Family Dinner


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Jeff was starting to believe Allison might actually be sincere. Perhaps he had finally gotten through to her, but Jeff decided to play it safe and give her just a few extra strokes, for good measure. A few more went from five, to ten, and then to fifteen, before Jeff was convinced she had been punished as thoroughly as she deserved.

Jeff finally set the hairbrush aside, and examined Allison's very red and well-marked buttocks. He could honestly say he was quite satisfied with his work on her. He almost wanted to take a picture.

"No more bikinis?" Jeff asked.

"Never," Allison said. "I'll burn them all."

"How about those miniskirts?" Jeff asked.

"Gone," Allison said.

"And if I look though your underwear drawer tonight, will I find any thong panties?"

"Not one," Allison said. "They'll be gone. You have my word."

"Good," Jeff said. "I believe you. You may rise and rub."

Allison breathed a sigh of relief. She was just about to pull herself from Jeff's lap, when her mother Sally, entered the room, wearing only a towel.

"Did I hear screaming in here?" Sally asked. She then saw Allison painfully pulling her bikini bottoms back on.

"Oh, Jeff, you're home early," Sally said, taking a step backward and adjusting her towel.

"Hello dear," Jeff said. "You might want to have words with your daughters. I've been home ten minutes and already I've had to deal out spankings for the both of them."

Sally frowned.

"Girls!" she said in disappointment. "I'm ashamed of you."

Sally looked back at Jeff.

"Welcome home dear. I'm sorry about my daughters, but thank you very much for punishing them."

"Never a bother," Jeff said. "Allison, would you take the hairbrush back to the bedroom please?"

"Yes, sir," Allison said.

Jeff looked back at Sally.

"Well, aside from this, how was your day?" Jeff asked.

"Oh, very lovely," Sally said, walking back towards the back door of the house. "I was just-"

"Just what?" Jeff asked. Then he noticed something that bothered him.

"Honey?" Jeff asked. "What do you have on under that towel?"

"Oh, you know," Sally said.

Jeff looked at her suspiciously.

"I don't see the straps of a bathing suit over your shoulders," Jeff said.

Sally stopped.

"Sally, take off the towel," Jeff said.

Sally didn't move.

"Sally," Jeff said. "Take off the towel."

"I'm sorry Jeff," Sally said. "You're right, I don't have anything on under the towel. It's just, it was such a beautiful day, the neighbors were gone, and-"

"Sally," Jeff said. "I asked you to take off your towel."

Sally unfolded her towel and let it drop to the floor. She stood before Jeff and Kelsey, completely naked. Allison came back down the stairs, looking surprised by what she saw.

"You were out tanning all afternoon," Jeff said.

"Yes," Sally said.

"Displaying your nude body in public," Jeff said.

"Yes," Sally said, on the verge of crying.

"After I just disciplined your two daughters for not being adequately dressed in public," Jeff said.

"I'm sorry," Sally said. "You were out of town, I thought it would be okay, this once, if-"

"Sally," Jeff said. "I'm trying to get a message across to your daughters, and you set an example like this. You knew your daughters were going out in public in those clothes, didn't you?"

Sally hung her head.

"Yes. I did."

Jeff shook his head.

"Well, I can't just ignore what you've done here. Not after punishing Kelsey and Allison," Jeff said. "That would be quite hypocritical of me, wouldn't it?"

Sally nodded.

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Jeff said.

Sally paused.

"Spank me," she muttered.

"I'm sorry?" Jeff said. "I didn't quite catch that."

"You should spank me," Sally said. "Just like you spanked my daughters. I deserve a spanking as much as they do."

"I agree," Jeff said, and turned to Allison. "Allison, it looks like I might still need that hairbrush after all. Would you get it again please?"

"Yes, sir," Allison said, and went back up the stairs again.

Sally stood complacently as Jeff ran his eyes up and down his wife's completely naked body. For a woman in her forties, Sally was quite youthful and attractive. Her exercise regime and careful dieting left her with a slim, sexy body. She was naturally endowed with large, round, breasts and a pair of long and lovely legs, both qualities she passed down to her beautiful daughters.

For several seconds Jeff said nothing, prompting Sally to cover her breasts, which due to their exceptional size were difficult to hide with one arm. She used her other arm to conceal the light blonde, and well-trimmed pubic hair that peeked out like a baby chick, between her soft, creamy thighs.

"Shall we get started?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, dear," Sally nodded.

Jeff sat back down on the couch, and Sally wasted no time bending over his lap for her turn getting the hairbrush to the hindquarters.

Although she was embarrassed being caught by her husband and humiliated by the idea of being disciplined in front of her daughters, truthfully Sally wasn't entirely uncomfortable in this position. Although she didn't make it publicly known, even to her daughters, Sally had been a spanking enthusiast all her life. She first met Jeff on a spanking personals website because she enjoyed being spanked by strong, attractive men. Sally's father spanked Sally's mother when she was a child, so she grew up craving a husband who would give her that kind of attention. Sally loved the feeling of submissiveness, it gave her a feeling of being loved and cared for by a dominant male figure. The fact that Jeff was willing to spank her daughters as well as her when they were naughty seemed like an added bonus for Sally, since she believed Kelsey and Allison would benefit from his disciplining as much as she would. This is why Sally was always quite pleased when Jeff would practice corporal punishment her daughters, even including giving them fairly hard casual swats if they were to forget chores as simple as unloading the dishwasher.

In fact, Sally's biggest secret, was that she dearly hoped both of her daughters would seek out and marry men who would spank them as well.

Sally felt like a young girl herself, waiting patiently over Jeff's knee as Allison returned down the stairs to bring him the hairbrush. It made her feel close to her daughters knowing she was about to be punished just like they were. It also made her feel close, intimately close, with Jeff.

Allison entered the room, and handed the hairbrush to Jeff. Jeff took it and set it aside, and indicated for Allison to step back and watch as he punished her mother. Kelsey did the same as the two of them rubbed their sore bottoms.

Jeff examined Sally's buttocks closely. She was still a bit sore from an intimate spanking he had given her a few nights earlier, but he was confident she has healed up well enough that she was ready for another. Jeff gave Sally's bottom a good, firm, relaxing rub, and once he felt the muscles in her buttocks were softened and relaxed, his hand went for the hairbrush.

Jeff smacked the hairbrush hard across the surface of Sally's bottom. Sally squealed under the shock of the impact. Jeff began spanking her in rapid succession, striking her much harder than he did during her intimate spankings a few nights earlier. During their sexual foreplay, Jeff usually spanked Sally softly with his hand. He usually only used the paddle or hairbrush for disciplinary spankings, but unknown to Jeff, Sally actually enjoyed both kinds of spanking. Despite her pleasure in her submissive act, Sally still cringed under the discomfort of Jeff's repeated spankings. Jeff noted the tiny red marks that formed across Sally's buttocks from the sharp blows of the brush's spokes, and Sally squirmed about from the stinging.

Although her bottom burned with discomfort, in between her legs became wet with pleasure. As the intensity of Jeff's spankings increased, Sally began to moan. To Kelsey and Allison she sounded to be in pain, however Jeff knew otherwise. Sally's spankings were becoming an overwhelming experience for the both of them, and Jeff began to realize that he might be sending Sally the wrong message.

"Sally," Jeff said.

"Yes, dear," Sally said flirtatiously.

"Sally I know that you find spanking pleasurable," Jeff said. "But I am trying to make a point here. To you, and your daughters."

"I can't help it if I love your swats so much," Sally said sexily.

"I know," Jeff said. "That's why I'm going to have to take this up a notch. Make this a little more uncomfortable for you."

"No!" Sally said. "It was going so nicely. Come on, pick up that hairbrush and give me some spankings."

"No," Jeff said. "Kelsey, I'd like you to go to the bathroom and bring me a hand towel, please. Allison, I'd like you to bring me a bucket of cold water."

Sally's blood went cold.

"Jeff, no!" Sally said. "Not towel smacks! Those sting so badly!"

Jeff patted Sally's bottom.

"I know, dear," Jeff said. "But I'm afraid hairbrush spankings just aren't doing the job right now."

Sally frowned. She didn't like Jeff implying that punishment was supposed to be unpleasant.

Kelsey and Allison left the room to retrieve the items Jeff requested. Jeff bounced his knee to get Sally back on her feet. Once she was standing, Jeff picked up a small footstool that rested in front of the easy chair in the living room, and carried it into the kitchen.

"Follow me, Sally," Jeff said. "We'll make less of a mess if we give you your towel smacks in the kitchen."

Sally turned to follow Jeff into the kitchen and caught a glimpse out of the front window. A man walking with two young children on the sidewalk in front of their house saw her standing there, fully nude. Sally blushed and covered herself with her arms, as she scurried away into the kitchen. The pedestrian took his two children by the arm and moved them along quickly.

Jeff moved the kitchen table against the wall to make more room in the kitchen. He then placed the footstool in the newly created empty space.

"Sally, I'd like you to place your knees on the stool, and your hands flat on the floor," Jeff said. "This will be very painful, so you'll need to hold very steady or you'll topple over from the shock."

Sally gulped. Jeff wasn't playing with her; he really wanted this to hurt.

Sally obeyed, getting into position so her buttocks was in the air.

Kelsey entered the kitchen, and placed a white cotton hand towel on the counter. Allison entered soon after, carrying a round yellow bucket full of cold water from the basement faucet. Allison placed the bucket next to the footstool where her mother was kneeling.

"Thank you, girls," Jeff said. "I'd like you two to stand to the side and watch carefully. This might be a punishment you'll have to experience someday."

Kelsey and Allison watched their trembling mother and prayed that would not be true. Jeff unclasped his wristwatch and placed it on the kitchen counter. He picked up the soft, dry, hand towel, and unfolded the white fabric in his hands. Jeff stretched it from end to end, and plunged it into the bucket. Sally heard the sound of bubbles rising to the surface of the water as Jeff kept the towel submerged for several seconds. He pulled the sopping wet towel out and twisted it tightly. Sally's hands trembled against the cold tiled floor as she listened to the soaking wet towel dribble back into the bucket.

"Get ready," Jeff said.

Jeff flicked the towel fast, and snapped it hard against Sally's bare buttocks. The sound echoed throughout the room, and Sally screamed. It hurt, worse than the hairbrush ever did, and Jeff was far from finished.

Sally flinched. The snap of the towel left a welt on her left buttock; Jeff was very skilled at towel snapping. He made a note to snap her right buttock with the next stroke, to ensure even distribution.

He snapped the towel again, and hit Sally's right buttock, spot on.

Sally shouted in pain. She felt the greatest urge to rub her buttocks and cover it to protect it from future strokes, but she had to keep her hands on the floor to maintain her balance. There was no way to protect herself. Sally was at her husband's mercy.

Jeff flicked the towel again, striking her lower left buttock, sending her body searing with pain. Sally leaned forward as far as she could, trying to distance herself from Jeff's line of fire, as she breathed heavily through her clenched teeth.

"Arms straight, Sally," Jeff said. "No leaning."

It took a lot of courage for Sally to get back into position as her husband demanded. Jeff snapped the towel again, this time striking the curve where her buttocks met her hip.

Steady droplets of tears began to drip from Sally's eyes onto the smooth linoleum floor tiles. As many times as she had been spanked in her life, Sally was only now truly learning the meaning of submission to pain.

Jeff snapped the towel again and again, covering Sally's buttocks with deep red strike marks. Sally held herself in place, and endured every last one. When her buttocks was almost completely covered, Jeff snapped the towel against the back of her legs, and her sensitive inner thighs. The discomfort was becoming increasingly overwhelming. As the pain became too intense for Sally to maintain balance on her own, Jeff asked Sally to stand and bend over the stool instead.

"Place your hands on the stool, please," Jeff said. Sally leaned over painfully and placed her palms across the smooth leather surface of the footstool. She kept her legs straight and firmly together, in a desperate attempt to protect her more sensitive parts of her body.

"Now spread your legs apart, nice and wide," Jeff said.

"What?" Sally asked.

"Please do as I ask, dear," Jeff said. "I don't want to make this any worse on you."

Sally surrendered the last morsel of her modesty, and spread her legs apart as far as she could get them. She had to hold on to the stool tightly to stay balanced. Sally's womanhood was now on full display from behind, not that it was anything new to Jeff, but Kelsey and Allison were a bit shocked in seeing their mother in such an uncompromising position.

Jeff picked up the towel again, and noticed it had dried up quite a bit since beginning her towel smacks. Jeff plunged the towel into the bucket once again, and held it under for ten seconds. Sally waited in baited suspense as Jeff removed the soaking towel from the bucket and twisted it once again.

Jeff snapped the towel in Sally's most sensitive areas, stinging her labia and even the opening to her anus, which was now embarrassingly open and exposed. Sally sobbed throughout the ordeal. She knew she had provoked Jeff by openly enjoying his hairbrush spankings earlier, but she had no idea how steep a price she would have to pay. Jeff was clearly attempting to ensure she would be in considerable pain for the next two weeks, and in that attempt, he was successful.

Yet, as painful as it was, Sally did not resist. For nearly ten minutes of continuous wet towel spankings, Sally Harkin remained complacent and submissive, as she passively accepted her full punishment as a she felt any obedient wife should.

Sally's buttocks felt like it was on fire.

"My husband knows best," she muttered to herself. "My husband knows best, my husband knows best, my husband knows best."

Saying the words made it so much more tolerable. Sally kept her eyes tightly sealed, as she accepted stroke after stroke of Jeff's painful smacks.

Sally said the words again and again, knowing that if she felt anything but undying love for her husband, she would have run from the kitchen a long time ago.

Jeff finally dropped the towel into the bucket, deciding that his wife had been punished to perfection.

Kelsey and Allison gasped as the sight of their mother's buttocks. Jeff had marked it completely, leaving no trace of her normal pink skin hue anywhere. In its place was red, the color of punishment.

"You may rise, now dear," Jeff said, admiring the work he'd completed on her rear.

Sally struggled to pull herself to her feet, and thanked the Lord that it was finally over. She rubbed her thighs, too afraid to actually touch any portion of her body that had been spanked.

Jeff removed three brightly-colored ice packs from the freezer, and handed one each to Kelsey, Allison and Sally. The three well-spanked ladies graciously accepted them and placed them on their painful posteriors.

Jeff had purchased them the previous year shortly after marrying Sally. The red one was for Sally, the blue one for Allison, and the pink one was for Kelsey. Jeff bought them from a disciplinarian store that specialized in corporal punishment paraphernalia. Each ice pack was shaped to meld against a buttocks, and even had a tiny illustration of a blushing schoolgirl with her skirt up and panties down holding one against her burning behind. Although Kelsey, Allison, and Sally were not exactly thrilled to find bottom-soothing ice packs in their stockings on Christmas morning, not one of them ever complained about having them, especially not after Jeff's more severe tail-tannings.

Allison slid her bikini bottoms down to her knees as she pressed the soothing cold ice pack against her burning hot behind. Although she did not usually remove her underwear or articles of swimwear willingly in front of anyone but her boyfriend, a girl who got spanked as often as Allison was quick to trade modesty for pain relief.

Kelsey, too, shed her panties for the cool touch of her ice pack.

Sally, of course, was already naked, but had she been wearing her bright green swimsuit, which she had unwisely discarded earlier, she would have slipped it off at this point as well.

"Kelsey, Allison, Sally," Jeff said. "I want all of you to know that your behavior today was not acceptable. I want to make it clear to all three of you, that in my house, you will obey my dress standards. I hope the punishments I've provided you with today will help you remember that in the future."

The three ladies nodded, as they continued to sooth their intensely sore bottoms with their personal ice packs.

"I want to make sure each of you understands me," Jeff said. "Kelsey?"

Kelsey looked up at Jeff.

"Yes, sir," Kelsey said.

Allison looked at Jeff as well.

"I understand," Allison said.

Jeff turned to Sally, in a tone just as serious as he was with her daughters.

"I understand," Sally said.

"Good," Jeff said. "I'd like all three of you to go change into appropriate clothing now."

The three ladies nodded and slowly walked out of the room. As Allison and Sally trudged up the stairs to their bedrooms, Kelsey stopped.

"Jeff, may I go to Sandra's house now?" Kelsey asked meekly. "I was planning to go meet her before you came home."

Jeff shook his head.

"You can set the table and help your mother prepare dinner," Jeff said. "We're going to have a family dinner tonight. We will all be eating together for once."

Kelsey nodded, and exited the kitchen.

Thoughts raced through her head as Kelsey ascended the stairs. She realized there were two things she badly needed that day, and she got them both. The first was a little togetherness with her family. Her sister knew it, but Kelsey barely acknowledged it even when it was right in her face. It was the second thing that Kelsey badly needed that day, and got, that made her realize that as well.

Kelsey entered her bedroom, and saw the dress she frantically took from her closet earlier still lay across her bed. Jeff had given it to her last Christmas, the same Christmas he had given her the personal ice pack. This dress was what Jeff considered appropriate, long enough to cover her knees and cut high enough not to reveal any cleavage.