ignorance, "A sophomore?"

"Um, well, no, but..." he said, flustered.

"What's she like?" she said, cutting him and redirecting the subject.

"Well she's really nice, smart, funny..." he said, making her heart beat faster.

"She sounds lovely," Lindsey said, smiling wide, and reaching across the table and grabbing her son's hand.

Suddenly with nothing to say, Grant just kept looking into his mother's face, hypnotized.

After a long while, Lindsay finally broke the silence:

"How about a movie?


As Grant washed the dishes and finished cleaning up the kitchen, Lindsey curled up on the living room coach and starting scrolling through their favorite streaming service for something to watch. She had unbuttoned a couple more notches on her dress while he wasn't looking. They had enough wine that she knew he wouldn't think to question if she was showing more skin than minutes before. She shivered again as she thought about how she was sitting exactly where he had been early this afternoon when she'd first seen him stroking his meat, unknowingly setting her down his path of desire and sin. Picturing it made her wet, wetter than she had been during their sexually charged dinnertime staring context. Now that they were both a little tipsy from dinner, she just needed a film to lull him into feeling safe with her body and engineering his first move on her.

Lindsey would have liked to say she was a cinephile or even someone who liked movies in a normal way, but the truth was even her film tastes belied that she was a lustful little nymphomaniac. Her ex had been shocked the volume and content of the porn that she devoured even during their relationship. If she knew he'd been home late and she wanted to fuck him that same night, she would time it for him to catch her watching a bukkake gangbang or some kind of intense rape porn. As feminine as she was, Lindsey couldn't stand soft, pg-13 lovemaking. She needed visceral, violent sex. Part of it may have been her complicated history with assault, but there was just something about watching another woman being used that got her ready to fuck. Sometimes she imagined herself as a porn star. Grant would have absolutely lost it if she had put on a video of her as a tight little eighteen year-old, getting roughly handled by a team of a dozen hard cocks. She imagined just reaching over and sucking him off as he watched his own mother get double penetration by some thick porno dicks.

Of course, this was all just fantasy and Lindsey worried actual pornography would shock him out of the pliant state she had gotten him into with food and drink. Luckily, when porn was not in option, she had a pretty encyclopedic knowledge of erotic-but-not-explicit films that would get them both in the mood, just more subtly.