Family Boundaries Ch. 07


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"That's our family motto, isn't it?"

Vi half laughed and half choked. "Probably should be. God our boundaries are so freaking bad. Maybe non-existent."

"Maybe." Riker chewed on his bottom lip. "I'm liable to say yes right now, just because... well, you know what Cait's doing to us."

"I am very aware. S'the only reason I think I could even ask. And I want to be clear here, it's mostly because you're a boy and Cait seems to have taken a fancy to you. And you're so infatuated with Izzy that I don't have to worry about you getting weird and clingy."

"Thin excuses, sis," Riker said.

"I'm aware."

"I.. I might have to back out, though. If Izzy isn't on board."

"No, yeah, obviously." Vi eyed her brother sidelong and decided not to question how quickly he'd come around to the idea of having sex with another one of his sisters. It was probably best not to dwell on that too hard. Plus if she did think about it, she'd probably have to acknowledge how easily she'd come around to seducing her brother. Best to let some things be.

Cait's final show took longer than Vi was expecting, but it made sense once she strutted out. She'd opted for something like a complicated corset that also covered her tits, but that left flashes of skin visible in between a frankly ridiculous number of straps and buckles. Like a garment that couldn't decide if it was lingerie or tactical gear.

Somehow, though, the complication added to the allure, as it gave the whole thing an ever-shifting feeling that one could either slip it right off her, or that it was so confusing that it was never coming off again. This combined with a very calculated covering of Cait's breasts that once again hinted strongly at nipple and cleavage without actually displaying a bounty of either.

Her panties seemed ordinary in comparison until Cait turned around and revealed the back to be little more than a single string snugged between her butt cheeks, cut rather high up her waist. Both Vi and Riker made twin guttural sounds of helpless lust as Cait flicked her booty in their direction the first time.

"You're killing us," Vi said. "You know that right?"

Cait smiled but otherwise ignored her. She swayed to the soft music playing in the store, not really a proper dancing song, but she made it work just as well as if it was a beat blaring in the strip club. She took her time, teasing Vi and Riker both, including getting up in both their laps again.

She was even less subtle this time, fully grinding in Vi's lap, and apparently doing exactly the same to her brother. Every time Vi reached for her, Cait directed her hand to a different part of her corset, slowly getting her to unhook her. Riker, by contrast, appeared mostly paralyzed and unsure what, if anything, to do with his hands.

The corset came off eventually, leaving Cait dancing in nothing but her scanty excuse for panties. She swung her butt some more, making sure it was the focus of every eye pointed in her direction, then backed it up so she was fully grinding on Vi's lap.

Vi groaned and put her hands on Cait, running up her warm tummy to her breasts, and down to her pussy which was soaking through the panties she was modeling. Cait let herself be touched this time, let Vi feel her up, and only eventually struggled free.

Cait danced into Riker's lap, facing him, grinding her crotch on the tent in his pants. She was noticeably flushed and panting, just as turned on as Vi and Riker.

Vi watched Riker's hands tentatively land on Cait's ass while she continued to bury his face in her cleavage. It was so very clear to Vi that this threeway was happening. Or fourway, as the case may be. She was going to involve her siblings in her sex life, and all it did was turn her on.

Luckily, before Vi could get too existential about her lack of proper familial boundaries, Cait was moving again. She did some kind of wiggly maneuver to slip out of her panties, and with a casual ease popped them into Riker's mouth. She then slid herself back into Vi's lap while Riker tried to process what had just happened, and how he'd come to be sucking on panties coated in Cait's pussy.

"Vi," Cait breathed.


"Make me cum. Please?"

"Unf. I should be asking you the same thing."

Vi pushed a hand between her thigh and Cait's pussy. Cait happily kept grinding away, using Vi's fingers as a sex toy of sorts.

"I mighta got carried away," Cait admitted.

"You don't say."

"I liked the way you were looking at me."

"I liked the way you danced for me."

"You've seen that lots."

"Not when it's for me."

Vi kissed Cait's neck, and nuzzled down to her breasts. Cait whimpered, using Vi's fingers, and made herself cum in a much needed release. She clung to Vi all through it, and perhaps even tighter in the afterglow.



"How many people are looking right now?"

"I think it's probably best if we pretend no one is. I personally am not about to look around guiltily just at the moment."

"That's probably smart."

Vi stood up, holding Cait fully aloft for a moment before setting her on her own feet. Vi whipped off the light jacket she'd been wearing and wrapped it around Cait's shoulders, providing some small shelter from prying eyes. Vi had a sleeveless shirt on underneath, and Cait's eyes landed on her bare arms for a moment.

"Let's get you out to the car," Vi said.

"My clothes--"

"Ri'll get 'em." Vi tossed Riker her wallet. "Bro, do me a favour and collect Cait's things, and buy... well, just buy whatever you can find that she was showing off in."

Riker looked around, then down at the panties that had been shoved in his mouth. "Probably better include these," he said.

"Especially those."

"And the thing with all the straps?"



"Riker, my brother, on this day my bank account is a worthy sacrifice to the cause. Do what you need to do."


Riker looked around trying to figure out where to start. Cait meanwhile clung closer to Vi.

"I can't walk out to the car like this," Cait hissed.

"Why not? You didn't care who saw you a few moments ago."

"There's a big difference between that and walking naked through a mall and parking lot."

Vi shook her head. "Only half naked."

Cait pouted. "You gonna make me do this?"

"No. But if you do... I'll do anything you want in the bedroom."

Cait's eyes lit back up like she'd immediately forgotten the meanings of shy and embarrassed. "Anything?"



"As in I think I might have talked Riker into joining us. Which probably means Izzy too."

Cait pressed herself right up in front of Vi, seeking a deep kiss. "You don't have to do that, you know. They're your siblings, and that's more important that any sexual urges either of us have."

"I know. But I think it'll be fine. And I really kind of want to get over some hangups I have. I kind of hate that involving my brother is the best way I can think of, but also...." Vi glanced over her shoulder to make sure Riker wasn't anywhere nearby. "Maybe I'm just too horny, but I keep getting all tingly thinking about sharing him with you."

"Babe...." Cait wrapped her arms around the back of Vi's neck and kissed her some more. "This is gonna be so hot. I promise. I'll make you cum so many times."

"'K. But just so you know, everyone walking by can see you ass right now."

Cait meeped and crouched down some, tugging Vi's jacket as low over her bum as she could. "I think I'm done with public nudity for today."

"We have work tonight, still."

"Well I'm done with it in unsanctioned locations then." Cait batted her eyes at Vi. "Rescue me?"

"Sure thing."

Vi scooped Cait up in a princess carry and marched out to the car. They got plenty of stares on the way still, but all curled up in her arms, Cait wasn't actually terribly exposed. Vi smiled at the way Cait kept her eyes screwed up tight until they were in the relative safety of the car.

"I shoulda just taken the time to get dressed again," Cait murmured.

"Sure. But what fun would that have been?" Vi asked.

"You're really gonna do anything I want?"



"Well I'm gonna do incest for you. Anything much worse than that and I may have to back out."

"Fair." Cait pulled Vi's jacket tighter over herself. "I'm keeping this jacket, by the way."

"That's fine. I am willing to sacrifice so many things today." Vi sighed dramatically. "Must be love."

Cait stared at her. Vi flushed.

"That was an off-hand, sarcastic comment," Vi said. "Don't look at me like that."

"You said--"

"I know what I said."

"You love--"

"Don't read too much into it."

Cait's face was a mixture of things, but mostly she was beaming, her nearly nude state forgotten.

"I'll kick you back out of the car if you keep looking at me like that," Vi growled.

"No you won't."

"Try me."

"You wanna love and protect me!"

"Oh god."

"All I needed to do was give you a lap dance this whole time, huh?"

"I take it back, ok!"

Cait giggled. "No takesie backsies!"

"... oh thank fuck, there's Riker finally."

Riker dumped a few bags into the back of the car, then took a seat. He seemed confused as he looked up front, Vi's eyes firmly ahead as she raced out of the parking lot, Cait staring affectionately at her with a whole new intensity.

"Did I miss something?" he asked.

"Nope," Vi said. "We're just... horny. Gotta get home and have an incestuous orgy. Normal stuff."

"Yeah, babe. Just normal stuff," Cait agreed.

"Um... ok then," Riker said. "Back there, at the store, that was pretty cool, you know."

Cait took her eyes off Vi to give Riker a closer inspection. "Cool?"


"That's a weird way of saying you got turned on."

"Oh. I mean that too, obviously. You... you do that stuff really well." Riker brushed his hand through his hair, feeling the slight oddity of it being a different length than he was used to. "I actually did mean more, like, it's cool that you can just do stuff like that in front of strangers or... or not strangers, in my case. You can just...."


"Well yeah, I guess. I don't know. Sorry."

"Thanks," Cait said, reaching a hand back to Riker's knee for a second. "I mean it is what I do for a living. And I did kind of leave myself unprepared for afterward. Usually I can disappear after a set for a few minutes. Or, you know, I know what everyone is there for, so it's a not a big deal." She sighed. "Middle of the mall was kind of a poor choice in some respects. So many unknowns. So many unsuspecting eyes."

"Yeah," Riker said. "Kind of like at school."

Cait and Vi both stared at him, Vi's eyes meeting his in the rearview mirror.

"I mean, you know. Hypothetically," Riker mumbled.

"No you didn't," Cait said. "Frig, Vi. I like your family."

"I know, babe. Hopefully you're gonna like them even more soon, or things might get awkward."

At the next stoplight, Cait unbuckled herself and slipped into the backseat with Riker. Graceful and flexible as she was, it was still an awkward maneuver, and Vi didn't help when she took the opportunity of Cait's bare ass in her face to give her a few spanks on the way.

"What did you do?" Cait asked, not even bothering with Vi's jacket anymore and sitting very nakedly in the back of the car.

"Nothin' really," Riker said, trying and failing not to perv on his sister's girlfriend. In a sense, though, why even bother stopping now?

"After that lap dance I gave you," Cait said, leaning in slightly, "you should be more open with me. Only fair, really."

Riker swallowed, feeling a suddenly dry mouth. "Vi? Help?"

"Don't look at me. I wanna know too."

Cait's fingers teased up Riker's neck to his cheek. "We're about to get even more intimate, you know. You should share. I think you want to share."

"Oh god. Ok. It's... it's just kind of like, you getting naked in the store like that... it makes me feel better about when Izzy and I got naked at school. Like we're not the only weird--"

"You did what?!"

"Yeah. Um... just for a couple classes though. And it wasn't even on purpose. Except it was when Izzy did it, I guess."

Cait sat with full, rapt attention as Riker told the story, awkward and fragmented as his delivery was. He had Vi's attention too, though she had to pay attention to the road.

"So my clothes got stolen after track practice one day. Only they weren't really stolen. We thought they were. And it's this whole... I don't know you'd have to understand the dynamics. But I ended up going without any clothes, and somehow didn't get sent to the principal's office or anything."

"Oh there's no way," Cait breathed, but she stayed focused and got increasingly wiggly in her seat as Riker kept going. She bit her lip and her eyes got a little wider with every added detail.

"And so, you know, Izzy finished her turn doing it," Riker said. "And we kind of decided that we probably shouldn't be that crazy, generally speaking."

"Wow, such wisdom," Vi said.

"Maybe a little crazy sometimes though?" Cait suggested.

"Yeah, we're not actually very good at sticking to it or anything," Riker said with a shrug. "But, you know, it's important Iz and I focus on each other more than wild escapades. That's the main thing."

"That's pretty cute," Cait said, casually winking at Riker. "Sibling love is so precious."

"... the usual kind? Or mine and Izzy's?"

"All of it."

Vi gratefully pulled into their driveway and hopped out of the car. "Alright you horny little succubus. We're here."

Cait climbed out too, then had a quick, intense discussion with Vi about whether or not she could sneak naked through the house without getting caught by Helena, Zoe, or to a lesser extent Izzy.

Riker ignored most of that and went inside to find Izzy. They had some things to discuss.

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As George Takei is fond of saying...."Ooohhh....mmmyyy!!". It would appear ScottishTexan has done it again, stirring up controversy with comments about a section of this story (as he is won't to do...even I have commented about his intolerance of authors' perceived failures!!)

Yes, a misplaced phone is POTENTIALLY a life-ruining possibility; yet, this is fantasy, no real need to intrude on that. And to drag the score on the series down...WWWHHHYYYYYY!!!!!

This is a magnificent tale, HOT & NASTY!!! Yet full of emotional soul-searching by all involved...and now the oldest sister and her girlfriend, entangled with the twins!! Such Fun!!!!!

Definitely a Five**5**Star tale...too bad next chapter is the last...

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akuma2486akuma24864 months ago

I love that you incorporated "Vi and Cait" from League of Legends into the story, that is kick ass.

DichoHippoDichoHippo12 months ago

I'm not really into vi and cait. They're relationship is not particularly compelling, personally. A lot of saying the same stuff over and over, and nothing that makes me feel any real romance there. The polar opposite of the twins, who I love. They're awesome together. Though I'm not into the cfnm or wearing each other's clothes parts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great stuff. Page 3 was amazing. Tremendous dialog. Really hilarious stuff. Of course the sexual, stripping, lap dance, growing sexuality among the three was exceedingly well done, but the comic dialog was really the best. Makes a good story great, a great story truly memorable. Great work.

Blamed_4_bridgeburningBlamed_4_bridgeburningabout 1 year ago

So I liked this: "Like a garment that couldn't decide if it was lingerie or tactical gear."

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