Family First Ch. 02


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Moving quickly, Ray straddled her chest, placing his shaft in the space between her breasts as they drooped slightly on either side of her torso. Diane flashed him an excited grin as she pushed them together, wrapping her warm tit-flesh around his shaft. Ray let out an excited grunt as he started thrusting between her heaving mounds. His cock was still covered with her juices, which quickly coated the inside of her breasts, which made wet squishing sounds every time he thrust between them.

It's been too long since we've done this, Diane thought to herself as Ray fucked her. Her insides did flip-flops as she watched the purple head of his cock poke through the top of her cleavage with each powerful thrust. As the pace of his fucking increased, Ray grabbed the headboard and started slamming against her with all of his might, panting with effort as he got closer and closer to his release. He had a dreamy, far-off expression on his face as he fucked her, and she knew that his mind was empty, save for thoughts of her heaving breasts and his imminent orgasm. She could tell he was close when she felt a small squirt of his precum splash against her neck.

"MMMmmmFUCK!" he grunted as he finally lost control. His cum poured out of him in thick spurts as he kept sliding himself against her soft skin. Most of his creamy outpouring ended up between her tits, but a few spurts sprayed her upper chest and neck. As his orgasm started to subside, he pulled away, collapsing heavily at her side.

Diane loved having a pussy full of cum, but there was something especially naughty about feeling a man spray his hot seed all over her body. She sighed contentedly as she felt his sperm start trickling down her breasts and onto her belly. After twenty years of marriage, it was nice to know that she could still turn him on so much.

"Goddamn, that was amazing," Ray grunted, as he fought to catch his breath. "I hope we didn't wake Christina. We got a little loud there."

"I wouldn't worry about it. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to wake her up in the morning." She leaned over and gave him a loving kiss. "I better get myself cleaned up before I start dripping everywhere."

She was careful getting out of bed, making sure not to let any of Ray's cum drip off of her and onto the sheets below. His eyes were locked onto her round ass cheeks as she sashayed away from him and toward the bedroom door. She felt so lucky that at the age of forty-four, her husband was still excited by the sight of her naked body. Turning slightly, she blew him a kiss before slipping into the dark hallway.

Diane did her best to stifle a gasp when she turned around and saw the shadowy outline of her daughter tip-toeing up the stairs.

"Jesus, you scared me!" she exclaimed in an excited whisper. There was just enough light for her to see that Christina's disheveled hair and her flushed cheeks. Diane knew instantly that the plan had been a success and her daughter was no longer a virgin. She was so overwhelmed with happiness that she nearly forgot that she was naked and covered in her husband's cum.

Suddenly embarrassed, she reached into the pantry closet,pulled out a towel, and quickly wrapped it around herself. It was too late, though. Christina had seen it all.

Before her daughter had a chance to speak, Diane whispered, "Shh, your father is still awake in there." She hoped against hope that Ray wouldn't hear her from the other side of the door. Moving quickly and quietly, she ushered her daughter into the hall bathroom and shut the door behind them. She turned on the exhaust fan to further muffle the sound of their conversation.

"Did you have fun?" she asked, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

Christina just stared back at her, looking wide-eyed and confused. No doubt she was still processing the mental image of her mother's naked, cum covered body.

"Well...?" Diane asked, her curiosity overriding her embarrassment. The dumbfounded expression on her daughter's face was amusing, but she was beyond anxious to hear about how things went with Danny.

Her word seemed to snap Christina out of her stupor, and that same dreamy smile returned to her face as her thoughts returned to her evening with Danny. "It was so much better than I ever would have imagined," she said. "I still can't quite believe it actually happened. In fact, it probably wouldn't have, if you hadn't been there for me when I needed you. You really are the best mom ever."

Diane hadn't realized how badly she'd wanted to hear her daughter say those words until she actually heard them. "And you're the best daughter ever," she replied, choking back a tear of happiness. "I'm glad your first time was special." She wanted to hear all of the details, particularly those pertaining to her nephew, but she knew it would have to wait. Ray was probably already wondering what was taking her so long.

"It looks I'm not the only one who had a special evening," Christina said, smiling as her eyes scanned down to the wet streaks of cum drying on Diane's neck and upper chest.

A nervous giggle escaped Diane's lips and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "I couldn't sleep, so I asked your father to... distract me." She smiled as Christina's eyes went widened yet again. There was something strange, but undeniably erotic about sharing her sexual side with her daughter. "Speaking of your father, he's probably wondering where I am. I should get cleaned up, and you should get some sleep. You still have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Christina replied, clearly disappointed that her magical evening had to come to an end. "I'll give you all the details tomorrow, if you still want to hear them."

"I can't wait."

Once Christina left, Diane went to work cleaning herself off with a wet washcloth then returned to her bedroom. She needn't have worried about Ray overhearing their conversation. He was snoring heavily by the time she got back. With a contented smile, Diane switched off the bedside lamp, crawled under the covers and finally drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Diane busied herself with all of the normal tasks of the day. After Christina left for school, and Ray went to work, she conferenced with a few clients over Skype, discussing plans for upcoming projects. She hoped they hadn't noticed how distracted she was. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop running the previous day's events through her head over and over again. By 11 o'clock, she was done with her work for the day and left with the prospect of spending five long hours waiting for Christina to get home.

She spent a few minutes scrolling through her facebook feed and idly reading some news articles online, but nothing seemed to hold her interest. Just as she was about to log off and find something else to occupy her time, she got an idea. Opening up a new tab on her browser, she typed the word, 'incest' into the Google search bar. She hesitated a moment and took a deep breath before pressing enter.

She wasn't sure what exactly she'd been expecting, but the number of links that popped up surprised her, nonetheless. It didn't take much exploration at all to discover that she was clearly not the only person with an interest in the topic. She found numerous forums filled with people sharing stories of their own experiences with incest. She read a few posts at random. Some of them were obviously made up, but one or two seemed like they might actually be true.

Even more surprising to Diane, was the number of porn sites she encountered that claimed to depict sex between family members. She'd expected to find some of this, after all, her own incest fetish had developed after discovering a pornographic novel. Still, the sheer number of porn sites she encountered was truly overwhelming.

It didn't take a genius to realize that most, if not all of the sex on these sites involved paid models, who were almost certainly not related to each other. That didn't stop Diane from feeling the familiar itch between her legs as she clicked through picture after picture of older women engaging in all manner of sexual activity with much younger men.

Being alone in the house, she couldn't see a reason why she shouldn't indulge herself. She got up to close the blinds in her home office and stripped down to her bra and panties before returning to her spot in front of the computer. She rubbed her crotch through the gusset of her panties with her left hand while she continued clicking through a seemingly neverending series of filthy images with the other.

The pictures were exciting, but it wasn't until she found a site dedicated to incest erotica that her lust really started to take hold. One story that really caught her interest was about a suburban mom who discovered that her son has been stealing her panties and using them to masturbate. Although John had never done such a thing, she was immediately reminded of all the times she'd put his cum stained socks through the wash in his teen years.

Instead of getting angry, the mom in the story started intentionally leaving her used panties on her son's bed. Diane wondered how John would have reacted if she'd done the same thing. As the story progressed, and the mother's seduction became more and more overt, Diane continually pictured her and John in the same situations.

Soon, her hand was working furiously between her legs. She rubbed her clit with steady intensity as the pair of fictional characters came closer and closer to their forbidden, yet somehow inevitable act. When the time came for the son to finally fuck his mother, Diane shoved her index and middle finger deep into her cunt, unable to stop herself from pretending that it was her own son's cock fucking into her.

It only took a few strokes in and out of her overheated pussy before she was cumming. With one final thrust, she buried her fingers to the hilt, groaning and panting in ecstasy as her internal muscles held them in a vice-like grip. All the while, she imagined her son between her legs, pumping her, desperate to deposit a load of cum deep inside her body.

Unlike the previous night, she felt no shame or embarrassment after coming down from her orgasmic high. It was just a fantasy, after all. She would never seriously consider cheating on her husband, and even if Ray gave his consent, she doubted that John would actually be interested in such an arrangement. Still, it was fun to think about.

Returning her attention back to the computer screen, she continued reading the story and idly playing with soaked pussy. As the narrative progressed, the mother-son pairing started getting more reckless in their antics. In one scene, the boy was vigorously fucking his mom on the dining room table when he came face to face with his sister, who had come home early from a bad date. After a brief moment of shock, she joined them in a hot threesome, and became a regular part of their sexual antics.

Diane found this development particularly interesting. She wondered how Christina would react if she walked in on her and John having sex. Would she join them? And if she did, how far would she be willing to go? Diane had never had sex with a woman, but there was something undeniably thrilling about the thought of playing with Christina's little titties or licking her pussy.

Just as she was getting into her fantasies about her daughter, she heard someone knocking on her back patio door. The sound made her jerk in surprise. She panicked as she heard the sliding door open and close behind her unexpected visitor. She knew that there was only one person it could be: her sister-in-law, Mary.

Moving like a flash, she shut down her computer and shoved her panties into a random desk drawer, making a mental note to come back for them later. It would be better to do without them than risk having them soak through her slacks. She pulled on her pants and buttoned up her blouse in record time before making her way down the hallway, doing her best to maintain her composure.

Diane and Mary had been close friends for over two decades. They'd butted heads a bit when Diane had first started dating Ray, but over time, they'd become close companions. The two of them spent many afternoons together getting caught up with the latest gossip or commiserating about the trials and tribulations of marriage and motherhood.

It wasn't unusual for Mary to come over for a visit unannounced. Diane had just been so distracted that she hadn't considered the possibility of an unexpected visitor.

"Coming!" Diane called as she made her way down the hall to the family room. She took a deep breath before stepping into view, hoping her flushed cheeks weren't too noticeable.

As soon as she saw Mary's face, she could tell that something was wrong. Deep lines were etched in her forehead, and her mouth seemed to be pursed into a permanent, tight-lipped frown.

"What's the matter?" Diane asked, dispensing with the normal pleasantries.

"What? Oh, yes-I'm fine." The question seemed to catch Mary by surprise, and her reply was far from convincing. Despite her quiet and reserved nature, Mary was usually cheery and forthright, especially with Diane. Whatever was on her mind had clearly rattled her.

A dark thought began to form in Diane's mind. Did Mary know what Danny and Christina had been up to last night? It had happened under her roof after all. In her excitement over these new developments, she'd managed to ignore the question of how their children's sexual relationship would affect the rest of the family.

Pushing her fear aside for the time being, she said, "Okay, if you say so." Mary followed her into the kitchen where she pulled out some leftovers from the night before. "I was just about to eat some lunch. There's plenty here if you haven't already eaten," she said.

"No thanks. I'm not very hungry," Mary replied, fidgeting nervously. "Actually, I came over because I need your advice about something."

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

Mary hesitated. "I don't know exactly how to bring this up. It's kind of embarrassing, and I'm not even sure it's any of my business." She paused again, choosing her words carefully. After a deep intake of breath, she finally blurted out, "I think Danny's been having sex."

Diane felt like she'd been punched in the gut. "Wow, really? With who?" she asked, doing her best to keep her voice steady despite her growing sense of panic.

"I don't know. I was cleaning his room this morning after he left for school, and it absolutely reeked of sex."

Diane breathed a tiny sigh of relief. At least they hadn't been caught red-handed. "Are you sure he wasn't just masturbating? I don't know how many times I washed cum stains out of John's laundry when he was that age."

Mary blushed. "Yes, I'm sure. I've known that he does... that... for a long time, but this was different. It wasn't just the smell. There were stains all over the sheets."

Well, so much for hoping they'd be careful, Diane thought. She made a mental note to emphasize the importance of discretion when she talked with Christina later that afternoon.

"I just don't know what to do," Mary continued. "Obviously we went through this with Abbie and Emily, but by the time I found out they were sexually active, I think they knew more about sex than I did."

Despite her nervousness, Diane couldn't help but chuckle. When she saw Mary's frown deepen, she said, "Sorry, I was just remembering how many times I caught them climbing out of their bedroom window at night. Remember the time Abbie got her dress caught in the windowsill and tore it off her body as she fell?"

Mary's expression softened a bit. "Jesus, how could I forget. Tim had to get out his ladder the next day to pull out the bits that got stuck in the siding. She's lucky she didn't break her neck." They both giggled at the memory, which relieved some of the tension in the room. Mary's twin daughters took after their father, and were constantly getting in themselves in trouble. Although the family missed them when they were gone, it was impossible to deny that things had calmed down considerably in the two years they'd been gone at college.

"See? It could be worse, right?" Diane asked. "He is eighteen after all. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised it took this long for something like this to happen." She felt guilty for not being more forthright, but she wasn't ready to tell Mary what had really happened-not before she talked to Christina, anyways.

"It's just so unlike him. As far as Tim and I know, he's never even had a steady girlfriend, and now he's sneaking someone into the house for sex on a school night? It just doesn't add up." Mary hesitated for a moment. "Christina hasn't said anything to you about it, has she?"

"I..." Diane hesitated, unsure whether she could lie now that the question had been posed to her so directly. "Christina usually doesn't talk to me about that kind of thing..."

"Do you think you could ask her? I know if I bring it up with Danny, he'll just be embarrassed and clam up. I'd have Tim talk to him, but he's out of town on business. I just want to know what's going on."

"I don't know, Mary. I'm not sure I'm comfortable mining Christina for information like that."

Mary let out a disappointed sigh. "You're right. I just don't know what else to do. I'm really at the end of my rope. He's an adult now, and I know I should let it go... but I just can't."

Hearing the desperation in her friend's voice was too much for Diane to take. She knew that if the situation was reversed, she would most likely be asking Mary the same thing. In fact, when Christina had started dating Brett, she'd done exactly that. She knew full well that the consequences could be devastating, but Mary deserved to know the full truth.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to center herself, before saying, "I'm sorry, Mary."

"Don't apologize. It's not like this is your fault."

"It is, though..." Diane took another deep breath before continuing. "I wasn't completely honest with you when I implied that Christina hadn't said anything about Danny having sex. She did say something, but I wasn't sure I could tell you."

Mary's expression turned to a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "What are you talking about? What did she tell you?"

Starting with the discovery of Christina's diary, Diane slowly explained everything that had happened. Of course, she left out her own incestuous fantasies. As Diane told the sordid tale, she watched the color drain from Mary's face. When she was finally finished, the two of them just stared at other in silence, neither knowing how to proceed. For a brief moment, Diane hoped that Mary would keep an open mind, but that hope vanished in an instant when she saw her friend's shocked expression turn to a mask of anger.

"How could you let this happen?" Mary demanded through clenched teeth.

Diane was taken aback. "I... I don't know. I just wanted them to be happy," she replied. "I wanted Christina's first time to be with someone she loved and trusted."

"So what? You let her have sex with my son?"

"I didn't let her do anything, Mary. They're adults, and they can make their own decisions. As soon as I read that diary entry, I know I should have told you, but I couldn't do that to Christina. She finally trusted me with something from her personal life, and I didn't want to ruin it," Diane said, fighting back tears.

Mary's expression softened a bit when she realized how conflicted Diane was about the situation. "I can understand not wanting to betray Christina, but this is just so... sick. You should have put a stop to it."

"How? They're going off to college in a few months. We can't be their personal chaperones forever."